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Subject: Some 2000s Nostalgia

Written By: violet_shy on 03/23/19 at 12:07 pm

Feeling some 2000s nostalgia today.

During those years I was not into social media, so it was just me and all about me. I miss being that young(I was in my 20s, and in 2000 I was still 19). I miss my favorite pass time: burning CDs on the computer. I don't think there was anything much more fun than that! My best time came when I was given a Playstation 2 in 2004 to help me to get over a long illness that I suffered. The decade was so good to me! Except 2004 with my illness and all. But 2004 was also good to me when I got over my illness and moved on. Fun times. :)

Subject: Re: Some 2000s Nostalgia

Written By: 2001 on 03/23/19 at 12:22 pm

I hope I'll feel the same about my 20s :D (2013-2022)

Sadly my preteen and teenage years in the 2000s were not so good.  :- is online" or "someone messaged you" jingles are pure dopamine rush.

Subject: Re: Some 2000s Nostalgia

Written By: mwalker1996 on 03/23/19 at 4:05 pm

I been nostalgic about the 00s since it ended lol. I just been recently been more nostalgic about the late 00s, even though it wasn't as innocent and fun as the early-mid 00s for me. Just the fact that the late 00s was a decade ago and those born in those years are the kids playing fortnite and dancing on tiktok just lets you know how grown up us 90s borms are. Some of these kids I play fortnite with have moms  I can legit date.

Subject: Re: Some 2000s Nostalgia

Written By: Dundee on 03/23/19 at 7:42 pm

I miss some of the music though. I was listening to The Black Parade recently and f*ck what the haters think, that album is a masterpiece!
Actually it's a really good album, but had long time a stigma around it due to the "teenager music" etiquette. But it's slowly being reevaluated and will eventually be considered a Rock classic :)

Subject: Re: Some 2000s Nostalgia

Written By: violet_shy on 03/23/19 at 8:51 pm

I hope I'll feel the same about my 20s :D (2013-2022)

Maybe you'll feel that way about inthe00s! Like the first day you joined and your first post. I always remember that but I was already in my 30s.

I been nostalgic about the 00s since it ended lol.

Me too!  :\'(

Actually it's a really good album, but had long time a stigma around it due to the "teenager music" etiquette. But it's slowly being reevaluated and will eventually be considered a Rock classic :)

I think I remember them. But in the 2000s I listened to Amber and Samantha James. Both are very underrated artists.

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