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Subject: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: The Burger King on 02/19/16 at 6:11 pm
Since there is already a thread about how old the 90's feel to people, I decided to make one for the 2000's. I can't believe that no one has done this yet.
My personal opinion:
2000-2001: Old
2002-2005: Outdated
2006-mid 2008: Not that outdated but getting there
Late 2008-2009: Feels almost like yesterday.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 02/19/16 at 6:17 pm
I think no one's done one yet because it is still relatively recent ;D
2000-2001: Old
2002-2004: Outdated
2005-2006: Dated
2007-2009: Recent
1999/2000/2001 are tricky. It feels old in my head, but when I look at pictures from then, it doesn't look as outdated as you'd expect.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: The Burger King on 02/19/16 at 6:19 pm
I think no one's done one yet because it is still relatively recent ;D
2000-2001: Old
2002-2004: Outdated
2005-2006: Dated
2007-2009: Recent
1999/2000/2001 are tricky. It feels old in my head, but when I look at pictures from then, it doesn't look as outdated as you'd expect.
I could get it if people do it for the early 2000's, but the late 2000's in my opinion (even as a guy born in 1999 who saw the late 00's in an 8-10 year old's point of view) feel so recent.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: SpyroKev on 02/19/16 at 6:34 pm
2000-2003: Old
2004-2006: Very dated
2007-2009: Somewhat recent.
I wouldn't use outdated. It seem to reference Vintage old. Unless its the same as dated.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Zelek2 on 02/19/16 at 6:36 pm
I've said this before, but *something* happened in the mid 00s that i would consider the dividing line between "old" and "new".
Take this for example. If someone on an Internet forum said "Man, I remember playing Sonic Adventure 2 battle while watching Samurai jack and rocking out to Blink-182, good times, good times", hundreds of other people would probably join in with him.
But then, if that guy said "Man, I miss playing Super mario galaxy on my Wii while listening to Katy Perry, those were good times", the responses would've been "Go away, dumb little kid" - despite 2008 only being FIVE years away from 2003.
This strikes me as odd. How can 2003 be a nostalgic, distant memory, but 2008 be modern garbage? Only five years had passed between then. Some kind of paradigm shift happened between those years.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 02/19/16 at 6:43 pm
2000-2003: Old
2004-2006: Very dated
2007-2009: Somewhat recent.
I wouldn't use outdated. It seem to reference Vintage old. Unless its the same as dated.
But "vintage" has a respectable vibe to it. Vinyl is vintage. The PS2 is not, it's just outdated.
I could get it if people do it for the early 2000's, but the late 2000's in my opinion (even as a guy born in 1999 who saw the late 00's in an 8-10 year old's point of view) feel so recent.
Probably because it is recent ;D ;)
I've said this before, but *something* happened in the mid 00s that i would consider the dividing line between "old" and "new".
Take this for example. If someone on an Internet forum said "Man, I remember playing Sonic Adventure 2 battle while watching Samurai jack and rocking out to Blink-182, good times, good times", hundreds of other people would probably join in with him.
But then, if that guy said "Man, I miss playing Super mario galaxy on my Wii while listening to Katy Perry, those were good times", the responses would've been "Go away, dumb little kid" - despite 2008 only being FIVE years away from 2003.
This strikes me as odd. How can 2003 be a nostalgic, distant memory, but 2008 be modern garbage? Only five years had passed between then. Some kind of paradigm shift happened between those years.
I didn't like Samurai Jack, so I would probably slam the older kid ;D I get along instantly with other Katy Perry fanboys/fangirls. :D
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: mqg96 on 02/19/16 at 7:02 pm
"Feel to you?" is the most important part of this question. So I'll go based off my memories, personal life, and experiences.
2000-2001: feels like millions of years ago; ancient
2002-2004: feels like a long time ago; old
2005-2007: feels like a while ago; dated
2008-2009: feels like yesterday; recent
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: ocarinafan96 on 02/19/16 at 7:03 pm
I'd say
2000-2001 (and 90's and before): Retro
2002-2003: Mildly Retro
2004-2006: Dated
2007-2009: Mildly Dated (somewhat recent)
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Toon on 02/19/16 at 7:13 pm
2000-2003 feels very old/retro to me (things like the Ps2 and Gamecube seem retro to me)
2004-2006 Not retro, but very dated (Web 2.0 era for example isn't retro, but it's very dated to what we have in Web 3.0)
2007-2009 Somewhat dated, but also somewhat recent (2007 seems dated, but 2008-2009 seem like a mix of dated and recent)
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Baltimoreian on 02/19/16 at 7:17 pm
2000-2001: Old as f*ck.
2002-2005: Very outdated.
2006-2008: Kinda outdated.
2009: Almost feels like yesterday, but it's still dated.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: ArcticFox on 02/19/16 at 10:18 pm
The entire decade is dated to me. It's in that culturally irrelevant phase. The beginning part is not old enough to be retro.
2000 & 2001: Ridiculously dated; Almost old school.
2002-2006: Very Dated
2007 & 2008: Out of touch
2009: Dated, but still somewhat contemporary.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 02/19/16 at 10:18 pm
2000-2002: ancient and extremely outdated in a 20th century sense
2003: inbetween
2004-2006: Outdated but not old old
2007-2009: out of style but still somewhat more modern
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: #Infinity on 02/20/16 at 3:09 am
2000-2002: Mildly retro. Video games with rounded 3D polygons, iTunes, and music that's either hyper-slick or indie (i.e., The Strokes) cause this period to not seem extremely far back, but it's also just old enough to feel classic. This period seems artificially older to me, however, when I consider that it's chronologically closer to the 1980s than to present day.
2003-2006: Solidly outdated. This period still doesn't emanate classic vibes to me, not just because of chronological proximity, but also due to most popular culture declining in quality during this time, aside from 2004's excellent lineup of video games and movies. Smosh posted a video in late 2014 that accurately satirizes how the mid-2000s have become outdated by today's standards, although I still don't look at 2004 and think it's a completely different universe from today, unlike 1985 versus 1975 or 1995 versus 1985. The biggest distinguishers between this era and today are the lack of social media besides MySpace, flip-phones instead of touchscreen phones, the abundance of bushy-haired males (scene and emo were only sub-communities that few people were a part of from what I remember), and online video not being well-established yet.
2007-2008: These years are moderately outdated, but nonetheless don't feel terribly disconnected from the present, despite being as close to today as the Y2K era. The major factor that dates this period is that HD format was not yet standard, so a lot of videos, both on television as well as YouTube, retain the low-resolution fullscreen look of older generations. Still, with Wikipedia being completely established, online web videos being plentiful and accessible, seventh-generation video game consoles as well as an over-saturation of mature, cutscene-heavy FPS's becoming standard, Facebook growing in popularity, and popular music just starting to move more in the direction of electronic dance and, aside from Timbaland, abandoning the shuffle-beat style that had dominated 1997-2006, these years are still pretty not too far from home. I'm partly biased here because I started high school in 2007, but even the first half of the year still seems a lot more modern to me than the few years preceding it.
2009: This year is on the cusp of being mildly outdated and moderately outdated. This was the year that 2010s culture gradually overtook 2000s culture, but things like scene, post-grunge, pop punk, and Blackberry phones still hung around through to the end, despite the fact that things like Lady Gaga, the Great Recession, Obama, and social media were on everybody's minds by this time. HD videos were now common, although some online shows, like AVGN, wouldn't make the switch from SD until up to two years later. iPhones, while just starting to pick up in sales, were still not dominant yet. Social attitudes were starting to pick up in progressivism around this time, but the social climate had not yet gotten as rancid as it was by spring 2013.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Catherine91UK on 02/20/16 at 9:37 am
I did make one of these threads last year! :P
This is what I said:
2008-2009: slightly dated
2003-2007: dated but not exactly old
2000-2002: slightly old
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: SpyroKev on 02/20/16 at 9:44 am
I did make one of these threads last year! :P
I figured that. I didn't remember the title though. Just now, I recalled it as "Are the Early 2000s dated?" something like that. I would say my post there is slightly more detailed.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: The Burger King on 02/20/16 at 12:29 pm
I did make one of these threads last year! :P
This is what I said:
2008-2009: slightly dated
2003-2007: dated but not exactly old
2000-2002: slightly old
Oh sorry about that. I joined this site six months after you made that thread.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: af2010 on 02/21/16 at 7:35 am
The entire decade is dated to me. It's in that culturally irrelevant phase. The beginning part is not old enough to be retro.
2000 & 2001: Ridiculously dated; Almost old school.
2002-2006: Very Dated
2007 & 2008: Out of touch
2009: Dated, but still somewhat contemporary.
Agree. I've said before, I think it takes about 20 years for something to be truly retro.
2000-2001: Very dated, especially pre-9/11. Feels like a different era, culturally and technologically.
2002-2006: Dated, but still has some connection to the present; a transition to the current era.
2007-2009: Slightly dated. Same general era as today (although I think we're currently transitioning into a new one).
Overall, the 2000s is in that phase where it's too old to be 'current' but too new to be 'retro'. Like you said, culturally irrelevant (outside of this forum, obviously).
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 02/21/16 at 5:13 pm
Yeah, I don't feel like any of the 2000s are retro either, though there are some retro elements. In general, any year where having a Windows PC in your house is common doesn't feel retro to me just yet. Maybe it will in 5 years, who knows.
Mid-1996 and before: retro
Late 1996, 1997: borderline retro
1998-2001: old
2002-2004: outdated
2005-2006: dated
2007-early 2009: recent, but phasing out of relevance
late 2009-2012: current, fading away slowly
2013-2016: current era
is what I feel overall.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2000s Nostalgiaist on 02/25/16 at 8:52 am
I've said this before, but *something* happened in the mid 00s that i would consider the dividing line between "old" and "new".
Take this for example. If someone on an Internet forum said "Man, I remember playing Sonic Adventure 2 battle while watching Samurai jack and rocking out to Blink-182, good times, good times", hundreds of other people would probably join in with him.
But then, if that guy said "Man, I miss playing Super mario galaxy on my Wii while listening to Katy Perry, those were good times", the responses would've been "Go away, dumb little kid" - despite 2008 only being FIVE years away from 2003.
This strikes me as odd. How can 2003 be a nostalgic, distant memory, but 2008 be modern garbage? Only five years had passed between then. Some kind of paradigm shift happened between those years.
The reason for that "defining event" so to speak is due to the culture having not changed that much between 2008 and now.
Everything is roughly similar despite being eight years down the line. I know what you mean, I find it an interesting phenomenon as well.
It's weird being my age as well because when Rihanna was 18 and new on the scene I was also 18. But I know some fit young thing in the future is going to be a lot younger than me but I will still be perving on them :D
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 02/26/16 at 8:09 pm
All of the 2000s are old to me. The 90s are retro.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Baltimoreian on 02/26/16 at 9:39 pm
All of the 2000s are old to me. The 90s are retro.
How old are the 2000s to you?
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 02/26/16 at 9:40 pm
How old are the 2000s to you?
Very old
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Baltimoreian on 02/26/16 at 9:41 pm
Very old
Oh. Including the very late 2000s? Okay.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Toon on 02/26/16 at 10:03 pm
Oh. Including the very late 2000s? Okay.
Only late part of the late 2000s that doesn't feel old to me is some of 2008-2009. 2007-early 2008 seem pretty old to me now. I can't quite compare them to 2016 like I could with 2012 or 2013.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Baltimoreian on 02/26/16 at 10:08 pm
Only late part of the late 2000s that doesn't feel old to me is some of 2008-2009. 2007-early 2008 seem pretty old to me now. I can't quite compare them to 2016 like I could with 2012 or 2013.
The 2000s weren't really that old in 2012-13. Hell, I wouldn't even think it was that old until 2014. Probably because the mid-late 2000s were more nostalgic to me, rather than the early 2000s.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 02/26/16 at 10:10 pm
Oh. Including the very late 2000s? Okay.
Yup, the late 2000's feel old to me.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Baltimoreian on 02/26/16 at 10:14 pm
Yup, the late 2000's feel old to me.
Well, I find the late 2000s to be old too. Except for late 2009, which felt like yesterday to me.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 02/26/16 at 11:56 pm
Very old
You're being ridiculous bro! ::) The decade doesn't feel that old. ;D XD
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 02/26/16 at 11:57 pm
2000-2001: A long time ago(OLD)
2002-2004: Years ago
2005-2008:Been a while
2009: Recent
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 02/27/16 at 12:24 am
You're being ridiculous bro! ::) The decade doesn't feel that old. ;D XD
Yes it does. I was aged 5-14 in that decade. It felt like a lifetime ago...
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 02/27/16 at 12:37 am
Yes it does. I was aged 5-14 in that decade. It felt like a lifetime ago...
Well going from child to teen in the decade will be IMPACTFUL! ;D I'm around the same age as you, but the decade still doesn't feel ancient to me! ;)
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: mqg96 on 02/27/16 at 7:21 am
Yes it does. I was aged 5-14 in that decade. It felt like a lifetime ago...
Naw, not that long, especially the late 2000's. I'm younger than you and even some years in that decade feel like yesterday to me. I can agree that the early 2000's or 1st half of the 2000's feel like a very long time ago now. However, 2005-2007 just feel like awhile ago, but not too long ago. 2008-present feels like yesterday. Any year in my life when my youngest sister was born (2008), I had gotten the Wii, or Barack Obama was gaining popularity before he got elected, all of that feels like yesterday to me. The technology from the late 2000's doesn't feel that distant from the present either.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Howard on 02/27/16 at 7:37 am
Very old
But it's been 15 years. ???
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 02/27/16 at 11:16 am
Naw, not that long, especially the late 2000's. I'm younger than you and even some years in that decade feel like yesterday to me. I can agree that the early 2000's or 1st half of the 2000's feel like a very long time ago now. However, 2005-2007 just feel like awhile ago, but not too long ago. 2008-present feels like yesterday. Any year in my life when my youngest sister was born (2008), I had gotten the Wii, or Barack Obama was gaining popularity before he got elected, all of that feels like yesterday to me. The technology from the late 2000's doesn't feel that distant from the present either.
Not to me. It feels like a long time ago to me.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: mqg96 on 02/27/16 at 1:20 pm
Not to me. It feels like a long time ago to me.
I think a lot of memories throughout your life have a lot to do with your family situations too, not just politics, the world, or the pop culture. If you were a type of person who moved to a lot of different houses or lived with many other people throughout your life, I could understand why previous years feel like a long time ago to you since A LOT has changed so much in a gradual period of time. A year either feels like yesterday to me or a long time ago to me depending on how well my memories are or how my life has changed. 2002-2004 feels like long time ago to me because while those memories are very clear with what happened in my life, some memories & details have slowly fainted as I've gotten older. I probably remembered being 7 years old a lot better in detail 10 years ago than I can now.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Baltimoreian on 02/27/16 at 4:48 pm
Not to me. It feels like a long time ago to me.
So... what were you doing in the late 2000s?
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 02/27/16 at 5:07 pm
So... what were you doing in the late 2000s?
Setting Mr. Lonely as my ringtone and putting on my iPod sleep timer for 30 minutes to Sara Bareilles.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 02/27/16 at 5:24 pm
So... what were you doing in the late 2000s?
I was in Junior High school and a very different person. And like the poster above I also had an IPod Nano, which was very popular at that time. I played online games and browsed the web on my Desktop computer. I didn't have a cellphone or any other mobile device. I was 12-14 years old. I'm very nostalgic for that period.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Baltimoreian on 02/27/16 at 5:36 pm
I was in Junior High school and a very different person. And like the poster above I also had an IPod Nano, which was very popular at that time. I played online games and browsed the web on my Desktop computer. I didn't have a cellphone or any other mobile device. I was 12-14 years old. I'm very nostalgic for that period.
So, you simply played online games as in Shockwave or Wildtanget or something?
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 02/27/16 at 5:39 pm
So, you simply played online games as in Shockwave or Wildtanget or something?
Yeah pretty much.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Baltimoreian on 02/27/16 at 5:40 pm
Yeah pretty much.
Oh, me too. I used to play them a lot back when I was a kid.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: mqg96 on 02/27/16 at 5:54 pm
I played,,,,,,,, etc.
I remember games like Redline Rumble, Burnin' Rubber 1-4, Playing With Fire, Bomb It 1 & 2, Super Smash Flash, Formula Fuelers, Lava Land, etc.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Howard on 02/27/16 at 6:03 pm
So... what were you doing in the late 2000s?
I started Pathmark.( know known as Stop N Shop)
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Rainbowz on 03/23/18 at 7:48 pm
2000-2002: Ancient
2003-2005: Very dated
2006-2008: Old
2009: Dated
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: piecesof93 on 03/23/18 at 8:41 pm
I've said this before. Before I joined this forum a couple months ago, the late 2000s seemed like yesterday. Now they seem very distant. My perspective has changed within a matter of months because there are so many people who are nostalgic for the late 2000s on this board. The nostalgia makes the late 2000s seem long ago. Hell, even 2010 is beginning to feel distant.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 03/23/18 at 9:48 pm
2000-2002: Ancient
2003-2005: Very dated
2006-2008: Old
2009: Dated
The early 2000s are very dated to borderline retro (not ancient imo). The mid 2000s as well as '06 and '07 are old school and 2008 and 2009 is just 'dated' in my opinion.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 03/23/18 at 10:08 pm
I think no one's done one yet because it is still relatively recent ;D
2000-2001: Old
2002-2004: Outdated
2005-2006: Dated
2007-2009: Recent
1999/2000/2001 are tricky. It feels old in my head, but when I look at pictures from then, it doesn't look as outdated as you'd expect.
I'd shift everything two years forward now in 2018.
2000: Borderline retro
2001-2003: Old
2004-2005: Dated, close to old
2006-2008: Dated
2009: Recent
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: ofkx on 03/24/18 at 11:29 am
2000-2002: OLD
2003-2006: OLD
2007-2009: OLD
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Rainbowz on 03/24/18 at 1:18 pm
2000-2002: OLD
2003-2006: OLD
2007-2009: OLD
Honestly, the 2000's as a whole is pretty old and dated. We definitely aren't in 2000's culture anymore.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Wobo on 03/24/18 at 1:21 pm
2000-2003: Super Old
2004-2006: Super Dated and Old
2007-2009: Very Dated.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Howard on 03/24/18 at 3:00 pm
Since it's been 18 years already it seems a bit old.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: piecesof93 on 03/24/18 at 3:04 pm
I think 2000/1 is retro. Everything else is just very dated.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Wobo on 03/24/18 at 3:05 pm
I think 2000/1 is retro. Everything else is just very dated.
2000-2003 feels retro imo.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 03/24/18 at 3:16 pm
2000 (and 2001 a bit) feels retro, but it isn't actually yet because society hasn't collectively agreed for it to be retro yet, it's usually has to be 20 years for something to be retro and mainstream nostalgia of people of all ages sees it as such. So I'd give it another 2 years or so. Everyone is still stuck on the 1990s at this point. But absolutely at this point I can see the year 2000 being retro now given how it looks or at least borderline retro. It actually looks how the 1980s looked like back in the 2000s, all tacky and old. Which is really weird because I actually remember that time. In the year 2020 I bet millennial era culture will have huge nostalgia to it.
Songs and videos like this already have that retro feel to it:
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 03/24/18 at 3:22 pm
2000-2003 feels retro imo.
2002 and 2003 are not there yet. Those years are just dated still.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 03/24/18 at 3:22 pm
Any year where the Internet and cellphones were common is a bit difficult to call retro for the moment. That's why I think 1998 is the last retro year. But 1999/2000 are definitely getting close (borderline retro), those were the last years you didn't need Internet access or cellphone to get by, even though tons of people had them and they were a part of daily life.
In 2001, I remember DVDs and broadband getting popular, and of course you had the 6th generation of consoles, so it's going to be a couple of more years before I consider that retro.
In 2003, DVD and broadband and cellphones were more or less established, LCD computers largely replaced CRTs, you start rechargeable portable devices like the GBA SP and iPod, and you get MySpace at the end of the year too, so it will be quite a while before I call 2003 retro.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 03/24/18 at 3:27 pm
so it will be quite a while before I call 2003 retro.
Yeah probably around 2023 it will be retro. It is usually a 20 year cycle.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: piecesof93 on 03/24/18 at 3:45 pm
I think 2000/1 is retro. Everything else is just very dated.
I think I would only call 2000 retro actually. If 2000 isn't retro yet, it sure is getting close to retro.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Dundee on 03/24/18 at 4:58 pm
Math is funny.
The year 2000 is getting there to be really dated, I mean it's 18 years old ;D
If you said "18 years ago" in 2000, you meant the early 80s.
"9 years ago" in 2009 still points out to another 2000s year, so it's not as dated in comparison.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Rainbowz on 03/24/18 at 6:04 pm
Math is funny.
The year 2000 is getting there to be really dated, I mean it's 18 years old ;D
If you said "18 years ago" in 2000, you meant the early 80s.
"9 years ago" in 2009 still points out to another 2000s year, so it's not as dated in comparison.
Today, if you said 18 years ago, you'd mean the early 2000's. :o
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Wobo on 03/24/18 at 6:06 pm
2002 and 2003 are not there yet. Those years are just dated still.
Everytime I look at commercials from those years they look so old
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Rainbowz on 03/24/18 at 6:21 pm
Everytime I look at commercials from those years they look so old
There's a difference between just "old" and "retro" though.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Wobo on 03/24/18 at 6:22 pm
There's a difference between just "old" and "retro" though.
I know I'm just saying.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Star Struck on 03/25/18 at 6:21 pm
I would say the 2000s are getting old, but aren't on the same level of old as the 80s or 90s. The way I see it:
2000-2002: old
2003-2006: dated
2007-2009: still feels recent
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Longaotian00 on 03/25/18 at 7:39 pm
2000: Almost retro
2001-2003: Ancient
2004-2006: Very dated
2007-2008: Dated
2009: Recent
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 1999 Baby, 2000s Kid on 03/25/18 at 7:45 pm
I showed my dad the Rock Your Body music video a few months ago, which released in 2003 and he guessed that it released in the 90's and was surprised when I told him it was 2003. He said looking back on it, you can really tell how dated the early 2000's have become and they look so much older than he expected.
Also, he recently started looking at the 2000's as its' own decade instead of seeing the 00's and 10's as one thing because I've heard him mention the 2000's referring to the decade a few times in the last six months whereas I never heard him refer to them before then.
Similar to what MillenniumChild said, inthe00s may have influenced how I perceive the 00's because I called a song from 2006 old the other day, then my 15 year old sister and 17 year old brother said that's not old and even got a bit irritated at me for calling it old. ;D
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Dundee on 03/25/18 at 7:53 pm
Similar to what MillenniumChild said, inthe00s may have influenced how I perceive the 00's because I called a song from 2006 old the other day, then my 15 year old sister and 17 year old brother said that's not old and even got a bit irritated at me for calling it old. ;D
I'm honestly quite suprised how many clips from 2006-2007 don't hold up very well the test of time. Probably because I still remember them as being brand new ;D
If they were released today as they are they certainly would have something about them that is old-fashioned.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 03/25/18 at 8:05 pm
2000: Almost retro
2001-2003: Ancient
2004-2006: Very dated
2007-2008: Dated
2009: Recent
Ancient goes before retro though... ??? Ancient is like the 1940s.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 03/25/18 at 8:07 pm
Ancient goes before retro though... ??? Ancient is like the 1940s.
Lol you mean 500 AD.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 03/25/18 at 8:07 pm
I'm honestly quite suprised how many clips from 2006-2007 don't hold up very well the test of time. Probably because I still remember them as being brand new ;D
If they were released today as they are they certainly would have something about them that is old-fashioned.
Girlfriend sounds very old now. You don't hear that pop/rock sound anymore.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Longaotian00 on 03/25/18 at 8:09 pm
Ancient goes before retro though... ??? Ancient is like the 1940s.
Ahh whatever, I mean they're more dated than 2004-2006 but less than 2000, lol
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 03/26/18 at 2:23 pm
Any year where the Internet and cellphones were common is a bit difficult to call retro for the moment. That's why I think 1998 is the last retro year. But 1999/2000 are definitely getting close (borderline retro), those were the last years you didn't need Internet access or cellphone to get by, even though tons of people had them and they were a part of daily life.
In 2001, I remember DVDs and broadband getting popular, and of course you had the 6th generation of consoles, so it's going to be a couple of more years before I consider that retro.
In 2003, DVD and broadband and cellphones were more or less established, LCD computers largely replaced CRTs, you start rechargeable portable devices like the GBA SP and iPod, and you get MySpace at the end of the year too, so it will be quite a while before I call 2003 retro.
That's pretty much my opinion, but I'm wondering if it 's not just my age showing a bit. The technology of the early '00s isn't retro to me because I can recall when it was new and quite a large step over what came before. DVD's, 6th gen consoles, and all that stuff was amazing back during the early '00s compared to even most late '90s stuff. But, to a kid that was born during the '00s, I would imagine that the tech of that era would look considerably more retro. If you've grown up with everything we've had over the last several years, even early '00s tech would look quite old. Actually, I have some younger cousins that have never even watched a movie on DVD because they only watch them online.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Brian06 on 03/27/18 at 10:28 pm
Early '00s does seems really old to me now tbh. You're talking pre mainstream smartphone era, pre social media, for a lot of people still dialup internet times, and CRT TVs still dominant, film cameras were still huge. The early '00s seem A LOT older than the late '00s, honestly it's a pretty massive difference. I suppose the mid '00s is borderline. I'd say if you're talking 2001 or 2002, yeah that is a long time ago and quite different from today. 2008 on the other hand...It's a little while ago but not massively different.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 04/01/18 at 12:42 am
This video is from 2001 and it almost looks retro! :o It screams Y2K so much even in late 2001 but this must have been an anomaly because after 9/11 most videos weren't like this anymore.
This was so cheesy and corny ;D
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Wobo on 04/01/18 at 12:44 am
This video is from 2001 and it almost looks retro! :o It screams Y2K so much even in late 2001 but this must have been an anomaly because after 9/11 most videos weren't like this anymore.
If this doesn't scream early 2000s then I don't know what does.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Balty Raven on 04/01/18 at 11:52 am
This video is from 2001 and it almost looks retro! :o It screams Y2K so much even in late 2001 but this must have been an anomaly because after 9/11 most videos weren't like this anymore.
This was so cheesy and corny ;D
Reminds me of some old lyrics videos that people used to make with Windows Movie Maker back in the day.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Zelek3 on 04/01/18 at 3:09 pm
This video is from 2001 and it almost looks retro! :o It screams Y2K so much even in late 2001 but this must have been an anomaly because after 9/11 most videos weren't like this anymore.
This was so cheesy and corny ;D
I consider the y2k era as being 1998-2003. Just look at Kangaroo Jack or Raimi's Spider Man, they have a very Y2k style despite being released after 9/11.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Looney Toon on 04/01/18 at 3:27 pm
This video is from 2001 and it almost looks retro! :o It screams Y2K so much even in late 2001 but this must have been an anomaly because after 9/11 most videos weren't like this anymore.
This was so cheesy and corny ;D
Hmm, just because 9/11 happened doesn't mean everything changed or went away. Especially in places like Europe or Japan they still held onto the Y2K look since things like 9/11 never happened in those locations.
That music video was done by "Play" which is a Swedish pop group which means they reside somewhere within Europe. If Y2K ended in 2001 then it must just be talking about America. In other regions the end date is different, I think. In places like Japan the Y2K look didn't fade entirely until the end of '02 or sometime in '03.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: John Titor on 04/01/18 at 3:37 pm
was a teen then I can chime in
The y2k era was over by 9/11 but the clothes and aesthetics of devices and buildings lasted
until Fall 2002
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Looney Toon on 04/01/18 at 3:40 pm
In places like Japan this you still had things like this.
And this was in November of 2001.
This was in April of 2002
(I this video to be weird, however, all nations were weird in the Y2K era)
And this was April of 2004.
Japan had their Y2K era around the same time that we did. But theirs seem to went as far as the mid 2000s. Places like Europe and Japan ended their Y2K era at a different time then we did.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 04/01/18 at 3:48 pm
I still that the early '00s is dominating this convo.
The 2000s include 2004-2009 as well.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Balty Raven on 04/01/18 at 3:53 pm
The 2000s (especially 2003-2009) just felt like a different time for me. Especially when I used to be more happier back then.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Looney Toon on 04/01/18 at 3:56 pm
I'm not sure what to think of the mid 00s. Nowadays where internet and social media controls our pop culture in the mid 00s it wasn't like that giving pop culture a very different feel.
With the late 2000s (well more so 2008/2009 rather than 2007) I see them am as a more dated version of the 2010s that we have now. Dated, but not as old as the mid 2000s and not as borderline retro (if not already retro) as the early 2000s.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Looney Toon on 04/01/18 at 3:59 pm
From 2000-2009 I was between 10-19. In terms of personal life the decade just feels a bit far away to me. Especially the first half as I was quite different during my preteens/early teen self. And for some reason my later teen years are a bit hard for me to remember. I can't explain why other than that my later teen years seem fuzzy.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Balty Raven on 04/01/18 at 4:17 pm
I'm not sure what to think of the mid 00s. Nowadays where internet and social media controls our pop culture in the mid 00s it wasn't like that giving pop culture a very different feel.
With the late 2000s (well more so 2008/2009 rather than 2007) I see them am as a more dated version of the 2010s that we have now. Dated, but not as old as the mid 2000s and not as borderline retro (if not already retro) as the early 2000s.
Culturally, most of the 2000s were more focused on TV, movies, and other songs instead of memes. It was like a more technologically advanced 90s than anything. But with the prevalence of the Internet, it seems to be a bit distinct to people compared to other decades.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Looney Toon on 04/01/18 at 6:23 pm
Culturally, most of the 2000s were more focused on TV, movies, and other songs instead of memes. It was like a more technologically advanced 90s than anything. But with the prevalence of the Internet, it seems to be a bit distinct to people compared to other decades.
Nowadays it's said that the 2000s is time where we no longer get decades with distinct culture. Whether or not this is really true and whether you like it or not is up to you. But yeah for most of the 2000s internet culture did not heavily influence pop culture. Compared to say the 2010s where things like social media play a big part in pop culture now.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Dr. Mario on 04/01/18 at 7:00 pm
2008-2011 feels like a while ago.
2007 & earlier feels like a lifetime ago.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: piecesof93 on 04/01/18 at 7:03 pm
The 2000s (especially 2003-2009) just felt like a different time for me. Especially when I used to be more happier back then.
That's true. I really wasn't expecting the internet to become any more prevalent than it was in the mid 2000s.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 04/01/18 at 7:06 pm
That's true. I really wasn't expecting the internet to become any more prevalent than it was in the mid 2000s.
I saw mobile internet coming because I tried to get it myself. I bought the Internet browser for the Nintendo DS and it was awful. I had an R4 for homebrew apps, I installed a notes one and one for my flashcards. I guess I turned into a proto-iPhone without the phone features lol.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Balty Raven on 04/01/18 at 7:07 pm
Nowadays it's said that the 2000s is time where we no longer get decades with distinct culture. Whether or not this is really true and whether you like it or not is up to you. But yeah for most of the 2000s internet culture did not heavily influence pop culture. Compared to say the 2010s where things like social media play a big part in pop culture now.
It's more confusing to know whether or not the 2000s had a distinct culture compared to other decades. To myself, it did have a distinct culture because it had dark haired emo, gothic metal, ringtone/crunk rap, and anime-influenced animation to name some stuff that is genuine towards the 2000s. I think it has to deal with people's biases.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Looney Toon on 04/01/18 at 7:11 pm
It's more confusing to know whether or not the 2000s had a distinct culture compared to other decades. To myself, it did have a distinct culture because it had dark haired emo, gothic metal, ringtone/crunk rap, and anime-influenced animation to name some stuff that is genuine towards the 2000s. I think it has to deal with people's biases.
Yeah, it's probably bias at this point. I can now see a difference in 2000s culture when compared to other decades, but people will say other wise.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Balty Raven on 04/01/18 at 7:29 pm
Yeah, it's probably bias at this point. I can now see a difference in 2000s culture when compared to other decades, but people will say other wise.
I remember going on Retrojunk and a thread stated that the 2000s sucked because it had no specific culture, unlike the 20s-90s. This may be incredibly biased considering people there are in their late 20s/30s/40s.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Looney Toon on 04/01/18 at 8:33 pm
I remember going on Retrojunk and a thread stated that the 2000s sucked because it had no specific culture, unlike the 20s-90s. This may be incredibly biased considering people there are in their late 20s/30s/40s.
That is a mix of bias and just stupidity. Lack of distinct culture does not equal bad culture. Doesn't matter a person's age as last I checked your age and whether a specific era had a specific culture does not relate to whether or not things within the culture were of poor quality.
What is pop culture? A catch all term used to describe things such as fashion, games, movies, cartoons, sitcoms, songs, celebrities, slang, sports etc. I certainly don't remember anyone saying any of these particular things sucked because they "lacked their own specific style" (a saying that is 100% false). A lot of fashion in the 2000s felt different from things found in other decades, gaming in the 2000s is never confused or mixed with gaming in other decades and stand on its own, who confuses hit 2000s movies like Harry Potter, Finding Nemo, Shrek, or Lord of the Rings as movies from other decades or say they lack their own particular style? I can do this all day honestly.
If I were to say that the 2000s didn't have a specific culture that in no way can be considered a bad thing. All this means is that in the 2000s no one wanted to stick to a specific style that the other person was doing. And why would anyone really want this? Imagine being a hit producer making a movie. Would you try and go for the same style/vibe that everyone else was going for or try and do something different that you find interesting? 2000s was the decade where people didn't want to just stick with one particular cultural vibe and just did a ton of other things. Thus bringing in variety which is in no way a bad thing.
You know what'll make a decade suck? If nearly everything in it were to feel similar. Imagine dealing with that for 10 years straight.
Whoops! My post got too long. :-[ The 2000s does have its own style, but it's "style" is more so a lack of uniformed style. There was something for everyone even before the time where the internet completely took over pop culture.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 04/01/18 at 10:16 pm
The 2010s felt very similar from when it started to when it is ending while the 2000s felt extremely different.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Dundee on 04/02/18 at 1:55 pm
This surge for "distinct culture" annoys me tbh. It's just basically relating different time periods to a bunch of cliches while there are so much more about them. Take the 90s for example, always resumed to Grunge Grunge and Grunge while there's so much more to them (Eurodance, Early Rave Culture, other Alt Rock genres, Trip Hop, all very popular too, if not more).
I feel people on the internet in general are needlessly harsh with the two most recent decades. When you come to the point you read inane stuff like «Culture in 2017 is the exact same as that in 2000» it's pretty clear people are just lazily trying to gab at those decades ::) (granted I read it in youtube comments and we all know Youtube comments are unnormally terrible for internet standards).
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Looney Toon on 04/02/18 at 4:35 pm
This surge for "distinct culture" annoys me tbh. It's just basically relating different time periods to a bunch of cliches while there are so much more about them. Take the 90s for example, always resumed to Grunge Grunge and Grunge while there's so much more to them (Eurodance, Early Rave Culture, other Alt Rock genres, Trip Hop, all very popular too, if not more).
I feel people on the internet in general are needlessly harsh with the two most recent decades. When you come to the point you read inane stuff like «Culture in 2017 is the exact same as that in 2000» it's pretty clear people are just lazily trying to gab at those decades ::) (granted I read it in youtube comments and we all know Youtube comments are unnormally terrible for internet standards).
I fail to find any flaws in this post. I used to want a new decade with a distinct culture, but then I ask myself why this is necessary in the first place. When I like a decade like the 1940s I certainly wouldn't say it's because it had a distinct kind of pop culture. Heck even the 1990s didn't have a truly distinct culture. The early 90s was really just late 80s part 2. Mid 90s is true 90s (but also the most boring part to me). And the late 90s went into the Y2K era which I consider separate from true 90s culture since by that time the Y2K is when 00s culture began to overtake 90s culture by around '99 (at least in my opinion. You can see it differently).
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: SpyroKev on 04/04/18 at 8:37 am
Yeah, it's probably bias at this point. I can now see a difference in 2000s culture when compared to other decades, but people will say other wise.
Their the least intelligent so it will definitely come to them at a slower pace and they'll miss it.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Lizardmatum on 04/08/18 at 5:17 pm
I always thought the the 2000's was all about stripped down minimalism, and trying hard not to appear inauthentic or cheesy in the future. That's why I think it didn't feel as in your face as other decades have been.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Dundee on 04/08/18 at 5:22 pm
I always thought the the 2000's was all about stripped down minimalism, and trying hard not to appear inauthentic or cheesy in the future. That's why I think it didn't feel as in your face as other decades have been.
That's basically what the 2010s are to me.
2000s was all about maximalism, bling-bling, flashiness and excess.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: rhubarbcustardcola on 04/08/18 at 9:20 pm
I remember in college we were watching a documentary that looked so incredibly late 80s/early 90s, and when it finished, it said clearly "Filmed in 2001" and the entire class lost their minds over how insanely old it looked. Honestly, I'm usually pretty damn good with identifying decades, and this documentary film looked solidly like 1993.
Part of me feels like my brain kind of froze in 2008 or so. 08 feels like literally yesterday to me, I guess cause that was the year I started becoming more aware of world events, and started following the news quite religiously, whereas I actively try to avoid it now. I was also very proficient with all the current technology at the time, whereas now I'm clueless, and lost, and honestly kind of dislike how far consumer technology is going
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 04/08/18 at 10:42 pm
The 2000s is definitely showing it's age now as we closer to the 20s. I still find the mid 2000s somewhat modern because of the rise of social media sites like Facebook, Myspace, and Youtube and the rise of flat-screen TVs.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: wixness on 04/09/18 at 2:45 am
Anything before 2004 feels outdated to me; sometimes, the 2000s feels like yesterday to me, and other times, it feels like a long lost decade I admire, like how people admire ancient civilization.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Howard on 04/09/18 at 5:22 am
The 2000s is definitely showing it's age now as we closer to the 20s. I still find the mid 2000s somewhat modern because of the rise of social media sites like Facebook, Myspace, and Youtube and the rise of flat-screen TVs.
and before you know it, they'll become a thing of the past.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Tyrannosaurus Rex on 04/09/18 at 12:43 pm
I remember in college we were watching a documentary that looked so incredibly late 80s/early 90s, and when it finished, it said clearly "Filmed in 2001" and the entire class lost their minds over how insanely old it looked. Honestly, I'm usually pretty damn good with identifying decades, and this documentary film looked solidly like 1993.
Part of me feels like my brain kind of froze in 2008 or so. 08 feels like literally yesterday to me, I guess cause that was the year I started becoming more aware of world events, and started following the news quite religiously, whereas I actively try to avoid it now. I was also very proficient with all the current technology at the time, whereas now I'm clueless, and lost, and honestly kind of dislike how far consumer technology is going
2009 feels like yesterday for me, even though it was nine years ago.
To be honest, I believe that there are some aspects of that year that felt a lot more like the core 2010's (2012-2017) than the core 2000's (2002-2007).
By the end of the year, things were already very different than they were even in 2007 according to my observations.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 04/09/18 at 12:49 pm
2009 does not feel like yesterday to me.
Any year before 2012/2013 feels like it's been a while since then.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Tyrannosaurus Rex on 04/09/18 at 12:55 pm
2009 does not feel like yesterday to me.
Any year before 2012/2013 feels like it's been a while since then.
Some aspects of it do feel dated, but I still can't believe that I went to Canada nine years ago.
It is all still fresh in my mind.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 04/09/18 at 1:00 pm
Some aspects of it do feel dated, but I still can't believe that I went to Canada nine years ago.
It is all still fresh in my mind.
Well, that's because you were 10 years old. It makes sense.
You weren't 4 years old. However, 2009 definitely feels like a while ago because a lot has changed since then.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 04/18/18 at 1:45 pm
There are certain things about the last few years of the '00s that are getting dated. My parents got their first HDTV around 2008, but I was still using a CRT until a few years later. Plus, social media was still much more catered towards the younger crowd back then. The only guys that had Facebook were still mostly my college buddies, and most of these other social media apps had not yet reached the mainstream as they have the last years where pretty much everybody regardless of age goes on them.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 04/18/18 at 3:24 pm
There are certain things about the last few years of the '00s that are getting dated. My parents got their first HDTV around 2008, but I was still using a CRT until a few years later. Plus, social media was still much more catered towards the younger crowd back then. The only guys that had Facebook were still mostly my college buddies, and most of these other social media apps had not yet reached the mainstream as they have the last years where pretty much everybody regardless of age goes on them.
Facts man, once Facebook made the platform for everyone that was when Social media really started taking off.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: John Titor on 04/18/18 at 3:44 pm
2001 early-2007 = ancient
2008-2009 very dated but they still have a recent flair to them, on boderline ancient
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 04/18/18 at 3:46 pm
2001 early-2007 = ancient
2008-2009 very dated but they still have a recent flair to them, on boderline ancient
Wouldn't "ancient" be considered something from the 1800s? ???
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Rainbowz on 04/18/18 at 3:46 pm
Wouldn't "ancient" be considered something from the 1800s? ???
He's obviously exaggerating.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 04/18/18 at 3:48 pm
Wouldn't "ancient" be considered something from the 1800s? ???
People have used the word ancient to mean "anything that I feel is old/dated" for decades.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: John Titor on 04/18/18 at 3:52 pm
He's obviously exaggerating.
This, but for me the 2000s feel like they were 22 years ago like they rapidly feel even more far of than they are
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 04/18/18 at 4:10 pm
Wouldn't "ancient" be considered something from the 1800s? ???
More like 500 AD. 1800 is early modern history, or Post-Enlightenment era I guess you could say.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Dundee on 04/18/18 at 4:26 pm
This, but for me the 2000s feel like they were 22 years ago like they rapidly feel even more far of than they are
Well it wont be too long until they're gonna actually be 22 years old.
But first it's the late 90s turn :)
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Catherine91UK on 04/24/18 at 1:15 pm
It's been a couple of years since I last answered the 'how old...' question, so now I think:
2000-2002: very old, almost retro
2003-2005: old, but still a few years away from being retro
2006-2008: very dated
2009: dated
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: batfan2005 on 04/24/18 at 3:23 pm
I can't believe that 2002 is now as old in 2018 as 1986 was in 2002. That's a scary thought.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Dundee on 04/24/18 at 4:01 pm
I can't believe that 2002 is now as old in 2018 as 1986 was in 2002. That's a scary thought.
Let's bring that into gifs :)!
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: John Titor on 04/24/18 at 5:48 pm
2002 feels like it was the 80s on crack
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 04/24/18 at 7:32 pm
2002 feels like it was the 80s on crack
No, the '80s were the '80s on crack, lol.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 04/24/18 at 8:39 pm
No, the '80s were the '80s on crack, lol.
Yeah because the 89s was when crack was everywhere.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Tyrannosaurus Rex on 04/24/18 at 8:47 pm
Yeah because the 89s was when crack was everywhere.
The Crack Epidemic was 1984-1990.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Rainbowz on 04/24/18 at 9:18 pm
2000: 18 years old
2001: 17 years old
2002: 16 years old
2003: 15 years old
2004: 14 years old
2005: 13 years old
2006: 12 years old
2007: 11 years old
2008: 10 years old
2009: 9 years old
That's how old the 2000's feel to me.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: GH1996 on 04/24/18 at 9:54 pm
Doesn't feel old to me but definitely dated, 2006 feels like it wasn't even that long ago
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: John Titor on 04/24/18 at 11:19 pm
Doesn't feel old to me but definitely dated, 2006 feels like it wasn't even that long ago
I feel that way about 2008 lol
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Dundee on 04/25/18 at 12:46 am
2000: 18 years old
2001: 17 years old
2002: 16 years old
2003: 15 years old
2004: 14 years old
2005: 13 years old
2006: 12 years old
2007: 11 years old
2008: 10 years old
2009: 9 years old
That's how old the 2000's feel to me.
All just a bunch of teenagers and a few kids and one adult!
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 04/25/18 at 5:35 pm
2000s babies are on the rise.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: TheEarly90sFan on 04/28/18 at 12:48 pm
1999-2001: Very dated
2002-2004: Dated
2005-2007: Slightly dated
2008-2010: Just yesterday
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Wobo on 04/28/18 at 12:49 pm
1594 seems recent to me tbh.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: SailorSteven2017 on 04/28/18 at 11:01 pm
2008 feels like how old it is (to me XD) However, 2009 only feels like a few months ago ???
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: AnakinSkywanker on 04/30/18 at 12:08 am
Pre 2005 seems very very old and linked to the 90's, like another world altogether. 2006/2007/2008 feel pretty dated and old, 2009 seems fairly modern and linked to 2010-2013.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: ofkx on 04/30/18 at 8:53 am
2008 feels like how old it is (to me XD) However, 2009 only feels like a few months ago ???
Weren't you 4 in 2009 ???? I was already 7 and 2nd grade and it still feels like a really long time ago.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: SailorSteven2017 on 04/30/18 at 9:00 am
Weren't you 4 in 2009 ???? I was already 7 and 2nd grade and it still feels like a really long time ago.
Yeah but I have this strange thing where I can recall stuff super clear from ages people would usually say "How on Earth can I remember that?" (3..4...5..). So for most of 2008, it was like this "blurry world" and then Late 2008 was when things started to focus. :P With that in mind, 2009 doesn't feel that old which makes it weird that 2008 feels worlds away, only being a year before.
( Sorry for that long-short story ;D )
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: ofkx on 04/30/18 at 9:42 am
Yeah but I have this strange thing where I can recall stuff super clear from ages people would usually say "How on Earth can I remember that?" (3..4...5..). So for most of 2008, it was like this "blurry world" and then Late 2008 was when things started to focus. :P With that in mind, 2009 doesn't feel that old which makes it weird that 2008 feels worlds away, only being a year before.
( Sorry for that long-short story ;D )
Oh, I see. I don't have a lot of memories of when I was 4 in 2006 and the ones I do have are fuzzy 8-P.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Early2002 on 04/30/18 at 10:39 am
2008 feels like how old it is (to me XD) However, 2009 only feels like a few months ago ???
If you were 4 in 2009 and 3 in 2008 there is no way you could remember
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Early2002 on 04/30/18 at 10:41 am
My take on it
2001-2002- Feels like it could be 30 years ago
2004-2006 Feels very dated and retro
2007- Dated with a modern twist (Iphone)
2008- Dated by still has a dash of newness to it
2009- Dated but feels more recent
2007/2008 is the cut off point of something feeling recent
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Tyrannosaurus Rex on 04/30/18 at 12:44 pm
My take on it
2001-2002- Feels like it could be 30 years ago
2004-2006 Feels very dated and retro
2007- Dated with a modern twist (Iphone)
2008- Dated by still has a dash of newness to it
2009- Dated but feels more recent
2007/2008 is the cut off point of something feeling recent
Do you think that 2008 is the last year that is a "completely different age from today"? I think so, especially given the fact that it is already a whole decade ago and that it was the last year where emo was still popular.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Early2002 on 04/30/18 at 1:20 pm
Do you think that 2008 is the last year that is a "completely different age from today"? I think so, especially given the fact that it is already a whole decade ago and that it was the last year where emo was still popular.
Somewhat, I think 2006 would be that, as other users would say here the "2000s" feeling was dissipating as 2007 went on
and by the time we got to the year 2008 it felt like things were on their very last legs. It appears that everything 2000s ish ened
in 2008 because a bunch of changes happened in Nov 2008, despite the changes being set up the year prior.
People need to remember KB TOYS and Circuit City were a joke and a shell of their former selves in 2008, no one was really shopping there
as they had in the 90s and early/mid 2000s, Toonami by 2008 was a joke with the new TOM, TRL was already getting 0.3 ratings, no one was watching it anymore despite it being on the air, However the fashions remained the same, There was some emo kids back then, Classic 2000s shows were pretty much almost off the air, the WWE really started sucking then, HD was becoming the standard around this time as well.
On paper looking at 2008 it looks like it's older than it actually felt, The fashions are there but you can't jump inside the pictures of videos
and get a feel for what it felt like, and what it felt like was an era closing that had already been closing the prior year. Most of the 2000s things
you look at in pictures and videos on youtube in 2008 were already on the decline upon viewing.
For example if someone was to say anyone play Pokemon go? Some one would say....... "um no one plays that anymore"
Yes there are people that still play it and it is in the app store, but it is on the decline and pretty much non existant despite being active.
If the 2000s was a party, 2008 would be when everyone started leaving for the door 1 by 1 " man this party is sure getting empty fast"
2009 would be when everyone is gone but you and the lights are shut off.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: HazelBlue99 on 07/25/20 at 10:26 am
From a 2020 context:
2000-2002 - Retro
2003-2005 - Very dated.
2006-2008 - Dated.
2009 - Slightly dated.
I can remember the Late 2000s as if they were yesterday, but I do feel as though they are more dated than people give them credit for. Smartphones hadn't yet become commonplace, iPads and tablets didn't exist, most television shows and videos were filmed in 4:3 ratio standard-definition (high definition was just starting to take off), "f****t", "retard" and "thats so gay" were commonly said, digital cameras and video cameras were still popular (not to mention flip-phones), and there were teenagers that took their own lives as a result of participating in a rock sub-culture (emo). Rock isn't even culturally relevant anymore, so something like that almost sounds other-worldly now.
Sure, the 7th generation of consoles and social media may have already been in existence during the era, however people go about their lives completely differently to what they did back then. Nowadays you can make purchases when you're out and about by tapping your smartphone or using pay-wave, whereas physical cash and credit cards were the primary methods of making purchases back then. Video-rental stores were still around and streaming wasn't a thing yet, many people still used VCR's to record shows off TV because digital PVR's were too expensive for a lot of people at the time. The idea of kids using social media sites was generally still frowned upon and Myspace was primarily a teen thing only, I don't know of any adults who ever had an account on there. The Late 2000s are actually a pretty big contrast from the Early 2010s when you take all of those things into consideration.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/29/20 at 5:26 am
I certainly felt old during the 2000s.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 07/30/20 at 1:20 am
I think the 2000s feel very old but that's because I was a kid during that decade.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: wixness on 07/30/20 at 12:40 pm
Past me would have said yesterday but it's starting to feel too old sadly. I still think it's better than other decades though with regards to its artistic tastes.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Jaydawg89 on 07/30/20 at 6:34 pm
2000 - 2003/4: Very Dated
2004/5 -2009: Just Dated
The 2000s don't really feel old but, dated. The earlier years of the decade definitely feel more dated than the latter years.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 08/07/20 at 6:05 pm
There’s teenagers born in 2007, let that sink in
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 08/17/20 at 8:01 pm
The 2000s now feel like 10-15 years ago then they did in at any point from 2010-2014.
Everytime someone says “the previous decade” my mind immediately goes to the 2000s now. I give it 10 more years for people to feel that way about the 2010s aswell
Everyone born in the 2000s is in they’re 10s or teens now ages 11-20
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Zelek3 on 08/22/20 at 2:46 am
80s-1992: Another universe
1993-2004: Another world
2005-2013: Quite dated
2014-2017: Kinda dated, 2016-2017 in particular started a lot of things we have now, yet a lot of stuff from that time has fizzled out and become kinda distant (Pokemon GO, Filthy Frank, Vine, SJWs vs alt-right, Millennials at the peak of their media spotlight, the drama surrounding Trump's 2016-2017 years felt way different than the drama of his 2018-2020 years, etc.)
2018-2019: Not too dated
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: mercuryse7entenorsea on 12/11/20 at 7:06 pm
They feel very long ago to me. I was 3-4 in 2008 and 2009 and those are the first years I remember.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 12/11/20 at 8:34 pm
Yeah, I don't feel like any of the 2000s are retro either, though there are some retro elements. In general, any year where having a Windows PC in your house is common doesn't feel retro to me just yet. Maybe it will in 5 years, who knows.
Mid-1996 and before: retro
Late 1996, 1997: borderline retro
1998-2001: old
2002-2004: outdated
2005-2006: dated
2007-early 2009: recent, but phasing out of relevance
late 2009-2012: current, fading away slowly
2013-2016: current era
is what I feel overall.
Well it's 5 years later now. The early 2000s are finally retro. I never thought this day would come. :\'(
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 12/11/20 at 9:56 pm
They feel very long ago to me. I was 3-4 in 2008 and 2009 and those are the first years I remember.
You remember '08 and '09 in the same way I remember '98 and '99.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: batfan2005 on 12/12/20 at 8:11 am
The scary thought is that the 2000's don't feel as old in 2020's as the 1980's did in the 2000's, even if you take years that are the same distance apart (ex: 2004 to 2020 and then 1988 to 2004). Maybe it's because I'm old but also because the last few decades had been less changeful compared to the ones before it.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Emman on 12/12/20 at 10:15 am
You remember '08 and '09 in the same way I remember '98 and '99.
The same way I remember '88 and '89. :D
Seriously I was surfing this website before some current members were even born.
For me the early 2000s are starting to feel like a while ago but that's just personal experience, like someone esle said they don't seem dated in the sense the 1980s were by the early 2000s.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 12/12/20 at 10:41 am
The scary thought is that the 2000's don't feel as old in 2020's as the 1980's did in the 2000's, even if you take years that are the same distance apart (ex: 2004 to 2020 and then 1988 to 2004). Maybe it's because I'm old but also because the last few decades had been less changeful compared to the ones before it.
I'm not sure about how old the '80s felt in the early 2000s since it wasn't a topic I gave much thought, but 2000/2001 are starting to look otherworldly today, and it's kind of unsettling to think of a year that I remember clearly in this way.
VHS, CRT monitors and TVs, payphones, pagers, no iPods or MP3 players, no 9/11, China was as poor as India, Gameboy Color with no backlight and runs on AA batteries, dial-up, sending your videos to America's Funniest Home Videos instead of Youtube, giant VHS camcorders you had to lug around, photos taken on film and the photo albums...
I could go on forever, but most of you were there.
2003+ feels relatively recent, but it's going to get there soon, and it's going to feel weird when it does. :-\\
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Wink-182 on 12/12/20 at 1:13 pm
Long ago enough to feel that it wasn't exactly recent, but recent enough to feel old when you hear about a child being born in 2008 being twelve now.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 12/12/20 at 1:56 pm
The scary thought is that the 2000's don't feel as old in 2020's as the 1980's did in the 2000's, even if you take years that are the same distance apart (ex: 2004 to 2020 and then 1988 to 2004). Maybe it's because I'm old but also because the last few decades had been less changeful compared to the ones before it.
Exactly, I agree. I guess we have to get used to the fact that 20 years ago feels more like 10 years ago now.
That's not to say parts of it don't feel otherworldly like Slowpoke said. But it's not as old as the 1980s felt in the 2000s. An example is one of the threads I made in the 2000s section where a music video doesn't quite feel 19 years ago. I also think it's a mix of me getting older and also less changes happening compared to the 1990s.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 12/12/20 at 6:06 pm
Exactly, I agree. I guess we have to get used to the fact that 20 years ago feels more like 10 years ago now.
That's not to say parts of it don't feel otherworldly like Slowpoke said. But it's not as old as the 1980s felt in the 2000s. An example is one of the threads I made in the 2000s section where a music video doesn't quite feel 19 years ago. I also think it's a mix of me getting older and also less changes happening compared to the 1990s.
1990s/2000s fashion was very low risk and forgettable in general which ironically might make it impervious to aging since we'll always have people around who look like that. ;D
Some of these does look 20 years ago and cringe though.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 12/12/20 at 6:16 pm
Exactly, I agree. I guess we have to get used to the fact that 20 years ago feels more like 10 years ago now.
That's not to say parts of it don't feel otherworldly like Slowpoke said. But it's not as old as the 1980s felt in the 2000s. An example is one of the threads I made in the 2000s section where a music video doesn't quite feel 19 years ago. I also think it's a mix of me getting older and also less changes happening compared to the 1990s.
I'm sure you remember some of these lol (not sure if these will play outside Canada)
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 12/12/20 at 8:01 pm
I'm sure you remember some of these lol (not sure if these will play outside Canada)
I don't remember that commercial but I definitely remember YTV's The Zone. I also remember "Hit List" on YTV too. Those clips do look very retro now. Man I feel old. :\'(
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 12/19/20 at 12:12 am
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only who actually feels and realizes 2000 does feel like 20 years ago. As for the rest of the decade it’ll get there eventually
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 12/19/20 at 12:14 am
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only who actually feels and realizes 2000 does feel like 20 years ago. As for the rest of the decade it’ll get there eventually
We’re moving forward, not backwards
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Wink-182 on 12/19/20 at 5:43 pm
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only who actually feels and realizes 2000 does feel like 20 years ago. As for the rest of the decade it’ll get there eventually
Yeah I feel like that too, I can see 2000 being twenty years ago, but 2007 doesn't sound that long ago. It feels like it was only a couple of years ago to me. Same goes for the rest of the mid and late 2000s
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 12/19/20 at 10:31 pm
Yeah I feel like that too, I can see 2000 being twenty years ago, but 2007 doesn't sound that long ago. It feels like it was only a couple of years ago to me. Same goes for the rest of the mid and late 2000s
2007 is about to become half my life ago and that is unsettling to me. :o
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 12/20/20 at 8:32 am
Yeah I feel like that too, I can see 2000 being twenty years ago, but 2007 doesn't sound that long ago. It feels like it was only a couple of years ago to me. Same goes for the rest of the mid and late 2000s
2007 feels like 13 years ago. I used to think that was the case in the late 2010s but now that’s not the case. I just think that since were adults now time seems to go slower in comparison so when we were kids. Unless you actually do look back at it and say wow that actually was a while ago.
Overall just different vibes, quality and even aesthetic
I think the 2007/2009 takes itself more serious and doesn’t realize how ridiculous they are while 2020/2019 has a dark sense of humor, breaking the 4th wall every now and then, understands the irony of it all
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: BotleyCrew on 12/20/20 at 11:50 am
Early 2000s does, but the rest only barely
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: AstroPoug on 12/20/20 at 11:46 pm
2000 - mid 2001: Flat-out retro, the Dreamcast was still being sold, CRTs were the dominant form of television, Windows XP hadn't come out so we were still using Windows 98, 2000, or god forbid ME, the iPod hadn't come out yet, Mac OS X did come out but it didn't get popular until Puma, which was late 2001, the Xbox and GameCube did not come out yet, neither did the landmark games Halo and Grand Theft Auto (which I personally consider the end of retrogaming, and beginning of modern gaming), Napster was at its peak, dial-up on MSN and AOL were still big, and computers were still being sold with floppy disk drives
Late 2001 - early 2007: Vintage or old-school, not quite old enough to be retro, but certainly not modern either, this is when we had Nokia and Motorola and Blackberry cellphones (and the Danger Hiptop, don't forget), social media began taking off in its early forms (although it was websites now considered dated like Friendster and MySpace), DVDs had completely taken over VHS, but DVDs aren't modern so it definitely doesn't help, we had all these portable media players like GBA Video, Flash gaming and videos were at their peak, with Newgrounds being uberpopular, 6th gen gaming was in full swing, and online console gaming was beginning to get big, though people still played with friends in person, broadband replaced dial-up but is still slower than modern internet, Windows XP was THE operating system of the era, and if not that, then Mac OS X (Apple hadn't switched over to Intel yet), gaming was still in SD, but was beginning to resemble its modern form (although Halo was the dominant shooter franchise rather than Call of Duty), oh, and the unfortunate tragedy of 9/11, that was terrible of course
Mid 2007 - mid 2013: Just plain old, not old enough to be nostalgic, but not modern enough to be relevant to zoomers, the iPhone came out, Nokia died off, 7th gen gaming was the new thing, YouTube came out, Netflix and Hulu came out making streaming the dominant platform, memes are in, but in an older image macro format with lolcats and whatnot, Call of Duty took over gaming, Facebook replaced MySpace
Late 2013 - present: Modern, culturally and technologically speaking at least. 8th gen gaming is ushered in, the iPhone 5S comes out with iOS 7, which still has an OS design familiar to us today, skeumorphs die off and are replaced with flat design, cloud computing is in and flash drives are out, with Dropbox and Google Drive becoming massive, YouTube and social media modernized, with Facebook losing relevance to Instagram, Vine, and Snapchat (and later TikTok), etc.
That's just my opinion though, after all, I AM just a stupid early-mid 00s kid after all. I was too old for AOL dial-up, rewinding tapes, and using MS-DOS, MySpace, Windows XP, and flip phones were my life, and I can't stand TikTok and SoundCloud rap. :P
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: suoerflykid2008 on 01/02/21 at 9:05 am
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only who actually feels and realizes 2000 does feel like 20 years ago. As for the rest of the decade it’ll get there eventually
This. I don’t understand how anyone doesn’t feel like 2000 was 21/20 years ago, especially considering how much has changed after 9/11 and even how much had changed post-COVID. At this point, after all that’s happened in 2020, even 2019 feels dated and like another era
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 01/02/21 at 4:11 pm
This. I don’t understand how anyone doesn’t feel like 2000 was 21/20 years ago, especially considering how much has changed after 9/11 and even how much had changed post-COVID. At this point, after all that’s happened in 2020, even 2019 feels dated and like another era
Because you didn't experience what 20 years ago actually feels like. In the 2000s, the 1980s actually felt 20 years ago. In 2021, 2001 does not feel 20 years ago. It's simple as that, obviously it was 20 years ago, it just doesn't feel that way. The 21st century decades are mushed together in a bigger common era compared to the 20th century where each decade felt a lot longer ago and more distinct.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 01/04/21 at 1:15 pm
Because you didn't experience what 20 years ago actually feels like. In the 2000s, the 1980s actually felt 20 years ago. In 2021, 2001 does not feel 20 years ago. It's simple as that, obviously it was 20 years ago, it just doesn't feel that way. The 21st century decades are mushed together in a bigger common era compared to the 20th century where each decade felt a lot longer ago and more distinct.
That just sounds like your opinion, who are you to decide something feels and doesn’t feel 20 years ago ?
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 01/04/21 at 1:17 pm
This. I don’t understand how anyone doesn’t feel like 2000 was 21/20 years ago, especially considering how much has changed after 9/11 and even how much had changed post-COVID. At this point, after all that’s happened in 2020, even 2019 feels dated and like another era
Slim95 will be 60 saying the that 2000s don’t feel that long ago being someone’s grandparent lol
He acts like he’s 45 when he’s in his 20s lol
Did he even know what the 80s were in the 2000s or was he a normal kid
By his logic the 80s don’t feel 40 years ago
On the other hand. Something from 1990 looks like it was 30 years ago while something from 1999 just looks like it could have been 20 something years ago so I guess this applies to the 2000s since 2009 was only 12/11 years ago which isn’t long tbh
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: GH1996 on 01/09/21 at 1:31 pm
Hard to believe that 2006 was 15 years ago.. definitely feels dated but wasn’t that long ago.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: HazelBlue99 on 01/10/21 at 5:33 am
Hard to believe that 2006 was 15 years ago.. definitely feels dated but wasn’t that long ago.
I agree, that's exactly how I've been feeling too. 2006 now being over 15 years ago really hits home for me since I was 7 that year and I remember it as if it were yesterday. I can't believe it's now so long ago.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 01/12/21 at 11:38 am
If the 2000s had a theme song this would be it
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 01/13/21 at 4:50 pm
Slim95 will be 60 saying the that 2000s don’t feel that long ago being someone’s grandparent lol
He acts like he’s 45 when he’s in his 20s lol
Did he even know what the 80s were in the 2000s or was he a normal kid
By his logic the 80s don’t feel 40 years ago
On the other hand. Something from 1990 looks like it was 30 years ago while something from 1999 just looks like it could have been 20 something years ago so I guess this applies to the 2000s since 2009 was only 12/11 years ago which isn’t long tbh
Or I am actually living in reality and realizing the 21st century didn't have as many changes as the 20th century did.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 01/14/21 at 12:12 am
Or I am actually living in reality and realizing the 21st century didn't have as many changes as the 20th century did.
Then your reality is different from mine
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: yelimsexa on 01/14/21 at 1:27 pm
Or I am actually living in reality and realizing the 21st century didn't have as many changes as the 20th century did.
The century is only a fifth over. 1900 to 1920 had their share of changes like the adoption of electricity, phonographic disc records, early movies, widespread telephone use, and early automobiles and 1920 certainly felt pretty different from 1900 (especially after WWI), but compared to the rest of the 20th century (radio broadcasting, talking and later color motion pictures, automobile-oriented businesses, laser technology, vaccines like penicillin, measles, and polio, suburbs and freeways, commercial air travel, television, manned space missions, refrigerators, VCRs, home computers, early cellphones, the Internet), the best and most was yet to come. The 21st century will get its own "Turn of the Century" nostalgia wave like the 20th did (though it was always overshadowed to the "Gay" 1890s), and people my age will be subject to the culture of the time at class reunion-type events. There's a lot of coming attractions heading towards the middle decades of this century such as self-driving (and possibly flying) cars, commercial space travel/tourism, longer Moon missions and possibly a mission to Mars, high-speed trains like Maglev, more bot assistants such as for cleaning, and potentially, better medicine for better health and environmental developments that can save the world. As scary as we're living in, there's still quite a bit to look forward to.
Especially for Millenials, the 2000s are about to be entering the "Sweet spot" in terms of being somewhat old school, but not "vintage/alien old" like the '80s and part of the '90s are. Typically, the nostalgia of an era peaks when the generation that was adolescents or college age go through their midlife crisis, and for the earlier millenials, that's just a few years away (the '90s are still prime nostalgia at this moment based on the songs used in commercials and the titles that classic hits stations are adding to their playlist). Except for 2000 and a chunk of 2001, most of the 2000s still seem pretty modern to me since I've used broadband Internet for every year except for those first two, and it basically represented the dawn of the Digital Age.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 01/14/21 at 2:52 pm
The century is only a fifth over. 1900 to 1920 had their share of changes like the adoption of electricity, phonographic disc records, early movies, widespread telephone use, and early automobiles and 1920 certainly felt pretty different from 1900 (especially after WWI), but compared to the rest of the 20th century (radio broadcasting, talking and later color motion pictures, automobile-oriented businesses, laser technology, vaccines like penicillin, measles, and polio, suburbs and freeways, commercial air travel, television, manned space missions, refrigerators, VCRs, home computers, early cellphones, the Internet), the best and most was yet to come. The 21st century will get its own "Turn of the Century" nostalgia wave like the 20th did (though it was always overshadowed to the "Gay" 1890s), and people my age will be subject to the culture of the time at class reunion-type events. There's a lot of coming attractions heading towards the middle decades of this century such as self-driving (and possibly flying) cars, commercial space travel/tourism, longer Moon missions and possibly a mission to Mars, high-speed trains like Maglev, more bot assistants such as for cleaning, and potentially, better medicine for better health and environmental developments that can save the world. As scary as we're living in, there's still quite a bit to look forward to.
Especially for Millenials, the 2000s are about to be entering the "Sweet spot" in terms of being somewhat old school, but not "vintage/alien old" like the '80s and part of the '90s are. Typically, the nostalgia of an era peaks when the generation that was adolescents or college age go through their midlife crisis, and for the earlier millenials, that's just a few years away (the '90s are still prime nostalgia at this moment based on the songs used in commercials and the titles that classic hits stations are adding to their playlist). Except for 2000 and a chunk of 2001, most of the 2000s still seem pretty modern to me since I've used broadband Internet for every year except for those first two, and it basically represented the dawn of the Digital Age.
Well to be honest I don't think we will because I see the world ending in my lifetime. It seems like we're on the brink of WW3 and a nuclear disaster. Civil unrest always ends up bad and a great empire always falls, I can't see USA lasting much longer. We'll see I guess.
As for the past, I reminisce. The past is a blast no doubt. But it certainly feels like the 21st century is the peak of everything and the cultural changes we've seen decade to decade in the past isn't there anymore. Not in the same way it was back then I mean, when new technologies that changed the world continued to emerge.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 01/14/21 at 3:43 pm
Well to be honest I don't think we will because I see the world ending in my lifetime. It seems like we're on the brink of WW3 and a nuclear disaster. Civil unrest always ends up bad and a great empire always falls, I can't see USA lasting much longer. We'll see I guess.
As for the past, I reminisce. The past is a blast no doubt. But it certainly feels like the 21st century is the peak of everything and the cultural changes we've seen decade to decade in the past isn't there anymore. Not in the same way it was back then I mean, when new technologies that changed the world continued to emerge.
I mean 2000 and 2001 are literally 20 something years ago lol
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 01/14/21 at 4:18 pm
Well to be honest I don't think we will because I see the world ending in my lifetime. It seems like we're on the brink of WW3 and a nuclear disaster. Civil unrest always ends up bad and a great empire always falls, I can't see USA lasting much longer. We'll see I guess.
As for the past, I reminisce. The past is a blast no doubt. But it certainly feels like the 21st century is the peak of everything and the cultural changes we've seen decade to decade in the past isn't there anymore. Not in the same way it was back then I mean, when new technologies that changed the world continued to emerge.
Take it from me and put your mind at ease, the world will NOT end in your lifetime. People have been saying that since I was born (and that was a LONG time ago). And people were saying it far before then even. It's conceited and vain to think it will. Like the people who think "Jesus will return" right now, in their lifetime. Why? Because they just happen to be alive right now? 2000 years he hasn't come back yet, but he's coming back now because some fanatic is alive.
You are on to something there about the (lack of) cultural change, though. Even though technology rolls right along at a mile a minute,, a person walking down the street today doesn't look all THAT different from a person walking down the street in 1990. People will jump on me for that and nitpick about style, but a person from 1990 and today look FAR more similar than a person from, say, 1940 and 1970, 1950 and 1980, etc.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 01/14/21 at 6:03 pm
I mean 2000 and 2001 are literally 20 something years ago lol
I know it is but it doesn't feel that way. That's my point. It doesn't feel THAT old.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 01/14/21 at 10:04 pm
I know it is but it doesn't feel that way. That's my point. It doesn't feel THAT old.
Well to each they’re own cause it does feel 20 years ago to me. But that’s just me
Stuff from 2000 looks 20 years old lol
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Emman on 01/24/21 at 2:20 pm
You are on to something there about the (lack of) cultural change, though. Even though technology rolls right along at a mile a minute,, a person walking down the street today doesn't look all THAT different from a person walking down the street in 1990. People will jump on me for that and nitpick about style, but a person from 1990 and today look FAR more similar than a person from, say, 1940 and 1970, 1950 and 1980, etc.
This has been my point on this forum for years, I'd push the date more to about 1994 or 1995, since then there's little change in hairstyles, basic clothing, music genres, even car designs, basically the cultural palette has been moving like a snail. What do you is the cause of this?
I've suspected the domination of corporate power, the proliferation of information on the internet, and a more cautious, risk averse youth generation.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Howard on 01/25/21 at 2:36 pm
This year will mark 20 years since the Twin Towers collapsed, that definitely feels old. :o
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 01/25/21 at 8:20 pm
This has been my point on this forum for years, I'd push the date more to about 1994 or 1995, since then there's little change in hairstyles, basic clothing, music genres, even car designs, basically the cultural palette has been moving like a snail. What do you is the cause of this?
I've suspected the domination of corporate power, the proliferation of information on the internet, and a more cautious, risk averse youth generation.
I’d say 1996 sits on the edge of being one of the closest years most similar to today from the past but no so farther back in history in order to forget it. 50 years ago today is 1971. Time is moving normally it’s just the people who were kids in the 90s and 2000s are older and are aging out of pop culture enough to realize the changes. 1996 is half to 50 being 25 years ago this year, it makes sense that you view it that way.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 01/26/21 at 1:21 am
I’d say 1996 sits on the edge of being one of the closest years most similar to today from the past but no so farther back in history in order to forget it. 50 years ago today is 1971. Time is moving normally it’s just the people who were kids in the 90s and 2000s are older and are aging out of pop culture enough to realize the changes. 1996 is half to 50 being 25 years ago this year, it makes sense that you view it that way.
I'm a 2000s kid and even I can see there were less changes in the past couple of decades compared to the 20th century.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Contigo on 01/26/21 at 9:59 am
The decade of the 2000's feels like it happened a few weeks ago. As we age, time seems to fly by. While the 60's and 70's decade took their time to go by, once the year 2000 hit, feels like it's gone by in a very short period of time, comparable with a time warp. ;)
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 01/26/21 at 5:49 pm
The decade of the 2000's feels like it happened a few weeks ago. As we age, time seems to fly by. While the 60's and 70's decade took their time to go by, once the year 2000 hit, feels like it's gone by in a very short period of time, comparable with a time warp. ;)
If that’s the case then the 80s and 90s look similar to me the more I look at them. They both had those big phones that look like boxes anyways
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 01/26/21 at 5:55 pm
The decade of the 2000's feels like it happened a few weeks ago. As we age, time seems to fly by. While the 60's and 70's decade took their time to go by, once the year 2000 hit, feels like it's gone by in a very short period of time, comparable with a time warp. ;)
Sometimes i feel it’s because we learned about those decades in the history books but lived the 2000s/2010s in real time so they don’t feel historical and we don’t feel the weight of it like other decades.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/27/21 at 2:18 am
The decade of the 2000's feels like it happened a few weeks ago. As we age, time seems to fly by. While the 60's and 70's decade took their time to go by, once the year 2000 hit, feels like it's gone by in a very short period of time, comparable with a time warp. ;)
I'm too old to do the time warp again! ;D
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Contigo on 01/28/21 at 2:08 pm
I'm too old to do the time warp again! ;D
Same for me.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: piecesof93 on 01/28/21 at 5:46 pm
Most of the 2000s feel like the new 90s imo (especially early 2000s).
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: 2001 on 01/28/21 at 6:43 pm
2000 feels like a proper 20 years ago. In 2015 when male fashion was tight and fitting and hairstyles were very preppy, early 2000s fashion with its garbage bag bagginess, frosted tips and sagging pants did look ridiculous as the 80s. Gen Z brought Y2K fashion back though which is making it look newer than it should
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 01/29/21 at 1:48 am
little change in hairstyles, basic clothing, music genres, even car designs
Yeah the exterior of cars hasn't changed dramatically in the last little while but the interior definitely has.
I agree with clothing too, unless you're really looking for something specific like the emo look and chains, clothing itself hasn't changed much at all since the 2000s. The last time clothing truly looked noticably different was the '90s.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: wixness on 01/29/21 at 8:03 am
Well to each they’re own cause it does feel 20 years ago to me. But that’s just me
Stuff from 2000 looks 20 years old lol
Had you not said that and had I not bothered to check, 1980 would have still felt over 20 years old to me to an extent.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Contigo on 01/29/21 at 6:28 pm
Had you not said that and had I not bothered to check, 1980 would have still felt over 20 years old to me to an extent.
1980 feels like almost 20 years ago to me. 1990 feels like 5 years ago. the 2000s feel like a year ago. The mid 1990s to now (almost) feels like the same year.
Having said that, 1960 seems like a long time ago.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 01/29/21 at 8:53 pm
1980 feels like almost 20 years ago to me. 1990 feels like 5 years ago. the 2000s feel like a year ago. The mid 1990s to now (almost) feels like the same year.
Having said that, 1960 seems like a long time ago.
One of my friends has parents born in the 1980s. Early 40s and Mid 30s and all
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: nally on 01/29/21 at 10:45 pm
One of my friends has parents born in the 1980s. Early 40s and Mid 30s and all
which means they're younger than me! I'm 40 1/2.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 01/30/21 at 10:44 am
which means they're younger than me! I'm 40 1/2.
Yeah time is crazy. Before you know 20 year olds will have parents born in the 90s
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: nally on 01/30/21 at 12:09 pm
Yeah time is crazy. Before you know 20 year olds will have parents born in the 90s
...and people younger than me will start becoming grandparents! (If they haven't already.) :o
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Howard on 01/30/21 at 2:00 pm
1980 feels like almost 20 years ago to me. 1990 feels like 5 years ago. the 2000s feel like a year ago. The mid 1990s to now (almost) feels like the same year.
Having said that, 1960 seems like a long time ago.
To me, 1980 is 40 years ago.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Howard on 01/30/21 at 2:04 pm
Yeah time is crazy. Before you know 20 year olds will have parents born in the 90s
I'm in my late 40's and I have Parents that were born in the 1940's.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: nally on 01/30/21 at 2:43 pm
To me, 1980 is 40 years ago.
Not 41?
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Howard on 01/30/21 at 2:47 pm
Not 41?
Sorry I meant 41.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 01/30/21 at 3:11 pm
The 1980s were 40 years ago and the 2000s were 20 years ago, these are facts obviously. But the point is it doesn't feel that way. The 2000s feel a lot more recent. There were a lot less changes compared to the 20th century. The 20th century is a unique time in history I think and I don't believe we'll ever see the changes we saw ever again. The pace of change we are going at now is back to normal before the massive changes of the 20th century. So 20 years feel more like 10 years now. But this is just something we need to get used to. I blame the internet. You can go back in any era by the simple click of a button. This is why there is less cultural innovation. The internet is the closest thing we have to a time machine and I don't think we will ever see another innovation as huge as the internet. At the least I can't comprehend something to surpass the internet.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 01/30/21 at 3:57 pm
The 1980s were 40 years ago and the 2000s were 20 years ago, these are facts obviously. But the point is it doesn't feel that way. The 2000s feel a lot more recent. There were a lot less changes compared to the 20th century. The 20th century is a unique time in history I think and I don't believe we'll ever see the changes we saw ever again. The pace of change we are going at now is back to normal before the massive changes of the 20th century. So 20 years feel more like 10 years now. But this is just something we need to get used to. I blame the internet. You can go back in any era by the simple click of a button. This is why there is less cultural innovation. The internet is the closest thing we have to a time machine and I don't think we will ever see another innovation as huge as the internet. At the least I can't comprehend something to surpass the internet.
You're really onto something there. And that's also why you have young people today, some of whom are on this very board, so-called "nostalgic" for the 80s or for some period they weren't even ALIVE in, for heaven's sake. That is something new in culture. In the 70s, people in their teens and twenties absolutely did NOT say "I'm nostalgic for the 40s" or anything like that, and we certainly weren't into the music of the 40s. But now it's all right there at the click of a button, so, hey, they might as well take it. Especially if their own popular culture is unfulfilling. We certainly didn't have that problem in the 60s and 70s. The were BURSTING with innovation, vision and greatness. And nobody was worried about offending anybody either, in the hyper-sensitive way they are now. That also inhibits greatness and vision. Sometimes greatness has to step on a few toes. That's how minds get opened. 8)
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Slim95 on 01/30/21 at 4:55 pm
You're really onto something there. And that's also why you have young people today, some of whom are on this very board, so-called "nostalgic" for the 80s or for some period they weren't even ALIVE in, for heaven's sake. That is something new in culture. In the 70s, people in their teens and twenties absolutely did NOT say "I'm nostalgic for the 40s" or anything like that, and we certainly weren't into the music of the 40s. But now it's all right there at the click of a button, so, hey, they might as well take it. Especially if their own popular culture is unfulfilling. We certainly didn't have that problem in the 60s and 70s. The were BURSTING with innovation, vision and greatness. And nobody was worried about offending anybody either, in the hyper-sensitive way they are now. That also inhibits greatness and vision. Sometimes greatness has to step on a few toes. That's how minds get opened. 8)
Spot on.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 01/30/21 at 6:24 pm
The 1980s were 40 years ago and the 2000s were 20 years ago, these are facts obviously. But the point is it doesn't feel that way. The 2000s feel a lot more recent. There were a lot less changes compared to the 20th century. The 20th century is a unique time in history I think and I don't believe we'll ever see the changes we saw ever again. The pace of change we are going at now is back to normal before the massive changes of the 20th century. So 20 years feel more like 10 years now. But this is just something we need to get used to. I blame the internet. You can go back in any era by the simple click of a button. This is why there is less cultural innovation. The internet is the closest thing we have to a time machine and I don't think we will ever see another innovation as huge as the internet. At the least I can't comprehend something to surpass the internet.
Half true most of the 2000s and 1980s aren’t 20 or 40 years ago yet. It will be interesting to watch YouTube videos that were 20 or 25 years ago now. Then again there’s already YouTube videos of 80/90s videos that are 30 or 25 years old already
Then again this sort of makes people live in they’re own bubble. Especially those who really live in the past and dislike everything current. This is starting to hit us born 90s as I have noticed. There’s so many young pop stars I haven’t really heard of until I accidentally came across they’re much younger fan base
I’m still in belief that noticing how much time has passed is a slow transgression that people don’t noticie until it hits them
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Contigo on 02/02/21 at 1:17 pm
The 1980s were 40 years ago and the 2000s were 20 years ago, these are facts obviously. But the point is it doesn't feel that way. The 2000s feel a lot more recent. There were a lot less changes compared to the 20th century. The 20th century is a unique time in history I think and I don't believe we'll ever see the changes we saw ever again. The pace of change we are going at now is back to normal before the massive changes of the 20th century. So 20 years feel more like 10 years now. But this is just something we need to get used to. I blame the internet. You can go back in any era by the simple click of a button. This is why there is less cultural innovation. The internet is the closest thing we have to a time machine and I don't think we will ever see another innovation as huge as the internet. At the least I can't comprehend something to surpass the internet.
That's some clever insight there. I agree.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: Contigo on 02/02/21 at 1:18 pm
You're really onto something there. And that's also why you have young people today, some of whom are on this very board, so-called "nostalgic" for the 80s or for some period they weren't even ALIVE in, for heaven's sake. That is something new in culture. In the 70s, people in their teens and twenties absolutely did NOT say "I'm nostalgic for the 40s" or anything like that, and we certainly weren't into the music of the 40s. But now it's all right there at the click of a button, so, hey, they might as well take it. Especially if their own popular culture is unfulfilling. We certainly didn't have that problem in the 60s and 70s. The were BURSTING with innovation, vision and greatness. And nobody was worried about offending anybody either, in the hyper-sensitive way they are now. That also inhibits greatness and vision. Sometimes greatness has to step on a few toes. That's how minds get opened. 8)
That's very well said. I'm in complete agreement and feel blessed to be alive during those special times.
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: CarCar on 02/05/21 at 3:34 am
About this old
Subject: Re: How old do the 2000's feel to you?
Written By: nally on 02/07/21 at 10:27 pm
About this old
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