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Subject: 2006 and 2007

Written By: ArcticFox on 08/13/15 at 2:37 pm

There's much debate about whether 2006 or 2007 is the flagship year of the aughts for politics and pop culture. Discuss your thoughts. What was your personal life like as well?

Politically, 9/11 was no longer a big deal anymore. If anything, it was forgotten. Many people just went about with their lives, pretending it never happened. I first found out about 9/11 in 2006 when I was in the fifth grade. I was shocked something so horrid could happen during the present day. I thought that was left to the history books. Boy was I wrong!

Pop culturally, it was an odd zone. I remember a lot of music, fashion, and movie trends that would go on to define my high school years in the early 2010s got their start at this time. YouTube was launched in 2005, didn't catch on with the mainstream until 2007. Both of these years had forgettable movies and television was going through a dry spell. Hairstyles, clothes, and accessories were hideous. Emo peaked in 2007. Scene didn't peak until later. Looking at the 100 most popular songs in America for both years, I find that 2006 was awful - worse than bland. On the other hand, I was pleasantly surprised that 2007 was an improvement over 2006. As a matter of fact, I think 2007 was the best year of the 2006-2009 time period for music. Although I like the 2010s more, I give my stamp of approval to '07.

Personally, 2006 and 2007 were great years for my personal life. During fourth grade spring break 2006, my family went to Florida and the beaches were really nice. I enjoyed myself there I even tried crab for the first time! I got an iPod nano and a Nintendo DS lite on Christmas of '06. Fifth grade spring break 2007, I went to visit some family in Texas and my cousins had a Wii and a PS3! For those that don't know, those two systems were brand spanking new back then. We played Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Wii Sports a lot! I got a Wii in Christmas of '07.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Shemp97 on 08/13/15 at 3:45 pm

Politically, 9/11 was no longer a big deal anymore. If anything, it was forgotten. Many people just went about with their lives, pretending it never happened. I first found out about 9/11 in 2006 when I was in the fifth grade. I was shocked something so horrid could happen during the present day. I thought that was left to the history books. Boy was I wrong!

After the '93 WTC bombings, you guys were suprised?

Each time I turn on the news I see explosions on every corner of the planet and it all looks the same, whether in the US or Iraq. Get over it. For the past 30 or so years, terrorism has succeeded war/conquest as the only way to get a message across, no matter how diabolical. Humanity really needs to clean up it's act if we want to progress.

Both of these years had forgettable movies and television was going through a dry spell.
I am Legend was forgettable? Lost, High school musical, Oban star racers and the slew of great cartoons didn't have any impact. I doubt you had any good years that decade.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/13/15 at 4:56 pm

2006 and 2007 were my favorite years in the 2000s, pop culturally. I loved the songs from both of those years and they were great. They were also the final years when I still watched PBS Kids. Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon was still good with their cartoons that premiered from the early 2000s. For Toon Disney (even though it was mostly called Jetix to some people, due to the massive airing of the block), I loved it in '06 and '07. Pucca and Yin Yang Yo were two of my favorite shows back then. 2007 was also the year when I discovered YouTube, where I was amazed of how cool it was to watch a lot of videos.

In my personal life, there's nothing that much that happened importantly in my life on those years. I just pretty much loved the pop culture and entertainment back in those years.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: #Infinity on 08/13/15 at 6:21 pm

I was in 7th through 9th grade in 2006/2007, so I was still in my early teens, making the transition from middle school to high school.  More than any other time in my life, I was living completely in my own little world during this period, closed off to the dominant pop culture of the time and disinterested in making friendships with those who weren't  Though I had been collecting the Now albums and following popular music pretty closely in the early-mid-2000s, I stopped paying attention to mainstream radio towards the end of 2005, due to the overwhelming presence of abominable snap rap and other lowbrow "hits" like My Humps and Grillz.  This aversion towards music did not change until 2009.  In 2006, I was mostly listening to underground dance music, before becoming addicted to eurobeat (which is sort of like 80s music on crack) in November of that year.  I was a eurobeat fanatic until about my senior year of college, before mostly listening to music from the 80s to early 2000s.

In addition to music getting really bad in late 2005, I wasn't really on the same page anymore with my peers over video games and other entertainment fads.  While I had plenty to talk about with my classmates in the early 2000s, when I still played new Nintendo games, Yu-Gi-Oh! was popular, and I still watched Cartoon Network, I had instead become a hardcore fan of Dance Dance Revolution since November 2004, and was very much still focused on that community in 2006 and 2007.  Though there were some competitive players who I knew from visiting my local arcade in summer 2006, most of my social activities were on Internet forums rather than in-person.

On the upside, 2006 was the first year I really started visiting Wikipedia, a website that blew me away when I first discovered it.  2007 was when I started visiting YouTube, which also felt groundbreaking at the time and caused that year to feel remarkably more modern than the preceding years of the decade, even though I still didn't have a Facebook account.

As a whole, my personal memories of 2006 and 2007 are actually quite positive, as I was very passionate about my interests at the time in spite of my introversion and social awkwardness, but from a general standpoint, I find 2007 and especially 2006 to be relatively disappointing years for pop culture.

If I had to pick a year that best defined the 2000s feel, it would probably be 2004.  People were still shaken by 9/11, though they were also becoming more frustrated with George W. Bush.  The year was also great for movies in general, with Mean Girls, Dodgeball:  A True Underdog Story, Spider-Man 2, Anchorman, The Incredibles, Shrek 2, and many others that represented the decade perfectly.  YouTube, Facebook, and Wikipedia (all of which bridged the late 2000s with the 2010s) weren't popular yet, but MySpace was still in its peak, iTunes was well-established, and more and more people were switching to broadband Internet.  2004 was also one of the biggest years in gaming, especially on the PC, thanks to The Sims 2, World of Warcraft, and Half-Life 2 (I don't like FPS's, but the general consensus seems to be that this is the best first-person video game of all time).  The iPod was in its prime, and 2010s-style smartphones didn't even exist yet.  2000s music also fully established its identity in '04, with the breakthrough of crunk at the turn of the year, pop punk was well-established and beginning to transition into emo territory, the late 90s-style of urban music was fully overtaken by the glossier, more stripped-down 2000s feel, etc.  Unlike 2005-2008, the dominant 2000s genres were still overall good, even some of the crunk (I admit I enjoy Petey Pablo and Ciara's songs from that year and Yeah! is decent, albeit overrated).  2004 was about the only time when the 90s were too distant to have any leftover influence, but 2010s trends still weren't really on the rise yet.  2007 having YouTube, Facebook, PS3, XBOX 360, and hipsters causes it to feel vaguely connected to the early 2010s, even though the year's overall feel still felt distinctly 2000s.

After the '93 WTC bombings, you guys were surprised?

The '93 WTC bombings didn't result in thousands of deaths, did not completely destroy the towers, and were basically more equivalent to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, albeit with muslim extremists instead of a disgruntled Gulf War vet, in that they were conducted through standard means of destruction, as opposed to hijacking a commercial plane and flying it into the buildings.

Each time I turn on the news I see explosions on every corner of the planet and it all looks the same, whether in the US or Iraq. Get over it. For the past 30 or so years, terrorism has succeeded war/conquest as the only way to get a message across, no matter how diabolical. Humanity really needs to clean up it's act if we want to progress.

9/11 was a big deal because on top of the staggering death toll, the attacks were the first serious foreign attack on American soil in the country's history, not counting wars we started, nor Pearl Harbor, which was a military base from a place that wasn't yet a state.  The country had become so comfortable with its domination of global politics, especially after the Cold War, that such an attack that caught it so off guard came as a total surprise.  Even though 9/11 was not technically as large a disaster as the million-casuality massacres that other country's have suffered through, the various circumstances caused it to seem a much bigger deal to Americans.

I am Legend was forgettable?

Adding to that, 2007 had American Gangster, No Country for Old Men, Superbad, Juno, the 3:10 to Yuma remake, and There Will Be Blood.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: mqg96 on 08/13/15 at 7:30 pm

Personally, 2006 and 2007 were great years for my personal life. During fourth grade spring break 2006, my family went to Florida and the beaches were really nice. I enjoyed myself there I even tried crab for the first time! I got an iPod nano and a Nintendo DS lite on Christmas of '06. Fifth grade spring break 2007, I went to visit some family in Texas and my cousins had a Wii and a PS3! For those that don't know, those two systems were brand spanking new back then. We played Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Wii Sports a lot! I got a Wii in Christmas of '07.

Wow! We can relate. 2006 was like the best year of my peak childhood when it comes to my personal life. A whole week at Disney World going to all of the parks including many other great things I did throughout that summer as well like going to the Georgia Aquarium the first time, visiting Savannah, GA, my first family reunion, and a week at YMCA camp.... all the stuff I did throughout that Summer. I also got a black Nintendo DS Lite for Christmas of 2006 as well. Although before then I had the original DS that I got earlier in May 2006, my first game was Mario Kart DS which was the first time I started playing online gaming and then I got New Super Mario Bros. DS later that year.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: the2001 on 08/13/15 at 7:37 pm

There's much debate about whether 2006 or 2007 is the flagship year of the aughts for politics and pop culture. Discuss your thoughts. What was your personal life like as well?

Politically, 9/11 was no longer a big deal anymore. If anything, it was forgotten. Many people just went about with their lives, pretending it never happened. I first found out about 9/11 in 2006 when I was in the fifth grade. I was shocked something so horrid could happen during the present day. I thought that was left to the history books. Boy was I wrong!

Pop culturally, it was an odd zone. I remember a lot of music, fashion, and movie trends that would go on to define my high school years in the early 2010s got their start at this time. YouTube was launched in 2005, didn't catch on with the mainstream until 2007. Both of these years had forgettable movies and television was going through a dry spell. Hairstyles, clothes, and accessories were hideous. Emo peaked in 2007. Scene didn't peak until later. Looking at the 100 most popular songs in America for both years, I find that 2006 was awful - worse than bland. On the other hand, I was pleasantly surprised that 2007 was an improvement over 2006. As a matter of fact, I think 2007 was the best year of the 2006-2009 time period for music. Although I like the 2010s more, I give my stamp of approval to '07.

Personally, 2006 and 2007 were great years for my personal life. During fourth grade spring break 2006, my family went to Florida and the beaches were really nice. I enjoyed myself there I even tried crab for the first time! I got an iPod nano and a Nintendo DS lite on Christmas of '06. Fifth grade spring break 2007, I went to visit some family in Texas and my cousins had a Wii and a PS3! For those that don't know, those two systems were brand spanking new back then. We played Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Wii Sports a lot! I got a Wii in Christmas of '07.

2006 was the last year of the normal cannon of the 2000s, its 2006 no questions asked

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: mqg96 on 08/13/15 at 7:41 pm

If I had to pick a year that best defined the 2000s feel, it would probably be 2004.  People were still shaken by 9/11, though they were also becoming more frustrated with George W. Bush.  The year was also great for movies in general, with Mean Girls, Dodgeball:  A True Underdog Story, Spider-Man 2, Anchorman, The Incredibles, Shrek 2, and many others that represented the decade perfectly.  YouTube, Facebook, and Wikipedia (all of which bridged the late 2000s with the 2010s) weren't popular yet, but MySpace was still in its peak, iTunes was well-established, and more and more people were switching to broadband Internet.  2004 was also one of the biggest years in gaming, especially on the PC, thanks to The Sims 2, World of Warcraft, and Half-Life 2 (I don't like FPS's, but the general consensus seems to be that this is the best first-person video game of all time).  The iPod was in its prime, and 2010s-style smartphones didn't even exist yet.  2000s music also fully established its identity in '04, with the breakthrough of crunk at the turn of the year, pop punk was well-established and beginning to transition into emo territory, the late 90s-style of urban music was fully overtaken by the glossier, more stripped-down 2000s feel, etc.  Unlike 2005-2008, the dominant 2000s genres were still overall good, even some of the crunk (I admit I enjoy Petey Pablo and Ciara's songs from that year and Yeah! is decent, albeit overrated).  2004 was about the only time when the 90s were too distant to have any leftover influence, but 2010s trends still weren't really on the rise yet.  2007 having YouTube, Facebook, PS3, XBOX 360, and hipsters causes it to feel vaguely connected to the early 2010s, even though the year's overall feel still felt distinctly 2000s.

2004 & 2005 were both my favorite years of the mid 2000's, and I agree with all of your points about 2004 that was a great year for movies I remember seeing all of those brand new. Spider-Man 2, Shrek 2, Sharktale, the Incredibles, National Treasure, and White Chicks were some of my favorite movies from that year, and it seemed like 2004 was the year the 2000's decade fully formed its own identity with all the pop culture and stuff. I had a pretty great time in 2004 for my personal life, it was my very first plane trip my whole life when I was 8 years old, and the only time I ever went out of the country to Jamaica, which was one of the biggest highlights of my childhood. The culture was so amazing, the foods were real good, and we went to a lot of crazy places and sites. Also throughout most of 2004 was the last time golden/silver age cartoons were played regularly on Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and Toon Disney before those were kicked off the schedule later that year. Christmas 2004 I got the original XBOX with games like Need for Speed Underground 2 and GTA III.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/13/15 at 7:56 pm

2004 & 2005 were both my favorite years of the mid 2000's, and I agree with all of your points about 2004 that was a great year for movies I remember seeing all of those brand new. Spider-Man 2, Shrek 2, Sharktale, the Incredibles, National Treasure, and White Chicks were some of my favorite movies from that year, and it seemed like 2004 was the year the 2000's decade fully formed its own identity with all the pop culture and stuff. I had a pretty great time in 2004 for my personal life, it was my very first plane trip my whole life when I was 8 years old, and the only time I ever went out of the country to Jamaica, which was one of the biggest highlights of my childhood. The culture was so amazing, the foods were real good, and we went to a lot of crazy places and sites. Also throughout most of 2004 was the last time golden/silver age cartoons were played regularly on Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and Toon Disney before those were kicked off the schedule later that year. Christmas 2004 I got the original XBOX with games like Need for Speed Underground 2 and GTA III.

You actually got GTA III for Christmas in 2004? Wow, you really wanted a GTA game that much, especially if you were 8. Did you ever get to play any of the other GTA games?

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: 80sfan on 08/13/15 at 8:03 pm

Britney Spears had a huge breakdown in 2006 and 2007. Her worse years of her career. 2006-early 2008 was a nasty time for her.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: the2001 on 08/13/15 at 8:07 pm

Britney Spears had a huge breakdown in 2006 and 2007. Her worse years of her career. 2006-early 2008 was a nasty time for her.

she didnt go cray until jan 2007

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/13/15 at 8:07 pm

Britney Spears had a huge breakdown in 2006 and 2007. Her worse years of her career. 2006-early 2008 was a nasty time for her.

But I liked her Blackout album.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: 80sfan on 08/13/15 at 8:10 pm

But I liked her Blackout album.

Me too! It actually sold well for an album that didn't get promoted!  8)

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: 80sfan on 08/13/15 at 8:11 pm

Social media was definitely huge by 2006.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Shemp97 on 08/13/15 at 8:49 pm

I found 2006-2008 to be the best years of the 00s.

Politically the war on terror was going on but most countries that didn't involve themselves too much into Bush's silly games could afford to look away as he embarrassed himself. Harper go voted into office around these years but didn't truly start going downhill until later.

Musically, the sound retained an acoustic sound of the early 00s mixed with hints of synths and artists put out some hallmark beats that helped define the decade's sound. I remember hits like Cupids chokehold and Move by CSS, as well as No matter by Akon, Sweet escape, Dreamin' by Lupe fiasco, Big in Japan, Kanye wests new album, K-os's new album, The old prince by Shad(alternative really brought hiphop back from near death during that era) and the R&B. I remember going out to the park with my family to practice sports with an mp3 player and a radio. My mom really liked the music of that era, almost as much as she did the 70s when she was a kid. Alot of new artists hit the scene around this time too such as the aforementioned CSS, Lupe fiasco, Gym class heros really hit it big in 06, Lady gaga, and a few others. And I can't forget the foreign language artists that somehow made it big over here like Zaho and Stromae.

Technologically, it was interesting. The Xbox 360 in 06 was the second console I had own at the time besides my PS1 and PSP which I no longer had anymore by then. Discovered the 360 came with no wifi support, so I played offline until I upgraded my internet years later and played by ethernet. In 2008 I got a DS lite with brain age. I remember a few months prior, I tried to win a Gameboy SP in a carnival game at a laserquest, got sickeningly close too -__-. The iPhone came out in 2007 but that was expensive as hell, around $700-800 for the cheapest ones, so my older sister went for a classic iPod instead(which also costed an arm and a leg). I got a laptop in 2007(no longer works now) as our only other family computer aside from the dial-up rigged desktop from 2001. Was huge, bulky and you could count the pixels lol. Used to get alot of DVDs too, playing them on the DVD/VHS player we got in 2005 was too much of a hassle and too manu remotes required, so the Xbox really came to the rescue.

My sister loved to use MSN mesaenger and MySpace alot. We discovered youtube in 2007 and found it a fun, novel little site for quick entertainment and music videos like this:
That was the first video I saw on YouTube back in 07(different uploader of course).

Fashionwise, I don't remember much off the top of my head but the Soulja boy style of dress annoyed me. I do prefer baggier jeans to skinny ones though, and the shutter glasses were totally moss :P back when these guys were wearing them

TV really got good around this time. Cartoon channels like Teletoon started shifting toward plot heavy programming like anime dubs, Di-gata defenders which still is my favourite cartoon to date, Chaotic, Johnny  Test(died in 2006 when S2 came along and the original writer/animators left), Chop socky chooks and whatnot; though I do generally prefer Teletoon of the early and mid 00 otherwise. YTV had too many shows to list but did provide alot of entertainment and always kept it's "keepin' it weird" theme from the 90s. Nickelodeon declined a bit but put out great works like Avatar and El tigre. Family/Disney channel aso declined a little but did put out some good work like Phineas &  Ferb and High school musical. I think Disney also out Ned's declassified school survival guide around the time as well. Because I was transitioning towards teenage years, I began focusing more on adult shows, the most prominent being Supernatural(Sam &  Dean), all ways came home late from boy scouts to watch that as well as Lost.

Film wise, the 00s have been pretty evened out with good and forgettable films and this era was no different. We started investing heavily in DVDs around this time so pretty much almost all the films #Infinity  mentioned, I own. As I've said, I am legend stands out to me right now as well as Tokyo drift. I was a huge Will Smith fan in the 00s when I rented "I Robot" back in 2002.

Overall I'd say it was the best part of the Hundeds decade. Pop culture has been more consistently good, the economy was good and my personal life had been the best it had ever been since toddler years, for the only time in my life I was actually interested in going to school because I transfered to a more fun school with great new friends and a fun teacher.

The '93 WTC bombings didn't result in thousands of deaths, did not completely destroy the towers, and were basically more equivalent to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, albeit with muslim extremists instead of a disgruntled Gulf War vet, in that they were conducted through standard means of destruction, as opposed to hijacking a commercial plane and flying it into the buildings.

'93 was a painfully obvious warning for 9/11. Documentaries about the 1993 WTC bombings mention this too, as well as how much destruction could've happened if the bombings went according to plan. People did absorb anything from those events and let 9/11 suprise them harder than it should've. The warning signs were there.

9/11 was a big deal because on top of the staggering death toll, the attacks were the first serious foreign attack on American soil in the country's history, not counting wars we started, nor Pearl Harbor, which was a military base from a place that wasn't yet a state.  The country had become so comfortable with its domination of global politics, especially after the Cold War, that such an attack that caught it so off guard came as a total surprise.  Even though 9/11 was not technically as large a disaster as the million-casuality massacres that other country's have suffered through, the various circumstances caused it to seem a much bigger deal to Americans.

It was still predictable. It was the era of terroism and some people just kinda expected and event like 9/11, I remember people sayinf that soon after it happened. 9/11 also only had a substantial effect on the US, border crossing and commercial aviation. I've said before that Canadians in the 00s didn't think they were under any terrorist threat. It wasn't until the graffiti messages threatening to "bomb Canada" in 2011ish, the attack on Parliament hill, and the recent threats on both the US and Canada by ISIS, and I'm pretty sure other non-US/UK countries thought the same too. Harper after the parliment attacks made mention that we weren't invincible, further proving that we didn't think we would be attacked.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: mqg96 on 08/13/15 at 9:08 pm

You actually got GTA III for Christmas in 2004? Wow, you really wanted a GTA game that much, especially if you were 8. Did you ever get to play any of the other GTA games?

My sister got GTA V for my XBOX 360 before I graduated high school last year, I played it a few times. When I had GTA III back then I didn't play on the story mode though, I only did it for fun. Most of the inappropriate themes that have occurred in all of the GTA games from what I remember usually occurs on the story mode or if you try to do something else crazy on there. When I played GTA III and San Andreas with my friends throughout my childhood, I just rode all over the city, broke into banks, ran all over people, shot people, and went crazy. I went on the free mode and did whatever I wanted to. I didn't care for the story mode as a kid. However, when it came to Mario games or Crash Bandicoot related story modes, I was hooked into those and I wanted to complete everything on there.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Todd Pettingzoo on 08/14/15 at 4:52 am

I actually think 2006 and 2007 were awesome years for movies. Especially high-brow stuff.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Howard on 08/14/15 at 7:13 am

she didnt go cray until jan 2007

and shaved off all her hair. :o

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Howard on 08/14/15 at 7:13 am

Social media was definitely huge by 2006.

and YouTube was popular by then.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/14/15 at 10:15 am

and YouTube was popular by then.

Well, I think it was just starting to get popular in 2006.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Catherine91UK on 08/14/15 at 2:17 pm

2006 and 2007 were the years when every song seemed to be produced by Timbaland if I remember correctly!

I think 2006 was the year I first came across Youtube but I barely used it until 2007. The first social network I signed up to was Bebo in February 2007. Later that year I signed up to Myspace but didn't use it much. I didn't know of Facebook's existence until 2008.

Another first for me in 2007 was when I finally downloaded a song! Until then, I thought our Windows 98 computer wouldn't cope with an MP3 player (too few USB slots?), so I waited until we got a new PC. My first MP3 player was a 1GB Sony Walkman without 'drag and drop' capabilities - I had to use a program called SonicStage to transfer my music to the player. I got the tracks from Napster.

I think 2006 was slightly more 00s than 2007 because of the lack of iPhones in 06.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/14/15 at 2:30 pm

2006 and 2007 were the years when every song seemed to be produced by Timbaland if I remember correctly!

I think 2006 was the year I first came across Youtube but I barely used it until 2007. The first social network I signed up to was Bebo in February 2007. Later that year I signed up to Myspace but didn't use it much. I didn't know of Facebook's existence until 2008.

Another first for me in 2007 was when I finally downloaded a song! Until then, I thought our Windows 98 computer wouldn't cope with an MP3 player (too few USB slots?), so I waited until we got a new PC. My first MP3 player was a 1GB Sony Walkman without 'drag and drop' capabilities - I had to use a program called SonicStage to transfer my music to the player. I got the tracks from Napster.

I think 2006 was slightly more 00s than 2007 because of the lack of iPhones in 06.

Well, barely anybody used iPhones until 2009, since it was really expensive back in '07 and '08.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: ArcticFox on 08/18/15 at 1:54 am

2006 and 2007 were the years when every song seemed to be produced by Timbaland if I remember correctly!

Yes, Timbaland was everywhere in those years!

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: #Infinity on 08/18/15 at 2:35 am

Yes, Timbaland was everywhere in those years!

Unfortunately, it was also the peak period of snap music's popularity.  2006-2007 and 2007-2008 were extremely hit-or-miss years for pop and urban.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: bchris02 on 08/18/15 at 2:21 pm

late 2006-mid 2008 were the quintessential years of the '00s.  2007 was the peak of it and if I could sum the entire decade of the '00s up in just one year, it would be 2007.  The lingering leftovers from the '90s were completely gone by that point.  Emo was just past its peak and scene was nearing peak.  2007 was the last full-fledged MySpace year.  I remember that year specifically for the oversaturation of commercialized ringtone rap i.e. Soulja Boy.  The long, swoop haircut on guys was nearing its peak (which lasted into 2008).  7th gen gaming was in full swing.  The technological advancements that year were advancements that defined the '00s.  It was the peak of the Motorola RAZRs popularity.  Blackberry was the dominant smartphone and the first generation iPhone was released that year.  Apple TV was released.  The economy was showing cracks and Bush was losing popularity big time.  The war in Iraq was in full force with seemingly no end in sight.  '00s television dramas were at their peak (Lost, Prison Break, 24, CSI, Gray's Anatomy, etc.) 

All in all, 2007 and the first half of 2008 represented everything the '00s were about. 

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/18/15 at 3:15 pm

late 2006-mid 2008 were the quintessential years of the '00s.  2007 was the peak of it and if I could sum the entire decade of the '00s up in just one year, it would be 2007.  The lingering leftovers from the '90s were completely gone by that point.  Emo was just past its peak and scene was nearing peak.  2007 was the last full-fledged MySpace year.  I remember that year specifically for the oversaturation of commercialized ringtone rap i.e. Soulja Boy.  The long, swoop haircut on guys was nearing its peak (which lasted into 2008).  7th gen gaming was in full swing.  The technological advancements that year were advancements that defined the '00s.  It was the peak of the Motorola RAZRs popularity.  Blackberry was the dominant smartphone and the first generation iPhone was released that year.  Apple TV was released.  The economy was showing cracks and Bush was losing popularity big time.  The war in Iraq was in full force with seemingly no end in sight.  '00s television dramas were at their peak (Lost, Prison Break, 24, CSI, Gray's Anatomy, etc.) 

All in all, 2007 and the first half of 2008 represented everything the '00s were about.

Late 2006-08 was the quintessential years of the 2000s? Damn, I think everybody will laugh at that post. If you meant the late 2000s, then I get you. But, late 2006-08 isn't really the quintessential years of the whole decade. In my opinion, 2001 and 2002 were the quintessential years of the early 2000s, 2004 and 2005 were the quintessential years of the mid 2000s, and 2007 and 2008 were the quintessential years of the late 2000s. 2003, 2006 and 2009 aren't really that special. For one thing, 2003 was just another bland year for television, while 2006, despite having the sixth season premiere of The Sopranos (which is one of the most definitive 2000s TV shows), it doesn't really hit that much nostalgia into people. 2009 is just boring. Hell, it was even the year to me when 2010s culture started to rise, but around the late portion of the year. I consider the early and mid portion of 2009 to be more shared with pop culture from late 2007 to 2008.

If you really think 2007 and the first half of 2008 represented everything the 2000s were about, then you really need to research more stuff about the decade. I remember sheesh from 2002 to 2009 from the 2000s, and I bet I remember more crap than you. If you were at least a teen in the 2000s, then I get you, since I feel the same with the 2010s being a forgettable decade in my opinion.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: bchris02 on 08/18/15 at 5:49 pm

If you really think 2007 and the first half of 2008 represented everything the 2000s were about, then you really need to research more stuff about the decade. I remember sheesh from 2002 to 2009 from the 2000s, and I bet I remember more crap than you. If you were at least a teen in the 2000s, then I get you, since I feel the same with the 2010s being a forgettable decade in my opinion.

I was 15 in 2000 and 25 in 2010, so yes I see the decade from that perspective.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/18/15 at 6:39 pm

I was 15 in 2000 and 25 in 2010, so yes I see the decade from that perspective.

Well, I find 2015 and maybe 2016 to be the quintessential years of the 2010s, since that was when crap started to get good again to me since early 2011 (for the record, I find 2010 and early 2011 to be the leftover 2000s).

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: the2001 on 08/18/15 at 6:42 pm

Well, I find 2015 and maybe 2016 to be the quintessential years of the 2010s, since that was when crap started to get good again to me since early 2011 (for the record, I find 2010 and early 2011 to be the leftover 2000s).

so u saying 2005 and 2006 is the equivalent of 2015 and 2016

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/18/15 at 6:45 pm

so u saying 2005 and 2006 is the equivalent of 2015 and 2016

Well, not really. 2004 and 2005 were the quintessential years of the 2000s. 2014 just felt like another year from the early 2010s.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: bchris02 on 08/18/15 at 7:03 pm

I think the jury is still out on the '10s.  2015 has been a very significant year.  We had Bruce Jenner's transition to Caitlyn Jenner and the national gay marriage decision, two of the biggest events of the decade in my opinion.  This is the first full year with 8th generation gaming.  Windows 10 was released.  This has been a huge year for trap hip-hop.  It seems hipster rock and electropop have been less of a force this year than they were in 2013 and 2014.  Teen pop is still big but it also seems to not quite be what it was from 2012-2014.  So yeah 2015 could end up being the quintessential year but from my own experience, a decade's culture is usually the most evolved during the final four years, so it will be very interesting to see where the '10s go between now and 2019.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: the2001 on 08/18/15 at 7:07 pm

Well, not really. 2004 and 2005 were the quintessential years of the 2000s. 2014 just felt like another year from the early 2010s.

No it wasnt, everyone in the music landscape was new pretty much,

Ariana Grande, and new indie pop bands,

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/18/15 at 7:12 pm

No it wasnt, everyone in the music landscape was new pretty much,

Ariana Grande, and new indie pop bands,

So to you, 2014 is a quintessential year of the 2010s? All 2014 brought in was the same culture that 2013 had. Hell, Ariana Grande has been famous (due to her role as Cat in Victorious) since the early 2010s. So, how is 2014 a quintessential year of this decade?

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: the2001 on 08/18/15 at 8:07 pm

So to you, 2014 is a quintessential year of the 2010s? All 2014 brought in was the same culture that 2013 had. Hell, Ariana Grande has been famous (due to her role as Cat in Victorious) since the early 2010s. So, how is 2014 a quintessential year of this decade?

song of the decade Fancy,
there was just things that happened in 2014 that shaped the decade, the whole isis thing,
snapchat, yoga pants blowing up, The economy made a comeback,  next gen systems in full effect,
Tinder, The nude hacking of aug 2014, Ice bucket , Girl meets world.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/18/15 at 8:14 pm

song of the decade Fancy,
there was just things that happened in 2014 that shaped the decade, the whole isis thing,
snapchat, yoga pants blowing up, The economy made a comeback,  next gen systems in full effect,
Tinder, The nude hacking of aug 2014, Ice bucket , Girl meets world.

:-\\ Basically, there was some parts of the early 2010s that were around in 2014. But, it wasn't really that long. But what does a nude hacking have to do with anything from 2014, or the whole 2010s? Also, wasn't the Xbox One and PS4 both released in 2013? Along with having GTA V making it popular?

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: the2001 on 08/18/15 at 9:12 pm

:-\\ Basically, there was some parts of the early 2010s that were around in 2014. But, it wasn't really that long. But what does a nude hacking have to do with anything from 2014, or the whole 2010s? Also, wasn't the Xbox One and PS4 both released in 2013? Along with having GTA V making it popular?

The hacking represented how everything was getting hacked, ps4 and xbox one really didnt make an impact tho until later.
Early 2010s culture died in like 2012.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/18/15 at 9:31 pm

The hacking represented how everything was getting hacked, ps4 and xbox one really didnt make an impact tho until later.
Early 2010s culture died in like 2012.

Wait, you mean that North Korean hacking that happened when The Interview was announced? That was in late 2014. And everybody soon forgotten about that a couple months later. Also, 2012 was still the early 2010s, culturally and chronologically. The early 2010s died around mid 2014, in my opinion.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: mqg96 on 08/19/15 at 11:38 am

The hacking represented how everything was getting hacked, ps4 and xbox one really didnt make an impact tho until later.
Early 2010s culture died in like 2012.

late 2012/early 2013 yes.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/19/15 at 12:37 pm

late 2012/early 2013 yes.

Wasn't 2012-2013 the school year when 2000s culture slowly turned into 2010s culture?

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: bchris02 on 08/19/15 at 1:01 pm

Wasn't 2012-2013 the school year when 2000s culture slowly turned into 2010s culture?

It depends on whether or not you consider the "Lady Gaga era" culture to be 2000s or 2010s.  The recession era culture that was marked by the first wave of electropop (Lady Gaga and Ke$ha), Justin Bieber, Owl City, Obama's first term, transition from fliphones to smartphones and tablets, Glee, etc ended in 2012.  The farther we get into the 2010s, the more I am apt to say that 2009-2012 had its own culture just like 1998-2001 did when transitioning from the 90s to the '00s.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/19/15 at 1:10 pm

It depends on whether or not you consider the "Lady Gaga era" culture to be 2000s or 2010s.  The recession era culture that was marked by the first wave of electropop (Lady Gaga and Ke$ha), Justin Bieber, Owl City, Obama's first term, transition from fliphones to smartphones and tablets, Glee, etc ended in 2012.  The farther we get into the 2010s, the more I am apt to say that 2009-2012 had its own culture just like 1998-2001 did when transitioning from the 90s to the '00s.

I actually consider the Lady Gaga era to be more 2000s. Lady Gaga was really big in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Since 2012, she was just getting through other sheesh, I guess.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: ocarinafan96 on 08/19/15 at 4:13 pm

I actually consider the Lady Gaga era to be more 2000s. Lady Gaga was really big in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Since 2012, she was just getting through other sheesh, I guess.

Lady Gaga is neither 00's or 10's, just the electropop or blackberry era, aka late 00's/early 10's. While she didn't make many hits in 2012 she was still pretty popular however since 2013 and her underwhelming Artpop album she hasn't really been that relevant

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: ocarinafan96 on 08/19/15 at 4:48 pm

To answer OP's question I will say 2006 for many reasons:

1. Most definitely the peak in 2000's fashion

2. The peak in popularity of the ipod

3. Windows XP was a Powerhouse this year

4. The last year when Standard Tvs were still very popular, HDTVs started to get big in late 2006 through the rest of the late 00's

5. Quintessential songs that came out this year such as 'Ridin' by Chammilionare

6. It was the last year the economy was pretty good before it took a nose dive in 2007

7. Both 6th generation & 7th generation video game consoles and games were popular this year

8. Social media was entering its peak in popularity thanks to the juggernaut myspace and the up & coming facebook

9. YouTube was entering a rennaisaince thanks to Google buying them this year, the golden age would continue for much of the late 00's

10. The last year for many quintessential 2000's tv shows like Malcom in the Middle, Charmed, That 70's Show, & Arrested Development. It was also a big year for new shows like How I Met Your Mother, Everybody Hates Chris, & The Office

These are just a few examples I could think of. Personally I think 2004 or 2006 are probably the quintessential years of the decade not just pop culturally but also for my personal life as well  :D :D :D :D :D. 2005 was pretty awesome for me as well!  8)

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/19/15 at 5:19 pm

Lady Gaga is neither 00's or 10's, just the electropop or blackberry era, aka late 00's/early 10's. While she didn't make many hits in 2012 she was still pretty popular however since 2013 and her underwhelming Artpop album she hasn't really been that relevant

She was pretty 2000s to me. Besides, most of her famous songs were from the late 2000s.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: bchris02 on 08/19/15 at 5:59 pm

She was pretty 2000s to me. Besides, most of her famous songs were from the late 2000s.

True.  I think she peaked with Bad Romance in late 2009.  The Fame Monster was her biggest album.  Her slow slide from popularity began with Born This Way, which many considered inferior to her previous two albums.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/19/15 at 6:13 pm

True.  I think she peaked with Bad Romance in late 2009.  The Fame Monster was her biggest album.  Her slow slide from popularity began with Born This Way, which many considered inferior to her previous two albums.

Actually, I think she peaked when she had Poker Face released in 2008.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: #Infinity on 08/19/15 at 7:53 pm

Actually, I think she peaked when she had Poker Face released in 2008.

The album it's from was released in 2008, but Poker Face was big in spring 2009.

While Born This Way wasn't as good as her first two albums, it still produced several huge singles.  I don't think the downfall truly began until Artpop, which was not only far worse-received even than Born This Way, but also failed to produce as many hits as her previous work and didn't sell many copies, becoming overshadowed by Katy Perry's Prism, as well as albums by younger artists like Ariana Grande and Lorde.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/19/15 at 8:00 pm

The album it's from was released in 2008, but Poker Face was big in spring 2009.

While Born This Way wasn't as good as her first two albums, it still produced several huge singles.  I don't think the downfall truly began until Artpop, which was not only far worse-received even than Born This Way, but also failed to produce as many hits as her previous work and didn't sell many copies, becoming overshadowed by Katy Perry's Prism, as well as albums by younger artists like Ariana Grande and Lorde.

Oh. That's understandable.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 08/19/15 at 8:23 pm

Wasn't 2012-2013 the school year when 2000s culture slowly turned into 2010s culture?

no the VERY EARLY 10s cutlure ended!

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 08/19/15 at 8:25 pm

late 2006-mid 2008 were the quintessential years of the '00s.  2007 was the peak of it and if I could sum the entire decade of the '00s up in just one year, it would be 2007.  The lingering leftovers from the '90s were completely gone by that point.  Emo was just past its peak and scene was nearing peak.  2007 was the last full-fledged MySpace year.  I remember that year specifically for the oversaturation of commercialized ringtone rap i.e. Soulja Boy.  The long, swoop haircut on guys was nearing its peak (which lasted into 2008).  7th gen gaming was in full swing.  The technological advancements that year were advancements that defined the '00s.  It was the peak of the Motorola RAZRs popularity.  Blackberry was the dominant smartphone and the first generation iPhone was released that year.  Apple TV was released.  The economy was showing cracks and Bush was losing popularity big time.  The war in Iraq was in full force with seemingly no end in sight.  '00s television dramas were at their peak (Lost, Prison Break, 24, CSI, Gray's Anatomy, etc.) 

All in all, 2007 and the first half of 2008 represented everything the '00s were about. 

2008 is more defining than 07 IMO!!

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 08/19/15 at 9:01 pm

Overall, I think 06 and 07 were GOOD years for me in my personal life!! Going from the end of 4th grade till the beginning of 6th grade was an interesting experience! I started to go through puberty during these years ;D , I was growing and even lost a little bit of weight ;) ! I was pretty much finished with Kids WB, CN, and Disney Channel! They started to SUCK!!! I thought the kid culture was beginning to suck. As the mid 00s transitioned from to the late 00s, I could see at that point the culture had changed; Cartoon Network city era ended, FOX BOX became 4 kids TV, Hannah Montana took over from That's so Raven as THE series to watch on Disney channel, UPN became MY 46 TV 8-P , These channels started to go through a dark age and was smart enough to quit watching them once I got to 5th grade! I was still watching the primetime series like, young people shows and SOME sitcoms!

YES, I listened to Timbaland, Justin Timberlake, Shakira, Akon, Lil Jon, TI, Matchbox twenty, Three Days Grace, Ne-Yo, Rihanna, Chris Brown, etc. etc.
Saw Xmen 3, Mission Impossible 3, CARS, Casino Royale, MII, Rocky Balboa,Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3 8-P , Shrek 3 8-P ,Spider-Man 3 >:( Transfromers, Bourne Ultimatum, 300, Ratatouille(Final cartoon movie I saw in theaters, ending the 9 year streak), I am Legend.

Politically I remember it being not so good! Bush was REALLY starting to be hated, the rebellion against him had begun, Iraq War was it it's deadliest, economy was still good though.

7th gen of gaming was in full swing in 2007!! Due to Bioshock, COD 3, and Halo 3 being released! WWE was going through it's twilight years with bad gimmicks, storylines, and a product SLOWLY becoming stale! The Chris Benoit tragedy didn't help that either, which made WWE change it's direction in their product! >:( 8-P

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/19/15 at 9:04 pm

no the VERY EARLY 10s cutlure ended!

??? So, 2012 was the year when very early 2010s culture started to die? Well, that was pretty long to end this "very early 10s" era, since 2012 was one of the final years of the early 2010s. I don't even think there was something that sparked this end of the very early 2010s. Sure, 2012 had a lot of devastating events, but I don't think it ended the early 2010s. To me, 2013 (since I really didn't give a crap about this decade's culture), was when the early 2010s transitioned to the mid 2010s.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: mqg96 on 08/19/15 at 9:34 pm

??? So, 2012 was the year when very early 2010s culture started to die? Well, that was pretty long to end this "very early 10s" era, since 2012 was one of the final years of the early 2010s. I don't even think there was something that sparked this end of the very early 2010s. Sure, 2012 had a lot of devastating events, but I don't think it ended the early 2010s. To me, 2013 (since I really didn't give a crap about this decade's culture), was when the early 2010s transitioned to the mid 2010s.

Early 2010's culture had actually started phasing in by late 2008 with the election of Barack Obama and the Stock Market Crash, and the electropop era of music began. Plus many TV shows that defined the core 2000's years like That's So Raven, Drake & Josh, or Everybody Hates Chris (although early 2009 but still close) had came to an end or were already taken off the air. Late 2008-mid 2012 was really the true late 2000's/early 2010's era culturally.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: mqg96 on 08/19/15 at 9:45 pm

Overall, I think 06 and 07 were GOOD years for me in my personal life!! Going from the end of 4th grade till the beginning of 6th grade was an interesting experience! I started to go through puberty during these years ;D , I was growing and even lost a little bit of weight ;) ! I was pretty much finished with Kids WB, CN, and Disney Channel! They started to SUCK!!! I thought the kid culture was beginning to suck. As the mid 00s transitioned from to the late 00s, I could see at that point the culture had changed; Cartoon Network city era ended, FOX BOX became 4 kids TV, Hannah Montana took over from That's so Raven as THE series to watch on Disney channel, UPN became MY 46 TV 8-P , These channels started to go through a dark age and was smart enough to quit watching them once I got to 5th grade! I was still watching the primetime series like, young people shows and SOME sitcoms!

YES, I listened to Timbaland, Justin Timberlake, Shakira, Akon, Lil Jon, TI, Matchbox twenty, Three Days Grace, Ne-Yo, Rihanna, Chris Brown, etc. etc.
Saw Xmen 3, Mission Impossible 3, CARS, Casino Royale, MII, Rocky Balboa,Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3 8-P , Shrek 3 8-P ,Spider-Man 3 >:( Transfromers, Bourne Ultimatum, 300, Ratatouille(Final cartoon movie I saw in theaters, ending the 9 year streak), I am Legend.

Politically I remember it being not so good! Bush was REALLY starting to be hated, the rebellion against him had begun, Iraq War was it it's deadliest, economy was still good though.

7th gen of gaming was in full swing in 2007!! Due to Bioshock, COD 3, and Halo 3 being released! WWE was going through it's twilight years with bad gimmicks, storylines, and a product SLOWLY becoming stale! The Chris Benoit tragedy didn't help that either, which made WWE change it's direction in their product! >:( 8-P

LOL, pretty great description, as you probably already know 2006 despite how bland the pop culture was that year, was the BEST year of my childhood when it comes to my personal life, because I got a Nintendo DS that year with Mario Kart DS and New Super Mario Bros. DS and it was the first time I started playing online, I still played a bunch of fun games on my Gamecube and XBOX with my elementary school friends & cousins, I went to YMCA camp for a whole week, my first trip to Savannah, GA for a few days, my first trip to the Georgia Aquarium, the best of all a WHOLE WEEK at Disney World and I went to all of the parks, so many rides, events & restaurants, and then we had a family reunion for my Grandma's (Dad's side) of the family. Summer 2006 FTW! that was the absolute best summer of my core childhood years looking back. 2007 was a decent year for me as I turned 11 and I was no longer in my core childhood years, going to Washington DC was really fun. I'd say the first part of that year was the last time I felt like a real kid before I entered middle school later that year and my life started changing, a pretty decent year for movies, and all of those you listed were pretty good, I got a Wii at the very end of that year during Christmas.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Howard on 08/20/15 at 7:05 am

9. YouTube was entering a rennaisaince thanks to Google buying them this year, the golden age would continue for much of the late 00's

I agree, YouTube was getting popular.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/20/15 at 10:16 am

Early 2010's culture had actually started phasing in by late 2008 with the election of Barack Obama and the Stock Market Crash, and the electropop era of music began. Plus many TV shows that defined the core 2000's years like That's So Raven, Drake & Josh, or Everybody Hates Chris (although early 2009 but still close) had came to an end or were already taken off the air. Late 2008-mid 2012 was really the true late 2000's/early 2010's era culturally.

I guess that's a good guess on what the late 2000s/early 2010s era was culturally. Considering that 2009 (although I consider the late portion of that year to be more 2010s) did brought up some early 2010s culture.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 08/20/15 at 6:36 pm

LOL, pretty great description, as you probably already know 2006 despite how bland the pop culture was that year, was the BEST year of my childhood when it comes to my personal life, because I got a Nintendo DS that year with Mario Kart DS and New Super Mario Bros. DS and it was the first time I started playing online, I still played a bunch of fun games on my Gamecube and XBOX with my elementary school friends & cousins, I went to YMCA camp for a whole week, my first trip to Savannah, GA for a few days, my first trip to the Georgia Aquarium, the best of all a WHOLE WEEK at Disney World and I went to all of the parks, so many rides, events & restaurants, and then we had a family reunion for my Grandma's (Dad's side) of the family. Summer 2006 FTW! that was the absolute best summer of my core childhood years looking back. 2007 was a decent year for me as I turned 11 and I was no longer in my core childhood years, going to Washington DC was really fun. I'd say the first part of that year was the last time I felt like a real kid before I entered middle school later that year and my life started changing, a pretty decent year for movies, and all of those you listed were pretty good, I got a Wii at the very end of that year during Christmas.

Your summer of 2006 was a lot like my summer of 2005!! :) ;)

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: mqg96 on 08/20/15 at 7:43 pm

Your summer of 2006 was a lot like my summer of 2005!! :) ;)

Personal life wise summer 2006 was my favorite, but pop cultural wise summer 2003 was the absolute best for me really that year in general, if I haven't mentioned before. Honorable mentions to my best pop cultural summers would be 2002 & 2005. Honorable mention to my best personal life summer was 2004 due to my trips to Jamaica and Sarasota, FL.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: the2001 on 08/26/15 at 5:20 pm

2006 goat

2007 = woat

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: ocarinafan96 on 08/26/15 at 6:09 pm

2006 goat

2007 = woat

Here's how I would rank it from what I could remember and a pop culture standpoint:

2000 - 9/10 Basically 1999 Part 2

2001 - 6 or 7/10 good for most of the year until the end...

2002 - 7/10 Pure Early 00's Goodness

2003 - 7/10 More or less the same as 2002

2004 - 9/10 A kickass 2000's Year (my 2nd fav)

2005 - 8/10 A badass 2000's Year (a great year that I usually associate with 04 & 06)

2006 - 10/10 The Quintessential 2000's Year

2007 - 7/10 A Good Year, but underwhelming compared to the mid 00's years

2008 - 5 or 6/10 Well some things were good but the massive recession occurred this year

2009 - 6 or 7/10 The true First Year of the Electropop Era, it had some good stuff but the economy was pretty bad

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: the2001 on 08/26/15 at 6:22 pm

Here's how I would rank it from what I could remember and a pop culture standpoint:

2000 - 9/10 Basically 1999 Part 2

2001 - 6 or 7/10 good for most of the year until the end...

2002 - 7/10 Pure Early 00's Goodness

2003 - 7/10 More or less the same as 2002

2004 - 9/10 A kickass 2000's Year (my 2nd fav)

2005 - 8/10 A badass 2000's Year (a great year that I usually associate with 04 & 06)

2006 - 10/10 The Quintessential 2000's Year

2007 - 7/10 A Good Year, but underwhelming compared to the mid 00's years

2008 - 5 or 6/10 Well some things were good but the massive recession occurred this year

2009 - 6 or 7/10 The true First Year of the Electropop Era, it had some good stuff but the economy was pretty bad

YES 2006 gets 10  rating for me as well

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: mqg96 on 08/26/15 at 6:47 pm

Here's how I would rank it from what I could remember and a pop culture standpoint:

2000 - 9/10 Basically 1999 Part 2

2001 - 6 or 7/10 good for most of the year until the end...

2002 - 7/10 Pure Early 00's Goodness

2003 - 7/10 More or less the same as 2002

2004 - 9/10 A kickass 2000's Year (my 2nd fav)

2005 - 8/10 A badass 2000's Year (a great year that I usually associate with 04 & 06)

2006 - 10/10 The Quintessential 2000's Year

2007 - 7/10 A Good Year, but underwhelming compared to the mid 00's years

2008 - 5 or 6/10 Well some things were good but the massive recession occurred this year

2009 - 6 or 7/10 The true First Year of the Electropop Era, it had some good stuff but the economy was pretty bad

For my personal life 2006 definitely gets a 10/10 which saves that year for me ;D, however as much as I hate to say it but looking back at the pop culture from 2006, it was one of the worst of the 2000's decade in terms of what came out during the time and the stuff that came to an end as well, despite it being the quintessential year in your opinion, I'm going with 2007 on that one. 2004 & 2005 were much better years for the mid 2000's in terms of pop cultural TV shows, movies, and video games that were coming out or in its prime.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: ocarinafan96 on 08/26/15 at 7:07 pm

For my personal life 2006 definitely gets a 10/10 which saves that year for me ;D, however as much as I hate to say it but looking back at the pop culture from 2006, it was one of the worst of the 2000's decade in terms of what came out during the time and the stuff that came to an end as well, despite it being the quintessential year in your opinion, I'm going with 2007 on that one. 2004 & 2005 were much better years for the mid 2000's in terms of pop cultural TV shows, movies, and video games that were coming out or in its prime.

True I guess 2004 would be a better choice! My personal life that year was equally as good plus it was definitive pop cultural wise, technology wise, political wise, etc. Heck to further prove my point here are the countless '2004' articles people have:

This is just absolute proof that 2004 was the ultimate year hands down!!!!  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: mqg96 on 08/26/15 at 7:50 pm

True I guess 2004 would be a better choice! My personal life that year was equally as good plus it was definitive pop cultural wise, technology wise, political wise, etc. Heck to further prove my point here are the countless '2004' articles people have:

This is just absolute proof that 2004 was the ultimate year hands down!!!!  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

2004 was like the ultimate year of the core 2000's for you and I, agreed hands down, looking back now it really was the best year of the mid 2000's. One of the best years of the video game industry with 6th generation at its absolute peak and the movies that came out throughout the year were really good. TV was great. I also went to Jamaica that year as well, my first plane trip ever and my only trip out of the country my whole life as well. However, 2003 is still overall my favorite year of the 2000's when I combine all the pop culture together, TV was gold at the time, it was a perfect balance of early 2000's and the first signs of mid 2000's culture combined together, another great year for movies and epic TV shows that premiered, so many great memories from the time. I believe 2002 was the quintessential year of the early 2000's culture when it comes to everything that defined the early 2000's politically and pop culturally, that year was real epic too. However, let's just stay on topic though. This is a 2006 & 2007 thread. As I already mentioned 2006 was my favorite year for my personal life ever, especially that summer, but 2007 was a great year for movies (an improvement from 2006 IMO) and the last year I felt like I was in my core childhood, I visited to Washington DC that year, the Space Center in Huntsville, AL, and I went to Nashville, TN which IMO is a very nice, underrated town with TONS of great activities and fun places to visit. Throughout 2007 I still played on my XBOX and Nintendo DS a lot. Late 2007 is when I started going through a huge phase shift in middle school though.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Shemp97 on 08/26/15 at 11:13 pm

Buzzfeed is freakin' hilarious. Some useful stuff has come from there, but it's like 80% of their revenue comes from nostalgia waving articles.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: ArcticFox on 09/06/15 at 5:35 pm

she didnt go cray until jan 2007

And about half a decade later it was Amanda Bynes!

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: JohnMarston on 09/06/15 at 6:51 pm

Are you kidding? 2006 was an INCREDIBLE year. It probably was the best year of 2000s. I was only 12, but it such an eventful year. Probably one of the best years of my life, along with 2011 and 2012.

I have to say that music in 2006 was amazing. I'm really into urban/contemporary R&B, and this just has to be one of the best years for R&B music. R&B/Hip-Hop still dominated the charts and mainstream music, a trend that met its demise towards the middle of 2007. Mary. J Blige, Busta Rhymes, Neyo, Cassie, Beyonce, Akon, The Pussycat Dolls, Justin Timberlake, Nelly Furtado etc. Rihanna's breakthrough was during this year, P. Diddy was at the peak of his career, Timbaland was the one of the highest paid producers in the industry. MySpace and Youtube didn't really boom until 2007 and music videos were still being watched on MTV, people still listened to the radio. This was a period when music was mostly isolated from social media (called social networking at the time) and the internet. CDs were still being purchased IN STORE. Kanye West was still somewhat sane and had an actual career.

Gaming wasn't really huge and there weren't any memorable games, but the next generation consoles truly changed gaming paved the way for many revolutionary games for more than 8 years. I still have my Xbox 360 from 2006, and of course my DS. Nintendo may have actually been strong competition against Sony and Microsoft, the Wii and DS truly caught on and the games were pretty cool.

The media were obsessed with Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. Britney Spears was the early-mid stages of her breakdown. Bohemian-inspired fashion was huge. Ugg boots were introduced. People were obsessed with fur. Clothing seemed to be brown/green and leaning towards darker colours, which somehow morphed and evolved into the very bold and darker/emo fashion trends of 2007/2008/2009.

Films? Superman, the last of X-Men trilogy, 300, the Devil Wears Prada, Dreamgirls (sucks but was a huge film thanks to its cast), BORAT (probably one of the most iconic comedy films ever). As for TV, American Idol was still at its peak. The Bachelor-type shows were really popular. Flavor of Love was amazing. Don't forget Prison Break! People were really invested in over-the-top Drama TV series.

Politically and economically, things were pretty steady and calm. I can't recall any major events, at least not here in the UK or Europe.

I think that 2007 was the dawn of the internet age, people were obsessed with MySpace. It felt somewhat exclusive/cliquey, like an early day Instagram where narcissist flocked to upload pictures and thrive on comments and friends. That later transitioned to Facebook, a more sophisticated, monitored and censored version of MySpace. Plus the concept of 'viral' videos was popularised, and they were considered must-sees. Reflecting on these videos, like Leave Britney Alone, that type of content wouldn't even be as popular today. Everything seemed so amateur and juvenile, at least from today's perspective.

Perhaps 2007 pop culture triumphs over 2006, but 2006 felt more authentic and relaxed. I would definitely love to relive that year.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Baltimoreian on 09/07/15 at 1:47 pm

And about half a decade later it was Amanda Bynes!

Wow. Amanda Bynes did that in 2012? Damn. But I wouldn't really feel so sorry about her since:

A) I never grew up with The Amanda Show during its original run, since I was a baby/toddler at the time.

B) I wasn't even nostalgic for the 2000s until the summer of 2013, when I was only nostalgic for my memories of watching Discovery Kids for some reason.

C) People should already be ashamed of her after that, since she did more DUI crimes and had possession of marijuana in her home at Manhattan.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: ArcticFox on 09/07/15 at 2:43 pm

Are you kidding? 2006 was an INCREDIBLE year. It probably was the best year of 2000s. I was only 12, but it such an eventful year. Probably one of the best years of my life, along with 2011 and 2012.

I have to say that music in 2006 was amazing. I'm really into urban/contemporary R&B, and this just has to be one of the best years for R&B music. R&B/Hip-Hop still dominated the charts and mainstream music, a trend that met its demise towards the middle of 2007. Mary. J Blige, Busta Rhymes, Neyo, Cassie, Beyonce, Akon, The Pussycat Dolls, Justin Timberlake, Nelly Furtado etc. Rihanna's breakthrough was during this year, P. Diddy was at the peak of his career, Timbaland was the one of the highest paid producers in the industry. MySpace and Youtube didn't really boom until 2007 and music videos were still being watched on MTV, people still listened to the radio. This was a period when music was mostly isolated from social media (called social networking at the time) and the internet. CDs were still being purchased IN STORE. Kanye West was still somewhat sane and had an actual career.

Gaming wasn't really huge and there weren't any memorable games, but the next generation consoles truly changed gaming paved the way for many revolutionary games for more than 8 years. I still have my Xbox 360 from 2006, and of course my DS. Nintendo may have actually been strong competition against Sony and Microsoft, the Wii and DS truly caught on and the games were pretty cool.

The media were obsessed with Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. Britney Spears was the early-mid stages of her breakdown. Bohemian-inspired fashion was huge. Ugg boots were introduced. People were obsessed with fur. Clothing seemed to be brown/green and leaning towards darker colours, which somehow morphed and evolved into the very bold and darker/emo fashion trends of 2007/2008/2009.

Films? Superman, the last of X-Men trilogy, 300, the Devil Wears Prada, Dreamgirls (sucks but was a huge film thanks to its cast), BORAT (probably one of the most iconic comedy films ever). As for TV, American Idol was still at its peak. The Bachelor-type shows were really popular. Flavor of Love was amazing. Don't forget Prison Break! People were really invested in over-the-top Drama TV series.

Politically and economically, things were pretty steady and calm. I can't recall any major events, at least not here in the UK or Europe.

I think that 2007 was the dawn of the internet age, people were obsessed with MySpace. It felt somewhat exclusive/cliquey, like an early day Instagram where narcissist flocked to upload pictures and thrive on comments and friends. That later transitioned to Facebook, a more sophisticated, monitored and censored version of MySpace. Plus the concept of 'viral' videos was popularised, and they were considered must-sees. Reflecting on these videos, like Leave Britney Alone, that type of content wouldn't even be as popular today. Everything seemed so amateur and juvenile, at least from today's perspective.

Perhaps 2007 pop culture triumphs over 2006, but 2006 felt more authentic and relaxed. I would definitely love to relive that year.

Well you're from the UK so of course our views are going to be different because our experiences and the forms of media that were available to us were different.

Subject: Re: 2006 and 2007

Written By: Howard on 09/07/15 at 2:45 pm

And about half a decade later it was Amanda Bynes!

that's when she started to lose it.

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