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Subject: What generation am I a part of?
Written By: nintieskid999 on 10/22/10 at 4:51 pm
I'm obviously a member of generation Y (peak Y to be precise) but I mean decadewise. was born in 1986, went to preschool in 1989, was in preschool, elementary school, and middle school in the 90s. I went to high school in the 00s. I consider myself a part of the late 90s/early 00s/mid 00s generation. What's your opinion?
Subject: Re: What Generation am I a part of?
Written By: sonikuu on 10/22/10 at 5:31 pm
Oh dear god, another one. Please see these two VERY similar threads in which people wonder what decade they're a part of. The concept is similar enough.
For the record, you're part of the generation you consider yourself to be a part of. You've already decided that, so I don't see why you need to ask other people about it. Sorry for being kind of rude, but it's the truth.
Subject: Re: What generation am I a part of?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/22/10 at 5:40 pm
As you said, you are generation Y!
Subject: Re: What generation am I a part of?
Written By: Howard on 10/22/10 at 8:01 pm
I'm Generation X. (Born in the 70's but lived in the 80's.)
Subject: Re: What generation am I a part of?
Written By: bchris02 on 10/23/10 at 1:59 pm
I'm obviously a member of generation Y (peak Y to be precise) but I mean decadewise. was born in 1986, went to preschool in 1989, was in preschool, elementary school, and middle school in the 90s. I went to high school in the 00s. I consider myself a part of the late 90s/early 00s/mid 00s generation. What's your opinion?
Generation Y. People born from 1980-1985 have characteristics of both generation X and Y. To me the dividing line is whether you are able to remember the world before the fall of the Soviet Union. If you can, you are generation X. If not, you are generation Y.
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