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Subject: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: unicornic on 02/23/18 at 6:25 pm
What 2000s year was the worst culturally in your opinion?
I would say 2006 was definitely the worst hands down. ;D
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Rainbowz on 02/23/18 at 6:28 pm
2009 IMO was a bit of a boring year for music. There were still some good pop songs though but I'm not really a fan of the hip-hop from then.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: bchris02 on 02/23/18 at 6:32 pm
Culturally it was definitely 2006. The entire year was pretty "meh" for music. In my personal life, probably 2001.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: prodanny288 on 02/23/18 at 6:34 pm
2009 was 8-P
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: piecesof93 on 02/23/18 at 6:38 pm
2007 makes me cringe.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: 2001 on 02/23/18 at 6:45 pm
It's got to be 2005. Hollaback Girl, Crazy Frog, My Humps, Fack, Telephone, You're Beautiful, Run It! etc. the assault on my ear drums was incessant that year. 8-P
I will say though that 2005 has much better TV shows compared to the early 2000s.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Dundee on 02/23/18 at 9:01 pm
Hard to choose for me tbh, I was a child during the whole damn thing. Cartoons for the early part, video games for the mid part and music/movies for the later part, graahhh!!!
I will pick 2000 cuz I have the least memories from that year.
Edit: fukc I didn't see the "culturally" part, oh well ;D Prob 2009
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: 2001 on 02/23/18 at 10:48 pm
I just realized that in 2006 I was 13 and that was my first teenage year. Makes me want to take a shower.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: mqg96 on 02/23/18 at 11:00 pm
Definitely 2009, and 2006 is probably 2nd. Thankfully my personal life with the friends I made in 4th & 5th grade and that epic summer saved 2006 for me, and at least 2006 was still a decent (but not as good) year for television unlike what would follow after. 2006 also had good video games as well like New Super Mario Bros for the DS (oh and 2006 was a huge DS year in general anyway). 2009 was the first full year Obama was in office and that historical inauguration was fun, but overall it was the most dull year of the 2000's with a lot of major celebrity deaths and other crap going on. As for sports, the 2008 Florida Gators sealing their national title early this year plus the 2009 Saints going on their Super Bowl run made it worse. 2009 did have some good movies like Avatar, The Blind Side, The Princess and the Frog, and Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince, but far from the best when it came to 00's movies overall. 2009 was the CENTER of middle school for me, so you already know my story on that one. 2009 was only a great year for... MAXIM hotties lol.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Rainbowz on 02/23/18 at 11:03 pm
Definitely 2009, and 2006 is probably 2nd. Thankfully my personal life with the friends I made in 4th & 5th grade and that epic summer saved 2006 for me, and at least 2006 was still a decent (but not as good) year for television unlike what would follow after. 2006 also had good video games as well like New Super Mario Bros for the DS (oh and 2006 was a huge DS year in general anyway). 2009 was the first full year Obama was in office and that historical inauguration was fun, but overall it was the most dull year of the 2000's with a lot of major celebrity deaths and other crap going on. As for sports, the 2008 Florida Gators sealing their national title early this year plus the 2009 Saints going on their Super Bowl run made it worse. 2009 did have some good movies like Avatar, The Blind Side, The Princess and the Frog, and Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince, but far from the best when it came to 00's movies overall. 2009 was the CENTER of middle school for me, so you already know my story on that one. 2009 was only a great year for... MAXIM hotties lol.
I agree. The music of 2009 especially the hip-hop IMO was dull. And the recession was at its worst that year I think too.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: ZeldaFan20 on 02/23/18 at 11:13 pm
I'd say definitively 2008 8-P. It was the epitome to all of the immense negative traits that defined the 2000s.
-The culmination of the sh!t musical trends like snap/ringtone rap & emo/screamo garbage
-The cringe worthy reality tv craze
-The peak in mid-late 00s fashion (for better or worst)
-And of course, politics/economics (high gas prices, growing hatred of Iraq war, 08' Economic Crash, etc.)
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: mqg96 on 02/23/18 at 11:54 pm
I agree. The music of 2009 especially the hip-hop IMO was dull. And the recession was at its worst that year I think too.
Actually I thought the hip hip and the electropop music of 2009 was one of the only great moments about that year, plus, the 2009-2011 era of hip hop was arguably the last time there wasn't too much trap in songs (or mumble rap) before that started changing throughout 2012 and 2013.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: mqg96 on 02/23/18 at 11:57 pm
I'd say definitively 2008 8-P. It was the epitome to all of the immense negative traits that defined the 2000s.
-The culmination of the sh!t musical trends like snap/ringtone rap & emo/screamo garbage
-The cringe worthy reality tv craze
-The peak in mid-late 00s fashion (for better or worst)
-And of course, politics/economics (high gas prices, growing hatred of Iraq war, 08' Economic Crash, etc.)
I have negative feelings about a lot of pop culture from 2006-2009, especially 2008 and 2009. Again, what saved 2006 for both of us were our personal lives so it's hard for us to include that year as totally bad for us even though it was a dull year pop culturally. Whether we liked 2008 or not, it was a huge defining year of pop culture and it was the peak of the late 2000's. That election between Obama and McCain was historical and 2008 will always be remembered as one of the biggest cultural shifts in modern U.S. history. That was a huge transition year. The vibe completely changed from the beginning of the year to the end.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Mat1991 on 02/24/18 at 3:06 am
I went with 2004, but it almost ties with 2009.
Almost everything about 2004 was horrible for me. It was the year I started seventh grade, probably the worst school year of my life. Cartoon Network, my favorite TV channel growing up, completely changed its image (went from my beloved Powerhouse Era to the City Era).
My personal life was better in 2009, but the atmosphere of that year was kind of s****y and gloomy. Pop culture was tacky as hell, and that year saw the rise of the Tea Party. But at least I turned 18 that year, so that. ;D
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Longaotian00 on 02/24/18 at 3:43 am
2009 was pretty bad.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Lizardmatum on 02/24/18 at 9:18 am
2007 for me.
Music was meh apart from a few songs like:
All good things come to an end by Nelly furtado
Don't matter by Akon
Don't stop the music and Umbrella by Rihanna
and Apologize by Timbaland.
Movies were pretty bad particularly animated movies like Bee movie, Shrek the third, Meet the Robinson's and even Pixar wasn't doing that well with Ratatouille which didn't feel as great as the other Pixar films at the time.
Overall the year just feels Bland and forgettable to me.
Now my personal life is a different story. It was a pretty good year personally but pop culturally I hated it.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: mqg96 on 02/24/18 at 9:33 am
Movies were pretty bad particularly animated movies like Bee movie, Shrek the third, Meet the Robinson's and even Pixar wasn't doing that well with Ratatouille which didn't feel as great as the other Pixar films at the time.
Blasphemy! Ratatouille was one of the best Pixar movies ever and the last great one of the golden age! How about Transformers, American Gangster, No Country for Old Men, The Simpsons Movie, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Enchanted, There Will Be Blood, Into the Wild, Ghost Rider, Spider-Man 3 (although that was subpar) and Fantastic 4: Silver Surfer? This year for movies was definitely better than 2005, 2006, and 2009 no question.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: John Titor on 02/24/18 at 10:13 am
Hey I am really sorry I voted 2005 by accident because I thought the thread said
FAV year of the 2000s
LOL my vote would go to 2009 to least favorite yea of the 2000s
with 2007 and 2003 being the runner up
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: John Titor on 02/24/18 at 10:16 am
2007 for me.
Music was meh apart from a few songs like:
All good things come to an end by Nelly furtado
Don't matter by Akon
Don't stop the music and Umbrella by Rihanna
and Apologize by Timbaland.
Movies were pretty bad particularly animated movies like Bee movie, Shrek the third, Meet the Robinson's and even Pixar wasn't doing that well with Ratatouille which didn't feel as great as the other Pixar films at the time.
Overall the year just feels Bland and forgettable to me.
Now my personal life is a different story. It was a pretty good year personally but pop culturally I hated it.
2007 was such a long in the tooth feeling year, everything felt so ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Dundee on 02/24/18 at 10:33 am
2007 was actually a very exciting year with all the great new movies, the seventh gen of games gaining momentum and the exciting new technologies (the iPhone, Facebook and YouTube gaining prominance, the launch of Twitter). It's easily the most compelling year surrounded by emptier years imo. There was sort of an excitement that year for the future that was sadly soon cruched by the recession.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Rainbowz on 02/24/18 at 10:38 am
2007 was actually a very exciting year with all the great new movies, the seventh gen of games gaining momentum and the exciting new technologies (the iPhone, Facebook and YouTube gaining prominance, the launch of Twitter). It's easily the most compelling year surrounded by emptier years imo. There was sort of an excitement that year for the future that was sadly soon cruched by the recession.
I actually remember people being hyped for the iPhone despite being five years old in 2007. Almost 11 years later and the first iPhone is so different. Back then, there wasn't any app store so you had to stick with the pre-downloaded apps, you couldn't send pictures when texting, there was no front camera to take selfies. It looks more like an iStone from a 2018 perspective. It's amazing how far we've come.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: mqg96 on 02/24/18 at 10:39 am
2007 was actually a very exciting year with all the great new movies, the seventh gen of games gaining momentum and the exciting new technologies (the iPhone, Facebook and YouTube gaining prominance, the launch of Twitter). It's easily the most compelling year surrounded by emptier years imo. There was sort of an excitement that year for the future that was sadly soon cruched by the recession.
Yep, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Super Mario Galaxy were among the top games of 2007 along with others, and 2007 was the year of online gaming and when it was brand new it was so exciting at the time. I agree that the best year of the late 00's was 2007 without a doubt, and even in my personal life too since 2007 is when I left elementary school.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Rainbowz on 02/24/18 at 10:44 am
Yep, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Super Mario Galaxy were among the top games of 2007 along with others, and 2007 was the year of online gaming and when it was brand new it was so exciting at the time. I agree that the best year of the late 00's was 2007 without a doubt, and even in my personal life too since 2007 is when I left elementary school.
2007 really does feel like another world now. Too many people tend to underestimate how dated the late 2000's are. I'll just never understand people who call 2008 "modern" or even 2009 to some extent. There's barely anything modern about the 2000's anymore IMO.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Dundee on 02/24/18 at 10:52 am
2007 really does feel like another world now. Too many people tend to underestimate how dated the late 2000's are. I'll just never understand people who call 2008 "modern" or even 2009 to some extent. There's barely anything modern about the 2000's anymore IMO.
My best guess is that's when modern stuff that defined this decade appeared, like touchscreens and social media. Also I think it's for many a question of not feeling old yet ;D. Give it another 5 years and the "late 2000s influence" would definitely fade away by then. Just look at those fossils:
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: 2001 on 02/24/18 at 10:55 am
Hey I am really sorry I voted 2005 by accident because I thought the thread said
FAV year of the 2000s
LOL my vote would go to 2009 to least favorite yea of the 2000s
with 2007 and 2003 being the runner up
Yay more votes for 2005 ;D
It might just "win" at this rate :D
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Rainbowz on 02/24/18 at 10:57 am
My best guess is that's when modern stuff that defined this decade appeared, like touchscreens and social media. Also I think it's for many a question of not feeling old yet ;D. Give it another 5 years and the "late 2000s influence" would definitely fade away by then. Just look at those fossils:
Those phones are definitely dated. I think one of the main reasons people call 2007 modern is because that was the year the iPhone came out, but what they seem to forget is what the first iPhone could do back then compared to today's iPhones. The first iPhone was very limited in what you could do. I don't think a person today would be able to live with the very first iPhone for a year or so.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: 2001 on 02/24/18 at 10:58 am
2007 had Persona 3 and 2009 had Persona 4 so they were one of the better years imo.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Dundee on 02/24/18 at 12:09 pm
2007 came also with some of the most iconic memes ;D
How can anyone hate on 2007 (atleast pop-culture wise) :o? Especially when you can pick years like 2008 or 2009.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: 2001 on 02/24/18 at 2:10 pm
2007 came also with some of the most iconic memes ;D
How can anyone hate on 2007 (atleast pop-culture wise) :o? Especially when you can pick years like 2008 or 2009.
Crank Dat, Kiss Kiss and Girlfriend are the worst songs of the 21st century. ;D
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: #Infinity on 02/24/18 at 2:24 pm
2008 was one of the worst years for music ever, and pretty much everything else was equally forgettable. It was great that Obama got elected President of the United States, but on the downside, there was also the Great Recession to contend with. AVGN and Nostalgia Critic were both in their glory years, but online video series culture as a whole peaked more around 2009-2011.
2008 is still better than any of the past few years.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: mjstudios97 on 02/24/18 at 3:54 pm
I would have to say 2008 or 2009 because of the recession. I remember several great teachers in middle school being given the pink slip, and it was a sad thing to see. I think I would have to agree with others here that 2007 was a good year in technology, internet culture and video game culture. If anything, 2007 defined my experience of the 2000s.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Dundee on 02/24/18 at 5:11 pm
Crank Dat, Kiss Kiss and Girlfriend are the worst songs of the 21st century. ;D
Girlfriend is alright, it's stupid but it's only meant to be stupid. Crank Dat is pretty bad but it's nowhere near some other awful Snap songs that came in 2006. I don't remember Kiss Kiss. I dunno, there are other much worse years in mainstream music (looking at you 2014). Looking at the year end list of 2007 and it's actually pretty good. Umbrella and Sweet Escape are some major bops.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: piecesof93 on 02/24/18 at 6:04 pm
Looks like the consensus is that the late 2000s were the worst in general.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: SpyroKev on 02/24/18 at 6:33 pm
Not following any possible bandwagon, literally 2009. There was some positives about the year but, in comparison to the previous years of the 2000s, their unnoticeable.
I'm not even too big on 2008. 2007 was the better year by far. Its the best of the late 2000s to me.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: mqg96 on 02/24/18 at 7:21 pm
2007 really does feel like another world now. Too many people tend to underestimate how dated the late 2000's are. I'll just never understand people who call 2008 "modern" or even 2009 to some extent. There's barely anything modern about the 2000's anymore IMO.
2009 was definitely a different world from 2007 though, just my opinion. 2008 was a very transitional year.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: SeaCaptainMan97 on 02/24/18 at 7:57 pm
2009 was definitely a different world from 2007 though, just my opinion. 2008 was a very transitional year.
Just out of curiosity, why do you think 2007 and 2009 were completely different?
Personally, I'd say 2007 was more transitional than 2008.
Tech wise, you had the release of the iPhone in the summer of 2007, and it was in late 2007 when LCD TVs outsold CRTs in unit share.
Gaming wise, it felt like autumn 2007 is really when the "FPS age" began, with the popularity of Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the latter of which really kicked off Call of Duty's dominance in the gaming industry.
Plus, it was in December 2007 when the recession began.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: unicornic on 02/24/18 at 8:04 pm
Just out of curiosity, why do you think 2007 and 2009 were completely different?
Personally, I'd say 2007 was more transitional than 2008.
Tech wise, you had the release of the iPhone in the summer of 2007, and it was in late 2007 when LCD TVs outsold CRTs in unit share.
Gaming wise, it felt like autumn 2007 is really when the "FPS age" began, with the popularity of Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the latter of which really kicked off Call of Duty's dominance in the gaming industry.
Plus, it was in December 2007 when the recession began.
No I disagree. 2008 was a lot more transitional.
2009 was definitely a different world from 2007 though, just my opinion. 2008 was a very transitional year.
I agree
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: SeaCaptainMan97 on 02/24/18 at 8:05 pm
No I disagree. 2008 was a lot more transitional.I agree
Explain why.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Rainbowz on 02/24/18 at 8:06 pm
2009 was definitely a different world from 2007 though, just my opinion. 2008 was a very transitional year.
I agree with this. 2008 felt like a mixture of 2007 and 2009 culture. It was definitely transitional especially the late part of the year where electropop was becoming popular as well as Facebook, and new artists like Lady Gaga became popular and with the election and Obama winning. I don't think I've lived in any school year as transitional as the 2008-2009 one.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Rainbowz on 02/24/18 at 8:08 pm
Explain why.
I actually agree that 2008 was the most transitional year. As reasons I stated before in a post I just made. A lot of people here agree that 2008 was very transitional. To me, 2007 really didn't feel any different from 2006.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: unicornic on 02/24/18 at 8:11 pm
Explain why.
I agree with this. 2008 felt like a mixture of 2007 and 2009 culture. It was definitely transitional especially the late part of the year where electropop was becoming popular as well as Facebook, and new artists like Lady Gaga became popular and with the election and Obama winning. I don't think I've lived in any school year as transitional as the 2008-2009 one.
What she said
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Rainbowz on 02/24/18 at 8:24 pm
While I do think 2008 was somewhat transitional, IMO 2009 was the most transitional year of the 2000's.
-Obama became president
-The recession was at its worst
-First full year when YouTube was HD
-Whole new style of music, and a lot of new artists (e.g. Lady Gaga, Drake, etc)
-Smartphones becoming more popular by the tail end of 2009
-The end of Toon Disney
-Facebook was a lot more popular than MySpace
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Dundee on 02/26/18 at 3:23 am
-First full year when YouTube was HD
Technically it's 2010 as the complete switch to HD for one and for good happened somewhere in February-March that year (2009).
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: robocop on 10/31/23 at 11:29 am
It's got to be 2005. Hollaback Girl, Crazy Frog, My Humps, Fack, Telephone, You're Beautiful, Run It! etc. the assault on my ear drums was incessant that year. 8-P
I will say though that 2005 has much better TV shows compared to the early 2000s.
Out of that selection of tuneless hell You're Beautiful seems like a masterpiece and THAT says something.
I do agree 2005 was a dull dull DULL year and the worst and most boring summer in living memory not just the 2000s.
Dull on a personal level as it was the first time I did not vacation anywhere with family and news wise the 7th July London bombings certainly cast a dark cloud over things and made travel to London off-putting and I remember being stuck at home all summer after sophomore year where the kitchen was being completely redone and out of use for two months and finding ways to entertain myself were difficult. The lack of any interesting entertainment to provide a welcome distraction added to the sheer boredom and that soundtrack of hell you mention plus more and the overkill of McBling hiphop sums it all up. By now the penny had dropped long ago that bright and shiny Y2K era was well and truly gone and in the past. For the record social networking had not really taken off yet either and I felt like I had drifted and fallen out with some old school "friends" too adding to the boredom and isolation.
2007 I would also add to the list of shame, another truly dull summer and in the UK it was a summer of seemingly nonstop rain and flooding. For real, I think the wettest summer we ever had. So talk about a summer that never happened. On a personal level 2007 was the worst year of the decade for me by far and least not due to the suicidal thoughts I often had relating to a girlfriend who cut me off. As for those who talk about the iPhone defining 2007, did it? It may have been launched that year in September but I barely recall hearing anything about it, Blackberry was the exciting new phone at that time as far as I was aware? The iPhone seemed very exclusive and did not really get noticed till 2010.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: robocop on 10/31/23 at 11:31 am
I'd say definitively 2008 8-P. It was the epitome to all of the immense negative traits that defined the 2000s.
-The culmination of the sh!t musical trends like snap/ringtone rap & emo/screamo garbage
-The cringe worthy reality tv craze
-The peak in mid-late 00s fashion (for better or worst)
-And of course, politics/economics (high gas prices, growing hatred of Iraq war, 08' Economic Crash, etc.)
Definitely nothing at all to get nostalgic about but from my recollection, politics aside, I would think 2005 was the epitome of all those shameful trends.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: batfan2005 on 11/02/23 at 11:03 am
What 2000s year was the worst culturally in your opinion?
I would say 2006 was definitely the worst hands down. ;D
Since it's culturally and not all around, it's easily 2006 for me. That year had a shortage of good music, movies, and new TV series. Of course there were still exceptions. The release of the Wii and PS3 were some of the best things from that year.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: Howard on 11/02/23 at 1:14 pm
Since it's culturally and not all around, it's easily 2006 for me. That year had a shortage of good music, movies, and new TV series. Of course there were still exceptions. The release of the Wii and PS3 were some of the best things from that year.
And to this day I still have my PS3.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: batfan2005 on 11/02/23 at 2:36 pm
And to this day I still have my PS3.
So do I. Mainly to watch old DVD's.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: jeanette on 01/14/24 at 5:55 pm
2000, and 2001.
I actually like the 00's decade from 2002 and on.
Subject: Re: Your least favourite year of the 2000s?
Written By: xX07-GhostXx on 03/17/24 at 10:08 pm
I wouldn't have memories of it firsthand, but from what I have read, Emo culture got the most hate in 2001, so I pick 2001.
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