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Subject: Blu-Ray
Written By: 90skid93 on 05/12/23 at 6:28 pm
In your opinion when did the DVD era end and the Blu-ray era begin?
Subject: Re: Blu-Ray
Written By: whistledog on 05/13/23 at 1:21 am
The DVD era never ended. New movies are still being released on DVD
Subject: Re: Blu-Ray
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/13/23 at 9:17 am
Not bothering with Blu-Ray, for DVD does me fine.
Subject: Re: Blu-Ray
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 05/13/23 at 9:45 am
There never really was a "Blu-ray era". It kind of got bypassed. Things went right to downloading and then, ultimately, streaming. There was a time when every household had a VHS player. And then every household had a DVD player. But there was never any time when every household had a Blu-ray. Not by a longshot. I myself never even had one. Blu-ray was a thing of the past before it ever really caught hold.
And for those who want to hang on to physical, as the other posts here attest, they tend to do it with DVD and not with Blu-ray. Again, myself included.
Subject: Re: Blu-Ray
Written By: batfan2005 on 05/14/23 at 6:57 am
There never really was a "Blu-ray era". It kind of got bypassed. Things went right to downloading and then, ultimately, streaming. There was a time when every household had a VHS player. And then every household had a DVD player. But there was never any time when every household had a Blu-ray. Not by a longshot. I myself never even had one. Blu-ray was a thing of the past before it ever really caught hold.
And for those who want to hang on to physical, as the other posts here attest, they tend to do it with DVD and not with Blu-ray. Again, myself included.
It kind of reminds me of laserdiscs in the early to mid-90's, which not many people had as it pretty much went straight from VHS to DVD.
Subject: Re: Blu-Ray
Written By: Catherine91UK on 07/05/23 at 9:15 am
For me personally it started in 2016 when I moved out of my parents' house and bought a blu-ray player instead of just a DVD player.
I seem to remember adverts emphasising blu-ray instead of DVD in the early 2010s, but went quiet when streaming took over.
Subject: Re: Blu-Ray
Written By: ForeverHaunted on 06/21/24 at 3:34 am
Honestly, I don't think the DVD era ever ended, as new DVDs are still being printed/sold in stores to this very day.
Blu-Rays to me are basically like what the LaserDisc was during the VHS era. They existed and movies were being released on them (until the year 2000), but had a pretty small share of physical media sales compared to the more familiar and more widely used VHS.
Subject: Re: Blu-Ray
Written By: batfan2005 on 06/21/24 at 9:44 am
I also remember HD-DVD's, that was short-lived. Also UMD's that were specifically made for the PSP (Playstation Portable).
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