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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: GWBush2004 on 05/02/06 at 4:32 pm
Washington Redskins
Cleveland Indians' Chief Wahoo
Norte Dame Fighting Irish
These are among many mascots, logos and symbols are major sports teams that some want banned. What I don't get is this: with so many problems in the world today, why do so many focus of little things like this they can get changed, especially when they're in such a small minority who even give these things second thoughts much less really be offended by them. What is with people?
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: bbigd04 on 05/02/06 at 4:34 pm
I think there's more important things in the world than sports team logos and these people need to quit whining about them, and as an Indians fan chief wahoo must stay!
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/03/06 at 11:37 am
I think the whole thing is ridiculous! We are getting way to PC for our own goods!! ::) ::)
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: Sister Morphine on 05/03/06 at 11:38 am
You know what really pisses me off?
"Unpolitically" isn't a word.
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: CeeKay on 05/03/06 at 11:43 am
The mascot at my local high school is "The Demon" -- a cute little red devil. Someone asked me, "As a Christian, is it uncomfortable for you that the mascot of your children's school is a devil? Don't you think that gives a wrong impression to the children?" I looked at her and said, "huh?"
I told her no. I don't think it gives any impression. I don't think anyone thinks that hard about it and I certainly do not worry. The little devil is cute and I would not participate in any kind of effort to have it changed.
I wish people would chill. I have not grown up thinking all indians had red skin and carried tomahawks because some mascot was sketched that way. Most people are not that gullible.
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: CeeKay on 05/03/06 at 11:44 am
I think the whole thing is ridiculous! We are getting way to PC for our own goods!! ::) ::)
Yeah. Now there's an issue! ;)
(it should be "politically incorrect" yes? ... sorry, it's the editor in me)
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: Sister Morphine on 05/03/06 at 11:47 am
(it should be "politically incorrect" yes? ... sorry, it's the editor in me)
Right. The emphasis is not on the political-ness of the word/phrase/idea/image, but the correctness of it. Therefore, the negation should be on the "correct", not the "political".
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: Trimac20 on 05/03/06 at 12:58 pm
Right. The emphasis is not on the political-ness of the word/phrase/idea/image, but the correctness of it. Therefore, the negation should be on the "correct", not the "political".
Thanks for the grammar lesson...
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: Sister Morphine on 05/03/06 at 1:12 pm
Thanks for the grammar lesson...
Someone else pointed it out. I was merely concurring.
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/03/06 at 1:16 pm
all I am saying is that it seems that this country is getting way to politically correct when it comes to not wanting offend this person or that person....I mean, I can see it to an extent, but they have a way of taking things too far.
regarding the grammar....it never was my forte' in high school or college...I was much more of a literature kinda person. ;)
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: Trimac20 on 05/03/06 at 1:16 pm
Someone else pointed it out. I was merely concurring.
But no, it was a good point you pointed out.
'Unpolitically' correct sports term...that doesn't make any sense...Well it means its non-political and correct. But correct with regards to what? lol. Makes no sense at all.
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: CeeKay on 05/03/06 at 2:08 pm
But no, it was a good point you pointed out.
'Unpolitically' correct sports term...that doesn't make any sense...Well it means its non-political and correct. But correct with regards to what? lol. Makes no sense at all.
This is really the last thing I will post about this but...I love wordplay. So I'm sure the starter of the thread was saying "Un 'politically-correct' " which would be correct. And to be honest, I wouldn't have even noticed it until Sister Morph pointed it out. All meant in fun of course :)
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: GWBush2004 on 05/03/06 at 2:28 pm
"Unpolitically" isn't a word.
Big deal.
No one will take the word "ain't" away from southerners.
But if it will get the thread back on topic, consider it fixed.
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: Sister Morphine on 05/03/06 at 2:44 pm
Big deal.
No one will take the word "ain't" away from southerners.
But if it will get the thread back on topic, consider it fixed.
I don't hear a lot of Southerners use the word ain't. Granted I've only lived down here for 5 years, but still.
To talk about the topic the thread.................who cares. The only people who get offended are people who choose to be. It's not inherently offensive.
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: danootaandme on 05/03/06 at 4:09 pm
No one will take the word "ain't" away from southerners.
My father was a southerner and he never used "ain't", and we were never allowed to use "ain't". A lot
of people in all sections of this country use it, it isn't a southern thing, It is a lack of education thing.
("I aksed him, and he ain't!") ::)
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: CeeKay on 05/03/06 at 4:35 pm
To talk about the topic the thread.................who cares. The only people who get offended are people who choose to be. It's not inherently offensive.
I agree. Although, to be fair, I can see how some groups -- like American Indians -- might just be so tired of being stereotyped that they want it all stopped. If they had more equity in day to day life, they probably wouldn't care about the symbols of sports teams.
(Now, being Norwegian, I've never had a problem with the Vikings. But no one has ever rejected me due to my Viking status ???)
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: La Roche on 05/03/06 at 5:50 pm
My father was a southerner and he never used "ain't", and we were never allowed to use "ain't". A lot
of people in all sections of this country use it, it isn't a southern thing, It is a lack of education thing.
("I aksed him, and he ain't!") ::)
Not at all.
Go to England and see how many people say "Ain't". The vast majority I will assure you.
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/04/06 at 3:12 am
You know what really pisses me off?
"Unpolitically" isn't a word.
If my name was GWB2004, at this point I'd be doing anything to try and distract people from my namesake, including bringing up an old rightwing saw irrelevant to all pertinent issues in current events!
If "unpolitically" isn't a word, make it one!
Doubleplus good
Doubleplus ungood
Anyway, I'm always surprised Cleveland hangs on to that mascot. It not only plays on a sick racist stereotype, it makes that ballclub look dated and out of touch!
My father was a southerner and he never used "ain't", and we were never allowed to use "ain't". A lot
of people in all sections of this country use it, it isn't a southern thing, It is a lack of education thing.
("I aksed him, and he ain't!") ::)
I think GWB meant something in re: "Southerners" more along the lines of "Ain't today, ain't tomorrow, and ain't forevever!"
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: Satish on 05/04/06 at 2:37 pm
Isn't this kind of similar to people on the right who find flag-burning offensive and want it banned?
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: La Roche on 05/04/06 at 2:45 pm
Isn't this kind of similar to people on the right who find flag-burning offensive and want it banned?
Errr.. no.
Explain please.
I'm curious as to how you've linked them.
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: Satish on 05/04/06 at 3:06 pm
Errr.. no.
Explain please.
I'm curious as to how you've linked them.
In both cases, some people are seeing an image that offends their sensibilities, and they want it removed.
With flag-burning, it offends their patriotism, and with these sports team logos, it offends their sensitivity over racial stereotypes.
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: La Roche on 05/04/06 at 3:09 pm
In both cases, some people are seeing an image that offends their sensibilities, and they want it removed.
With flag-burning, it offends their patriotism, and with these sports team logos, it offends their sensitivity over racial stereotypes.
Fair, fair.
But with the flag, it's a symbol that represents the whole nation and the principals that it was built on.
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: Sister Morphine on 05/04/06 at 3:11 pm
ummmmm.....GWB IS a "Southerner".....he's in your neck of the woods, if memory serves ;)
I was talking about people who I see every day.......where I live. Not someone from Texas I've never met and never plan to meet.
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: Satish on 05/04/06 at 3:30 pm
Fair, fair.
But with the flag, it's a symbol that represents the whole nation and the principals that it was built on.
But in a free and non-totalitarian society, national symbols shouldn't be accorded any more respect or protection than any other kinds of symbols(I'll towel myself off with the flag if I wanna!)
And in both cases, it still comes down to an issue of censorship and thought-control.
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: GWBush2004 on 05/04/06 at 3:35 pm
Not someone from Texas I've never met and never plan to meet.
I think she means we both live in the state of Georgia.
A good deal of people I know use the word "ain't", but I shouldn't call it a southern thing. It's used almost everywhere now.
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: Sister Morphine on 05/04/06 at 3:35 pm
But in a free and non-totalitarian society, national symbols shouldn't be accorded any more respect or protection than any other kinds of symbols(I'll towel myself off with the flag if I wanna!)
And in both cases, it still comes down to an issue of censorship and thought-control.
National symbols should be accorded respect. They are symbols of this country, and if you respect the country, you should respect that which represents it.........like the flag. Why else do you think people who dissent with our government choose to burn the flag? Do you see them going to hunt a bald eagle to kill? See anyone trying to knock down the Statue of Liberty?
If I knew someone who was wiping their ass with the flag (not saying this is you, just anyone in general), I'd smack the hell out of them.
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: Sister Morphine on 05/04/06 at 3:36 pm
I think she means we both live in the state of Georgia.
Where I live in Georgia, there aren't a lot of real "southerners". We're all northern transplants up here. My entire subdivision is NY, Boston and Chicago.
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: GWBush2004 on 05/04/06 at 3:40 pm
Anyway, I'm always surprised Cleveland hangs on to that mascot. It not only plays on a sick racist stereotype, it makes that ballclub look dated and out of touch!
Big deal. 91% of American Indians are not offended by it, so why should you be?
Is it not an improvment though if you're offended by these things over the old logo:
Or this one:
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: Satish on 05/04/06 at 3:46 pm
National symbols should be accorded respect. They are symbols of this country, and if you respect the country, you should respect that which represents it.........like the flag. Why else do you think people who dissent with our government choose to burn the flag? Do you see them going to hunt a bald eagle to kill? See anyone trying to knock down the Statue of Liberty?
If I knew someone who was wiping their ass with the flag (not saying this is you, just anyone in general), I'd smack the hell out of them.
Hunting bald eagles is cruel to animals. And the Statue of Liberty is public property, so damaging it would be a crime. But if I happen to own a flag(went to the store and paid for it with my own money, and all), it's mine, and I ought to be able to do whatever I want with it.
And if anyone slapped me, they'd find themselves in jail on assault charges.
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: Sister Morphine on 05/04/06 at 3:51 pm
Hunting bald eagles is cruel to animals. And the Statue of Liberty is public property, so damaging it would be a crime. But if I happen to own a flag(went to the store and paid for it with my own money, and all), it's mine, and I ought to be able to do whatever I want with it.
And if anyone slapped me, they'd find themselves in jail on assault charges.
Then you should also understand why people would find what you're doing offensive and reprehensible. I was raised to respect the flag; that may not be the same for others.
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/04/06 at 5:10 pm
ummmmm.....GWB IS a "Southerner".....he's in your neck of the woods, if memory serves ;)
Heh heh, "neck," a big red one!
Big deal. 91% of American Indians are not offended by it, so why should you be?
I don't know where you're getting the 91% figure, don't much care either. The Cleveland Indians logo does not "offend" me. I didn't mean to imply that it did. I said the logo should embarrass the Cleveland ballclub because it's so retro and silly-looking. If your 91% figure is accurate, I suppose it is only because the logo is too absurd for Native Americans to take seriously. I would figure Cleveland would want a noble and powerful looking Indian warrior as their moscot, not a clownish one.
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: Apricot on 05/05/06 at 10:57 pm
Man, I don't get why people are bothered... how powerful of a hate symbol these mascots are!
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: bbigd04 on 05/06/06 at 12:05 am
Heh heh, "neck," a big red one!
I don't know where you're getting the 91% figure, don't much care either. The Cleveland Indians logo does not "offend" me. I didn't mean to imply that it did. I said the logo should embarrass the Cleveland ballclub because it's so retro and silly-looking. If your 91% figure is accurate, I suppose it is only because the logo is too absurd for Native Americans to take seriously. I would figure Cleveland would want a noble and powerful looking Indian warrior as their moscot, not a clownish one.
No we love Chief Wahoo, lol. :)
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/06/06 at 7:44 am
My father was a southerner and he never used "ain't", and we were never allowed to use "ain't". A lot
of people in all sections of this country use it, it isn't a southern thing, It is a lack of education thing.
("I aksed him, and he ain't!") ::)
Were y'all allowed to say, well, "y'all" ?
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/06/06 at 7:53 am
Norte Dame Fighting Irish
These are among many mascots, logos and symbols are major sports teams that some want banned. What I don't get is this: with so many problems in the world today, why do so many focus of little things like this they can get changed, especially when they're in such a small minority who even give these things second thoughts much less really be offended by them. What is with people?
I can see some Native American people being upset with Chief Wahoo, the picture does look somewhat disrespectful. I mean, what if George Bush decided to get back into pro baseball and started a team called the Houston Negroes, and the mascot was this guy with huge lips, big white teeth, and a massive 'fro shuffling does the street?
As opposed to, let's say, the Houston Satchells, whose mascot would be a respectful rendition of Satchell Paige. Big difference.
Now as to the "Fighting irish", as a person of largely irish descent I never saw it as derogatory. I always saw it as referring to the team (and I guess, the Irish) as tenacious, which is a good thing. Now if the mascot was holding a bottle of Jameson in one hand that would be a horse of a different color.
So for *some* of the Indian mascots and team logos, I think it is reasonable for Native Americans to be upset. :-\\
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/06/06 at 6:20 pm
I can see some Native American people being upset with Chief Wahoo, the picture does look somewhat disrespectful. I mean, what if George Bush decided to get back into pro baseball and started a team called the Houston Negroes, and the mascot was this guy with huge lips, big white teeth, and a massive 'fro shuffling does the street?
As opposed to, let's say, the Houston Satchells, whose mascot would be a respectful rendition of Satchell Paige. Big difference.
Now as to the "Fighting irish", as a person of largely irish descent I never saw it as derogatory. I always saw it as referring to the team (and I guess, the Irish) as tenacious, which is a good thing. Now if the mascot was holding a bottle of Jameson in one hand that would be a horse of a different color.
So for *some* of the Indian mascots and team logos, I think it is reasonable for Native Americans to be upset. :-\\
I don't mean no Jimmy The Greek inference here, but you know what some people call "The Fighting Irish"? "The Angry Africans"! Haw haw haw!
That's exactly my point, we would not tolerate a Steppin Fetchit mascot for a team called the "Houston Jigaboos,' yet the Redskins play on!
Ironically, the entertainment that presents the MOST negative stereotypes of African Americas is rap music. There is not a single racist attitude against Blacks that rap does not exploit. Very sickening indeed!
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: STAR70 on 05/08/06 at 5:28 pm
The thing that pi$$es me off about all of this is that a majority of the people who want them changed are not even Indian/Irish/whatever.
Well, then how 'bout these mascots:
New Jersey White Devils
Arizona Aryans
Jamestown Jews
so when the Jamestown teams plays in Arizona, the Aryans' cheerleads will chant:
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: HunkyDory on 05/10/06 at 6:04 pm
Hahahahah ;D
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: Apricot on 05/10/06 at 7:54 pm
Hahahahah ;D
Please do not feed Star70.
Subject: Re: Unpolitically correct sports teams
Written By: STAR70 on 05/11/06 at 3:23 pm
Please do not feed Star70.
:D :D :D
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: Mushroom on 05/11/06 at 4:19 pm
I can see some Native American people being upset with Chief Wahoo, the picture does look somewhat disrespectful. I mean, what if George Bush decided to get back into pro baseball and started a team called the Houston Negroes, and the mascot was this guy with huge lips, big white teeth, and a massive 'fro shuffling does the street?
As opposed to, let's say, the Houston Satchells, whose mascot would be a respectful rendition of Satchell Paige. Big difference.
Now what if it was called the "New Orleans Satchmo's"? Would your image (minus the afro) be appropriate then? Of course, the mascot would have to be seen playing a trumpet, with his eyes bugging out of his head. In fact, I admire Satchmo so much that I would switch from the Angels to the Satchmos if it ever came to be.
Subject: Re: Politically incorrect sports teams
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/13/06 at 11:35 am
Now what if it was called the "New Orleans Satchmo's"? Would your image (minus the afro) be appropriate then? Of course, the mascot would have to be seen playing a trumpet, with his eyes bugging out of his head. In fact, I admire Satchmo so much that I would switch from the Angels to the Satchmos if it ever came to be.