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Subject: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Bab2781 on 06/02/17 at 8:58 am
Hmmm lets see I was going into my Twenties once the 2000's rolled around. And after all these years of bashing the 2000's. I got to thinking you know what. The 2000's weren't that bad. Well besides the crazy events that happened within that decade. And the numerous deaths of family and friends. Oh I can't forget the births of my children. And for the films and music. There were some great and some bad. But that comes with every decade.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Zelek3 on 06/02/17 at 1:55 pm
2000-Mid 2006 awesome
Late 2006-2009 was a bland, fake universe
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Brian06 on 06/02/17 at 2:00 pm
Yeah basically 2000s were the last decent decade.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Sir Rothchild on 06/02/17 at 2:30 pm
If the 2020s doesn't bring in anything good, then the 2000s would be the last good decade to most people. It's surprising because a lot of people used to hate that decade with a passion until Trump got elected, proving there could be an even worse president to the majority of Americans. However, the difference is that George W. Bush had a lot of support during the early 2000s, until the Iraq War started. Trump on the other hand is just supported by far-right supporters, who spam their propaganda everywhere. Nobody actually supports him in the United States (I could be wrong, but yet Hillary could be worse imo).
I was only a kid during the 2000s, but I do have to say that it was more sane than this decade alone. One thing that I truly compare this decade is with the Internet. Back then, going on the Internet used to be fun as hell. Now, it's just like a living hell since everyone gets their vital information on it. I know that stuff like the news and weather reports on websites existed since the 90s, but it's totally different on this case. Everyone could easily go on Facebook or Twitter, follow a "source" that they deem reliable and act like it's truth. What's worse is that everyone attacks each other for following a specific source. Now it's like you have to choose one in order to stay informed, or you're screwed.
This goes with pop culture as well, since nowadays they make jokes against Trump and that's it. It's like the main focus is to go against Trump and not anything that is more general like sports or celebrities. TL;DR Screw this decade, it should go down to hell by 2020. Especially 2012-2016.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 2001 on 06/02/17 at 3:02 pm
I prefer the 2010s.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: wixness on 06/02/17 at 5:13 pm
It's so far been the only great decade for me. I can go on about politics, but I'd rather not.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: SpyroKev on 06/02/17 at 8:31 pm
I feel like this right now, yeah.
The 2000s were the perfect blend of old school and new school. You'll never see another transition like that.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Sir Rothchild on 06/02/17 at 8:51 pm
I feel like this right now, yeah.
The 2000s were the perfect blend of old school and new school. You'll never see another transition like that.
I agree. The early and mid 2000s were pretty cool in terms of culture. The late 2000s weren't that bad, but it's not as old-school as people see it as.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 80sfan on 06/02/17 at 9:21 pm
No. To me, the 90's was the last great decade. The 00's was the last good one.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: JordanK1982 on 06/02/17 at 11:04 pm
The 00's are the first sh!t decade. :P
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: bchris02 on 06/03/17 at 12:07 am
I disagree. The late '00s and early '10s were better than the mid '00s were for me. A lot of this question will come down to what age you were in the respective decades. The '00s should be "my decade" statistically, but I am not quite ready to concede that the best life has to offer has already passed me by.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 80sfan on 06/03/17 at 12:17 am
Some people are talking about a great hybrid decade. To me, that hybrid era was roughly 1983 to 2002/2003, so basically the 80's and 90's.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Bab2781 on 06/03/17 at 7:51 am
Yes I understand only one decade has occurred and that decade in my eyes. Has been the worst ever. And to be honest I don't see any future decades getting better.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: HazelBlue99 on 06/03/17 at 8:11 am
No, I disagree. I personally think that the 90s were the last great decade. Popular culture became cheap and generic in the Early 2000s.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Tyrannosaurus Rex on 06/03/17 at 8:28 am
No, I disagree. I personally think that the 90s were the last great decade. Popular culture became cheap and generic in the Early 2000s.
I thought that popular culture started to go downhill later on in 1996, and especially went downhill throughout the 1998-1999 school year (examples: Britney releasing Baby One More Time, the Columbine shootings giving industrial, goth, and even metal a bad name).
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Sir Rothchild on 06/03/17 at 9:13 am
How can we say the 2000s were the last great decade when ONLY ONE DECADE HAS OCCURRED SINCE THEN? It's way too early to say that. C'mon people, use your heads.
Yes I understand only one decade has occurred and that decade in my eyes. Has been the worst ever. And to be honest I don't see any future decades getting better.
People have been saying that since pop culture has been around. It's just trivial, although I do agree that the 2000s were much better than this decade alone.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/03/17 at 10:30 am
How can we say the 2000s were the last great decade when ONLY ONE DECADE HAS OCCURRED SINCE THEN? It's way too early to say that. C'mon people, use your heads.
The only thing that I will say is that.....I agree with Max (Zelek3) 1000000% here. Spot on!.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Stillinthe90s on 06/03/17 at 11:04 am
I wouldn't call it a great decade by any stretch. It was decent in some ways compared to the 2010s, especially since popular culture had more energy, but even there it wasn't near the preceding decades. On the political side, it was a major step toward the dysfunction we've seen since the late 2000s; the Bush administration was very corrupt. Almost the whole decade, and all of the 2010s, have been dominated by foreign policy in a way that the 90s weren't, so that domestic issues in the U.S. take a backseat to whatever geopolitical concerns are at the forefront. Which means there hasn't been a genuine peacetime feeling in the U.S. since 2001, but rather a constant emphasis on security and threats, which might have something to do with the stagnation of popular culture.
There's things to miss from the 2000s because they were good, but that doesn't make the decade great.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/03/17 at 11:07 am
I wouldn't call it a great decade by any stretch. It was decent in some ways compared to the 2010s, especially since popular culture had more energy, but even there it wasn't near the preceding decades. On the political side, it was a major step toward the dysfunction we've seen since the late 2010s; the Bush administration was very corrupt. Almost the whole decade, and all of the 2010s, have been dominated by foreign policy in a way that the 90s weren't, so that domestic issues in the U.S. take a backseat to whatever geopolitical concerns are at the forefront. Which means there hasn't been a genuine peacetime feeling in the U.S. since 2001, but rather a constant emphasis on security and threats, which might have something to do with the stagnation of popular culture.
There's things to miss from the 2000s because they were good, but that doesn't make the decade great.
Wow, you're also spot on. Great anaylsis.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 2001 on 06/03/17 at 11:29 am
How can we say the 2000s were the last great decade when ONLY ONE DECADE HAS OCCURRED SINCE THEN? It's way too early to say that. C'mon people, use your heads.
I like your use of caps ;D
Tell it!
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: bchris02 on 06/03/17 at 12:19 pm
Some people are talking about a great hybrid decade. To me, that hybrid era was roughly 1983 to 2002/2003, so basically the 80's and 90's.
I think 1993-2008 would be a better "super decade". The 00s were a lot closer to the '90s culturally than the '90s were to the '80s.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 80sfan on 06/03/17 at 1:41 pm
I think 1993-2008 would be a better "super decade". The 00s were a lot closer to the '90s culturally than the '90s were to the '80s.
Super decade. ;D
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 2001 on 06/03/17 at 2:02 pm
Catalyst you exist to pull me down
You contradict the fact that you still want me around
And its all downhill from here~
And its all downhill from here!
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 80sfan on 06/03/17 at 2:08 pm
Catalyst you exist to pull me down
You contradict the fact that you still want me around
And its all downhill from here~
And its all downhill from here!
Linkin Park? ???
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 2001 on 06/03/17 at 2:10 pm
Linkin Park? ???
New Found Glory ;D
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 06/03/17 at 2:23 pm
As much as I love the 2000's, I've got to be objective about this. The '00s may seem good in hindsight now in the Trump era, but people should never forget what happened back then. 9/11, two wars that killed thousands of people, the worst Hurricane in U.S. history, and an economic crash that caused millions of people to lose work. And that's just to name a few things.
The '00s can be pretty much perfectly divided for me. From 2000-2004 I was still too young to really care about what was going on in the world and mostly lived a carefree life revolving around playing video games, hanging out with buddies, going to parties and all that good stuff. Then from 2005-2009 adulthood hit. By that time I was in college and much more aware of politics and world events. I lost confidence in George W. Bush because of how the Iraq War was going, and because I actually knew people that were serving over there. Then Hurricane Katrina happened and I lost faith in the federal government as a whole. Then I was graduating into the Great Recession, and seeing all the jobs in my area dry up. The carefree days of the early '00s were certainly in the past by that point.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: ZeldaFan20 on 06/03/17 at 2:29 pm
I think 1993-2008 would be a better "super decade". The 00s were a lot closer to the '90s culturally than the '90s were to the '80s.
Even better. I think the period from roughly 1983-2008 is one great era of U.S history. Uniquely different from the Countercultural era of 1964-1983, and the Modern era of 2008-present. This era that lasted for much of the 1980's, 1990's, & 2000's was marked by the decline of the Soviet Union with the subsequent end of the Cold War, beginning of 'Reaganomics' that marked an end to the New Deal era of economic policy, the era of Globalization, and the U.S marking a shift in their international involvement into the Middle East with the Mujahideen fighting the Soviets in the 80's, our internventions in Iraq, Bosnia, and Afghanistan in the 90's, and our post 9/11 'War on Terror' in Afghanistan and Iraq in the 00's.
The era ended in the late 2000's when confidence in our economic, militaristic, and bureaucratic institutions started to become severely challenged due to Deindustrialisation, the backlash against the War on Terror, and the Great Recession.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Slim95 on 06/03/17 at 2:59 pm
Okay I voted yes because of my whimsical bias without truly thinking it through. But no, in reality, there will never be a "last great decade" because everything is viewed by perspective. It is indeed very hard to see this for us, but trust me, when the kids from today grow up they will look back at this decade and call it the last great decade as well. It's all about perspective. I bet in 20 years, this decade will be looked back as awesome as well. People will be saying "remember the simpler times when you actually hand held devices to go on the internet and laptops were still in fashion? Now kids are spoiled because they just have to press one button on their goggles and they have all the information they want".
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: TheEarly90sFan on 06/03/17 at 5:37 pm
Ranking Decades from Greatest to Least Greatest
1. Tie - The '60s/The '70s
2. The '80s
3. The '90s
4. The '00s
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Sir Rothchild on 06/03/17 at 8:38 pm
As much as I love the 2000's, I've got to be objective about this. The '00s may seem good in hindsight now in the Drumpf era, but people should never forget what happened back then. 9/11, two wars that killed thousands of people, the worst Hurricane in U.S. history, and an economic crash that caused millions of people to lose work. And that's just to name a few things.
Frankly, this is why I only like the 2000s in a cultural sense. Politically, I would've questioned how George W. Bush was really dull in terms of presidential actions, but he had at least prior political experience before he got elected in 2000. But for the fact that I was only a kid (11 days old at the beginning of 2000, 10 years old at the end of 2009) throughout the 2000s decade only has me sheltered during its multiple economic crises and wars.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/03/17 at 9:10 pm
At the start of the 2000s (January 1, 2000), I was 5 months and 19 days old (172 days total).
At the end of the 2000s (December 31, 2009), I was 10 years, 5 months and 18 days old (3,824 days total).
The 2000s were a good decade for me because I was a kid then. I had lots of fun (also, some sad and painful times) but I can't call it "the last great (or good) decade" because that's just an opinion and because it was the only full decade in my lifetime so far.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 80sfan on 06/03/17 at 9:54 pm
Even better. I think the period from roughly 1983-2008 is one great era of U.S history. Uniquely different from the Countercultural era of 1964-1983, and the Modern era of 2008-present. This era that lasted for much of the 1980's, 1990's, & 2000's was marked by the decline of the Soviet Union with the subsequent end of the Cold War, beginning of 'Reaganomics' that marked an end to the New Deal era of economic policy, the era of Globalization, and the U.S marking a shift in their international involvement into the Middle East with the Mujahideen fighting the Soviets in the 80's, our internventions in Iraq, Bosnia, and Afghanistan in the 90's, and our post 9/11 'War on Terror' in Afghanistan and Iraq in the 00's.
The era ended in the late 2000's when confidence in our economic, militaristic, and bureaucratic institutions started to become severely challenged due to Deindustrialisation, the backlash against the War on Terror, and the Great Recession.
The great economic years. ;D
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 80sfan on 06/03/17 at 9:55 pm
New Found Glory ;D
Uh oh! :(
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 80sfan on 06/03/17 at 10:47 pm
Honestly, it's all subjective. I thought movies were good all the way up until 2005. I thought music sucked starting in 1999. And TV was okay until 2008. So the 00's was good to me.
I thought that pop culture was worse in the 2010's. And the current events is worse in the 2010's.
It's possible I, and maybe some others, will view the 2010's as the last good decade in 2025, or whatever.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 2001 on 06/04/17 at 12:01 am
Honestly, it's all subjective. I thought movies were good all the way up until 2005. I thought music sucked starting in 1999. And TV was okay until 2008. So the 00's was good to me.
I thought that pop culture was worse in the 2010's. And the current events is worse in the 2010's.
It's possible I, and maybe some others, will view the 2010's as the last good decade in 2025, or whatever.
How can TV get bad in 2008 when that's when we got Breaking Bad? :o
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: JordanK1982 on 06/04/17 at 12:09 am
I think 1993-2008 would be a better "super decade". The 00s were a lot closer to the '90s culturally than the '90s were to the '80s.
Strongly disagree if we're talking 1990-1994. Those years were much more "late 20th century" than the years that came after. 1995 is sorta iffy but I'd put it along side the earlier 90's years that what came after. 1982 to 1995 is one big era in my eyes.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 80sfan on 06/04/17 at 12:13 am
Strongly disagree if we're talking 1990-1994. Those years were much more "late 20th century" than the years that came after. 1995 is sorta iffy but I'd put it along side the earlier 90's years that what came after. 1982 to 1995 is one big era in my eyes.
So, to you, the 21st century showed some of itself, in 1995/1996??
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Slim95 on 06/04/17 at 12:13 am
Strongly disagree if we're talking 1990-1994. Those years were much more "late 20th century" than the years that came after. 1995 is sorta iffy but I'd put it along side the earlier 90's years that what came after. 1982 to 1995 is one big era in my eyes.
Yeah same I think the '80s and '90s were more similar. Also the '10s and '00s are way more similar to each other than the '90s and '00s. People overestimate the change of the 2000s and very hugely underestimate the changes of the '90s.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: bchris02 on 06/04/17 at 12:17 am
As much as I love the 2000's, I've got to be objective about this. The '00s may seem good in hindsight now in the Trump era, but people should never forget what happened back then. 9/11, two wars that killed thousands of people, the worst Hurricane in U.S. history, and an economic crash that caused millions of people to lose work. And that's just to name a few things.
The '00s can be pretty much perfectly divided for me. From 2000-2004 I was still too young to really care about what was going on in the world and mostly lived a carefree life revolving around playing video games, hanging out with buddies, going to parties and all that good stuff. Then from 2005-2009 adulthood hit. By that time I was in college and much more aware of politics and world events. I lost confidence in George W. Bush because of how the Iraq War was going, and because I actually knew people that were serving over there. Then Hurricane Katrina happened and I lost faith in the federal government as a whole. Then I was graduating into the Great Recession, and seeing all the jobs in my area dry up. The carefree days of the early '00s were certainly in the past by that point.
Great points here. The late '00s were great culturally but they were a scary time to live because nobody knew how bad the recession was going to get. And I remember 9/11 and afterwards as well. That wasn't a great time in this country either. The mid '00s were maligned with Iraq war fatigue, Hurricane Katrina, and high gas prices. I have said it many times on this forum that the mid '00s were a better time to be a kid than an adult. The decade as a whole was maligned with one catastrophe after another. The '10s have been very different...relatively placid in a lot of ways. However, there's a lot more anger in society and a lot more hatred between people of different ideologies.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: JordanK1982 on 06/04/17 at 12:18 am
So, to you, the 21st century showed some of itself, in 1995/1996??
Slowly but surely, yes.
Yeah same I think the '80s and '90s were more similar. Also the '10s and '00s are way more similar to each other than the '90s and '00s. People overestimate the change of the 2000s and very hugely underestimate the changes of the '90s.
I definitely agree. The 00's and 10's feel very similar in many ways just like the 80's and 90's did.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 80sfan on 06/04/17 at 12:20 am
Makes sense, AOL became popular in 1995. And the internet boom became prominent in 1995/1996. 8) 8) :o
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: wixness on 06/04/17 at 10:35 am
Politics are always gonna suck for someone but I think the 2000s had some of the best culture. Granted, it was less accepting of people different from them, but I'm not a big fan of 2010s music, fashion and style.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: SpyroKev on 06/04/17 at 11:31 am
Politics are always gonna suck for someone but I think the 2000s had some of the best culture. Granted, it was less accepting of people different from them, but I'm not a big fan of 2010s music, fashion and style.
Yup. The 2000s vibe makes up for its flaws. Especially 2000-2005. Obvious peak of the era.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 06/04/17 at 12:13 pm
Frankly, this is why I only like the 2000s in a cultural sense. Politically, I would've questioned how George W. Bush was really dull in terms of presidential actions, but he had at least prior political experience before he got elected in 2000. But for the fact that I was only a kid (11 days old at the beginning of 2000, 10 years old at the end of 2009) throughout the 2000s decade only has me sheltered during its multiple economic crises and wars.
Yeah, I can understand that. It's the same way with me and the '90s, honestly. I was only a kid back then, and so I really have no recollections of the bad things that happened back then like the L.A. Riots, the OKC Bombing, and stuff like that. To me the '90s are all about playing Super Nintendo and watching Fox Kids.
Great points here. The late '00s were great culturally but they were a scary time to live because nobody knew how bad the recession was going to get. And I remember 9/11 and afterwards as well. That wasn't a great time in this country either. The mid '00s were maligned with Iraq war fatigue, Hurricane Katrina, and high gas prices. I have said it many times on this forum that the mid '00s were a better time to be a kid than an adult. The decade as a whole was maligned with one catastrophe after another. The '10s have been very different...relatively placid in a lot of ways. However, there's a lot more anger in society and a lot more hatred between people of different ideologies.
That's true. As a whole, I think the '00s were probably better to be a child than an adult during. As a teenager, I got a little of both. I was old enough to be aware of what was going on in the world, but still young enough to have a more carefree attitude about the whole thing. What changed for me during the second half of the '00s was that stuff that was happening in the world started to impact me like it hadn't before. Certainly having cousins and other relatives serving in Iraq made me pay a lot more attention to what was going on over there than I ever had before. Same with the economy after it went south and started impacting my ability to find work.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 80sfan on 06/04/17 at 12:15 pm
Yup. The 2000s vibe makes up for its flaws. Especially 2000-2005. Obvious peak of the era.
Yup, to me, the first half was better than the first. :)
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Sir Rothchild on 06/04/17 at 1:12 pm
Yeah, I can understand that. It's the same way with me and the '90s, honestly. I was only a kid back then, and so I really have no recollections of the bad things that happened back then like the L.A. Riots, the OKC Bombing, and stuff like that. To me the '90s are all about playing Super Nintendo and watching Fox Kids.
To me, the 2000s were all about watching cartoons from Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, and so on, while playing computer games on Windows XP. I never witnessed any news reports about Hurricane Katrina, the Great Recession (which didn't affect my family that much), and especially most of George W. Bush's presidency. But with like most people say, I think most of the nostalgia for the 2000s would mostly be from kids because they were the ones who were mostly happy back then. Not to mention that we didn't even experience the 90s, since we were mostly babies in that decade alone.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Slim95 on 06/04/17 at 1:44 pm
To me, the 2000s were all about watching cartoons from Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, and so on, while playing computer games on Windows XP. I never witnessed any news reports about Hurricane Katrina, the Great Recession (which didn't affect my family that much), and especially most of George W. Bush's presidency. But with like most people say, I think most of the nostalgia for the 2000s would mostly be from kids because they were the ones who were mostly happy back then. Not to mention that we didn't even experience the 90s, since we were mostly babies in that decade alone.
I liked the early 2000s but the late 2000s weren't good culturally. But for my personal life the entire decade was pretty good to me and better than the 2010s.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 80sfan on 06/04/17 at 1:49 pm
To me, the 2000s were all about watching cartoons from Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, and so on, while playing computer games on Windows XP. I never witnessed any news reports about Hurricane Katrina, the Great Recession (which didn't affect my family that much), and especially most of George W. Bush's presidency. But with like most people say, I think most of the nostalgia for the 2000s would mostly be from kids because they were the ones who were mostly happy back then. Not to mention that we didn't even experience the 90s, since we were mostly babies in that decade alone.
I believe that the 00's was one of the best times to be a kid. :)
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/04/17 at 2:29 pm
To me, the 2000s were all about watching cartoons from Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, and so on, while playing computer games on Windows XP. I never witnessed any news reports about Hurricane Katrina, the Great Recession (which didn't affect my family that much), and especially most of George W. Bush's presidency. But with like most people say, I think most of the nostalgia for the 2000s would mostly be from kids because they were the ones who were mostly happy back then. Not to mention that we didn't even experience the 90s, since we were mostly babies in that decade alone.
Well mach!ne_he@d experienced the '90s because he was born in 1987 but not us because we were just babies in the '90s. Heck you didn't even experience a month in the '90s ;D.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Slim95 on 06/04/17 at 2:55 pm
I only remember one year of the 1990s relatively clear which was 1999.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: mxcrashxm on 06/04/17 at 3:32 pm
As much as I love the 2000's, I've got to be objective about this. The '00s may seem good in hindsight now in the Trump era, but people should never forget what happened back then. 9/11, two wars that killed thousands of people, the worst Hurricane in U.S. history, and an economic crash that caused millions of people to lose work. And that's just to name a few things.
The '00s can be pretty much perfectly divided for me. From 2000-2004 I was still too young to really care about what was going on in the world and mostly lived a carefree life revolving around playing video games, hanging out with buddies, going to parties and all that good stuff. Then from 2005-2009 adulthood hit. By that time I was in college and much more aware of politics and world events. I lost confidence in George W. Bush because of how the Iraq War was going, and because I actually knew people that were serving over there. Then Hurricane Katrina happened and I lost faith in the federal government as a whole. Then I was graduating into the Great Recession, and seeing all the jobs in my area dry up. The carefree days of the early '00s were certainly in the past by that point.
Great points here. The late '00s were great culturally but they were a scary time to live because nobody knew how bad the recession was going to get. And I remember 9/11 and afterwards as well. That wasn't a great time in this country either. The mid '00s were maligned with Iraq war fatigue, Hurricane Katrina, and high gas prices. I have said it many times on this forum that the mid '00s were a better time to be a kid than an adult. The decade as a whole was maligned with one catastrophe after another. The '10s have been very different...relatively placid in a lot of ways. However, there's a lot more anger in society and a lot more hatred between people of different ideologies.
That's true. As a whole, I think the '00s were probably better to be a child than an adult during. As a teenager, I got a little of both. I was old enough to be aware of what was going on in the world, but still young enough to have a more carefree attitude about the whole thing. What changed for me during the second half of the '00s was that stuff that was happening in the world started to impact me like it hadn't before. Certainly having cousins and other relatives serving in Iraq made me pay a lot more attention to what was going on over there than I ever had before. Same with the economy after it went south and started impacting my ability to find work.
I agree very well. The 00s were definitely better for being a kid rather than an adolescent or adult. The events you two mentioned were very harsh when they happened. I remember those incidents like yesterday, and it was awful. Plus, there were the San Diego wildfires and the Northeast blackout which were just as frightening as the others.
To me, the 2000s were all about watching cartoons from Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, and so on, while playing computer games on Windows XP. I think most of the nostalgia for the 2000s would mostly be from kids because they were the ones who were mostly happy back then. Not to mention that we didn't even experience the 90s, since we were mostly babies in that decade alone.
Same here with me as well although I well aware of the events that took place in that decade. Regarding the nostalgia, I have had that feeling where the music, movies, games, TV-Shows/cartoons, fashion, and even the economy was amazing.
As for experiencing the 90s, it depends on what portion of the decade one was born in. There were thousands of 90s babies who participated in the era and even remember it very well.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Sir Rothchild on 06/04/17 at 4:14 pm
Well mach!ne_he@d experienced the '90s because he was born in 1987 but not us because we were just babies in the '90s. Heck you didn't even experience a month in the '90s ;D.
When I meant by we, I meant those born in the mid and late 90s, who were mostly infants throughout the decade. The 2000s had a bigger influence in our lives because that's when we spent most of our childhood.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/04/17 at 4:53 pm
When I meant by we, I meant those born in the mid and late 90s, who were mostly infants throughout the decade. The 2000s had a bigger influence in our lives because that's when we spent most of our childhood.
Oh Ok, if that's what you meant then you're correct.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: JordanK1982 on 06/05/17 at 2:26 am
Even better. I think the period from roughly 1983-2008 is one great era of U.S history. Uniquely different from the Countercultural era of 1964-1983, and the Modern era of 2008-present. This era that lasted for much of the 1980's, 1990's, & 2000's was marked by the decline of the Soviet Union with the subsequent end of the Cold War, beginning of 'Reaganomics' that marked an end to the New Deal era of economic policy, the era of Globalization, and the U.S marking a shift in their international involvement into the Middle East with the Mujahideen fighting the Soviets in the 80's, our internventions in Iraq, Bosnia, and Afghanistan in the 90's, and our post 9/11 'War on Terror' in Afghanistan and Iraq in the 00's.
The era ended in the late 2000's when confidence in our economic, militaristic, and bureaucratic institutions started to become severely challenged due to Deindustrialisation, the backlash against the War on Terror, and the Great Recession.
That is a really good argument, though, I wouldn't push the counterculture era as far as 1983 especially due to the rise of conservatism, the changing of laws and the discovery of AIDS starting around 1980-1982. A lot of new laws pertaining seat belts and drunk driving (and not to mention the big transition the US went through during this time to raise the drinking age to 21 before it was finally forced in 1984) were put into place during the early 80's, too, thanks to Reagan. My point is that so many aspects of politics and our ways of life changed incredibly during the early 80's that 83 is just a tad too late. I'd end the Counter Culture era either in 1981 with Reagan taking the presidency or 1982 with the discovery of AIDS being the final nail in the sexual revolution's coffin. There are a couple other dates we could use as well but I think these two are probably the most important.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: SpyroKev on 08/08/17 at 1:51 pm
I'm convinced. My biasness is a good wingman.
The 2000s is definitely the last good era from my perspective. The 2000s has my favorite sound and balanced technology.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 2001 on 08/08/17 at 4:56 pm
The only thing great about the 2000s is the Great Recession. ;D
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: exodus08 on 08/09/17 at 3:35 pm
Late 90s & early 00s was that best time to grow up in. ;D
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Shemp97 on 08/10/17 at 7:33 pm
I honestly can't be the only person that came out of the 2000s liking it. Overall it was a good decade where not too many bad things happened. Honestly the 2010s has been riddled with far more culture shifting events that have changed society for the worse. You can't talk about the impact of 9/11 and not talk about the impact of the 2015 Paris Attacks. The SJW movement has grown to such a magnitude that it is affecting who gets voted in politics, what people wear, how people choose to live their life, and what content they can view. The nanny/police state culture of the 2010s is literally moving society backwards. Don't forget falling oil prices killing the global economy and ISIL running rampant.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Shemp97 on 08/10/17 at 7:36 pm
The only thing great about the 2000s is the Great Recession. ;D
You mean that minor global economic downturn that encouraged the rest of the world to stop clinging to the American market for support?
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Zelek3 on 08/10/17 at 10:01 pm
I believe that the 00's was one of the best times to be a kid. :)
I'm biased but I believe that 2000-2006 was one of the best times to be a kid, but 2007-2009 wasn't so great for kid culture. 2007 is when iPhones, social media explosion, Out of Jimmy's Head, and a bunch of other crap happened.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Shemp97 on 08/10/17 at 10:13 pm
I'm biased but I believe that 2000-2006 was one of the best times to be a kid, but 2007-2009 wasn't so great for kid culture. 2007 is when iPhones, social media explosion, Out of Jimmy's Head, and a bunch of other crap happened.
At $800, who can claim to have owned an iPhone before the 4 came out? The sales were not very high in the late 00s.
Myspace says hi. Social media was exploding long before 2007.
What about Out of Jimmy's Head? Nobody watched CN in the late 00s. Nicktoons and Disney were where you went for cartoons.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 08/10/17 at 10:22 pm
At $800, who can claim to have owned an iPhone before the 4 came out? The sales were not very high in the late 00s.
Myspace says hi. Social media was exploding long before 2007.
What about Out of Jimmy's Head? Nobody watched CN in the late 00s. Nicktoons and Disney were where you went for cartoons.
I agree with you on everything except for your last point. Many people watched Cartoon Network until 2009 when they debuted CN Real.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 2001 on 08/10/17 at 10:24 pm
You mean that minor global economic downturn that encouraged the rest of the world to stop clinging to the American market for support?
It was just a bad pun. ;)
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 80sfan on 08/10/17 at 10:29 pm
I'm biased but I believe that 2000-2006 was one of the best times to be a kid, but 2007-2009 wasn't so great for kid culture. 2007 is when iPhones, social media explosion, Out of Jimmy's Head, and a bunch of other crap happened.
The 80's to 00's was a great time to be a kid (under age 12/13) to me.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Shemp97 on 08/10/17 at 10:46 pm
I agree with you on everything except for your last point. Many people watched Cartoon Network until 2009 when they debuted CN Real.
But Nicktoons and ToonDisney/Jetix subscriptions were higher. And Nick and Disney were discussed far more often amongst cartoon enthusiasts than CN which became nearly irrelevant by the turn of the decade.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Dundee on 02/21/18 at 5:22 am
2000s can easily be lumped together with the 70s and the 80s: pretty bad politics and economics-wise, but still plenty of iconic stuff to come out from the pop culture. Seeing how people have a "love-hate" relationship-nostalgia with the 80s, that might be the future for the 2000s too.
This decade on the other hand is pretty unique, I'm just really excited how people would look at it. Only the next decades will tell.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Wobo on 03/01/18 at 3:30 am
If the 2020s are better then i'll just consider the 2010s as the last good decade.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Dundee on 03/01/18 at 12:06 pm
If the 2020s are better than i'll just consider the 2010s as the last good decade.
That makes no sense
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 2001 on 03/01/18 at 12:18 pm
That makes no sense
Maybe he meant "last" as in "previous" ;D
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Wobo on 03/01/18 at 2:29 pm
That makes no sense
I meant aren't
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Wobo on 03/01/18 at 2:30 pm
Maybe he meant "last" as in "previous" ;D
I meant to say if the 2020s aren't good then the 2010s will be the last good decade.
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: 80sfan on 03/01/18 at 2:38 pm
This basically hints that the rest of the 21st century will be bad, boring, or stagnating! :o :o :o
Subject: Re: The Last Great Decade? (2000's)
Written By: Dundee on 03/01/18 at 6:22 pm
This basically hints that the rest of the 21st century will be bad, boring, or stagnating! :o :o :o
Not at all, look at the 20th century: the 1900s and the 1910s have barely distinguishable cultures despite one of them containing a major world war. And yet, it's hard to think nowadays that the 1900s and the 1990s are part of the same century.
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