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Subject: LOL @ Infomercials
Written By: whistledog on 11/28/09 at 5:28 pm
Have you seen the one for the Jupiter Jack? It's a device you plug into your cellphone, then tune your car radio to the required dial so you can talk on your phone safely while driving. Of course, while the pitchman is telling us this, he's behind the wheel of a car driving while looking to the right at the camera. Real safe, buddy! Let us know what happens after you run over that old lady at the crosswalk because you didn't have your eyes on the road! LOL
Vince for Slap Chop: "You're gonna love my nuts"
The part that kills me is in the Slap Chop ad where he is cutting onions with it, he then says "We're gonna make America skinny again". Tell me Vince, how is eating Onions going to make you skinny? ???
Subject: Re: LOL @ Infomercials
Written By: snozberries on 11/28/09 at 5:37 pm
The part that kills me is in the Slap Chop ad where he is cutting onions with it, he then says "We're gonna make America skinny again". Tell me Vince, how is eating Onions going to make you skinny? ???
maybe its all the exercise you get slapping and chopping?
Subject: Re: LOL @ Infomercials
Written By: Dagwood on 11/28/09 at 6:24 pm
Vince for Slap Chop: "You're gonna love my nuts"
Caught that one yesterday. Cracked me up. :D
Subject: Re: LOL @ Infomercials
Written By: DJ Blaze on 11/28/09 at 6:50 pm
Slap Chop for the win! I love the Slap Chop rap.
Subject: Re: LOL @ Infomercials
Written By: LyricBoy on 11/28/09 at 9:00 pm
The Giant Iggle grocery store by my house has an "As Seen on TV" section, where they sell all sorts of infomercial products.
They have the Slap Chop, ShamWOW!, Snuggies, and all sorts of other stuff that I cannot remember now, but instantly recognize when I walk past that section. When I see the rack, suddenly I feel the need to have each and every one of those things; I almost feel like a star because I am in their presence.
But, alas... I have only broken down and bought one thing so far. I bought my Mum a Snuggie a couple a weeks ago for $14.99. ;D
Subject: Re: LOL @ Infomercials
Written By: Fairee07 on 11/28/09 at 9:30 pm
I like the infomercial for Life Line because the acting is ridiculously bad.
Subject: Re: LOL @ Infomercials
Written By: LyricBoy on 11/28/09 at 9:32 pm
The lady who sells the Silver Bullet (Magic Bullet) food blender is supremely annoying.
I'd like to shove her head in that thing and turn it up to 10. ;D
Subject: Re: LOL @ Infomercials
Written By: Red Ant on 11/28/09 at 10:56 pm
I lol at the Snuggies infomercial. C'mon - its a backward bathrobe!
Ped-Egg works, but the commercials are pretty gross.
Subject: Re: LOL @ Infomercials
Written By: Womble on 11/28/09 at 11:30 pm
Interesting topic, Whistledog. Thanks for posting.
Subject: Re: LOL @ Infomercials
Written By: LyricBoy on 11/29/09 at 8:33 am
I lol at the Snuggies infomercial. C'mon - its a backward bathrobe!
My Mom is 89 and a bit infirmed. She will sit at the sofa, with a sweater all crunched up around her to keep warm (thermostat already cranked way up).
So I figure "Hey, I'll get her a Snuggie at Giant Iggle".
Two weeks later I have yet to see her using the Snuggie as-designed (backwards bathrobe) and instead every time she'll be wearing it like a robe, with the front open and still cold.
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