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Subject: 2004
Written By: XYkid on 09/02/13 at 1:35 am
So what do you remember the most from 2004?
For me it was one of the best years of my life (so far anyway). I still have fond memories of staying up all night and watching Adult Swim (back when it was good) with my older cousins, and playing The Sims: Bustin' Out. We would gorge on junk food and drink Mountain Dew Pitch Black, which was the soft drink that year.
Also I loved getting to have my first kiss while listening to Yellowcard's Ocean Avenue with my then "girlfriend".
The music in 2004 had a lot of good and bad. Unfortunately, R&B and Hip Hop were the dominant genres that year. But thankfully most of the radio stations I listened to didn't play much of that rap crap.
Avril Lavigne released her sophomore album, and various indie rock artists hit big on the charts too, like Franz Ferdinand, Modest Mouse, and The Killers just to name a few. Plus Duran Duran released their comeback hit 'Reach Up For The Sunrise'. Maroon 5 was everywhere too, though I've never been crazy about them.
It's a year I'd definitely relive.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: MarkMc1990 on 09/02/13 at 3:33 am
I was in 7th-8th grade in 2004. Rap was extremely popular. I was starting to use the internet more. AIM was really popular. I used to be addicted to this trivia chat room.
I remember Adult Swim during this year too...they used to play this show called Case Closed and I was in love with it.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Howard on 09/02/13 at 6:47 am
I remember I started dating again.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: warped on 09/02/13 at 6:49 am
I remember I started dating again.
I remember you wrote that somewhere.
Oh yeah, here.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Inlandsvägen1986 on 09/02/13 at 6:53 am
-turned 18
-11th grade
-finally got my diver's license
-school was hard
-was highly into amateur meteorology stuff
-collecting and digitalizing 78 rpm records was on its peak
-high speed internet access was available in my street later this year, so it was basically the last year of having digital dial-up
-trip to the Alps and Munich
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Love Triangle on 09/02/13 at 9:23 pm
I was quite fond of 2004. I watched The Apprentice with Donald Trump around that time.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: 80sfan on 09/02/13 at 9:28 pm
Was a teenager 15/16 years of age. There was a 'happy' feeling about that year in America.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Love Triangle on 09/02/13 at 9:30 pm
Was a teenager 15/16 years of age. There was a 'happy' feeling about that year in America.
I agree. Despite 9/11 and the Iraq invasion in recent events, the atmosphere where I lived was rather positive, including the pop culture.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: 80sfan on 09/02/13 at 9:42 pm
I agree. Despite 9/11 and the Iraq invasion in recent events, the atmosphere where I lived was rather positive, including the pop culture.
I remember 2003 and 2004 was rather positive. It was really sunny in atmosphere!
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Mat1991 on 09/02/13 at 9:50 pm
In, 2004, I:
- went to Atlanta to visit relatives
- turned thirteen
- attended camp for the first time (which I and the rest of my group left early for due to a lice infestation :P)
- started junior high (seventh grade)
I remember Adult Swim during this year too...they used to play this show called Case Closed and I was in love with it.
Yay! Another Case Closed fan! :D I loved that show when it was on Adult Swim, too!
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Slim95 on 09/02/13 at 9:53 pm
I remember 2003 and 2004 was rather positive. It was really sunny in atmosphere!
Yeah I agree. I think 2000, 2003 and 2004 had a very happy and positive feel to them. More so than any other years in the decade.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Love Triangle on 09/02/13 at 9:53 pm
In, 2004, I:
- went to Atlanta to visit relatives
- turned thirteen
- attended camp for the first time (which I and the rest of my group left early for due to a lice infestation :P)
- started junior high (seventh grade)
Yay! Another Case Closed fan! :D I loved that show when it was on Adult Swim, too!
I went camping that year as well. My camp experience reminded me that you really can achieve a lot in 24 hours.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Tam on 09/02/13 at 10:00 pm
Was a teenager 15/16 years of age. There was a 'happy' feeling about that year in America.
I agree. Despite 9/11 and the Iraq invasion in recent events, the atmosphere where I lived was rather positive, including the pop culture.
I remember 2003 and 2004 was rather positive. It was really sunny in atmosphere!
Yeah I agree. I think 2000, 2003 and 2004 had a very happy and positive feel to them. More so than any other years in the decade.
I can hardly believe that I am replying to this thread, but I want to share what 2004 was like for me...
My husband deployed to Irag for his 1st tour of duty.
There's me, at home, with my 12 year old son.
My little spot on the earth, was not sunshine and happiness.
My little spot consisted of watching the news, barely sleeping and taking care of EVERYTHING while my husband was away.
Your happy feeling was because my husband had your back... and still does.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Tam on 09/02/13 at 11:40 pm
XYkid - I apologize for hijacking your thread.
I will give you another one of the same and remove the garbage parts.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Step-chan on 09/02/13 at 11:47 pm
Time to get the topic back on track.
I remember the Nirvana box set coming out that year as well as finding Amiright.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Love Triangle on 09/02/13 at 11:50 pm
Time to get the topic back on track.
I remember the Nirvana box set coming out that year as well as finding Amiright.
2004 marked 10 years since Kurt Cobain's death. I think it's fair to say that the influence of Nirvana was present in a decent portion of 2004's rock music.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Tam on 09/02/13 at 11:54 pm
Split and cleaned up. ;)
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Love Triangle on 09/02/13 at 11:58 pm
Split and cleaned up. ;)
I split sometimes during ten-pin bowling (I bowled a lot around 2004) and I cleaned up with soap in the shower.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: 80sfan on 09/03/13 at 12:20 am
I can hardly believe that I am replying to this thread, but I want to share what 2004 was like for me...
My husband deployed to Irag for his 1st tour of duty.
There's me, at home, with my 12 year old son.
My little spot on the earth, was not sunshine and happiness.
My little spot consisted of watching the news, barely sleeping and taking care of EVERYTHING while my husband was away.
Your happy feeling was because my husband had your back... and still does.
Yeah, I remember the Iraq War, even though I didn't watch the news a lot. I think if I was 18, I would've been scared of being drafted (depending on how big the war would've gotten). But I remember feeling for the troops also! Oh, yeah, and of course Afghanistan in 2001 and for the next decade and more.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Tam on 09/03/13 at 12:25 am
Yeah, I remember the Iraq War, even though I didn't watch the news a lot. I think if I was 18, I would've been scared of being drafted (depending on how big the war would've gotten). But I remember feeling for the troops also! Oh, yeah, and of course Afghanistan in 2001 and for the next decade and more.
A lot of the young adults were very frightened because there was in fact talk of a draft - but thankfully Patriotism won out and there was an influx of volunteers. Personally, it was the most scariest time of my life. Now however, my anxiety has peaked again, because my husband's next deployment (which will total it out at 5) is to Afghanistan. Yes, we might be clearing out of there, but that doesn't mean the danger isn't still present.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: warped on 09/03/13 at 12:27 am
. Now however, my anxiety has peaked again, because my husband's next deployment (which will total it out at 5) is to Afghanistan. Yes, we might be clearing out of there, but that doesn't mean the danger isn't still present.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Howard on 09/03/13 at 6:51 am
I split sometimes during ten-pin bowling (I bowled a lot around 2004) and I cleaned up with soap in the shower.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Dagwood on 09/03/13 at 7:15 am
A lot of the young adults were very frightened because there was in fact talk of a draft - but thankfully Patriotism won out and there was an influx of volunteers. Personally, it was the most scariest time of my life. Now however, my anxiety has peaked again, because my husband's next deployment (which will total it out at 5) is to Afghanistan. Yes, we might be clearing out of there, but that doesn't mean the danger isn't still present.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: XYkid on 09/03/13 at 12:59 pm
The Iraq war did effect me somewhat despite only being 10 years old at the time. I remember there were rumours that the taliban was going to bomb Texas (where I lived at the time) due to their oil and it made me scared.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Inertia on 09/03/13 at 5:51 pm
In 2004:
1. I was fifteen years old and a sophomore in high school.
2. An MMORPG called Diablo 2 consumed the majority of my time.
3. The Halloween party I hosted featured a marshmallow fight in my bedroom, much to the chagrin of my mom.
4. I had my gall bladder removed in December.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: amjikloviet on 09/03/13 at 6:58 pm
2004 was the year I "woke up" from a long dream. Looking back on it now, I'm glad I did. Very glad...extremely glad! That is all I will say. Moving on now.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Howard on 09/04/13 at 6:19 am
2004 was the year I "woke up" from a long dream. Looking back on it now, I'm glad I did. Very glad...extremely glad! That is all I will say. Moving on now.
What was the dream about?
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: SpaceHog on 09/04/13 at 9:26 am
I turned 16 in 2004. I visited Nantucket during my spring break and we had two snowstorms; one on the 16th-17th and the other on the 19th. The 19th storm was the more potent of the two.
Hurricane season was a late starter.
I was wrongfully accused of writing "threatening graffiti" on the bathroom wall the week after Thanksgiving. They suspended me for ten days initially, but then they wouldn't let me come back until February of '05. Funny thing is, is that the threats CONTINUED after I was suspended.
I finally got a thorough letter of apology my senior year.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Zeb on 09/20/13 at 8:59 pm
The biggest event that comes to my mind was the election of Bush v Kerry. That was a very intense campaign and it sparked many a heated debate on the college campus where I was a sophomore at the time. I had always taken a keen interest in American politics before but this was the first election I voted in. My roommate and I went to see Team America:World Police and The Terminal in the theater that year. Although I've never been a big baseball fan I felt very happy for those Red Sox fans when their "curse" was finally lifted.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: mxcrashxm on 12/10/13 at 4:10 pm
I graduated elementary school/started middle school
I was 10/11
I went to 6th grade camp
For Halloween, I was a vampire
I remember hearing usher, Kelly Clarkson, green day, gwen stefani, lil jon, Destiny's child, and Ludacris
I went to soak city at the end of 5th grade
I met some people who are now my friends of today
I spent 2 days with my dad before he went back to Tennessee
I watched the first episode of fosters home on cartoon network
I made a bunk bed using trash cans as the wood
I was made an AOL account by my sister
The last year I was going outside having fun before just staying inside everyday
I think my childhood was officially over then although I think it was first ending in 2002
I went to balboa park during 5th grade as a trip
I got my own room after not having one a few years
I was almost 6 feet tall
For my birthday, I got Mario kart double dash
During 5th grade, in my class, we had team names. It was nice
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: XYkid on 12/10/13 at 4:13 pm
I went to soak city at the end of 5th grade
I went to balboa park during 5th grade as a trip
Do you live in Orange County, CA, by any chance?
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: mxcrashxm on 12/10/13 at 4:15 pm
Do you live in Orange County, CA, by any chance?
nope. I live in san Diego.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Howard on 12/10/13 at 4:20 pm
In 2004, I started dating again, I went out with this woman I met somewhere.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/04/15 at 5:00 am
February 4th 2004 – Facebook, a mainstream online social networking site, is founded by Mark Zuckerberg.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Inlandsvägen1986 on 02/04/15 at 5:54 am
I can't understand why 2004 is always associated with Facebook. I haven't heard of Facebook before 2007 and in 2004, it was totally different from today, aesthetically. I think, Facebook should celebrate again in 2019 or 2020, when it's 10 years after they had their peak.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/04/15 at 5:59 am
I can't understand why 2004 is always associated with Facebook. I haven't heard of Facebook before 2007 and in 2004, it was totally different from today, aesthetically. I think, Facebook should celebrate again in 2019 or 2020, when it's 10 years after they had their peak.
Its website was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The founders had initially limited the website's membership to Harvard students, but later expanded it to colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities and later to high-school students. Facebook now allows anyone who claims to be at least 13 years old to become a registered user of the website. Its name comes from a colloquialism for the directory given to it by American universities students.
More can be ready here:
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/04/15 at 6:00 am
I can't understand why 2004 is always associated with Facebook. I haven't heard of Facebook before 2007 and in 2004, it was totally different from today, aesthetically. I think, Facebook should celebrate again in 2019 or 2020, when it's 10 years after they had their peak.
Its website was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The founders had initially limited the website's membership to Harvard students, but later expanded it to colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities and later to high-school students. Facebook now allows anyone who claims to be at least 13 years old to become a registered user of the website. Its name comes from a colloquialism for the directory given to it by American universities students.
More can be ready here:
The film "The Social Network" explains it all.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Howard on 02/04/15 at 2:39 pm
February 4th 2004 – Facebook, a mainstream online social networking site, is founded by Mark Zuckerberg.
Happy 11th anniversary Facebook.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/04/15 at 8:51 pm
February 5th 2004 – Rebels from the Revolutionary Artibonite Resistance Front capture the city of Gonaïves, starting the 2004 Haiti rebellion.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/16/15 at 3:44 am
July 16 2004 – Millennium Park, considered Chicago's first and most ambitious early 21st-century architectural project, is opened to the public by Mayor Richard M. Daley.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: ocarinafan96 on 07/22/15 at 12:38 am
Hands Down the Best Year of the 2000's, both pop culturally and my personal life. I might be tempted to say the best representation of the 2000's decade
It had great music from the crunk/party rap, to Post Grunge & Indie, great movies (personally the best representation of the decade) like Mean Girls, Napoleon Dynamite, & Shrek 2, 2000's fashion was at its peak, bling bling, the but logos, Abercrombie & Fitch, The Gap, MTV was still decent with one of my favorites TRL, the PS2,XBOX, & Gamecube were at their peak plus big time games came out this year like Halo 2, Half Life 2 & Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, VHS/DVD were both popular for much of this year with DVD now more popular, Blockbuster was at its peak, Broadband was now very popular, this was the peak of the Windows XP Era, the first half of 2004 was still the golden age for Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon & Toon Disney.
My personal life this year was pretty rad as well. Spring 2004 was when I turned 8 and I remember that spring season like it was yesterday, riding my bike around the neighborhood, riding to the corner store to get some snacks, going to the park to ride bikes, play football, play red light green light, going over to friends houses and playing PS2, Gamecube, & Xbox, going over to my neighbor's and watching Disney Channel with her with shows like Lizzie McGuire, Even Stevens, That's So Raven, Phil of the Future, Kim Possible, The Proud Family, Brandy and Mr.Wiskers, watching Toonami on weekdays with my guy friends catching episodes of Yu Yu Hakusho, DB, DBZ, Samurai Jack, playing YuGiOh, watching shows like Friends, Frasier, Everybody Loves Raymond, Will & Grace Two & a Half Men, & That 70's Show with my family on primetime, watching Adult Swim etc, chillaxing listening to my Discman.
Summer of 2004, going to the Boys and Girls Club, watching the Simpsons with my siblings, going to the park almost all the time, going to the beach a few times in Long Island, going on vacation to Atlanta Georgia seeing family, watching Sinbad with my cousins down there, watching the Nickelodeon advertisement for the 2004 election, going to Six Flags in Georgia, then we went to Orlando and we spent are time there in a luxurious resort, going to Disney World & Universal Studios, going to Downtown Disney, the Orlando Outlets, then the rest of the summer was spent going to friends houses and playing PS2, and going outside with the neighborhood kids.
Fall of 2004, going into 3rd grade, playing Yu-Gi-Oh & Beyblade with the kids at school, watching TRL with my siblings, playing my Gameboy Advance, watching Mean Girls with my siblings, watching the Kerry vs Bush debates with my mom, reconnecting with my biological dad, going to my cousins house in Far Rockaway, busting out my Discman and having tons of fun because 2004 was 'tight!' :) :\'( :\'( :) :) ;D 8)
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: ArcticFox on 07/22/15 at 3:41 am
2000's fashion was at its peak, bling bling, the but logos, Abercrombie & Fitch, The Gap,
Ew, you like those? The Gap is a 1990's thing, experiencing a huge decline in the aughts and hasn't really recovered since with the exception of 2013. Old Navy would make sense, but not The Gap.
Here is an article from 2006:
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: ocarinafan96 on 07/22/15 at 12:08 pm
Ew, you like those? The Gap is a 1990's thing, experiencing a huge decline in the aughts and hasn't really recovered since with the exception of 2013. Old Navy would make sense, but not The Gap.
Here is an article from 2006:
I guess I meant to say Old Navy lol, but I do remember my older siblings (born in the mid 80's) going to the Gap to buy clothes around 2000-early 2003ish
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/25/15 at 9:15 am
Ew, you like those? The Gap is a 1990's thing, experiencing a huge decline in the aughts and hasn't really recovered since with the exception of 2013. Old Navy would make sense, but not The Gap.
Here is an article from 2006:
Well, the Gap was still decent to some people in the 2000s.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Shemp97 on 07/25/15 at 10:50 am
Hands Down the Best Year of the 2000's, both pop culturally and my personal life. I might be tempted to say the best representation of the 2000's decade
It had great music from the crunk/party rap
I feel sorry for you guys down there. Good thing crunk/party rap never took off outside the US like alternative rap did 8)
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/25/15 at 11:03 am
I feel sorry for you guys down there. Good thing crunk/party rap never took off outside the US like alternative rap did 8)
Wow, you must've been really proud of being a Canadian 2000s kid/teen. Cut some slack man, America was decent in the 2000s.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Shemp97 on 07/25/15 at 12:50 pm
Wow, you must've been really proud of being a Canadian 2000s kid/teen. Cut some slack man, America was decent in the 2000s.
Tbh, I onlu base it iff what I heard was going in down there back then and what Americans say about the decade today. I've spoken to people from the UK and other counties aswell about the 00s, I don't think it's a coincidence that the biggestcritics of the 2000s are American.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 07/29/15 at 11:57 am
My personal life this year was pretty rad as well. Spring 2004 was when I turned 8 and I remember that spring season like it was yesterday, riding my bike around the neighborhood, riding to the corner store to get some snacks, going to the park to ride bikes, play football, play red light green light, going over to friends houses and playing PS2, Gamecube, & Xbox, going over to my neighbor's and watching Disney Channel with her with shows like Lizzie McGuire, Even Stevens, That's So Raven, Phil of the Future, Kim Possible, The Proud Family, Brandy and Mr.Wiskers, watching Toonami on weekdays with my guy friends catching episodes of Yu Yu Hakusho, DB, DBZ, Samurai Jack, playing YuGiOh, watching shows like Friends, Frasier, Everybody Loves Raymond, Will & Grace Two & a Half Men, & That 70's Show with my family on primetime, watching Adult Swim etc, chillaxing listening to my Discman.
I guess this paragraph proves that not as much changed from the mid '90s to the mid '00s as people like to think because if you switch out the PS2, Gamecube & Xbox for the SNES, Genesis & TGX-16; the Disney Channel for Nickelodeon; Toonami for the Fox Kids Club and Two & a Half Men for Home Improvement, then you just as easily could have been describing my life as a 7-year-old back in 1994. Unfortunately, I didn't have a Discman though. :P
But yeah, 2004 was certainly a memorable year if nothing else. 2004 was also a great year for me personally, as that fall I started my senior year of high school, and it marked the first full calendar year in which I had my drivers license along with a job and my own spending money. Here are 10 things from 2004 that still stand out to me, in no particular order:
1. The release of Green Day's comeback album "American Idiot", and the last stand of Pop-Punk before it fully transitioned to Emo.
2. A huge year for films with the much anticipated Summer premiere of Spider-Man 2, which was preceded by the whole Passion of the Christ box office bonanza that spring.
3. The entire Bush v. Kerry campaign and all of the controversies that came with it (Killian documents, Swiftboating, the "Dean Scream", etc.).
4. Fall 2004 being one of the most anticipated periods in gaming history with Halo 2 and GTA: San Andreas being released just weeks apart. Remember Halo "LAN Parties" being all the rage? A friend of mine had one of those over at his place about a week after Halo 2 came out.
5. Rock still being a major cultural force, with songs like "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" by Jet, "Ocean Avenue" by Yellowcard, "Hardest Button to Button" by The White Stripes and "Float On" by Modest Mouse all being inescapable on radio that year.
6. The last full year of "Web 1.0", before the explosion in popularity of social networking and video sharing sites like MySpace and YouTube over the next few years.
7. Jon Stewart destroying Crossfire live on the air.
8. Hurricane Charley and Hurricane Ivan both hitting my state just one month apart.
9. The deadly tsunami that killed millions on the day after Christmas.
10. A great Super Bowl between New England and Carolina, ultimately overshadowed by the halftime "wardrobe malfunction" controversy.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: ocarinafan96 on 07/30/15 at 10:02 am
I guess this paragraph proves that not as much changed from the mid '90s to the mid '00s as people like to think because if you switch out the PS2, Gamecube & Xbox for the SNES, Genesis & TGX-16; the Disney Channel for Nickelodeon; Toonami for the Fox Kids Club and Two & a Half Men for Home Improvement, then you just as easily could have been describing my life as a 7-year-old back in 1994. Unfortunately, I didn't have a Discman though. :P
But yeah, 2004 was certainly a memorable year if nothing else. 2004 was also a great year for me personally, as that fall I started my senior year of high school, and it marked the first full calendar year in which I had my drivers license along with a job and my own spending money. Here are 10 things from 2004 that still stand out to me, in no particular order:
1. The release of Green Day's comeback album "American Idiot", and the last stand of Pop-Punk before it fully transitioned to Emo.
2. A huge year for films with the much anticipated Summer premiere of Spider-Man 2, which was preceded by the whole Passion of the Christ box office bonanza that spring.
3. The entire Bush v. Kerry campaign and all of the controversies that came with it (Killian documents, Swiftboating, the "Dean Scream", etc.).
4. Fall 2004 being one of the most anticipated periods in gaming history with Halo 2 and GTA: San Andreas being released just weeks apart. Remember Halo "LAN Parties" being all the rage? A friend of mine had one of those over at his place about a week after Halo 2 came out.
5. Rock still being a major cultural force, with songs like "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" by Jet, "Ocean Avenue" by Yellowcard, "Hardest Button to Button" by The White Stripes and "Float On" by Modest Mouse all being inescapable on radio that year.
6. The last full year of "Web 1.0", before the explosion in popularity of social networking and video sharing sites like MySpace and YouTube over the next few years.
7. Jon Stewart destroying Crossfire live on the air.
8. Hurricane Charley and Hurricane Ivan both hitting my state just one month apart.
9. The deadly tsunami that killed millions on the day after Christmas.
10. A great Super Bowl between New England and Carolina, ultimately overshadowed by the halftime "wardrobe malfunction" controversy.
Lol yeah 2004 was a bittersweet year, it still had that post 9/11 feel to it, but it also was around when the housing bubble was entering its peak so the dot com bubble was well behind us at that point. Also you mentioned you didn't have a Discman in 94', well didn't you guys have Walkmans?
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/30/15 at 10:49 am
Lol yeah 2004 was a bittersweet year, it still had that post 9/11 feel to it, but it also was around when the housing bubble was entering its peak so the dot com bubble was well behind us at that point. Also you mentioned you didn't have a Discman in 94', well didn't you guys have Walkmans?
Well, maybe Machinehead didn't have one in the 90s. Not every 90s kid had a Walkman or any old-school music player back in their day.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/30/15 at 3:44 pm
the Disney Channel for Nickelodeon; Toonami for the Fox Kids Club
Yeah Nick's glory days were officially over once I started 3rd grade in the fall that year, Hell even Toonami when they moved it to weekends, and the programming gradually became watered down!!
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/30/15 at 3:54 pm
Yeah Nick's glory days were officially over once I started 3rd grade in the fall that year, Hell even Toonami when they moved it to weekends, and the programming gradually became watered down!!
They still have Toonami on Adult Swim.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/30/15 at 4:12 pm
They still have Toonami on Adult Swim.
Yeah I've seen it and it's good! But it can be even better than what it is! It comes on WAYYYYYYYYYY too late!!! >:( 8-P I got to go to church the next morning lol!!
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: ocarinafan96 on 07/30/15 at 4:15 pm
Well, maybe Machinehead didn't have one in the 90s. Not every 90s kid had a Walkman or any old-school music player back in their day.
True I was just making a comparasion
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/30/15 at 4:19 pm
Yeah I've seen it and it's good! But it can be even better than what it is! It comes on WAYYYYYYYYYY too late!!! >:( 8-P I got to go to church the next morning lol!!
... Do you still live with your parents or something?
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/30/15 at 4:41 pm
... Do you still live with your parents or something?
Currently; until I get my own apartment, but I love to go to church on Sunday mornings and I 'll be too tired to go if I stay up to 1:00 to watch some of my fav current Toonami shows!
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/30/15 at 4:45 pm
Currently; until I get my own apartment, but I love to go to church on Sunday mornings and I 'll be too tired to go if I stay up to 1:00 to watch some of my fav current Toonami shows!
Do you have a job or something?
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/30/15 at 4:48 pm
Do you have a job or something?
I'm currently working over the summer and plan on working during this school year! It's bout to be my second year of college!
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/30/15 at 5:09 pm
I'm currently working over the summer and plan on working during this school year! It's bout to be my second year of college!
Oh. You still go to college?
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/30/15 at 5:29 pm
I'm currently working over the summer and plan on working during this school year! It's bout to be my second year of college!
Okay, I think you already answered my question since I didn't read your whole post there.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 07/31/15 at 3:40 pm
Also you mentioned you didn't have a Discman in 94', well didn't you guys have Walkmans?
The Discman was around back in the '90s, but they were still pretty expensive at that time, so not many kids in my area had one. My mom did have a Walkman that she took jogging with her, and I used to borrow it when she wasn't using it to listen to the radio or play my cassette tapes. I think I got my first portable CD player around 1999 or so.
Yeah Nick's glory days were officially over once I started 3rd grade in the fall that year, Hell even Toonami when they moved it to weekends, and the programming gradually became watered down!!
That's true. I would say that Nickelodeon's peak as the undisputed number one kid's network probably began to end in 1999 when Cartoon Network (thanks in large part to the popularity of "Cartoon Cartoons" like Johnny Bravo, as well as Dragon Ball Z) started to really give the channel a run for it's money ratings wise. Up to that point, neither Cartoon Network nor the Disney Channel had really posed much of a threat to Nick's dominance, but by the early '00s things had evened out quite a bit.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/12/15 at 4:02 am
August 12th 2004 – Mr. Lee Hsien Loong is sworn in as Singapore's third Prime Minister.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: 80sfan on 08/12/15 at 12:23 pm
A very fun year, my favorite of the 00s.
I noticed Family Guy was hugely popular this year, though I think most of you would say its popularity began in 2003.
Yeah, Family Guy was hugely popular in 2003/2004.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: ocarinafan96 on 08/13/15 at 10:38 am
A very fun year, my favorite of the 00s.
I noticed Family Guy was hugely popular this year, though I think most of you would say its popularity began in 2003.
Yeah, Family Guy was hugely popular in 2003/2004.
Yeah 2004 is probably my favorite year (both pop culturally and for my personal life)
Also I agree that Family Guy was at its peak around that time. I personally believe it has been a bit sucky ever since they returned from their hiatious in 2005...
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/15/15 at 12:25 pm
Yeah 2004 is probably my favorite year (both pop culturally and for my personal life)
Also I agree that Family Guy was at its peak around that time. I personally believe it has been a bit sucky ever since they returned from their hiatious in 2005...
Well, at least they were good until the later 2000s (I might say 2009ish), when they really started to go bad. Fox today sucks, with the exception of Bob's Burgers and Hotel Hell.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/15/15 at 12:33 pm
August 15th 2004 - Vijay Singh wins the PGA Championship at Whistling Straits.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/15/15 at 3:40 pm
August 15th 2004 - Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts was being treated for throat cancer after being diagnosed with the disease in June.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 08/16/15 at 11:52 pm
The Discman was around back in the '90s, but they were still pretty expensive at that time, so not many kids in my area had one. My mom did have a Walkman that she took jogging with her, and I used to borrow it when she wasn't using it to listen to the radio or play my cassette tapes. I think I got my first portable CD player around 1999 or so.
That's true. I would say that Nickelodeon's peak as the undisputed number one kid's network probably began to end in 1999 when Cartoon Network (thanks in large part to the popularity of "Cartoon Cartoons" like Johnny Bravo, as well as Dragon Ball Z) started to really give the channel a run for it's money ratings wise. Up to that point, neither Cartoon Network nor the Disney Channel had really posed much of a threat to Nick's dominance, but by the early '00s things had evened out quite a bit.
Yes you're correct, my childhood culture and your's weren't too different! Sure there were some differences, Your's being the SNES, Sega Genesis, Nickelodeon's prime, Fox Kid's prime, early Kids WB, Disney afternoon cartoons, first couple of Disney renaissance films, WWF hogan and Bret Hart era's. Mine being the N64 and Gamecube, PS1 and PS2, Dreamcast and XBOX, Cartoon Network's prime, Toonami, Nickelodeon Kalsey Cuscpo era, Toon Disney, Disney Channel's hey day, Later Fox kids, millennium era Kids WB, Disney Saturday Morning, LATER Disney Renaissance films/ early 00s post Renaissance Disney pics, WWF Attitude and WWE Ruthless Aggression years.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/17/15 at 5:28 am
August 17th 2004 – The National Assembly of Serbia unanimously adopts new state symbols for Serbia: Bože pravde becomes the new anthem and the coat of arms is adopted for the whole country.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/17/15 at 5:54 pm
August 17th 2004 - A report showed how touts were now using eBay to sell tickets for sold-out concerts. It said the touts were not breaking the law by using auction sites on the internet, it showed tickets for Madonna's Wembley gig worth £150 were for sale at £350 and a pair of tickets to see The White Stripes worth £90 were currently on eBay for £130.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/22/15 at 12:57 pm
August 22nd 2004 - Al Dvorin the announcer who popularised the phrase "Elvis has left the building" died in a car crash, on his way home from an Elvis convention in California. Dvorin aged 81, was in a car driven by Elvis photographer Ed Bonja. Dvorin was never paid for recordings of his words, and was bitter towards the multimillion pound Elvis Presley Enterprises. In the early 1970s, Colonel Parker asked Dvorin to inform fans at a gig that Presley would not be appearing for an encore. He took the stage and announced: "Ladies and gentlemen, Elvis has left the building. Thank you and goodnight."
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/27/15 at 11:32 am
August 27th 2004 - Winners at this years Kerrang! awards included The Darkness for best British band and best live band, best band on the planet award went to Metallica. Green Day were inducted into the Kerrang! Hall of Fame, Lostprophets won the best single for 'Last Train Home' and best album went to Muse for 'Absolution'.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/27/15 at 11:49 am
August 27th 2004 - Green Day, The Darkness, The White Stripes, Morrissey, The Libertines, Franz Ferdinand, The Hives, 50 Cent, (50 Cent was booed off stage after being greeted by a rain of bottles thrown at him and his G-Unit crew as they came onstage). The Streets, The Vines, Soulwax, Dogs Die In Hot Cars, The Offspring, Ash, Placebo and Lostprophets all appeared at this years UK Carling Weekend in Reading and Leeds, England.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/01/15 at 5:42 am
September 1st 2004 – The Beslan school hostage crisis commences when armed terrorists take children and adults hostage in Beslan in North Ossetia, Russia.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/03/15 at 5:22 pm
September 3rd 2004 - Songwriter and producer Billy Davis died in New York after a long illness. He co-wrote Jackie Wilson's, ‘Reet Petite’ and the jingle ‘I'd Like To Buy The World A Coke.’ Aretha Franklin, James Brown, Marvin Gaye, The Supremes and Gladys Knight all recorded his songs.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/09/15 at 3:36 pm
September 9th 2004 - US guitar maker Ernie Ball died after a long illness. In the late 50's Ball opened the first music store in the USA in Tarzana, California to sell guitars exclusively. He developed the guitar strings called 'Slinkys' specifically designed for rock and roll electric guitar.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/18/15 at 8:34 am
September 18th 2004 - Britney Spears married dancer Kevin Federline during a private ceremony in Los Angeles. Federline had two daughters from his previous relationship with actress Shar Jackson.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: SpyroKev on 09/19/15 at 1:57 pm
I was pretty stupid in 2004 but it still is a really memorable year for me. Me and my brother were addicted to Pokémon Fire Red, Ruby and Sapphire that overwritten my addiction to Pokémon Silver. I was a copy cat back then, so I ended up getting the same Fire Red copy of Pokémon as my older brother, instead of logically getting Leaf Green. 2004 was my first year experiencing flirting that I was too slow to realize I caught on to a few years ago. I do regret missing the chances haha The theme was majority R&B while tolerable Hip Hop/Rap and real R&B was slowly fading. Usher defines the theme of 2004 in my opinion. His hits that year blended in the vibe pretty well. 2000s school culture still had a few years left since technology was still balanced.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: violet_shy on 06/24/21 at 9:19 am
In March of 2004, I became sick and bed-ridden. I could not move much. I could not eat. Didn't socialize. I did keep a journal. And I walked around a bit. I remained that way until September 2004. That was when my parents got me a Play Station 2 to help me with my illness. It was therapeutic and it actually did help me! By November 2004, I was better and back to my normal life.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: nally on 07/01/21 at 8:46 am
It was on this day (July 1st) in 2004, Saturn orbit insertion of Cassini–Huygens begins at 01:12 UTC and ends at 02:48 UTC.
My post count was nearing 5,000 around that time.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/05/21 at 4:59 am
My post count was nearing 5,000 around that time.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: nally on 07/05/21 at 10:59 am
It was actually on the 21st when I officially got there:
I knew it was in July, but couldn't quite remember what date. I just know that I was posting a lot most every day.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: xX07-GhostXx on 07/31/21 at 9:22 pm
I wish I could go back to this year. Any year from 2003 to 2007, really, except for 2005.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 08/11/21 at 1:30 pm
Anyone who was cognizant in 2004 remembers Ashlee Simpson’s career-destroying appearance on Saturday Night Live when a technical malfunction revealed her to be lip synching and she ran off stage, exposed as unprofessional and a no-talent. Man, do the "musicians" look embarrassed.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: NightmareFarm on 08/15/21 at 8:02 am
sheeshting my diapers, eating avocado and being told not to stare at strangers
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: batfan2005 on 08/15/21 at 10:28 am
I wish I could go back to this year. Any year from 2003 to 2007, really, except for 2005.
I wish I could go back to 2004 or 2005. I didn't really care for 2003 or 2006, or 2007 except for the last quarter.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: 80sfan on 08/17/21 at 8:45 am
I loved this year! A very luck year, for me, personally! It was also the Year of the Monkey, and most years of the Monkey are compatible with Dragons (me)! ;D 8) 8)
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: JimiBoy04 on 08/30/21 at 8:29 pm
I was born in March of that year, so being a newborn baby was pretty peaceful, to say the least. 8)
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Slim95 on 09/04/21 at 12:35 am
Ah 2004. When people actually watched TV as YouTube didn't exist yet. When people actually hung out with each other in person as smartphones and social media weren't commonplace. When Evanescence was on the radio. When everyone got excited for the Friends finale. Good times.. Feels like yesterday sometimes yet it was so long ago.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: JimiBoy04 on 09/04/21 at 6:22 pm
Ah 2004. When people actually watched TV as YouTube didn't exist yet. When people actually hung out with each other in person as smartphones and social media weren't commonplace. When Evanescence was on the radio. When everyone got excited for the Friends finale. Good times.. Feels like yesterday sometimes yet it was so long ago.
Sometimes, I'm glad I managed to JUST snag the last of the pre-social media, pre-smartphone world.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: batfan2005 on 09/05/21 at 10:44 am
Ah 2004. When people actually watched TV as YouTube didn't exist yet. When people actually hung out with each other in person as smartphones and social media weren't commonplace. When Evanescence was on the radio. When everyone got excited for the Friends finale. Good times.. Feels like yesterday sometimes yet it was so long ago.
I miss those days. I remember in 2004 watching music videos on Yahoo Music and funny cartoons/videos on ebaumsworld. I also remember chatting on AIM or Yahoo Messenger. Otherwise I'd open my flip phone and talk to people. I also remember previewing CD's on Amazon, and playing Gamecube. A lot of good music came out that year but one CD that sticks out the most is Usher's Confessions.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Slim95 on 09/05/21 at 2:26 pm
I miss those days. I remember in 2004 watching music videos on Yahoo Music and funny cartoons/videos on ebaumsworld. I also remember chatting on AIM or Yahoo Messenger. Otherwise I'd open my flip phone and talk to people. I also remember previewing CD's on Amazon, and playing Gamecube. A lot of good music came out that year but one CD that sticks out the most is Usher's Confessions.
Yes and,,,, and were my go-to sites back then.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: xX07-GhostXx on 09/06/21 at 2:38 pm
Stabs me in the heart 7 times or more that I won't get to go back to this year.
I don't know who needs to read this part, but what I just said was NOT a description of what I plan to do, at any point in the future, but was actually a description of how I feel I was already being affected by outside forces.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: nally on 04/06/24 at 1:18 pm
Hard to believe it is now 20 years ago!
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Howard on 04/07/24 at 1:57 am
Hard to believe it is now 20 years ago!
I can't believe it either. :o
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: batfan2005 on 04/07/24 at 7:37 am
Hard to believe it is now 20 years ago!
I was thinking that during Usher's performance at the SBHT show. Most of his songs were from that year.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: nally on 04/07/24 at 9:24 am
I was thinking that during Usher's performance at the SBHT show. Most of his songs were from that year.
I remember his song “Yeah!” which was a hit in 04. But that year’s SBHT show was known for a controversial incident involving Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: nally on 08/04/24 at 3:04 pm
Its website was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The founders had initially limited the website's membership to Harvard students, but later expanded it to colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities and later to high-school students. Facebook now allows anyone who claims to be at least 13 years old to become a registered user of the website. Its name comes from a colloquialism for the directory given to it by American universities students.
More can be ready here:
Interesting story. It wasn’t as popular in its early days as it has been in recent years.
My mom joined FB in 2008 and invited me to join it the following year.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 08/04/24 at 5:00 pm
Interesting story. It wasn’t as popular in its early days as it has been in recent years.
My mom joined FB in 2008 and invited me to join it the following year.
In the early years Facebook was mostly popular with a younger crowd. Much like TikTok is now. Now Facebook is largely an older crowd.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: nally on 08/04/24 at 5:05 pm
In the early years Facebook was mostly popular with a younger crowd. Much like TikTok is now. Now Facebook is largely an older crowd.
That makes sense. Even during its first 4+ years of existence, I didn’t have much interest in social media. (However, in retrospect I kinda wished I had. I might have been able to keep in better contact with certain people I knew during my undergraduate years.)
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: nally on 08/05/24 at 12:14 am
In the summer of 2004 I remember visiting the career center at my university to try to find a new academic path because I was on one that I was struggling with mightily.
Subject: Re: 2004
Written By: Howard on 08/05/24 at 7:17 am
In the early years Facebook was mostly popular with a younger crowd. Much like TikTok is now. Now Facebook is largely an older crowd.
Where they can post pictures and discuss their memories.
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