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Subject: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: duenas8 on 03/18/19 at 1:40 pm

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: violet_shy on 03/18/19 at 7:36 pm

When Facebook was created only for college students. 2004 - 2005

And then years later everyone joined.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: nally on 03/18/19 at 10:14 pm

I was a college student when Facebook came into existence, but I didn't join right away... but part of me wishes I had, in retrospect. (I just didn't have any interest in social media quite yet.)

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: violet_shy on 03/22/19 at 10:56 am

I was a college student when Facebook came into existence, but I didn't join right away... but part of me wishes I had, in retrospect. (I just didn't have any interest in social media quite yet.)

Same here.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: 2001 on 03/22/19 at 11:26 am

It feels so weird that this is a topic. Like, who doesn't remember when Facebook was like this? But then I realize the late 2000s were a while ago and there are many people who've never seen Facebook like that ;D

As for me, I got Facebook at the beginning of 2009 when I was in high school. It was popular in my school since 2007 though, but like Jeff I just didn't care for social media back then.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: nally on 03/22/19 at 11:32 am

It feels so weird that this is a topic. Like, who doesn't remember when Facebook was like this? But then I realize the late 2000s were a while ago and there are many people who've never seen Facebook like that ;D

As for me, I got Facebook at the beginning of 2009 when I was in high school. It was popular in my school since 2007 though, but like Jeff I just didn't care for social media back then.

I just had no interest, like I said above; but my mom joined in 2008 and then invited me to join a year later. (This June will mark 10 years since I joined.)

When I first joined, I remember what the site looked like, as well as some of the apps it hosted. I also remember getting e-mail notifications anytime someone accepted a friend request (those were discontinued in 2011) or sent me an important message. I had no interest in any of those games, however, like Farm-Ville (and still don't).

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: 2001 on 03/22/19 at 11:34 am

I just had no interest, like I said above; but my mom joined in 2008 and then invited me to join a year later. (This June will mark 10 years since I joined.)

When I first joined, I remember what the site looked like, as well as some of the apps it hosted. I also remember getting e-mail notifications anytime someone accepted a friend request (those were discontinued in 2011) or sent me an important message. I had no interest in any of those games, however, like Farm-Ville (and still don't).

Oh, I used to get a million notifications from Farmville and Candy Crush and the like. It drove me up the wall! Candy Crush was low-key amazing though.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: nally on 03/22/19 at 11:36 am

Oh, I used to get a million notifications from Farmville and Candy Crush and the like. It drove me up the wall! Candy Crush was low-key amazing though.

Anytime someone sent me a request to join them in there, I always declined because those things didn't interest me. I joined to connect with people... whether they be folks I know currently, or highschool classmates. There's even a Facebook group for members of this site, which I am also a part of.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: fgbn on 03/22/19 at 10:42 pm

i liked facebook better back then, when it consisted of mainly teenagers and 20 somethings posting party pictures
2010 was the year that midaged people started to use facebook, and with them took alot of negativety and drama transforming
facebook into a big wall of complaining and toxicity

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: mqg96 on 03/26/19 at 2:00 pm

2010 and 2011 (before the timeline) will always be peak of Facebook. That's a fact.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: mwalker1996 on 03/26/19 at 2:08 pm

2010 and 2011 (before the timeline) will always be peak of Facebook. That's a fact.
You are absolutely right.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: Slim95 on 03/28/19 at 12:30 am

I first opened a Facebook account in August of 2008. If I listened to my friend back in winter of 2007 for him to open a Facebook account for me (he was going to but I turned him down because I thought it was scary for some reason  :-X) I would have gotten Facebook in December of 2007. I first heard of Facebook around the fall of 2007, it started getting popular around that time.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: Slim95 on 03/28/19 at 12:32 am

As for me, I got Facebook at the beginning of 2009 when I was in high school. It was popular in my school since 2007 though, but like Jeff I just didn't care for social media back then.

I opened mine up a couple months before you, and I was one of the last of my classmates in my Junior High School to open one up.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: Slim95 on 03/28/19 at 12:35 am

i liked facebook better back then, when it consisted of mainly teenagers and 20 somethings posting party pictures
2010 was the year that midaged people started to use facebook, and with them took alot of negativety and drama transforming
facebook into a big wall of complaining and toxicity

I liked it when it was more exclusive to teens, and not everyone's grandma had it. When grandmas started joining it became uncool. But back in the late 2000s it was like an exclusive thing for teens and I always felt so cool for having it.  8)

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: nally on 03/28/19 at 11:25 am

2010 and 2011 (before the timeline) will always be peak of Facebook. That's a fact.

yeah you're probably right; that's when it was really "taking off". I began to build up my connection list during those years (that is, when I made the bulk of my friend connections).

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: 2001 on 03/28/19 at 12:21 pm

I opened mine up a couple months before you, and I was one of the last of my classmates in my Junior High School to open one up.

I was friends with nerds, so I wasn't the absolute last, but yeah I was really late.

I remember my nerd friends thought that you were a narcissistic normie if you had social media that wasn't Xbox Live or Steam. But then they sold out and finally made a Facebook account in like 2013/4. ;D

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: SpyroKev on 03/28/19 at 3:15 pm

I was friends with nerds, so I wasn't the absolute last, but yeah I was really late.

I remember my nerd friends thought that you were a narcissistic normie if you had social media that wasn't Xbox Live or Steam. But then they sold out and finally made a Facebook account in like 2013/4. ;D

That's serious character development and growth. Haha

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: fgbn on 03/29/19 at 1:30 pm

i got facebook in 2009, and i remember it as being different back then
it was mainly teenagers and 20 somethings who used it and it consisted mainly of positive energy such as people joking around and posting party pictures

it went downhill like a year or two afterwards when older people started to use it

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: mwalker1996 on 03/29/19 at 2:43 pm

i got facebook in 2009, and i remember it as being different back then
it was mainly teenagers and 20 somethings who used it and it consisted mainly of positive energy such as people joking around and posting party pictures

it went downhill like a year or two afterwards when older people started to use it
Yeah young people were on it for a while till the mid-10s but I remember tons of people over 30 using Facebook back in 2010 when I first signed-up.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: shadowcookie on 03/29/19 at 2:56 pm

Yeah young people were on it for a while till the mid-10s but I remember tons of people over 30 using Facebook back in 2010 when I first signed-up.

Because people over 30 are OLD!!!

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: mwalker1996 on 03/29/19 at 8:45 pm

Because people over 30 are OLD!!!
Im sure the 30 somethings on here wouldn't take that too well, but the early 10s there were a mixture of teens and adults on Facebook since it was pre-instagram and pre-snapchat.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: Howard on 03/30/19 at 1:49 pm

Im sure the 30 somethings on here wouldn't take that too well, but the early 10s there were a mixture of teens and adults on Facebook since it was pre-instagram and pre-snapchat.

I'm 45, It doesn't bother me.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: shadowcookie on 03/30/19 at 2:45 pm

Im sure the 30 somethings on here wouldn't take that too well, but the early 10s there were a mixture of teens and adults on Facebook since it was pre-instagram and pre-snapchat.

I was poking fun at you because you seem to think over 30 = not young.

My mum is 53 and has been on Facebook since 2008.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: Slim95 on 03/30/19 at 3:03 pm

30 is not the year one stops being young, 30 is still well below middle age.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: shadowcookie on 03/30/19 at 3:07 pm

30 is not the year one stops being young, 30 is still well below middle age.

I agree entirely, that’s my point.

A young adult is generally a person ranging in age from their late teens or early twenties to their thirties, although definitions and opinions, such as Erik Erikson's stages of human development, vary. The young adult stage in human development precedes middle adulthood. A person in the middle adulthood stage ages from 40 or 41 to 64. In old age, a person is 65 years old or older.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: mwalker1996 on 03/30/19 at 7:02 pm

I was poking fun at you because you seem to think over 30 = not young.

My mum is 53 and has been on Facebook since 2008.
I know but lots of people start calling themselves old or not young anymore around 25 or 30. Of course I don't think of 30 as old but I know 30  is pretty grown up especially to a teenager.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: nally on 03/30/19 at 7:53 pm

I was poking fun at you because you seem to think over 30 = not young.

My mum is 53 and has been on Facebook since 2008.

My mother was older than that when she joined FB that year.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: Slim95 on 03/30/19 at 8:11 pm

I know but lots of people start calling themselves old or not young anymore around 25 or 30. Of course I don't think of 30 as old but I know 30  is pretty grown up especially to a teenager.

Personally I don't believe people stop calling themselves old or young at 25 or 30... That's still way too young to stop calling yourself "young". Sure you're not a teen anymore, but you're still young. 20s to 30s group can be considered one group generally and all called young. You aren't middle aged until your 40s. I hear most people stop calling themselves young closer to their late 30s, and that's only some people.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: mwalker1996 on 03/31/19 at 9:28 am

Personally I don't believe people stop calling themselves old or young at 25 or 30... That's still way too young to stop calling yourself "young". Sure you're not a teen anymore, but you're still young. 20s to 30s group can be considered one group generally and all called young. You aren't middle aged until your 40s. I hear most people stop calling themselves young closer to their late 30s, and that's only some people.
Trust me I know plenty of people who say there old in their late 20s and early 30s.  Hence why now the millennial generation leans under 30 vs under 35 from a few years ago because Generation Y know they aren't kids anymore but the media still see the word millennial as synonymous with the word young.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: shadowcookie on 03/31/19 at 11:06 am

Some people in their late 20s/30s do call themselves old but it’s almost always in a joking manner. They know they’re not old, they just feel old compared to teenagers. Even I feel old compared to teenagers.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: fgbn on 03/31/19 at 5:09 pm

Some people in their late 20s/30s do call themselves old but it’s almost always in a joking manner. They know they’re not old, they just feel old compared to teenagers. Even I feel old compared to teenagers.

i hear people who are 18 call themselves that, i guess its a sign to non-verbally signal that you are young especially if its in proximity of older people

in any case im 30 and last year was the first year that i actually felt like ive been alive for a long time

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: Slim95 on 03/31/19 at 5:15 pm

Exactly people say that in a more jokingly way. I always say I'm old, people over 30 do too, and people under 20 do, doesn't mean they are.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: nally on 02/22/25 at 1:30 pm

And now I pretty much access Facebook only on my iPhone (via the app).

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: batfan2005 on 02/24/25 at 6:01 pm

And now I pretty much access Facebook only on my iPhone (via the app).

I don't have Facebook anymore, at least not a personal one. I just have one for my business, and just use Messager for my close family members.

Subject: Re: Late 2000's Facebook (PHOTOS)

Written By: nally on 02/24/25 at 9:25 pm

I don't have Facebook anymore, at least not a personal one. I just have one for my business, and just use Messager for my close family members.

Ok. I have a LinkedIn profile, which I use for updating my professional info.

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