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Subject: Why do people still say "Two Thousand" for Anything After 2010?

Written By: Slim95 on 02/17/22 at 11:35 am

It makes no sense to me. You should say "Twenty" for any year from 2010-onwards and yet I still hear people saying things like "Two Thousand and fifteen". It's like calling 1999 "One thousand nine hundred and ninety nine"...

Subject: Re: Why do people still say "Two Thousand" for Anything After 2010?

Written By: Slim95 on 02/17/22 at 11:36 am

This may be the wrong section for this question. If there is a better place to put it, you can move it.

Subject: Re: Why do people still say "Two Thousand" for Anything After 2010?

Written By: batfan2005 on 02/17/22 at 6:57 pm

I noticed 2015 was the first year I called "twenty fifteen". 2014 was "two-thousand fourteen". But I believe I was calling 2012 "twenty twelve", maybe that was just easier to say, while saying "twenty eleven" felt more awkward so I was saying "two-thousand eleven". I can't remember what I called 2013, maybe both. I think I was also calling 2010 either or as well.

Subject: Re: Why do people still say "Two Thousand" for Anything After 2010?

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/18/22 at 7:07 am

From the hit song "In the Year 2525 (Exordium & Terminus)" by Zager and Evans from 1969.

"In the year 2525, if man is still alive
If woman can survive, they may find
In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie
Everything you think, do and say
Is in the pill you took today"

'2525' is said as twenty-five twenty-five.

Subject: Re: Why do people still say "Two Thousand" for Anything After 2010?

Written By: fusefan on 02/19/22 at 10:05 am

Probably in habit. I remember 2009 and the beginning of 2010 local car dealerships called their cars “O-tens” That drove me nuts. ;D ::)

Subject: Re: Why do people still say "Two Thousand" for Anything After 2010?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 02/19/22 at 11:50 am

It makes no sense to me. You should say "Twenty" for any year from 2010-onwards and yet I still hear people saying things like "Two Thousand and fifteen". It's like calling 1999 "One thousand nine hundred and ninety nine"...

Maybe because it's still the first half of the century. In the early part of the 20th Century people said things like "Nineteen and Ten" for 1910. And I'm quite sure some people said "Nineteen Thousand and Ten". Towards the end of a century this type of thing gets more cumbersome.

Subject: Re: Why do people still say "Two Thousand" for Anything After 2010?

Written By: mwalker1996 on 03/21/22 at 11:05 pm

For me personally, I say both 20 and two thousand when referring to a post 2010 year. I didn't think saying 2000 after a year would be considered dated considering we went an entire ceuntry saying 19 something. The first time I heard someone say 20 after a year was in 2008 but normally people said 0 something or two thousand and something when quoting a 2000s year.

Subject: Re: Why do people still say "Two Thousand" for Anything After 2010?

Written By: pucketbenson on 03/23/22 at 2:29 pm

thats so 00s

Subject: Why do people still say "Two Thousand" for Anything After 2010?

Written By: Dude111 on 03/23/22 at 7:31 pm

It makes no sense to me. You should say "Twenty" for any year from 2010-onwards

Exactly mate which is why I do!!!!!!

Subject: Re: Why do people still say "Two Thousand" for Anything After 2010?

Written By: ForeverHaunted on 12/12/24 at 8:28 pm

I alternate my pronunciations depending on how I'm feeling. It's also a force of habit that began when I was a child.

Subject: Re: Why do people still say "Two Thousand" for Anything After 2010?

Written By: batfan2005 on 12/16/24 at 10:44 am

From the hit song "In the Year 2525 (Exordium & Terminus)" by Zager and Evans from 1969.

"In the year 2525, if man is still alive
If woman can survive, they may find
In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie
Everything you think, do and say
Is in the pill you took today"

'2525' is said as twenty-five twenty-five.

I just heard that song when I watched "Alien 3" recently. Someone was singing that in the movie.

Subject: Re: Why do people still say "Two Thousand" for Anything After 2010?

Written By: Philip Eno on 12/16/24 at 11:08 am

I just heard that song when I watched "Alien 3" recently. Someone was singing that in the movie.

I still say "twenty twenty four" for what would be this year, but depending on the company I am within, I am I say "two thousand and twenty four".

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