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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: KKay on 05/21/06 at 12:32 am
Remeber our heroes from The X Files; The Lone Gunmen? Remember the episode where they stop the plane from flying into the World Trade Center?....but in that story it was a ploy, a set up so our government could begin a war in the Middle East.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/21/06 at 7:22 am
oo! i've been wanting to get a copy of this show forever. imagine the government doing such a thing!
i've got a bunch of videotapes of the t.v. coverage right after 9/11, it's spooky watching it again and remembering how freaky that was.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: KKay on 05/21/06 at 7:28 am
oo! i've been wanting to get a copy of this show forever. imagine the government doing such a thing!
i've got a bunch of videotapes of the t.v. coverage right after 9/11, it's spooky watching it again and remembering how freaky that was.
i was halfway throught the YOUtube video and I rememberd watching it when it was aired...why did no one remember this when the real thing happened?
it made me think of how there are currently tv news shows doing stories about "are the movies and tv teaching terrorists how to get to us?"
but i don't think this show was enough well known to spark the attack idea (half kidding on that comment)
Too bad- those guys were cool.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/21/06 at 7:30 am
i was halfway throught the YOUtube video and I rememberd watching it when it was aired...why did no one remember this when the real thing happened?
it made me think of how there are currently tv news shows doing stories about "are the movies and tv teaching terrorists how to get to us?"
but i don't think this show was enough well known to spark the attack idea (half kidding on that comment)
Too bad- those guys were cool.
the cool ufo/jfk conspiracy web sites were all over the lone gunmen thing like 10 minutes after 9/11, but crappy mainstream press, fuggitaboutit. too risk-averse.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: KKay on 05/21/06 at 7:45 am
the cool ufo/jfk conspiracy web sites were all over the lone gunmen thing like 10 minutes after 9/11, but crappy mainstream press, fuggitaboutit. too risk-averse.
actually, I didn't have a computer at home those days..and actually, I didn't have electricity for about a week either so I wouldn't have seen that.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/21/06 at 8:15 am
I don't know about X-Men, but my own suspicions about the origins of the 9/11 attack stem from unanswered questions.
The Bush Administration's first priority from the get-go was secrecy. Bush and Cheney had this attitude far from the public mustn't know, not even the public doesn't deserve to know, it was and is we can do whatever the hell we want and you don't count!
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/21/06 at 8:54 am
i still say bush's reaction to 9/11 at that elementary school was totally weird. they say, oh, he didn't want to frighten the schoolchildren by looking presidential! but that's such patent crap.
plus, did everyone know the cia was gaming something the morning of 9/11 of a plane slamming into a building?
there was also a military wargame going on that morning.
anyway, the idea is, if you wanted to spoof the normal response to an attack, you'd run a simulation of the attack you wanted to spoof. that way everyone would be wondering if it was a drill.
i dunno, my personal theory is that the administration knew something was coming down the pike and decided to let it happen because it would give them an excuse to invade iraq. but then when it did happen it was so much worse than they thought it was going to be, which explains bush's deer-in-headlights vaporlock in that elementary school. but i really don't know what happened. as maxwell points out, the citizens in this country are allowed to have virtually no information.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/21/06 at 10:24 am
i still say bush's reaction to 9/11 at that elementary school was totally weird. they say, oh, he didn't want to frighten the schoolchildren by looking presidential! but that's such patent crap.
I'm not to the first to point out Bush could have said something like, "OK kids, the President has to go take care of some very important Presidential business, now study hard, and mind you teacher," and gone out and deal with it! Is Bush so inept he couldn't figure out some BS to tell a bunch of eight-year-olds so he could excuse himself? Or...was there something really weird going on that compelled him to sit there reading "My Pet Goat"? Maybe it was a case of weeks before, Cheney saying something like, "OK, George, now after you get word the operation is underway, you need to stay put in that classroom for about seven minutes..."
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: KKay on 05/22/06 at 2:00 pm
Kids love it if you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom...!
Anyway. After al lthis talk i had a dream about it. It was like that episode, but with Bush as pres. and I was doing something very 24-ish.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: KKay on 05/22/06 at 2:04 pm
Looking through these images is very creepy.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/22/06 at 2:05 pm
Weird, I saw united 93 last night. I think I may have ended up with some 911 dream too although I forget.
United 93 FREAKED ME OUT. it's really good, but disturbing. They mention the norad war games, and the bizarre unavailability of anyone in the executive branch. And the ccufretsulk with the military jets.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Mushroom on 05/23/06 at 9:55 am
The Lone Gunmen is available on DVD. It averages for about $30 for the entire season.
I have somewhat fond memories of this series. A spin-off of The X-Files, it featured 3 guys who all seemed like clones of the Dan Akroyd of Mother from Sneakers (which is one of my all-time favorite movies). It only really lasted half a season, it was a summer replacement for 1 year.
The show was a weird pistache of conspiracy theories and bizzare pseudo-science. The episode that sticks in my mind even more was the one where they actually discovered that Detroit and the US Government really were conspiring to keep an inventer from patenting his car that would run on water. And at the end, they even "drove" the car. Other shows covered things like Nazi war criminals hiding in the US under Government protection, attempts to uncover an illegitimate child of the President, and even the theory that a popular daytime TV entertainer of the 1970's was really an international assasin and spy.
Overall, the series did very poorly. I was not a fan of X-Files, but I did enjoy this series. Mostly because it took conspiracy theories, and made them look even more silly (if that is even possible). Their own name says it all... how can you have "Lone Gunmen"? The name itself is a paradox.
Of course, they are not the only ones to predict something like this. In 1994, Ton Clancy released Debt Of Honor, which ended with a 747 crashing into the Capitol building, and killing everybody inside.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: KKay on 05/23/06 at 10:01 am
I really lliked the show. I thought it was going to be a more fun version of X-files, because there would be no family trauma, no myth..just feasable theories...
Were the Gunmen in the l XFiles movie? not the finale, but the film.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/23/06 at 10:07 am
Overall, the series did very poorly. I was not a fan of X-Files, but I did enjoy this series. Mostly because it took conspiracy theories, and made them look even more silly (if that is even possible). Their own name says it all... how can you have "Lone Gunmen"? The name itself is a paradox.
i first discovered the show because we were brainstorming cool band names and "the lone gunmen" came up and i googled it to see if anything had been named that already.
Of course, they are not the only ones to predict something like this. In 1994, Ton Clancy released Debt Of Honor, which ended with a 747 crashing into the Capitol building, and killing everybody inside.
there's reference to a jumbo jet flying into the white house in the tom delillo novel white noise, too. and of course some chowderhead nearly flew a cessna into the white house in 1995. and yet condoleezza said no one could have foreseen flying planes into buildings. part of the reason why so many people are suspicious, cuz the administration seems to have been stonewalling this issue all along.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Mushroom on 05/23/06 at 12:32 pm
I really lliked the show. I thought it was going to be a more fun version of X-files, because there would be no family trauma, no myth..just feasable theories...
Were the Gunmen in the l XFiles movie? not the finale, but the film.
No, they were killed off in the 9th season, in the show titled most aptly "Jumping The Shark". All three of them died by a virus.
And the entire premise was actually to ridicule "conspiracy theories", by making them seem believeable. It was kind of a way to look at it through the eyes of passionate believers. They would find just enough proof to make you believe them. In many ways, it was a show that tried to bring down the "fourth wall".
i first discovered the show because we were brainstorming cool band names and "the lone gunmen" came up and i googled it to see if anything had been named that already.
there's reference to a jumbo jet flying into the white house in the tom delillo novel white noise, too. and of course some chowderhead nearly flew a cessna into the white house in 1995. and yet condoleezza said no one could have foreseen flying planes into buildings. part of the reason why so many people are suspicious, cuz the administration seems to have been stonewalling this issue all along.
Planes have flown into buildings in the past. In 1945 a B-25 bomber crashed into the Empire State Building. And there have been other scattered events like this.
There are so many firsts about 9/11 that it really was the first of a new string of terrorist attacks. In the 30 years leading up to 9/11, terrorists would hijack a plane, and have it fly to some airport the choose. Then there would be a standoff, terrorists making demands and threatening to kill hostages unless they were met.
Here is where 9/11 broke the mold. In the first place, all the pilots and co-pilots were killed. This is the first where the terrorists actually flew the planes themselves. Also, other then a message accidentially sent from one of the planes, there was no communication between the hijackers and ground control. In fact, they went as far as to turn off transponders, to make it harder to find them. Also add in the fact that 4 planes were taken at the same time. Always before, it was small numbers taking over one plane.
This attack was not an attempt at negotiation, like every other hijacking in the past. Before hijackings always had a goal. It may be to excape to another country, to extory the release of prisoners, there have even been hijackings for money. This hijacking was knowingly a suicide plot, and the only intention was to make a statement: "We can do it now, and we can do it again."
I can only think of one other case where a plane was hijacked and crashed deliberately. That was in the 1960's, where a man hijacked a plane in Los Angeles, and had it crash into the ground, killing every on board. It was determined that he did it so his family would get the insurance money (he had his own policy, and bought supplimental insurance at the airport).
In 1970, the PFLP tried to hijack 4 planes, and succeeded in 3 of them. The planes flew to Jordan, where they were destroyed after the hostages were released and 7 Palestinian prisoners were released.
In 1974, Samuel Byck tried to hijack an airplane in Baltimore. His intention was to crash it into the White House, killing Richard Nixon. Of course, he was insane, and when the pilot and copilot refused to take off, he shot both of them and told one of the passengers to fly the plane. Needless to say the plane never left the ground, and he was shot and killed by Baltimore police.
Compared the the huge number of hijackings for political propaganda purposes, hijacking as a form of suicide is exceedingly rare. And because the response was the virtual destruction of Al-Queda and the Taliban regeme that sponsored them, it is unlikely to be attempted again in the near future.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/23/06 at 12:40 pm
that's all true, but it in no way justifies rice's bizarre statement. it's true that hijackings hadn't typically been kamikaze attacks but the idea of deliberately flying planes into buildings had been commonplace since wwii. so her statement that no one could have foreseen such a thing (like bush's statement later about the levees in NO) is quite remarkable. that's the part where it looks to me like they're covering their asses; their inaction the morning of 9/11 reminds me a lot of their nonresponse to katrina.
after that second plane hit the WTC in 9:03 it was obvious what was happening. even before that it was a reasonable speculation -- folks on t.v. news were supposing that it might have been a terrorist attack before the second plane even hit. no one knew for sure, but it was a perfectly reasonable thought to everyone but bush and condolleeza -- such a thing had never even occurred to them, apparently, even though they'd presumably read the aug. 6th memo on the subject.
i dunno, the admin reaction to 9.11 was exceedingly weird, if you ask me.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/23/06 at 1:03 pm
wow...that was insanely freaky!! :o That gave me really bad chills.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Mushroom on 05/23/06 at 3:01 pm
after that second plane hit the WTC in 9:03 it was obvious what was happening. even before that it was a reasonable speculation -- folks on t.v. news were supposing that it might have been a terrorist attack before the second plane even hit. no one knew for sure, but it was a perfectly reasonable thought to everyone but bush and condolleeza -- such a thing had never even occurred to them, apparently, even though they'd presumably read the aug. 6th memo on the subject.
There had been exactly 18 minutes between the first and second planes striking the WTC. That is hardly enough time to do anything, outside of a Hollywood movie. Only in a movie or on television (24) can somebody do something within such a short timeline.
17 minutes after the second plane hit the WTC, the plane struck the Pentagon. 23 minutes after that Flight 93 hit the ground in Pennsylvania. Between 8:40 to 10:07, 1 hour and 27 minutes passed. That is less time then the first wave at Pearl Harbor.
As was stated in the 9/11 Investigation Report, 9/11 was "a failure of imagination". Suicide attacks had been done before, although normally with individuals blowing themselves up. Mass hijackings had been done once before, but for political propaganda purposes. Nobode inside or outside the administration could consider the concept of 4 planes taken over at once, all sent on suicide missions with a full complement of crew and passengers.
And I have read the August 6th Memo. As it has been said many times, it was vague background information that had not been substantiated or verified. The Government absorbs tons of stuff like that on a daily basis. I remember having to watch out for bomb carrying ultralights when word came out that some terrorist groups were playing with them in the 1980's. I even remember having to carry an M-16 when I was driving VIPs around Okinawa in 1988, because of the threat of Red Army Faction groups. None of those ever amounted to anything.
In case you have never read it, here is the unclassified part of the August 6th Presidential Daily Brief:
Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US
Clandestine, foreign government, and media reports indicate Bin Ladin since 1997' has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the US. Bin Ladin implied in US television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and "bring the fighting to America."
After US missile strikes on his base in Afghanistan in 1998, Bin Ladin told followers he wanted to retaliate in Washington, according to a service. An Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ) operative told an service at the same time that Bin Ladin was planning to exploit the operative's access to the US to mount a terrorist strike.
The millennium plotting in Canada in 1999 may have been part of Bin Ladin's first serious attempt to implement a terrorist strike in the US. Convicted plotter Ahmed Ressam has told the FBI that he conceived the idea to attack Los Angeles International Airport himself, but that Bin Ladin lieutenant Abu Zubaydah encouraged him and helped facilitate the operation. Ressam also said that in 1998 Abu Zubaydah was planning his own US attack.
Ressam says Bin Ladin was aware of the Los Angeles operation.
Although Bin Ladin has not succeeded, his attacks against the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 demonstrate that he prepares operations years in advance and is not deterred by setbacks. Bin Ladin associates surveilled our Embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam as early as 1993, and some members of the Nairobi cell planning the bombings were arrested and deported in 1997.
Al-Qa'ida members
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/23/06 at 3:09 pm
the puzzling thing is not whether something COULD have been done. the puzzling thing is that it appears there was no EFFORT to do anything. bush sits in a classroom for nearly ten minutes, cheney's whereabouts were unknown, bush was being sought to authorize a shootdown order but was unavailable; he flies off in air force one and is unavailable for the rest of the day; when asked they have some weird story about a shootdown order that later on it turns out the story was largely cooked up. I know, I know, they were worried about a threat against him and what have you but would FDR have done that, fly around all day and leave the country hanging? JFK? Reagan? Hell no.
this wasn't just a failure of leadership and if you read that august briefing, it really isn't that vague. "Specific threats against buildings in new york" -- I believe that language appears more or less verbatim. To read that in a PDB and then witness the WTC attack hardly a month later and have it not even occur to you that it's a terrorist attack -- that dog just doesn't hunt.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Mushroom on 05/23/06 at 4:26 pm
the puzzling thing is not whether something COULD have been done. the puzzling thing is that it appears there was no EFFORT to do anything. bush sits in a classroom for nearly ten minutes, cheney's whereabouts were unknown, bush was being sought to authorize a shootdown order but was unavailable; he flies off in air force one and is unavailable for the rest of the day; when asked they have some weird story about a shootdown order that later on it turns out the story was largely cooked up. I know, I know, they were worried about a threat against him and what have you but would FDR have done that, fly around all day and leave the country hanging? JFK? Reagan? Hell no.
this wasn't just a failure of leadership and if you read that august briefing, it really isn't that vague. "Specific threats against buildings in new york" -- I believe that language appears more or less verbatim. To read that in a PDB and then witness the WTC attack hardly a month later and have it not even occur to you that it's a terrorist attack -- that dog just doesn't hunt.
For one, what would you have had him do? The news of the first crash happened right before he entered the classroom. At the time, it was thought that it was simply an accident. They suspected there was another hijacked plane, but it was impossible to confirm. When he was told about the second crash (the famous shot we have all seen on TV), he told Chief of Staff Andrew Card to find out as much as he could and he would wrap the class as soon as possible. He left the class 7 minutes later, and was immediately briefed by his advisors as to what was known.
The problems with communication with Air Force One has been covered many times in the last 4 years. It was a simply failure in a critical system that did not have a back-up. It could have been fixed in less then 20 minutes, but they were afraid to land to get it fixed.
And why were they afraid to land? Because of the assasination of Ahmed Shah Massoud.
Ahmed Shah Massoud was the leader of the Northern Alliance. That is the group that the Taliban had pushed out of power in Afganistan the year before. On September 9, Ahmed Shah Massoud was assasinated by 2 terrorists posing as a news crew. Shortly after a scheduled interview began, a bomb exploded in the camera. This assasination was planned and conducted by Osama Bin-Laudin. The "news crew" were Al-Queda trained operatives, and the attack was done at the request of the Taliban Government.
And remember, there were other flights that were not accounted for. It was suspected that one or more flights could have been hovering around suspected landing sites for Air Force One (Andrews AFB, Washington International), where they could do another attack and take out the President and several senior advisors.
And remember, there was ample proof about Pearl Harbor before it happened. In fact, FDR had read the declaration of war before the Japanese Ambassador did. FDR had it in his hand at 9am, 4 hours before the attack took place. This was because of our ability to break both the Japanese Naval Code and the Japanese Diplomatic Code. In fact, many people have questioned for decades why none of the aircraft carriers were in Pearl Harbor the morning of the attack.
In fact, the USS Enterprise and USS Lexington were both on missions to strengthen Midway and Wake islands. Because of earlier intercepts, it was known that both would be primary Japanese targets. The USS Saratoga was in San Diego, receiving a full compliment of aircraft to be ferried to Hawaii.
Most military historians accept the fact that FDR allowed the attack on December 7th to take place, knowing it was the only way that America would accept being drawn into yet another World War. Without an attack of this magnitude, most Americans would have insisted on the maintaining of the position of Neutrality. That is why the Aircraft Carriers were all on other missions, keeping them out of harms way. In the weeks before the attack, none of them had spent more then 24 hours in port and never more then one at a time.
And as for a shootdown order, would you have been willing to give one? And more important, if you were an Air Force Pilot, would you have been able to do it? I have seen several interviews of pilots since then, and every one has said that they doubted if they would have been able to pull the trigger on a civilian airliner, knowing that they would be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/23/06 at 4:49 pm
Watching the smoking WTC towers, hell yes I could have given a shootdown order, knowing it was a choice between the lives on the plane and the lives on the plane PLUS the lives of the place they struck? I thought having to make choices like that were what being a war leader is all about, and something like that is, frankly, a no-brainer. (the other side of it, whether such a thing might have led to an accidental shoot-down, is a different question, they say at the end of United 93 that the military commanders didn't pass the order on to the pilots and that to me is understandable.)
Anyway, we're arguing a counterfactual again. there's no way of knowing for sure whether a different administration could have done something on 9.11; I rather think they could have, a more intelligent and competent leader would have ascertained more quickly that something serious might have been happening, the way the reporters at CNN managed to. You think bush did as well as can be expected, which is fine. I also think a different leader might have had the courage to say, no, the people need their president right now and I will not fly around in radio silence all day long while the nation falls apart with panic. To me I think to expect less is to expect too little of our leaders, but we can agree to disagree.
Don't forget, this happens in a context too. bush wasn't competent for 911 and then suddenly became incompetent in iraq and in his response to Katrina. They all demonstrate a pattern of, at best lackluster leadership in my book. After 911 I wasn't surprised to see him fumble iraq and Katrina too. and, I might add, in very similar ways.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Mushroom on 05/24/06 at 3:13 pm
Watching the smoking WTC towers, hell yes I could have given a shootdown order, knowing it was a choice between the lives on the plane and the lives on the plane PLUS the lives of the place they struck?
As the old saying goes, "Hindsight is 20/20". That is why I do not get involved in bashing people with facts that were not available at the time.
Anyway, we're arguing a counterfactual again. there's no way of knowing for sure whether a different administration could have done something on 9.11; I rather think they could have, a more intelligent and competent leader would have ascertained more quickly that something serious might have been happening, the way the reporters at CNN managed to. You think bush did as well as can be expected, which is fine. I also think a different leader might have had the courage to say, no, the people need their president right now and I will not fly around in radio silence all day long while the nation falls apart with panic. To me I think to expect less is to expect too little of our leaders, but we can agree to disagree.
Don't forget, this happens in a context too. bush wasn't competent for 911 and then suddenly became incompetent in iraq and in his response to Katrina. They all demonstrate a pattern of, at best lackluster leadership in my book. After 911 I wasn't surprised to see him fumble iraq and Katrina too. and, I might add, in very similar ways.
I like how you are the one that brought up the other leaders in the first place. Then you state that it is not really productive, then go ahead and do it again.
In a similar way to "people get the leader they deserve", it can also be stated that "People get the leader they expect". To see an example of that, let's look at Abraham Lincoln.
Of course he is now a martyr. But at the time, he was blamed for every ill in the nation, including the Civil War itself. Some pople saw a kind and gentle leader thrust into a war he did not want. Others saw an autocratic dictator, who would break the Constitution at will in order to get his way.
And which one is right? Both of them. And it is the same with any form of government. Every form has things in it's favor, even Communism and a Dictatorship. That does not make them any better, just different.
You have to understand how I approach "discussions" in here. For the most part, I do not try to convert people to my belief, or my point of view. In often, many times I actually argue against my personal beliefs, in support of what I think is the best for the common good.
Mostly I work in here as the ultimate cynic, and as a dispensor of information. A good example of this is something I quoted earlier, the "August 6th Memo". Now we have all heard of it. And we have all heard the politicians blabber on and on about it, acting like it was a "smoking gun". However, how many of us have ever actually read it? I doubt that more then 20% of us have ever read it before, simply accepting what others tell them the concept was (in their own slanted viewpoint).
I largely come in here with no real viewpoint. Other then a few key issues (discrimination, racism, genocide), I rarely ever get truely passionate about things I say in here. Mostly I act as "devil's advocate", and try to provide information so people can look at things from the other side. I do not say "this is right" or "this is wrong", but I do say "but you are missing this" or "that is not quite right, you can find more information here".
You expect President Bush to be incompitant, and to screw everything up. Because your preconceived belief is that he is a frack-up, everything he says or does is a frack-up. Myself, I simply see a President. All our Presidents have been men (people) like any others. They make good and bad decisions. I only hope that they make more good then bad decisions, and that the do not repeat bad decisions.
And like I have challenged in here before, nobody who belongs to the "Bash Bush" cam ever think she does anything good. Even when it is pointed out he is fighting his own party on immigration, people bash him because he will not go as far as they think he should go. You already put him in a no-win situation, so it is useless to even bother to bring it up unless you want to have a large "Hate Bush Fest". That is largely nothing but mental-masturbation for the Left-Wing. And to be fair, I thought a lot of the "Bash Clinton" crap from 8 years ago was nothing but mental-masturbation by the Right Wing.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/24/06 at 4:03 pm
1. the comparison to abraham lincoln is interesting but not particularly instructive. he and bush are different in more ways than they're the same.
2. i wasn't saying that it was counterproductive to bring in other leaders. i was saying that Bush was in office at the time and we'll never see another leader in office have to make the same decisions in the same circumstance, so we'll never know objectively whether what he did was the best we could reasonably expect or not. I'm just saying I don't think it was. That's my sense.
3. the funny thing about bush-bashing is that after the 2000 election I was upset for a time, but I had mostly made my peace with bush until 9/11 happened and I had this strong impression that it happened because of his incompetence. But the bush-bash factor isn't nearly as pronounced as you say. He had something like 90 percent approval after 9/11. somehow he frittered that away but most people DIDN'T react with, oh, well, he's bush, therefore he sucks.
4. hindsight -- all the facts I'm talking about WERE known at the time. that's the point.
5. you're not nearly as objective as you claim. You have a pretty pronounced political bias. That's okay, we all do, but it's disingenuous to pretend you don't.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/24/06 at 4:58 pm
You expect President Bush to be incompitant, and to screw everything up. Because your preconceived belief is that he is a frack-up, everything he says or does is a frack-up. Myself, I simply see a President. All our Presidents have been men (people) like any others. They make good and bad decisions. I only hope that they make more good then bad decisions, and that the do not repeat bad decisions.
I used to think the Bush Administration was incompetent, but that implies they are trying to the right thing and not succeeding. Far from incompetent, the Bushies are malicious and corrupt. They do not care how many people suffer and die because of their policies. They have no intention of balancing the budget. Their goal is to destroy the government because the government represents public power. The Bushies want all power in the hands of corporations where all that matters is who has the most money. They lie. They know they lie. They know we know they lie. To them, it is a show of power. "What are you gonna do about it, pal, huh?" The reason they did not get a warrant for wiretaps is to show us all how they will do exactly what they want when they want. They don't obey laws, they ARE the law! Got it?
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/24/06 at 5:11 pm
Lewis lapham says politicians today, typically they love to be in power but hate to govern. Bush et al are in office not to govern the country but to enact an agenda, which is why when something comes up that requires them to actually do something on an ad hoc basis, they're caught flatfooted. Because they're simply not in the business of running the country and addressing any problems that might come up but instead are there expressly to enact a corporate-conservative agenda.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: KKay on 05/25/06 at 10:04 am
So can anyone think of another tv show where shortly after airing, reality frighteningly imitated it?
I KNOW that All in the Familiy must have done it. I think 24 might end up doing it.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/25/06 at 10:13 am
i believe china syndrome came out before three mile island happened, but like right before, a couple months.
er, and, um... return from witch mountain came out a year before china syndrome. it's got lots of nuclear-plant meltdown stuff in it.
it's all going in my book.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: KKay on 05/25/06 at 10:16 am
er, and, um... return from witch mountain came out a year before china syndrome. it's got lots of nuclear-plant meltdown stuff in it.
it's all going in my book.
I would say you really need a hobby, but evidently you have one. and it's taken over every aspect of your life.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/25/06 at 10:24 am
pfft. poo poo on you, doodoo head.
jean baudrillard wrote about it. it was my grad school thing.
"In the world of Jean Baudrillard the viewer of a film becomes the screen as an effect of the screen itself. The driver of a car becomes an effect of the car. Objects signify in order to manipulate and overpower subjects. Signification creates a world beyond the control of those who, so to speak, bathe in its waters. "Harrisburg, Watergate, and NETWORK form the trilogy of THE CHINA SYNDROME -- an inextricable trilogy in which we cannot tell which is the effect or the symptom of the others: is the ideological argument (the Watergate effect) only the symptom of the nuclear (the Harrisburg effect) or the informational model (the NETWORK effect)? -- is the real (Harrisburg) only the symptom of the imaginary (NETWORK, THE CHINA SYNDROME) or vice versa? Marvellous indistinguishability, ideal constellation of simulation."4 The world of simulation precedes the real, and thus history, in a paradoxical and undialectical twist, has already been written. It is as if the future has overpowered the present, rendering all human activity, praxis, into an overwhelming and oppressive pattern of predictability."
all very heady but the basic question is, how do you apprehend a real-life event when it happens as a sequel to a fictional one? does that make it less "real", particularly when the real event is conveyed to most of us through t.v. anyway?
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/25/06 at 10:28 am
Lewis lapham says politicians today, typically they love to be in power but hate to govern. Bush et al are in office not to govern the country but to enact an agenda, which is why when something comes up that requires them to actually do something on an ad hoc basis, they're caught flatfooted. Because they're simply not in the business of running the country and addressing any problems that might come up but instead are there expressly to enact a corporate-conservative agenda.
Lewis Lapham is the most astute political commentator alive today.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/25/06 at 10:33 am
Lewis Lapham is the most astute political commentator alive today.
He's awesome. He also has a complex writing style which is rare these days with all these Raymond carver dittoheads running around.
He stepped down as harpers editor -- i'm a huge harpers nerd -- and I was afraid that the bottom would fall out of it. but it's still pretty cool, it seems a little edgier. Sorta like what happened with, er, mad magazine.
Lew's going in my book too.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: KKay on 05/25/06 at 10:33 am
pfft. poo poo on you, doodoo head.
jean baudrillard wrote about it. it was my grad school thing.
"In the world of Jean Baudrillard the viewer of a film becomes the screen as an effect of the screen itself. The driver of a car becomes an effect of the car. Objects signify in order to manipulate and overpower subjects. Signification creates a world beyond the control of those who, so to speak, bathe in its waters. "Harrisburg, Watergate, and NETWORK form the trilogy of THE CHINA SYNDROME -- an inextricable trilogy in which we cannot tell which is the effect or the symptom of the others: is the ideological argument (the Watergate effect) only the symptom of the nuclear (the Harrisburg effect) or the informational model (the NETWORK effect)? -- is the real (Harrisburg) only the symptom of the imaginary (NETWORK, THE CHINA SYNDROME) or vice versa? Marvellous indistinguishability, ideal constellation of simulation."4 The world of simulation precedes the real, and thus history, in a paradoxical and undialectical twist, has already been written. It is as if the future has overpowered the present, rendering all human activity, praxis, into an overwhelming and oppressive pattern of predictability."
all very heady but the basic question is, how do you apprehend a real-life event when it happens as a sequel to a fictional one? does that make it less "real", particularly when the real event is conveyed to most of us through t.v. anyway?
THAT's what I meant to say...I"m so glad you're around to translate for me.
Be my ghost writer.
I like that you chose the word sequel.
I believe that if something happens and you say, "that's exactly what happened in "Red Dawn"!" it minimizes the impact of the event...and this is a cause and an effect of the de-sensitisation caused by ficiton these days..
(mike, is that what i meant to say?)
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/25/06 at 10:44 am
remember when 9.11 happened and a lot of people who were THERE said it looked like a movie. it was like this big 3-d blockbuster, happening right in front of them. that's the spookiest part of it, when you can't process something as an eyewitness and it looks all movified because that's how deeply that paradigm's been dug into our psyche.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: KKay on 05/25/06 at 10:53 am
remember when 9.11 happened and a lot of people who were THERE said it looked like a movie. it was like this big 3-d blockbuster, happening right in front of them. that's the spookiest part of it, when you can't process something as an eyewitness and it looks all movified because that's how deeply that paradigm's been dug into our psyche.
Wasn't it...Just like Independence Day- that' sthe comment I heard.
this is scary- i feel my mind's been violated.
and not in a good way
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/25/06 at 11:20 am
this is scary- i feel my mind's been violated.
and not in a good way
just like in scanners!
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: KKay on 05/25/06 at 12:08 pm
just like in scanners!
so, a movie for everything. I"m gong to look for movies that depict things that have happened to me.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/25/06 at 12:21 pm
well, look at us on this board. we've all become movie or t.v. characters. with the occasional rock star thrown in. the movie-reality bleedthrough effect! it's everywhere.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: KKay on 05/25/06 at 12:37 pm
well, look at us on this board. we've all become movie or t.v. characters. with the occasional rock star thrown in. the movie-reality bleedthrough effect! it's everywhere.
i have to go take a 'which famous person are you ' personlaity quiz now.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Foo Bar on 05/25/06 at 8:03 pm
Of course, they are not the only ones to predict something like this. In 1994, Ton Clancy released Debt Of Honor,
And while we're on the subject, Dale Brown's Storming Heaven featured similar methodologies - with an additional plot point that the bad guys financed it by trading options against the companies that owned the airplanes used and the assets on the ground that were hit.
Meanwhile, back in the "real" world, the SEC "investigated" and declared that the huge options trades placed against certain companies in the days before the Really Bad Day were legit. And there's been silence ever since. Suffice it to say that I'm skeptical about what's been revealed publicly. Suffice it also to say that I hope the real investigation resulted in the very quiet disappearance of whoever was behind some of those trades.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/25/06 at 8:45 pm
He's awesome. He also has a complex writing style which is rare these days with all these Raymond carver dittoheads running around.
He stepped down as harpers editor -- i'm a huge harpers nerd -- and I was afraid that the bottom would fall out of it. but it's still pretty cool, it seems a little edgier. Sorta like what happened with, er, mad magazine.
Lew's going in my book too.
I love Harper's, but I haven't bought it in a while. I don't know anything about the new guy, Roger Hodge, but Lapham is staying on as "editor emeritus," and Hodge said he would keep the same tone. I'm going to pick up the new issue for sure. If Harper's got turned over to some little neocon twit (ala Peter Beinart of the New Republican, er, New Republic) I would just screeeeam!!!
Lew might be the only journalist I would call the true heir to Geroge Orwell. Yeah, Christopher Hitchens thinks he is, but Hitchens is a mean-azz rightwing drunken sot who doesn't deserve to be in the same room as the name George Orwell.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Tia on 05/25/06 at 10:43 pm
I love Harper's, but I haven't bought it in a while. I don't know anything about the new guy, Roger Hodge, but Lapham is staying on as "editor emeritus," and Hodge said he would keep the same tone. I'm going to pick up the new issue for sure. If Harper's got turned over to some little neocon twit (ala Peter Beinart of the New Republican, er, New Republic) I would just screeeeam!!!
Lew might be the only journalist I would call the true heir to Geroge Orwell. Yeah, Christopher Hitchens thinks he is, but Hitchens is a mean-azz rightwing drunken sot who doesn't deserve to be in the same room as the name George Orwell.
yeah. have you heard about what's going on at, god, is it village voice, or wired? i think it's village voice, wired just ran that NSA leak, which kicks ass. at village voice some new twit has come on board, they've cut a lot of their staff, at meetings he gets really defensive and berates everybody, do you know the story behind that?
i think they were saying lapham was gonna keep writing the notebook every other month, but don't quote me. harpers this month is pretty wild, the notebook's about death threats against the president throughout history, and there's this art spiegelman piece about the danish anti-islamic cartoons.
Subject: Re: Lone Gunmen predict 9-11?
Written By: Mushroom on 05/31/06 at 5:27 pm
So can anyone think of another tv show where shortly after airing, reality frighteningly imitated it?
I KNOW that All in the Familiy must have done it. I think 24 might end up doing it.
Sure, such things have happened all the time.
The China Syndrome (Three Mile Island)
The Seige (major terrorist attacks in NYC)
V for Vendetta (Bombing of London subways and busses, filmed 3 weeks before real bombings)
Notorious (Uranium smuggled for a bomb, filmed months before Hiroshima)
Foul Play (Attempted assasination of the Pope)
Armageddon (WTC struck, collapses after it burns)
Major League (Predicted the Cleveland Indians would pull out of their long slump)
Things To Come (an H.G. Wells book(1933)/movie (1936). Predicts World War II, atomic weapons, intercontinental rockets and bombers)