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Subject: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: superflykid2008 on 05/16/10 at 2:12 am
culture. I look back at the 80s teens and they seems to be really rocking out. But as I look at the past 10 years, most kids my age just spend the days on facebook, or in the mall, or at the movies. We don't really have a culture like they's strange... :(
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: whistledog on 05/16/10 at 6:38 am
Most kids your age have lives :D
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: Paul on 05/16/10 at 12:25 pm
We had Thatcher...think yourself lucky! :P
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: DJ Blaze on 05/16/10 at 4:52 pm
We have DDR and the movies and PS3 and YouTube.
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: sonikuu on 05/17/10 at 2:18 am
Um...there isn't too much of a difference to be honest. Teenagers spent lots of time at the mall and movies in the 80s too. Today's teens do spend more time indoors due to technology though. However, I was in high school in the mid-00s and teens still regularly went out and partied and did all that stuff.
Really, teen culture changes surprisingly little each decade, aside from additions to technology and the changes in pop culture that naturally change the type of music and fashion teens like. Teens will always have a tendency to want to party, form cliques, have drama, rebel against their parents, etc.
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: Brian06 on 05/17/10 at 1:08 pm
Um...there isn't too much of a difference to be honest. Teenagers spent lots of time at the mall and movies in the 80s too. Today's teens do spend more time indoors due to technology though. However, I was in high school in the mid-00s and teens still regularly went out and partied and did all that stuff.
Really, teen culture changes surprisingly little each decade, aside from additions to technology and the changes in pop culture that naturally change the type of music and fashion teens like. Teens will always have a tendency to want to party, form cliques, have drama, rebel against their parents, etc.
I agree teens are teens.
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: apollonia1986 on 05/18/10 at 9:23 pm
I know I'm only 24, but I literally cringe when I hear someone say a simple "Yes" and "No" to aldult. I grew up saying 'ma'am' and 'sir' all the time. IT's just inate in me,. and if I have a kid, she will say it. I say it. :)
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: joeman on 05/19/10 at 10:16 am
I know I'm only 24, but I literally cringe when I hear someone say a simple "Yes" and "No" to aldult. I grew up
saying 'ma'am' and 'sir' all the time. IT's just inate in me,. and if I have a kid, she will say it. I say it. :)
Agreed. There are times whenever I hear a kid say his father first name to him casually and that really bugs me. I would never ever call my dad by his first name. Like you, I grew up saying 'ma'am and sir' and I still do it. I think it is disrespectful not to.
Back to the topic, teens had it great in the 00s and I dont anyone should complain. I was briefly a teenager in the 90s and I remember adults talking a lot of smack on how kids had computers. In the early 00s, the same adults talked smack on kids having cell phones. I think what tipped it was the advent of Myspace and Youtube, and then I was even complaining how HS schools were wasting their times on Myspace, though then I was a young adult.
Heck, the teens in the 00s are going to complain about the teens in the 10s for whatever new invention comes and talk a lot of smack about them, it is a cycle.
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: JTCool on 05/19/10 at 10:07 pm
I also think it has to do with the generations of the parents. I am 17 and most parents of my peers seem to get along pretty good with their parents. The downfall to the fact that our generation's parents are more laid-back with their kids is that parents become more like your friends. But if parents are too stricked, like in previous generations, it can push their kids away.
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: Tyler on 06/02/10 at 9:37 pm
I know I'm only 24, but I literally cringe when I hear someone say a simple "Yes" and "No" to aldult. I grew up saying 'ma'am' and 'sir' all the time. IT's just inate in me,. and if I have a kid, she will say it. I say it. :)
I'm 17 and I try to show respect. People often don't think that I'm respectful since I wear my hat to the side, I smoke cigarettes, and I drive a fast car. My girlfriend's parents thought I was bad at first but as they got to know me they see that I'm a nice kid. I really try to respect all adults, I'm proud of my politeness. I work as a lifeguard at a water park and sometimes when I deal with the people I don't always get respect from other people, but I try my best to show respect to everyone.
I know there are alot of kids that don't have respect, but I think there are probably at tleast the same amount that do.
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: Bobby on 06/03/10 at 10:13 pm
We had Thatcher...think yourself lucky! :P
Yes, I still wonder where my school milk went, lol.
Teens in the 00s have more. The world seems smaller with internet and easy access worldwide communication.
I agree with Sonikuu. Not a great deal has changed throughout the decades socially though I do believe technology has the potential to isolate people like it didn't seem to do in past decades. I think it's good to be a teen in 2000s.
I think people, whether we like it or not, are judged by how they dress and this isn't new either and been happening since who knows when. If someone walks around with a load of tattoos and a six inch bar through their nose they can look intimidating whether they mean to or not. I do have mates covered in tattoos and are still as human as the rest of us (some moreso), they just have different ideas on what they like to wear and I have learnt that whatever a person looks like they still have the same views, thoughts, feelings and desires as everybody else.
On the same coin, if a person decides to cover themselves with tattoos and have a myriad of piercings through their face they shouldn't find it surprising that people stare at them.
Respect isn't an age or culture thing, it's a social thing and anybody has the potential to be respectful or disrespectful. I had an old lady push in front of me while in a queue at my local shop...Not sure she was firing on all cylinders, mind you, but I found it quietly irritating to say the least.
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: Lindee on 06/05/10 at 1:16 pm
You have alot more that teens did in the 70s and we somehow got by.
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: blackrose602 on 06/05/10 at 9:52 pm
I think people, whether we like it or not, are judged by how they dress and this isn't new either and been happening since who knows when. If someone walks around with a load of tattoos and a six inch bar through their nose they can look intimidating whether they mean to or not. I do have mates covered in tattoos and are still as human as the rest of us (some moreso), they just have different ideas on what they like to wear and I have learnt that whatever a person looks like they still have the same views, thoughts, feelings and desires as everybody else.
Glad you mentioned that this isn't a new thing. In the early '90s, my friends and I were "street kids." Some were actually homeless, most of us lived in big groups in tiny apartments and scraped by. But we dressed pretty punk, had the dyed hair, the piercings, the tats. Anyway, there was a big tourist area called Church Street Station in Orlando, a few streets down from where we hung out. Whenever we'd go down Church Street for any reason, it was like the parting of the Red Sea--the suburban moms couldn't get their kids out of the way fast enough! It was pretty sad, we got harassed a lot by the cops, and we were not only completely non-violent, we were a lot more honest and respectful than most of the tourist kids that came through.
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/24/10 at 9:46 pm
Never mind. I got to beat the devil outta my soul!
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/26/10 at 4:21 pm
Man, you young whippersnappers have it all. When I was kid, we only had 4 t.v. stations (well, we actually had 7 because we had NYC stations). The only way to see a movie was to go the movies. Yeah, they showed some movies on t.v. but they were always cut and had commercials in them. There were no such thing as premium movie channels. And of course there was no such thing as the internet. Oh yeah, and most t.v.s were black & white.
No one had their own personal phone. The entire family had to share! (The horrors, the horrors). Some families even had to share lines with their neighbors (these were called party lines). And if you needed to make a call away from home, you had to put a dime in a pay phone. :o :o :o
And I had to walk 10 miles to school barefoot in 6 feet of snow up hill BOTH ways.
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: Frank on 06/26/10 at 5:20 pm
And I had to walk 10 miles to school barefoot in 6 feet of snow up hill BOTH ways.
Oooh, I think we attended the same school! ;)
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/26/10 at 5:42 pm
Oooh, I think we attended the same school! ;)
;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/26/10 at 7:41 pm
"Culture" doesn't make good corporate slaves.
Subject: Re: I Wish Teens In The 00s Had More
Written By: rgd51 on 06/27/10 at 3:11 am
I was born in november 1991 so I feel i could add a bit into here. I experience my kid and teen years in the 00s being barely 18 when 2010 came. You are right in that we didnt have much of a culture in my opinion. But maybe in the 20s there will be an 00s nostalgia. Im having a nostalgia for things 1996 to 2002 ish right now
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