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Subject: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/04/09 at 4:57 pm
As my good friend Q knows, I was recently turned on to Dexter.
My first reaction to the show was that it was broing and I couldn't get into it.
Well, Q told me that I really needed to sit down and watch it, not just glimpse it, so I did.
OMG! I immediately fell in love with the serial killing Dexter! I love the character, I love the writing, I love the directing - the whole show is pretty amazing! It is quite rare to actually have an audience fall in love and feel compassion for a seriel killer, but Showtime has definitely done it!
I sat down all last week and caught up with Seasons 1-3. I wasn't done in order to watch the season 4 premier, but I am now. So tonight I am going to watch the premier before the second episode, so I can do both and be completely caught up!
So I guess this thread is for all things Dexter.
If you aren't caught up then please be aware that there could be spoilers here. ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/04/09 at 5:45 pm
I'm soooo glad you gave it another shot! This is one of the best shows on TV... and unlike most shows it doesn't get stale. I know you thought season 3 slowed down but it picked up by ep three didn't it? ;)
next post has no spoilers but hints about what happens in ep one so don't read it yet Tam.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/04/09 at 5:45 pm
So I can't wait for tonights ep....
its like HOW THE HECK is he gonna get out of this mess.... again! :o
and damnit Rita... you're not working... take care of the damn kid.... >:(
and John Lithgow is soooo damn creepy and I never, ever wanna take a bath with him.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/04/09 at 8:01 pm
I read your post Q and then read the next one once I watched the first episode!!
You are right. I definitely wouldn't want to take a bath with Lithgow either!!!
I am making myself a theraflu and gonna drink it, watch Dex and go to bed, so if I don't reply tonight you can be sure I will tomorrow. ;) 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/04/09 at 8:20 pm
Q - do not read if you haven't watched the second episode yet!!!
I think Dexter got rid of the body before he crashed and his short term memory loss is causing him to not remember. At least I hope so. I was delayed on starting the ep. because of my theraflu... apple cinnamon yum...
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/04/09 at 8:30 pm
The Trinity Killer. Has a nice ring to it.
Who knew that Batista and LaGuerta would end up together?
And Deb... is she going to put 2 and 2 together in order to come up with the info against her father?
All will unfold this season perhaps? Or maybe carry over for another season?
Rita is definitely pissing me off. You are right Q, she is a stay at home mom and Dex is getting up all hours of the night!! C'mon... she needs her ass kicked!!! I would let him sleep in bed next to me all he wants - but that's only because I wouldn't want to be on his bad side... serial killer and all ;)
Poor Deb... going off on Lundy like that. Is she going to fall for him again?
Quinn... pocketing money like that! Ass Hat!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/04/09 at 8:49 pm
Effin Rita!!!
Blaming Dexter's sleep deprivation on the job instead of her lazy ass!!! >:(
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/04/09 at 9:00 pm
Go figure... Lithgow's character talks exactly like he did on 3rd Rock. Creepy as hell.
Yea!!! Dex found Benny. Obviously I was wrong but hey.
And of course Dex goes hom eto actually get some sleep and the frickin' kid starts crying!!! ::) ;D Poor Dexter.
Previews look pretty crazy too. (I know Q - you don't watch the previews!)
Gah! I love this show!!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 10:33 am
Q - do not read if you haven't watched the second episode yet!!!
I think Dexter got rid of the body before he crashed and his short term memory loss is causing him to not remember. At least I hope so. I was delayed on starting the ep. because of my theraflu... apple cinnamon yum...
I figured as much I rewound the car crash scene a couple of times and thought... the bags would have flown out on the wreck.
Nice trick with the "we found a bag in your car" tho huh!
I like this turn of using Harry as his conscious. I mean they couldn't have him flash back to his childhood anymore because we'd pretty much learned all we needed to know.
Loved, loved, loved Michael C. Hall's change in facial expression as Dex turned from Lundy -when going to get a loaner car- that looked showed the pure evil that sits within Dex. and how quickly he can go from the facade to his true self.
Debra's gonna piss me off cuz you know she's gonna hook up with Lundy the next time her BF goes away on the ship. ::)
I kinda like Maria w/ Angel... but it makes me wanna go back and watch Maria and Doakes.... know what I'm sayin? ;)
Dang Lithgow makes a great serial killer!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 10:43 am
The Trinity Killer. Has a nice ring to it.
yeah it does.
Who knew that Batista and LaGuerta would end up together?
not me... see my doakes comment tho.
And Deb... is she going to put 2 and 2 together in order to come up with the info against her father?
i wonder if deb will figure out that the CI is Dex's mom... my question is how long were the two Laura and Harry together?
Could Dex actually be his son???
All will unfold this season perhaps? Or maybe carry over for another season?
so far they've been pretty consistent about carrying some stuff over one season and then resolving it in the next...
Rita is definitely pissing me off. You are right Q, she is a stay at home mom and Dex is getting up all hours of the night!! C'mon... she needs her ass kicked!!! I would let him sleep in bed next to me all he wants - but that's only because I wouldn't want to be on his bad side... serial killer and all ;)
You know I get that mothers want the fathers to help with the kids and its refreshing to see a man get up in the middle of the night...but damn he's obviously exhausted and after the accident there is no way I would let him get up in the middle of the least not for a week or two.
Poor Deb... going off on Lundy like that. Is she going to fall for him again?
That's what I think and it sucks cuz her new BF is hot!!! Deb is just screwed up... she needs to hear from a father figure that she's good and he, lundy, fulfills that need but then it turns into some creepy sex thing because I don't think Deb knows any other way to interact with a guy.
Quinn... pocketing money like that! Ass Hat!
I knew he was a bad seed...and now he's all like "Hey Dex! What's up buddy? Wanna get a drink?" Douche---- >:(
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 10:45 am
Effin Rita!!!
Blaming Dexter's sleep deprivation on the job instead of her lazy ass!!! >:(
what tam said...
Oh man when she was going to go in an talk to Maria... I was pissed off... not because Rita could find out that Dex lied about working late but because in law enforcement the wife complaining to the boss about the hubby's schedule... Oh HELLZ NO!!!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 10:48 am
I figured as much I rewound the car crash scene a couple of times and thought... the bags would have flown out on the wreck.
Nice trick with the "we found a bag in your car" tho huh!
I like this turn of using Harry as his conscious. I mean they couldn't have him flash back to his childhood anymore because we'd pretty much learned all we needed to know.
It is definitely a good turn for Harry. It keeps it interesting for sure, and I actually like James Remar. Sure, he played a playboy on Sex and the City, but this character is a good turn for him.
Loved, loved, loved Michael C. Hall's change in facial expression as Dex turned from Lundy -when going to get a loaner car- that looked showed the pure evil that sits within Dex. and how quickly he can go from the facade to his true self.
Michael is a phenominal actor right! I was thinking about that the other night - how in some shots he looks nothing like himself. The opening credits... when he puts his t-shirt on, he doesn't look like that guy at all during the episodes. Creepy! And I was thinking that he has to be a great actor anyway... to pull off NO CHEMISRTY whatsoever with Jennifer - even though they are married. And she does great too. I can't believe this actors were under-rated before this series!
Debra's gonna piss me off cuz you know she's gonna hook up with Lundy the next time her BF goes away on the ship. ::)
I kinda like Maria w/ Angel... but it makes me wanna go back and watch Maria and Doakes.... know what I'm sayin? ;)
See, I thought that Maria has something going with Doakes as well. More than just 'partners'. ;) But I am now thinking that she just attaches to her 'people' because she doesn't really allow herself to have much of a life outside of the job. She kind of proved that by trying to end it with Angel... but he wouldn't let her! Flippin great! I love Angel.
Dang Lithgow makes a great serial killer!
Trinity creeps me out! Lithgow is doing a brilliant job! From his facial expressions to his semi-wrinkly naked butt in the shower... he deserves an award for this acting no matter what! And you know he is going to be over-looked, because he is a veteran, he should be able to act a part. ::)
Lithgow was always a teddy bear, but now I am finding that I don't like his kind of teddy bear on Dexter! ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 10:52 am
Go figure... Lithgow's character talks exactly like he did on 3rd Rock. Creepy as hell.
think about it... alien. serial killer. not much difference right! ;D
Yea!!! Dex found Benny. Obviously I was wrong but hey.
I think technically you were right... Dex didn't get rid of the body but he hid it...same dif.
And of course Dex goes hom eto actually get some sleep and the frickin' kid starts crying!!! ::) ;D Poor Dexter.
Tam you just watched all the seasons.... do you remember Dex cursing before? I mean I don't think he does. or if he does not very often so it was weird...and funny to watch them end it with him saying F. ;D
Previews look pretty crazy too. (I know Q - you don't watch the previews!)
yeah I don't watch them because I want to experience the stuff fresh. Previews let me know what's coming so if I see someone in a green shirt saying something I'm waiting for that scene and if the character is in danger but that scene hasn't happened yet then I know there is no threat. so it takes away some of the emotion, tension and drama for me...
Gah! I love this show!!
SO DO I!!! :)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 10:58 am
i wonder if deb will figure out that the CI is Dex's mom... my question is how long were the two Laura and Harry together?
Could Dex actually be his son???
I was thinking the same thing. It would be brutal for Deb if she found out before Dex does.
You know I get that mothers want the fathers to help with the kids and its refreshing to see a man get up in the middle of the night...but damn he's obviously exhausted and after the accident there is no way I would let him get up in the middle of the least not for a week or two.
What I don't get is that apparently, this child never sleeps. Harrison is entirely dependant upon Dexter? He doesn't sleep at all during the day?
Although, right now a thought popped into my head - I bet Rita is going to go through the postpartum depression or something along those lines, and Dex is going to almost completely lose it with her, she'll get help or whatever and Dex will finally get to sleep... ya, probably not! ;D
That's what I think and it sucks cuz her new BF is hot!!! Deb is just screwed up... she needs to hear from a father figure that she's good and he, lundy, fulfills that need but then it turns into some creepy sex thing because I don't think Deb knows any other way to interact with a guy.
Anton is definitely gorgeous! And Deb would be a fool to go for Lundy again, knowing full well that he will leave if/when Trinity is caught. And you are right - she is looking for the father figure she never had, and I agree, she only knows sex to be the interaction between men and women!
I knew he was a bad seed...and now he's all like "Hey Dex! What's up buddy? Wanna get a drink?" Douche---- >:(
A bad seed who isn't hard on the eyes! ;)
But you see when Maria called him into her office, and he started to explain about the money, but she changed it on him. He realized Dex didn't rat him out... I wonder now if a deeper friendship is going to bloom there this season??
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 11:02 am
what tam said...
Oh man when she was going to go in an talk to Maria... I was pissed off... not because Rita could find out that Dex lied about working late but because in law enforcement the wife complaining to the boss about the hubby's schedule... Oh HELLZ NO!!!
You know what is funny? That happens here all the time!
Spouses trying to go up the Chain of Command in order to get their questions answered or days off for their husbands!! The Military is not going to do something just because a spouse asks for it! And I kid you not, some women dress to impress when they try to go over other people's heads. Like a short skirt and loose fitting top is going to get them what they want faster! Pisses me off! I just wanna yell at them "It's the Military! Your spouses signed on the dotted line!! Get over it already! It hasn't changed in 75 years, they aren't about to change this just for you!!!"
Rita needs a lesson in life!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 11:07 am
It is definitely a good turn for Harry. It keeps it interesting for sure, and I actually like James Remar. Sure, he played a playboy on Sex and the City, but this character is a good turn for him.
Michael is a phenominal actor right! I was thinking about that the other night - how in some shots he looks nothing like himself. The opening credits... when he puts his t-shirt on, he doesn't look like that guy at all during the episodes. Creepy! And I was thinking that he has to be a great actor anyway... to pull off NO CHEMISRTY whatsoever with Jennifer - even though they are married. And she does great too. I can't believe this actors were under-rated before this series!
Remar is great in everything he does...did you watch Jericho?
See, I thought that Maria has something going with Doakes as well. More than just 'partners'. ;) But I am now thinking that she just attaches to her 'people' because she doesn't really allow herself to have much of a life outside of the job. She kind of proved that by trying to end it with Angel... but he wouldn't let her! Flippin great! I love Angel.
Well Maria and Doakes were partners before her promotion so I just figured the way they spoke to each other. the way they knew things about each other it was because they were close (but I didn't think they were that close....until now)
YEah Maria sort of did the same thing with Miguel... she just can't seem to find her boundaries can she....
Trinity creeps me out! Lithgow is doing a brilliant job! From his facial expressions to his semi-wrinkly naked butt in the shower... he deserves an award for this acting no matter what! And you know he is going to be over-looked, because he is a veteran, he should be able to act a part. ::)
Lithgow was always a teddy bear, but now I am finding that I don't like his kind of teddy bear on Dexter! ;) ;D
actually the emmys give vetran actors guest starring awards all the time... seems like they actually want to reward the it could happen.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 11:11 am
Tam you just watched all the seasons.... do you remember Dex cursing before? I mean I don't think he does. or if he does not very often so it was weird...and funny to watch them end it with him saying F. ;D
Nope. I honestly do not remember Dex ever cussing outright like that! Of course, he says the occasional 'shyt' but most times his thoughts were more along the lines of PG13. And of course, the one that I love he uses a lot... "nothing a little duct tape can't fix." ;D The F-bomb surprised the heck out of me! I actually started laughing!!
yeah I don't watch them because I want to experience the stuff fresh. Previews let me know what's coming so if I see someone in a green shirt saying something I'm waiting for that scene and if the character is in danger but that scene hasn't happened yet then I know there is no threat. so it takes away some of the emotion, tension and drama for me...
I took a page from you and tried very hard not to watch the previews. As a matter of fact, I only remember one from them so that's a good thing! ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 11:17 am
Remar is great in everything he does...did you watch Jericho?
I haven't seen Jericho. I suppose you are now going to tell me that I need to? ;)
Well Maria and Doakes were partners before her promotion so I just figured the way they spoke to each other. the way they knew things about each other it was because they were close (but I didn't think they were that close....until now)
YEah Maria sort of did the same thing with Miguel... she just can't seem to find her boundaries can she....
I was actually thinking at the time that they had been more to each other, but after this episode and last season, I think she just gets too involved. Beyond what others want. It was weird how she seemed to know, but Doakes was standoff-ish. I still can't quite figure her out!
actually the emmys give vetran actors guest starring awards all the time... seems like they actually want to reward the it could happen.
Excellent! He definitely deserves one, even though in 2 episodes so far he has only had about 4 lines and a creepy, burning himself in the shower scene. 8-P
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 11:17 am
I was thinking the same thing. It would be brutal for Deb if she found out before Dex does.
yeah it would be....
What I don't get is that apparently, this child never sleeps. Harrison is entirely dependant upon Dexter? He doesn't sleep at all during the day? Although, right now a thought popped into my head - I bet Rita is going to go through the postpartum depression or something along those lines, and Dex is going to almost completely lose it with her, she'll get help or whatever and Dex will finally get to sleep... ya, probably not! ;D
Honestly I think Rita gets him to sleep all day- that way he's awake all night. Maybe its a bit of manipulation I mean she knows that Dex wasn't completely in love with the idea of marriage and family maybe by immersing him in it she thinks he'll come all the way around... but damn this could backfire on her...
Anton is definitely gorgeous! And Deb would be a fool to go for Lundy again, knowing full well that he will leave if/when Trinity is caught. And you are right - she is looking for the father figure she never had, and I agree, she only knows sex to be the interaction between men and women!
Oh he is so out of there once the case is done... he just wants a quick stroke of the ego--- look at the young hot thing I bagged..... AGAIN... then he's gone he doesn't want a relationship with her... but he'll be back because I'm sure he's gonna figure Dex out sooner or later.
A bad seed who isn't hard on the eyes! ;)
But you see when Maria called him into her office, and he started to explain about the money, but she changed it on him. He realized Dex didn't rat him out... I wonder now if a deeper friendship is going to bloom there this season??
No I think he's trying to figure Dex out.... keep your enemies closer and all that! :)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 11:19 am
You know what is funny? That happens here all the time!
Spouses trying to go up the Chain of Command in order to get their questions answered or days off for their husbands!! The Military is not going to do something just because a spouse asks for it! And I kid you not, some women dress to impress when they try to go over other people's heads. Like a short skirt and loose fitting top is going to get them what they want faster! Pisses me off! I just wanna yell at them "It's the Military! Your spouses signed on the dotted line!! Get over it already! It hasn't changed in 75 years, they aren't about to change this just for you!!!"
Rita needs a lesson in life!
OMG I can't believe they would actually do that!!! WTF are they thinking?!? I would give our guys so much shyt if their wives came in here trying to get them out of working the holidays or something! ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 11:24 am
yeah it would be....
(caught in a quote box ;D )Honestly I think Rita gets him to sleep all day- that way he's awake all night. Maybe its a bit of manipulation I mean she knows that Dex wasn't completely in love with the idea of marriage and family maybe by immersing him in it she thinks he'll come all the way around... but damn this could backfire on her...
If that is the case then it will definitely backfire. Although, I had a tear in my eye when Dex was talking to the baby, about how he kills people, but that he will never let anything take the babys innocence away. It was so touching and such a completely different side of Dex.
Oh he is so out of there once the case is done... he just wants a quick stroke of the ego--- look at the young hot thing I bagged..... AGAIN... then he's gone he doesn't want a relationship with her... but he'll be back because I'm sure he's gonna figure Dex out sooner or later.
Unless him and Dex get close this season and Dex kills of Trinity with Lundy's help... I'm reaching, I know, but it was similar with Miguel ;)
No I think he's trying to figure Dex out.... keep your enemies closer and all that! :)
I don't like people trying to figure out Dex or getting too close to him. Dex is faulty on that limit. He doesn't understand friendship so much, so he doesn't know his own boundaries. I feel sad for him because of that. He thinks he gets a true friend to only find out they were using him. Not good. Miguel was the prime example of friendship gone bad for Dex.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 11:25 am
OMG I can't believe they would actually do that!!! WTF are they thinking?!? I would give our guys so much shyt if their wives came in here trying to get them out of working the holidays or something! ;D
I know right!
Actually, this deployment, there have been a few wives who have gone to the rear chain of command to try and get their husbands sent back home, just because they can't find a babysitter! Morons!!!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 11:36 am
Michael is a phenominal actor right! I was thinking about that the other night - how in some shots he looks nothing like himself. The opening credits... when he puts his t-shirt on, he doesn't look like that guy at all during the episodes. Creepy! And I was thinking that he has to be a great actor anyway... to pull off NO CHEMISRTY whatsoever with Jennifer - even though they are married. And she does great too. I can't believe this actors were under-rated before this series!
I forgot to respond to this... Heck, at this rate, you and I could make this a sticky topic in one day alone! ;D
anyway- its hard for actors who share chemistry to hide it...that is some great acting they're doing... especially when they were living together. Remember when Dex came home and found Deb doing that guy.... that has to hard on a hubby- even when they are just acting.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 11:38 am
Nope. I honestly do not remember Dex ever cussing outright like that! Of course, he says the occasional 'shyt' but most times his thoughts were more along the lines of PG13. And of course, the one that I love he uses a lot... "nothing a little duct tape can't fix." ;D The F-bomb surprised the heck out of me! I actually started laughing!!
I took a page from you and tried very hard not to watch the previews. As a matter of fact, I only remember one from them so that's a good thing! ;)
Yeah I love Dex's cadence. I wonder if I can copy it. I would to write a spec script for Dex.
That's good. It will change the way you watch TV. I once figured out the "surprise ending" of a show 1 minute 18 seconds into the ep. Ask Aim about that she might remember it ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 11:40 am
I forgot to respond to this... Heck, at this rate, you and I could make this a sticky topic in one day alone! ;D
anyway- its hard for actors who share chemistry to hide it...that is some great acting they're doing... especially when they were living together. Remember when Dex came home and found Deb doing that guy.... that has to hard on a hubby- even when they are just acting.
Exactly! And it was reversed when Lila came out of the room with no clothes on! (No wonder Deb was so bitter towards her! ;D ) I could never do it no matter how much money they throw at me!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 11:41 am
I haven't seen Jericho. I suppose you are now going to tell me that I need to? ;)
actually I'm not... its okay- I enjoyed it (and so did ninny I think) but its not a must see or anything. I just like James Remar in it.
I was actually thinking at the time that they had been more to each other, but after this episode and last season, I think she just gets too involved. Beyond what others want. It was weird how she seemed to know, but Doakes was standoff-ish. I still can't quite figure her out!
yeah there's a story there we need to see soon.
Excellent! He definitely deserves one, even though in 2 episodes so far he has only had about 4 lines and a creepy, burning himself in the shower scene. 8-P
hey....that's all it takes... just picture the scenes that are sure to come between Lithgow and Hall... can you taste it? I can! :)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 11:43 am
Yeah I love Dex's cadence. I wonder if I can copy it. I would to write a spec script for Dex.
That's good. It will change the way you watch TV. I once figured out the "surprise ending" of a show 1 minute 18 seconds into the ep. Ask Aim about that she might remember it ;D
I think you would do a great job writing for Dexter!
The Son hates it when I predict how a show will go. I do it with movies all the time and I have done it to him with Heroes, even though I don't watch the show at all. But Dexter is a little hard! I have tried predicting as I went through the season this past week, but every time my train of thought go blown out of the water! Except for parts of season 3 - like you said, it was a little slow and dry for me so I was able to predict a few things. ;) But for the most part, I can't conceive right now where this season will go at all!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 11:46 am
If that is the case then it will definitely backfire. Although, I had a tear in my eye when Dex was talking to the baby, about how he kills people, but that he will never let anything take the babys innocence away. It was so touching and such a completely different side of Dex.
(thanks for untrapping me!) OMG that was touching... but I was also freaking out! I mean... don't people have baby monitors anymore? what if rita heard? :o
Unless him and Dex get close this season and Dex kills of Trinity with Lundy's help... I'm reaching, I know, but it was similar with Miguel ;)
perhaps but I think Dex is more wary of Lundy because Lundy has spent his life studying serial killers... its gotta be hard on Dex. Imagine thanksgiving dinner if lundy and Deb get back together. ;D
I don't like people trying to figure out Dex or getting too close to him. Dex is faulty on that limit. He doesn't understand friendship so much, so he doesn't know his own boundaries. I feel sad for him because of that. He thinks he gets a true friend to only find out they were using him. Not good. Miguel was the prime example of friendship gone bad for Dex.
that's where harry let him down. Harry taught Dex how to fake it but didn't explain human emotion and connection to him.
Seems everytime Dex connects it backfires... look at lila too.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 11:47 am
hey....that's all it takes... just picture the scenes that are sure to come between Lithgow and Hall... can you taste it? I can! :)
I think this season is going to raise the bar for Dexter. Lithgow is going to make Dex look more human... but I also think that they will probably 'dance' with each other. Hall is going to rise in his acting credibility because of Lithgow and I can't wait to see it all unfold. I wish the season were already done so I could sit down and watch it all! ;D
One other thing I forgot to mention... the reporter. ???
Do you think she is going to play an integral part? And is Yuki going to come back? They never finished that story line!!!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 11:49 am
I know right!
Actually, this deployment, there have been a few wives who have gone to the rear chain of command to try and get their husbands sent back home, just because they can't find a babysitter! Morons!!!
that's just ridiculous!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 11:51 am
Exactly! And it was reversed when Lila came out of the room with no clothes on! (No wonder Deb was so bitter towards her! ;D ) I could never do it no matter how much money they throw at me!
I know right... I saw a practical joke show once where a woman was setting up her hubby. She was going to a photo shoot and they had her with a hot guy in bed... her hubby was shaped like a jelly bean.. they wanted her to get all sexy and moany with the hot guy and then get in her underthings... the hubby was PISSSED!!!! Practical Joke backfired. ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 11:52 am
I forgot to respond to this... Heck, at this rate, you and I could make this a sticky topic in one day alone! ;D
We are buring up with posts huh? ;D
On that note, I have to thank you again Q for getting me into this show! ;) 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 11:53 am
I think you would do a great job writing for Dexter!
The Son hates it when I predict how a show will go. I do it with movies all the time and I have done it to him with Heroes, even though I don't watch the show at all. But Dexter is a little hard! I have tried predicting as I went through the season this past week, but every time my train of thought go blown out of the water! Except for parts of season 3 - like you said, it was a little slow and dry for me so I was able to predict a few things. ;) But for the most part, I can't conceive right now where this season will go at all!
I have a couple of ideas where it might go--- mostly its just where I want to see it go but I don't know if I'm right.
I have once piece of info someone told me that's in the books that isnt in the series....but it looks like they are about to explore it. Don't know if I should share it or not.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 11:54 am
I have a couple of ideas where it might go--- mostly its just where I want to see it go but I don't know if I'm right.
I have once piece of info someone told me that's in the books that isnt in the series....but it looks like they are about to explore it. Don't know if I should share it or not.
Please don't.
I like the not knowing of it right now. ;)
And if it doesn't unfold the way you have heard it, then you can explain what you heard afterwards. 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 12:18 pm
I think this season is going to raise the bar for Dexter. Lithgow is going to make Dex look more human... but I also think that they will probably 'dance' with each other. Hall is going to rise in his acting credibility because of Lithgow and I can't wait to see it all unfold. I wish the season were already done so I could sit down and watch it all! ;D
One other thing I forgot to mention... the reporter. ???
Do you think she is going to play an integral part? And is Yuki going to come back? They never finished that story line!!!
Not sure about the reporter she could become integral. and Yuki? I anticipate a return. I Assume Dex is keeping what he knows in his pocket til he can use it to his advantage.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 12:23 pm
We are buring up with posts huh? ;D
On that note, I have to thank you again Q for getting me into this show! ;) 8)
you're welcome. I just got into a "fight" with my co-worker because she thinks that Dex is going to stop killing at the end of this season...
I said something like that could never happen because its not true to the character and she said that anything could happen because its tv... she said soaps bring back people from the dead.... COME ON! Two different genres! Anyone who knows how TV works can tell when they are watching a show with producers who are committed to their work and the process. And when they are watching a show that is network driven.
Dexter is obviously driven by the creative side and they would never defile their show by going against character like that.... there would have to be a damn good reason for Dex to just stop killing >:(
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 12:24 pm
Please don't.
I like the not knowing of it right now. ;)
And if it doesn't unfold the way you have heard it, then you can explain what you heard afterwards. 8)
no worries... I'll keep it to myself .... for now...
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 12:24 pm
Not sure about the reporter she could become integral. and Yuki? I anticipate a return. I Assume Dex is keeping what he knows in his pocket til he can use it to his advantage.
I think though, if they try to revisit the scenario of Doakes, with Dex and Quinn, it might be too much going on in one season. The Trinity is obviously going to be the main course, but if they try to add too many side stories/angles, it might become jumbled. I fear though that something is going to happen to someone close to Dexter in this season. Just a gut feeling.
I think I am going to buy the books as well. I just won't read the fourth one until this season is over. ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 12:29 pm
you're welcome. I just got into a "fight" with my co-worker because she thinks that Dex is going to stop killing at the end of this season...
I said something like that could never happen because its not true to the character and she said that anything could happen because its tv... she said soaps bring back people from the dead.... COME ON! Two different genres! Anyone who knows how TV works can tell when they are watching a show with producers who are committed to their work and the process. And when they are watching a show that is network driven.
Dexter is obviously driven by the creative side and they would never defile their show by going against character like that.... there would have to be a damn good reason for Dex to just stop killing >:(
Funny she should say something like that. Last night while watching, I had this feeling that Dex might have a difficult go of it killing people this season. I don't see him not ever killing again though. I just think that he is going to battle his own demons, but the killer trained by Harry will prevail. (Like I said ^, something will happen to someone close to him which is going to make him rethink his whole persona.)
And of course they could never have Dex stop killing! That is the whole premise of the series! Take that away and you basically have a dead show.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 12:30 pm
I think though, if they try to revisit the scenario of Doakes, with Dex and Quinn, it might be too much going on in one season. The Trinity is obviously going to be the main course, but if they try to add too many side stories/angles, it might become jumbled. I fear though that something is going to happen to someone close to Dexter in this season. Just a gut feeling.
I think I am going to buy the books as well. I just won't read the fourth one until this season is over. ;)
seriously tam don't read any of them yet .... there are some things (I'm told that don't unfold in the books they way do in the show ) and I suspect the stuff that unfolds (the stuff Im keeping from you is in the earlier books... save the books till the series is over. that's when I'm gonna read them.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/05/09 at 12:32 pm
seriously tam don't read any of them yet .... there are some things (I'm told that don't unfold in the books they way do in the show ) and I suspect the stuff that unfolds (the stuff Im keeping from you is in the earlier books... save the books till the series is over. that's when I'm gonna read them.
Sounds like a plan to me then!
If I buy them I will put them in industrial strength garbage bags, take them out in my boat and dump them in the gulf stream until the series is over! ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/09 at 12:35 pm
Sounds like a plan to me then!
If I buy them I will put them in industrial strength garbage bags, take them out in my boat and dump them in the gulf stream until the series is over! ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/11/09 at 7:48 pm
I am getting ready for tonight's episode!!!
Craving some Dexter that's for sure!
(oOo talked to Nasty yesterday, and he bought me all 3 season of Dex on dvd!!! He loves me ya, ya, ya!! ;D )
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/11/09 at 8:58 pm
Q - if you haven't watched yet, don't read until you do!!
I cannot believe the nerve of Rita at the bbq! Telling Dexter that he has been a nonexistent Dad for a long time! Hello Blondie!!!?? Dex has been the one getting up with the dang kid every single night, deprived of sleep so your stupid arse could sleep peacefully!!!
Dex swore again! OMG! What are they doing to him??!!
Trinity - not much really going on there. Obviously it is going to be long and drawn out.
And I totally see Deb leaving Anton for Lundy! I really wish it didn't look that way, but it really does.
Dex threatening the neighbor because of the vandalism!! Truly awesome!! Although Dex didn't kill anyone this episode!! What's up with that?
Now... Rita catching Dex at the end of the episode smashing the motion lights... and the look on Dex's face... ut oh! Dex needs to be really super careful!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/12/09 at 9:34 am
Can't read yet...didn't get to watch last night but I will watch when I get home and comment then!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/14/09 at 2:06 am
I am getting ready for tonight's episode!!!
Craving some Dexter that's for sure!
(oOo talked to Nasty yesterday, and he bought me all 3 season of Dex on dvd!!! He loves me ya, ya, ya!! ;D )
oh that's awesome!!!! more awesome that you now own the dvds but also nice you talked to your hubby ;)
so my priorities are screwed so what! ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/14/09 at 2:12 am
Q - if you haven't watched yet, don't read until you do!!
I cannot believe the nerve of Rita at the bbq! Telling Dexter that he has been a nonexistent Dad for a long time! Hello Blondie!!!?? Dex has been the one getting up with the dang kid every single night, deprived of sleep so your stupid arse could sleep peacefully!!!
THANK YOU!!! Gawd that pissed me off!
Dex swore again! OMG! What are they doing to him??!!
I think its the stress of suburban living... ;D
Trinity - not much really going on there. Obviously it is going to be long and drawn out.
an interesting pattern is developing tho...he kills a youngish girl, a mom and then a man... he seems to be killing his family over, and over, and over again...
And I totally see Deb leaving Anton for Lundy! I really wish it didn't look that way, but it really does.
I know right- I understand Deb feeling smothered and stuff but then she needs to tell Antoine that not pull away from him. More relationships would be saved if people would just talk to each other!
Dex threatening the neighbor because of the vandalism!! Truly awesome!! Although Dex didn't kill anyone this episode!! What's up with that?[
Now... Rita catching Dex at the end of the episode smashing the motion lights... and the look on Dex's face... ut oh! Dex needs to be really super careful!
nope Dex didn't kill but listening to him tell that guy he was gonna come back and put his head in a bag ;D that was great!
I really thought Astor was going to be the vandal....interesting twist with Rita now thinking its Dex. Wonder if she'll worry that the stress of it all is too much for him and start picking up the annoying was she in the car?
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/14/09 at 2:15 am
Quinn is an idiot.... that reporter is sooooo gonna run with the story she just learned!
Love, love love the size of Matsuka truck and the fact that its got lightning bolts all over it ;D and he listens to country music- who knew.
I think that covers it all....
except the more I see Angel and Maria the more I like- I loved them in the elevator together.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/14/09 at 10:16 am
an interesting pattern is developing tho...he kills a youngish girl, a mom and then a man... he seems to be killing his family over, and over, and over again...
When you put it like that. I got the whole pattern progress thing, but never honestly thought much about it. Killing his family over and over again - makes sense!
nope Dex didn't kill but listening to him tell that guy he was gonna come back and put his head in a bag ;D that was great!
I really thought Astor was going to be the vandal....interesting twist with Rita now thinking its Dex. Wonder if she'll worry that the stress of it all is too much for him and start picking up the annoying was she in the car?
I thought it was the punk kid, like Dexter thought, and was just as surprised as Dex when it turned out to be the father!
They have completely changed Rita in this season. Was she always so air-headed and self-absorbed? I don't remember her being like that at all. I mean seriously, she has to realize at some point that she is a total ass and pretty close to ruining yet another marriage! Although, I think deep down, Dex kinda does love her... even though she and the family is a perfect cover! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/14/09 at 10:19 am
Quinn is an idiot.... that reporter is sooooo gonna run with the story she just learned!
But not too hard on the eyes ;) :D
Love, love love the size of Matsuka truck and the fact that its got lightning bolts all over it ;D and he listens to country music- who knew.
I think that covers it all....
Masuka is definitely making up for something with that truck! It is hilarious how he drives the thing like he owns the world... nothing can stop him.
except the more I see Angel and Maria the more I like- I loved them in the elevator together.
omg - Angel is so loving and caring. I just want to wrap him up and bring him home!
I am afraid though that Maria is going to mess it up somehow. I hope not because they are almost perfect together, but this will be a test for her I am sure! ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/14/09 at 2:08 pm
When you put it like that. I got the whole pattern progress thing, but never honestly thought much about it. Killing his family over and over again - makes sense!
when he got the woman to drop off the tower and then he looked at her and said mommy... I thought maybe his mom commited suicide.
when they said that 30 years ago a mother of two was murdered in the same way I thought hmmmmm that's interesting.
then someone said the third vic 30 years ago was a man who was bludgeoned to death and I thought hmmmmmm
then when he put his mom's ashes on the table, poured to drinks and toasted to the empty chair and said you're next I thought AH-A!!!! ;D
I thought it was the punk kid, like Dexter thought, and was just as surprised as Dex when it turned out to be the father!
I get why the dad turned but it still seems like an odd way to rebel against society......when you're in your 40s ::)
They have completely changed Rita in this season. Was she always so air-headed and self-absorbed? I don't remember her being like that at all. I mean seriously, she has to realize at some point that she is a total ass and pretty close to ruining yet another marriage! Although, I think deep down, Dex kinda does love her... even though she and the family is a perfect cover! ;D ;D
This is so wrong but I'm gonna say it anyway---
I completely understand why her ex beat her and dammit I want dex to slap her just once for me! ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/14/09 at 2:12 pm
But not too hard on the eyes ;) :D
what's up with him getting offended when Dex called him a dirty cop.
Dude you stole cash out of a safe and justify it by saying that it was just going to get wasted on someone who sits behind a desk
the act of doing it and the attempt to justify make you dirty..... still hot but also Dirty ;D
Masuka is definitely making up for something with that truck! It is hilarious how he drives the thing like he owns the world... nothing can stop him.
Ha Ha....we should come up with some secret home life for him he probably has a wife and 8 kids at home and does this whole thing as an act ;D
omg - Angel is so loving and caring. I just want to wrap him up and bring him home!
I am afraid though that Maria is going to mess it up somehow. I hope not because they are almost perfect together, but this will be a test for her I am sure! ;)
yeah she's gonna screw it up!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/18/09 at 8:08 pm
Dexter's on. 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/18/09 at 9:09 pm
Q - do not read on until you have watched the episode... or anyone else who watches for that matter!!!
Unreal episode!
So much information all bundled into a tight little hour.
I am flabberghasted, I don't even know where to start.
Rita being gone for the episode was great. I was getting tired of her.
The cop who killed her own family... effin' sick! And Dex getting her to take his bait. Brilliant!
Lundy - so damn close to the Trinity! I was afraid for him, afraid Trinity would change his target.
Deb admitting to Lundy she loves him. We knew that was coming...
What I didn't see coming was Deb and Lundy getting shot at the end! What the hell? And they only went after Lundy's stuff. I didn't see them try for Deb's purse... set up to look like a robbery gone bad perhaps?
It's funny. I sit in awe for the whole show and then when I try to sit here and write about it, I end up drawing blanks. Haha!
Awaiting your reply Q. You word things better than I ever could! 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/18/09 at 9:28 pm
I am a moron!!
I just remembered the part that made me actually tear up a little bit!!!!
When Dex said he would rather Rita and the kids know about him rather than lose them! Dex actually showed his human side! He loves them even though they are a bunch of boobs!!! OMG! I have never felt for a character like I did for Dex at that exact moment!!!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: whistledog on 10/18/09 at 9:43 pm
People at my work always talk about Dexter, and for the longest time I didn't know what it was. I was like, If it's not on a network that I can get with basic cable, then I just don't care LOL
If the DVDs ever come cheap enough, I may pick them up.
I saw Michael C. Hall in 'Paycheck', a film that many critics panned, but I thought it was great!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/24/09 at 11:14 pm
Dexter's on. 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/24/09 at 11:17 pm
wow I actually managed to get this post in before Sunday! ;D
sorry it took me so long Tam I was in crisis DVR mode and had more to watch than I could keep up with (not that Dex wasn't a priority but I wanted to save the best for when I could actually appreciate it....
Kay- commentary coming. next!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/24/09 at 11:18 pm
People at my work always talk about Dexter, and for the longest time I didn't know what it was. I was like, If it's not on a network that I can get with basic cable, then I just don't care LOL
If the DVDs ever come cheap enough, I may pick them up.
I saw Michael C. Hall in 'Paycheck', a film that many critics panned, but I thought it was great!
jason do you do netflix? Season one and season two are available for online viewing... they are short seasons so you can get thru them rather quickly...
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/24/09 at 11:30 pm
now commentary....or as Aim calls it Qmmentary! ;D
Q - do not read on until you have watched the episode... or anyone else who watches for that matter!!!
Like I could even think about it... I don't even dare open this topic unless I'm current!
Unreal episode!
So much information all bundled into a tight little hour.
I am flabberghasted, I don't even know where to start.
tell me about it! I seriously think I need to watch it again!
Rita being gone for the episode was great. I was getting tired of her.
How perfect was it that she had no control of the kids.... two jumping on the beds baby crying his head off... woman needs to figure out the mom thing...
I think Dex is so good with the baby because he lacks emotion so there is a certain calmness that the kid finds soothing (just a theory of course)
The cop who killed her own family... effin' sick! And Dex getting her to take his bait. Brilliant!
I can't believe she did that! What the hell... at least Dex figured out a good cover up for her. Usually he just seems to let people fall of the face of the earth but not so easy with a cop.
Lundy - so damn close to the Trinity! I was afraid for him, afraid Trinity would change his target.
Yeah I was scared for Lundy too.. I don't dislike Lundy I just dislike him with Deb which gets to my next point-
Deb admitting to Lundy she loves him. We knew that was coming...
what the hell is the girl retarded! Anton or Lundy... yeah real tough decision Deb. I mean if Anton were an ass like Quinn maybe I'd choose Lundy (no I wouldn't) but it'd be more likely than dumping Anton's hot ass!
What I didn't see coming was Deb and Lundy getting shot at the end! What the hell? And they only went after Lundy's stuff. I didn't see them try for Deb's purse... set up to look like a robbery gone bad perhaps?
I knew something was going to happen to Lundy but I thought Trinity was going to bash his head in after Deb got in the car...
I need to watch that scene again because I missed the taking of Lundy's stuff... perhaps it was a trophy or something... I thought it was Trinity who shot him. I figured he panicked and changed his MO.
It's funny. I sit in awe for the whole show and then when I try to sit here and write about it, I end up drawing blanks. Haha!
Perhaps we should do two viewings... one where we watch and a second where we re-watch and live blog it.
Awaiting your reply Q. You word things better than I ever could! 8)
I'm trying...
I missed Masuka this ep.
Oh and Angel coming clean to Dex about his relationship with Maria... and then Maria consulting Dex too.
This is going to backfire on them because Dex is the last person who should be giving relationship advice. ;D
Trying to decide if Lundy is actually dead....remember I don't watch previews so I have no clue what's coming next week (and don't want to know I enjoy the suspense
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/24/09 at 11:34 pm
I am a moron!!
I just remembered the part that made me actually tear up a little bit!!!!
When Dex said he would rather Rita and the kids know about him rather than lose them! Dex actually showed his human side! He loves them even though they are a bunch of boobs!!! OMG! I have never felt for a character like I did for Dex at that exact moment!!!
I was going to mention this but I saw you had added it when I went back to post a reply to Jason.
that was a sweet and tender moment!
He probably loves them because of the way the relationship unfolded - Rita the perfect girlfriend because she doesn't want sex and he doesnt want intimacy
then him realizing that there is value in sexual release
then the fact that she sees some of his flaws and accepts him anyway... besides Harry (and lila ::) ) this is the closest he's come to someone accepting him despite his imperfections... granted Rita thinks his imperfection is that he's a drug addict but you know- that's almost as bad as being a serial killer... .not quite but almost ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/25/09 at 12:21 pm
wow I actually managed to get this post in before Sunday! ;D
sorry it took me so long Tam I was in crisis DVR mode and had more to watch than I could keep up with (not that Dex wasn't a priority but I wanted to save the best for when I could actually appreciate it....
Kay- commentary coming. next!
I am so proud of you Q!
And of course I completely understand what you mean. ;)
Heading off to read yourposts now.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/25/09 at 12:37 pm
You were caught in a quote box so I fixed it for ya Girl 8)
now commentary....or as Aim calls it Qmmentary! ;D
Like I could even think about it... I don't even dare open this topic unless I'm current!
Brilliant! I figured you would do that!
tell me about it! I seriously think I need to watch it again!
How perfect was it that she had no control of the kids.... two jumping on the beds baby crying his head off... woman needs to figure out the mom thing...
I think Dex is so good with the baby because he lacks emotion so there is a certain calmness that the kid finds soothing (just a theory of course)
I couldn't agree more. I used to like Rita, and I still do, but her whole character is changing and getting on my last nerve. Now she just seems to be the woman who always seems to be rescued, whether it is from her normal life or other situations.
I can't believe she did that! What the hell... at least Dex figured out a good cover up for her. Usually he just seems to let people fall of the face of the earth but not so easy with a cop.
It was the perfect side story! And Dex's mind is just brilliant. To come up with the cover was 100% beautiful. I honestly didn't think he was going to be able to do away with her without others looking.
Yeah I was scared for Lundy too.. I don't dislike Lundy I just dislike him with Deb which gets to my next point-
what the hell is the girl retarded! Anton or Lundy... yeah real tough decision Deb. I mean if Anton were an ass like Quinn maybe I'd choose Lundy (no I wouldn't) but it'd be more likely than dumping Anton's hot ass!
Trinity is definitely onto the fact that Lundy is after him and understands he needs to be more careful. Eerie how he dropped his keys and made Lundy chase after him... and then Lundy has the sudden flash of understanding - or at least that's what it appeared to be to me. And Deb has to be retarded! I would let Anton do whatever the hell he wants as long as he stayed in my bed! ;)
I knew something was going to happen to Lundy but I thought Trinity was going to bash his head in after Deb got in the car...
I need to watch that scene again because I missed the taking of Lundy's stuff... perhaps it was a trophy or something... I thought it was Trinity who shot him. I figured he panicked and changed his MO.
Perhaps we should do two viewings... one where we watch and a second where we re-watch and live blog it.
That is a great idea! I know I should watch it again because like I said, the episode was full of so much information that I am sure I didn't quite catch it all. 8)
I'm trying...
I missed Masuka this ep.
Funny how he wasn't in the episode at all huh? I wonder what they are planning for him?
Oh and Angel coming clean to Dex about his relationship with Maria... and then Maria consulting Dex too.
This is going to backfire on them because Dex is the last person who should be giving relationship advice. ;D
Exactly. And Dex even gives off the vibe that he just doesn't want to be bothered by other people, yet they all seem to be falling in as best friends with him.
Maria is still going to screw it up though. I am almost 100% sure of that.
Trying to decide if Lundy is actually dead....remember I don't watch previews so I have no clue what's coming next week (and don't want to know I enjoy the suspense
I didn't watch the preview either girl! Taking a page from you.
I don't think Lundy is dead.
My theory: I don't think the shooting and stealing of possessions was Trinity changing his MO.
And Lundy is just starting to figure things out. And since they brought him back another season - I can't see a main character like that biting it so early on. I would think that if Trinity is going to go after him, it would be a drawn out process like the whole stroy with Anton was...
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/25/09 at 12:41 pm
I was going to mention this but I saw you had added it when I went back to post a reply to Jason.
that was a sweet and tender moment!
He probably loves them because of the way the relationship unfolded - Rita the perfect girlfriend because she doesn't want sex and he doesnt want intimacy
then him realizing that there is value in sexual release
then the fact that she sees some of his flaws and accepts him anyway... besides Harry (and lila ::) ) this is the closest he's come to someone accepting him despite his imperfections... granted Rita thinks his imperfection is that he's a drug addict but you know- that's almost as bad as being a serial killer... .not quite but almost ;D
I can't believe I almost forgot about it! ;D
You summed it up. The unfolding of it was probably Dexter's undoing. Not that he has lost his edge or anything, he has just turned more human. When I first started watching, in season one they more or less painted him along the lines of a monster - a good one - but a monster nonetheless. Now he is slowly becoming more human. My only hope is that they don't change him to the point where we don't like him anymore. If they take most of the monster that Harry created out of him, Dex isn't going to be the same!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/25/09 at 1:31 pm
You were caught in a quote box so I fixed it for ya Girl 8)
I couldn't agree more. I used to like Rita, and I still do, but her whole character is changing and getting on my last nerve. Now she just seems to be the woman who always seems to be rescued, whether it is from her normal life or other situations.
Thats exactly it....she's just so damn weak and needy.... >:(
It was the perfect side story! And Dex's mind is just brilliant. To come up with the cover was 100% beautiful. I honestly didn't think he was going to be able to do away with her without others looking.
It was quite the challenge which must have been especially sweet since its been awhile since his last kill.
Trinity is definitely onto the fact that Lundy is after him and understands he needs to be more careful. Eerie how he dropped his keys and made Lundy chase after him... and then Lundy has the sudden flash of understanding - or at least that's what it appeared to be to me. And Deb has to be retarded! I would let Anton do whatever the hell he wants as long as he stayed in my bed! ;)
Yeah- Lundy might not have given Trinity a second thought if there hadn't been a key incident. its a sixth sense kinda thing Lundy has going on... I'm convinced he has it about Dex but its not strong enough to trigger anything specific yet.
That is a great idea! I know I should watch it again because like I said, the episode was full of so much information that I am sure I didn't quite catch it all. 8)
I should be home by 6 tonight... and then if I watch right away - usually i watch amazing race first- I could catch the second screening at 7 or 8 or if you want we could arrange a time to watch on Monday since... no House. :\'(
Funny how he wasn't in the episode at all huh? I wonder what they are planning for him?
I know he's totally due for a break out storyline.
Exactly. And Dex even gives off the vibe that he just doesn't want to be bothered by other people, yet they all seem to be falling in as best friends with him.
Maria is still going to screw it up though. I am almost 100% sure of that.
Perhaps Harry trained him too well
and I am 200% sure of it ;D
I didn't watch the preview either girl! Taking a page from you.
I don't think Lundy is dead.
Excellent O0
yeah it'd be too easy to kill off Lundy now... but jesus now Anton's gonna know about Deb and Lundy and now Deb is gonna be even more into Lundy cuz he's all tragic now.
My theory: I don't think the shooting and stealing of possessions was Trinity changing his MO.
And Lundy is just starting to figure things out. And since they brought him back another season - I can't see a main character like that biting it so early on. I would think that if Trinity is going to go after him, it would be a drawn out process like the whole stroy with Anton was...
All very valid points... you might be right.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/25/09 at 1:34 pm
I can't believe I almost forgot about it! ;D
You summed it up. The unfolding of it was probably Dexter's undoing. Not that he has lost his edge or anything, he has just turned more human. When I first started watching, in season one they more or less painted him along the lines of a monster - a good one - but a monster nonetheless. Now he is slowly becoming more human. My only hope is that they don't change him to the point where we don't like him anymore. If they take most of the monster that Harry created out of him, Dex isn't going to be the same!
I agree, my co worker thinks that Dex is going to stop killing all together but I cant see that I mean if Dex doesn't kill anymore then he's no longer Dex.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/25/09 at 2:02 pm
I should be home by 6 tonight... and then if I watch right away - usually i watch amazing race first- I could catch the second screening at 7 or 8 or if you want we could arrange a time to watch on Monday since... no House. :\'(
I am so upset about House - but I guess it is better than people recording extra innings of baseball and not getting the full episode of House. ;)
Dex new episodes come on here at 9pm EST
We might as well do it tomorrow night that way we both will be good to go.
You will just have to send me a text or pm to remind me. Actually, text would be perfect. ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/25/09 at 2:02 pm
I agree, my co worker thinks that Dex is going to stop killing all together but I cant see that I mean if Dex doesn't kill anymore then he's no longer Dex.
Dex isn't going to stop killing. That is the premise of the show and so they would have no where else to go. Except off the air! ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/25/09 at 2:18 pm
I am so upset about House - but I guess it is better than people recording extra innings of baseball and not getting the full episode of House. ;)
Dex new episodes come on here at 9pm EST
We might as well do it tomorrow night that way we both will be good to go.
You will just have to send me a text or pm to remind me. Actually, text would be perfect. ;)
Um yeah... I still haven't seen that episode. Stupid Hulu... >:(
I get it at 6 cuz I'm just that awesome... actually EST is the best thing about living on the West Coast. ;)
but Monday - works for me... I get home at 6 again so if you can handle a 9pm screening with me I'll text ya!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/25/09 at 3:03 pm
Um yeah... I still haven't seen that episode. Stupid Hulu... >:(
I get it at 6 cuz I'm just that awesome... actually EST is the best thing about living on the West Coast. ;)
but Monday - works for me... I get home at 6 again so if you can handle a 9pm screening with me I'll text ya!
9pm screening works for me! Text me for sure!
And hey! At least now those behind on House get a chance to catch up!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/25/09 at 3:25 pm
9pm screening works for me! Text me for sure!
And hey! At least now those behind on House get a chance to catch up!!! ;)
true... I hope to be able to watch it on Tuesday. I think it airs on USA Nov. 1st but I can't wait that long...
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/25/09 at 8:01 pm
Time for Dexter again... 8) 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/25/09 at 9:11 pm
I cannot believe that Lundy died!! As if they removed another major character!!! It is so unfair. No matter the other plot lines with Deb, Lundy was someone Dex could actually interact with, and Lundy knew Dex understood where he was coming from. This sucks arse for real!!! >:(
Rita finding out Dex still has his apartment! Haha! Dumb twit! But seriously, she had to confront him about it at the hospital? Gah! There is a time and place for everything woman and THAT WAS NEITHER!! And then when Dex went there, only to find Rita in the bedroom. What an untrusting b!tch! For real. She tries to shame him by bringing up the drugs again (even though there never really was any) and think he was cheating on her! For real Q - I get it now! She does need to be hit... even with a wet fish!!! :D
When Deb broke down in the parking lot - I will admit, I cried with her. That girl can act her ass off!
But when she said she was broken - and Dex said 'no you're not, I am' ... I wanted to reach out and hug him. It is funny how I know he is a serial killer, and yet I cheer for him, cry for him, hate for him. I just cannot get enough of this character.
And Maria effed it up! By disclosing their relationship to the Brass - she now has to transfer Angel by Monday! What a MORON!!! I think she should file the transfer papers, but make them her transfer papers. Angel should not be punished for something he didn't want disclosed! She is such a freakin idiot!!! I just want to smack her!
And finally, Dex following Trinity home...
Talk about things coming around full circle! Never would have pictured Trinity being exactly the same as Dexter.
Lithgow is doing a phenominal job! Portraying two different types of personality... I thought Michael C Hall was good but now here's Lithgow! Brilliant!!!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/25/09 at 11:59 pm
I cannot believe that Lundy died!! As if they removed another major character!!! It is so unfair. No matter the other plot lines with Deb, Lundy was someone Dex could actually interact with, and Lundy knew Dex understood where he was coming from. This sucks arse for real!!! >:(
Sorry tam.. I thought so.. but you know - it seemed inevitable... I just sort of thought Dex would be the one to take Lundy out.
Ha Ha I was running the gamete on suspects...
Quinn ;D cuz why would he be first onscene?
Trinity -
Hell I even thought maybe it was Anton and that's why Deb wasn't killed....
It still makes no sense to keep her alive- but glad they didn't kill her...
and Dex he actually showed concern and panic... when he thought he lost Deb. I think he knows how to worry he just struggles with showing he cares (if that makes sense)
Rita finding out Dex still has his apartment! Haha! Dumb twit! But seriously, she had to confront him about it at the hospital? Gah! There is a time and place for everything woman and THAT WAS NEITHER!! And then when Dex went there, only to find Rita in the bedroom. What an untrusting b!tch! For real. She tries to shame him by bringing up the drugs again (even though there never really was any) and think he was cheating on her! For real Q - I get it now! She does need to be hit... even with a wet fish!!! :D
Its very manipulative the way she interacts with Dex... trying to control him... she got this trait from Miguel's wife I think. because she wasn't nearly this bad before...not even with the whole lila fiasco.
Confronting Dex in the hospital about the apt. is just like confronting him at the station about talking to Maria about overworking him.. she seriously needs to check herself.
Here's what I didn't get. unless he hid them really, really well. Where were the case files he'd been pouring over for a day or two?
you'd think she'd come across them. I would tell her that I kept the apt because of the case files...some times a case sits with him and he studies the photos for blood spatter or whatever and he doesn't want to take them home and risk the kids seeing them... that's way better than keeping the apt to store dad's old rifle I mean that's why they have storage places.
When Deb broke down in the parking lot - I will admit, I cried with her. That girl can act her ass off!
I was thinking the same thing when they were in the hospital... how freaking good are they that they can look at each other and give that creepy I love you vibe in their eyes... they are really believable as siblings... so much so you have to wonder if the marriage is any good ;)
But when she said she was broken - and Dex said 'no you're not, I am' ... I wanted to reach out and hug him. It is funny how I know he is a serial killer, and yet I cheer for him, cry for him, hate for him. I just cannot get enough of this character.
Its cuz he's a serial killer with a heart of gold... plus he does the community a great service... even when he accidentally kills he manages to kill someone who has broken the law ;D
And Maria effed it up! By disclosing their relationship to the Brass - she now has to transfer Angel by Monday! What a MORON!!! I think she should file the transfer papers, but make them her transfer papers. Angel should not be punished for something he didn't want disclosed! She is such a freakin idiot!!! I just want to smack her!
I know.... we said it... she was going to screw the pooch with her disclosure... what the hell. the relationship (personal and professional) was actually working and that's very hard to pull off...especially in a supervisor subordinate kind of situation.
And finally, Dex following Trinity home...
Talk about things coming around full circle! Never would have pictured Trinity being exactly the same as Dexter.
Lithgow is doing a phenominal job! Portraying two different types of personality... I thought Michael C Hall was good but now here's Lithgow! Brilliant!!!
I never saw it coming...
and yeah Lithgow is amazing. That's the actor Michael C. Hall is going to be in about 20 years. :)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 10/26/09 at 12:24 am
Sorry tam.. I thought so.. but you know - it seemed inevitable... I just sort of thought Dex would be the one to take Lundy out.
Ha Ha I was running the gamete on suspects...
Quinn ;D cuz why would he be first onscene?
Trinity -
Hell I even thought maybe it was Anton and that's why Deb wasn't killed....
It still makes no sense to keep her alive- but glad they didn't kill her...
I understand that not everyone gets to live happily ever after, but I thought Lundy was a good character. Even though down the road he would have figured out about Dex, but still. And his relationship with Deb - well that's a horse of a different color, but I liked that guy. He spent his entire career tracking serial killers, only to be killed by someone (Trinity? Someone else?) We still don't know who really shot them...
and Dex he actually showed concern and panic... when he thought he lost Deb. I think he knows how to worry he just struggles with showing he cares (if that makes sense)
It does make sense. I mean, Deb kind of is Dex's connection to reality in a way. She has always been his pillar. He has always been concerned and connected to Deb - even though he can't show it like you said.
Its very manipulative the way she interacts with Dex... trying to control him... she got this trait from Miguel's wife I think. because she wasn't nearly this bad before...not even with the whole lila fiasco.
Confronting Dex in the hospital about the apt. is just like confronting him at the station about talking to Maria about overworking him.. she seriously needs to check herself.
Here's what I didn't get. unless he hid them really, really well. Where were the case files he'd been pouring over for a day or two?
you'd think she'd come across them. I would tell her that I kept the apt because of the case files...some times a case sits with him and he studies the photos for blood spatter or whatever and he doesn't want to take them home and risk the kids seeing them... that's way better than keeping the apt to store dad's old rifle I mean that's why they have storage places.
I was thinking the same thing when they were in the hospital... how freaking good are they that they can look at each other and give that creepy I love you vibe in their eyes... they are really believable as siblings... so much so you have to wonder if the marriage is any good ;)
Funny thing, I never thought about Miquel's wifes connection at all. That seemed to be Rita's turning point for sure.
I have no clue where the case files were/are/could be. But your reasoning for keeping the apartment is definitely more plausible than the rifle...
Truly believable as siblings... uncanny really
Its cuz he's a serial killer with a heart of gold... plus he does the community a great service... even when he accidentally kills he manages to kill someone who has broken the law ;D
I know.... we said it... she was going to screw the pooch with her disclosure... what the hell. the relationship (personal and professional) was actually working and that's very hard to pull off...especially in a supervisor subordinate kind of situation.
Now anythng that happens is her own fault really. I still believe she should transfer herself out and save Angel. I won't be able to handle it if they get rid of him!!!
I never saw it coming...
and yeah Lithgow is amazing. That's the actor Michael C. Hall is going to be in about 20 years. :)
agreed! Brilliant acting and a brilliant future! 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/26/09 at 12:36 am
I understand that not everyone gets to live happily ever after, but I thought Lundy was a good character. Even though down the road he would have figured out about Dex, but still. And his relationship with Deb - well that's a horse of a different color, but I liked that guy. He spent his entire career tracking serial killers, only to be killed by someone (Trinity? Someone else?) We still don't know who really shot them...
yeah I do like Lundy too (but not with Deb ;) ) and was sorry to see him go- I anticipated a big build up to his connection with Dex. Ha HA maybe Lundy can be Dex's new "advisor" since Dex is tiring of Harry. :D
It does make sense. I mean, Deb kind of is Dex's connection to reality in a way. She has always been his pillar. He has always been concerned and connected to Deb - even though he can't show it like you said.
Yeah it was just nice to see him actually express it- when he thought she was dead- and you're right now that I think about it, that embrace at the end was pretty damn meaningful
Funny thing, I never thought about Miquel's wifes connection at all. That seemed to be Rita's turning point for sure.
I just remember her pushing Rita to push Dex into the wedding.
I have no clue where the case files were/are/could be. But your reasoning for keeping the apartment is definitely more plausible than the rifle...
they should hire me as a writer ;)
Truly believable as siblings... uncanny really
for sure.
Now anythng that happens is her own fault really. I still believe she should transfer herself out and save Angel. I won't be able to handle it if they get rid of him!!!
I agree. She should go- I don't want either of them to go but its going to be more detrimental to the unit to lose Angel. They'd have to bring in a new sgt because no one else is ready to promote... unless um....crap what if they promoted Quinn >:(
That IA chick still hasn't returned...what's her name? Yoda? Yucky.... something like that :D ... that could throw a wench into the whole Sgt Quinn thing.
The team - especially if the affair becomes public will give Maria the cold shoulder- there will be so much animosity there.
agreed! Brilliant acting and a brilliant future! 8)
nothing to add 'cept :)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: kellygoo72 on 10/27/09 at 10:41 pm
I finally saw Sundays eppy... I really like where this is going but I must admit, Im tired of the Rita thing already.
I was chatting with my good friend at work today and she has this wicked theory on the season. She thinks Dex's family will be killed. I cant see that but , u never know. I would hate to see kids die.
No more Rita???? HMMMM. LOL
Nah, I dont want her killed but, I wish they werent married. Its akward to me.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 10/27/09 at 11:15 pm
I finally saw Sundays eppy... I really like where this is going but I must admit, Im tired of the Rita thing already.
I was chatting with my good friend at work today and she has this wicked theory on the season. She thinks Dex's family will be killed. I cant see that but , u never know. I would hate to see kids die.
No more Rita???? HMMMM. LOL
Nah, I dont want her killed but, I wish they werent married. Its akward to me.
I don't see it. it doesn't make much sense to kill off Dex's family- it'd be too easy for him too much freedom. the most interesting thing we'd get out of it is him trying to show pain to his co-workers and he's already established he cares for them so we know he'd feel pain. With Dex his pain would manifest in anger which would come off perfectly natural to everyone so still no real turmoil or conflict.
Rita could be kidnapped and held prisoner for a while and good old mum-in-law could step in to "help" ;D now that's conflict!!!
the marriage is awkward but its supposed to be if it were easy then it wouldn't be in line with the series or the character of Dex.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/02/09 at 9:09 pm
I watched Dexter tonight because I forgot it was on last night! ;D
I am really, really pissed off with Rita!
She is now on my last nerve and it is sad to say but I almost find myself hoping that something happens to her :-X
Angel and Maria - she actually offered to be transfered herself! I can't believe it! But instead they signed affidavits saying that they are no longer dating - and now Maria is acting that exact way! What a b!tch. I feel bad for Angel because he really cares for her and she is screwing it up like we said she would.
There was a lot more information in this episode... but I don't want to go further until you watch Q. ;)
And I would actually like your point of view before I spew mine all over the place. 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/04/09 at 2:13 pm
I watched Dexter tonight because I forgot it was on last night! ;D
There was a lot more information in this episode... but I don't want to go further until you watch Q. ;)
And I would actually like your point of view before I spew mine all over the place. 8)
Tam- just watched...big mistake because I have to leave for LA and I anticipate having about 100 comments to make... think I'm gonna watch it again when I get home and liveblog my opinions.... see ya later tonight!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/04/09 at 2:18 pm
I am really, really pissed off with Rita!
She is now on my last nerve and it is sad to say but I almost find myself hoping that something happens to her :-X
How freakin' passive aggressive was she!?!?!?
I laughed so hard when Roma Maffia called her on her shyt...
Roma- "you knew how he was when you married him"
Rita- "Yes but I thought he would change"
Roma - ???
Angel and Maria - she actually offered to be transfered herself! I can't believe it! But instead they signed affidavits saying that they are no longer dating - and now Maria is acting that exact way! What a b!tch. I feel bad for Angel because he really cares for her and she is screwing it up like we said she would.
I was surprised she would make that sacrifice too...and yeah I'm still sort of hoping its an act and in private they're still together because they are good together... but I was pissed that she screwed the whole thing up when she didn't have to...
more to come later... promise.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/04/09 at 3:39 pm
Tam- just watched...big mistake because I have to leave for LA and I anticipate having about 100 comments to make... think I'm gonna watch it again when I get home and liveblog my opinions.... see ya later tonight!
That sounds like a plan for sure!
I am going to see This Is It tonight but you know I will be online when I get home! ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/04/09 at 3:40 pm
How freakin' passive aggressive was she!?!?!?
I laughed so hard when Roma Maffia called her on her shyt...
Roma- "you knew how he was when you married him"
Rita- "Yes but I thought he would change"
Roma - ???
EXACTLY!!! I started laughing out loud and freaked the dog!
What a perfectly clam slap in the face for Rita!!!
I was surprised she would make that sacrifice too...and yeah I'm still sort of hoping its an act and in private they're still together because they are good together... but I was pissed that she screwed the whole thing up when she didn't have to...
more to come later... promise.
See you then! 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 11/04/09 at 4:43 pm
I'm STILL waiting for season 3 to come in at the library, I'm 133rd in line (10 copies available - each copy is allowed out for 3 weeks rental) so I should be getting it in about 9 months. Wah! :\'( :\'( I may have to break down and buy it online. THEN subscribe to Showtime just to watch season 4 reruns. Yep, that's my plan. lol
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/05/09 at 1:11 am
I'm STILL waiting for season 3 to come in at the library, I'm 133rd in line (10 copies available - each copy is allowed out for 3 weeks rental) so I should be getting it in about 9 months. Wah! :\'( :\'( I may have to break down and buy it online. THEN subscribe to Showtime just to watch season 4 reruns. Yep, that's my plan. lol
Patty get the two weeks free netflix rental then order it and then cancel Netflix before the two weeks is up!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 11/05/09 at 3:09 am
Patty get the two weeks free netflix rental then order it and then cancel Netflix before the two weeks is up!
Brilliant woman!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/05/09 at 1:27 pm
Brilliant woman!
I know! 8) I mean Thanks! ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 9:26 pm
So...serial killing Deacon...kinda puts a new twist on psycho religious fanatic huh :D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 9:28 pm
Rita is soooooo passive aggressive this ep...
the cold stare- the little digs at everything he says...
I'm jumping ahead but I laughed so hard when he brought her bread maker because they always seem to be running out of bread... we run out of milk too are you going to buy me a cow? :D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 9:28 pm
Poor place for his ugly lamp. I can't imagine he's attached to it... I think its the principle.....wonder if it originally belonged to Harry
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 9:29 pm
Dude whats with all the ugly houses in FLA??? I mean Dex's house is like Pink... and Quinns house was what? yellow?
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 9:32 pm
I need to see Jennifer Carpenter and Michael C. Hall interact outside of the series because I'm always amazed at how much chemistry they lack.... sexually speaking... I mean if you love someone it has to be hard to act like you don't love them.... tho it wouldn't be too creepy if they hooked up since they are not blood siblings.....okay it would be creepy... ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 9:33 pm
Masuka cracks me up "not a tool I haven't played with my friend" then that goofy/creepy laugh ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 9:35 pm
Masuka cracks me up "not a tool I haven't played with my friend" then that goofy/creepy laugh ;D
BTW Tam have you ever seen Chuck? He played an assistant manager on of the Best Buy type store in that series... kind of a militant geek ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 9:37 pm
At the therapists office... rita with like a full box of used kleenex on the table...
here we go... rita pointing fingers at him- ooh I forgot she said that about the ex- "when you married your ex husband did you hope he would change too?" BUSTED ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 9:38 pm
The fact that Dex says Rita's picturing her life without him and he can't picture his life without her, the kids....Harrison. It shows just how far Dex has come in four seasons!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 9:42 pm
see now here is dexter trying again... (when she's doing the dishes) but he spends too much time in his head so she just walks out... of course they're out of bread again...
love how Dex can use Trinity to help him with his issues with Rita...
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 9:44 pm
the reporter says she isn't asking for an inside scoop but then she asks to get close to Deb for an interview ::)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 9:44 pm
yeah Quinn's house is ugly yellow with light blue or teal trim 8-P
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 9:51 pm
did you notice Trinity checking out Dex when he's talking to the son? Reminds me of when Dex caught that kiddie diddler trying to get close to Astor in the grocery store...then at the beach... season 3 I think.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 9:58 pm
"People just do this? Say what they're thinking...out loud." heavy sigh... you know she could have tried to be a little patient...
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 10:03 pm
I'm not liking the conversations between Quinn and Deb...feels like they are leading up to a closeness or an encounter I don't want to happen...
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 10:05 pm
I'm watching the meeting with the captain.. the one so they can both stay in homicide.... I was hoping they were faking it but you know I think Maria so damned by the book that maybe she's incapable of faking it... she should have left well enough alone... >:(
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 10:06 pm
amazing how Dex's simple obit search brings up the info I figured out two eps ago...about the sister, mother, father element to the crimes ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 10:08 pm
I was trying to read the article about the sis but they didn't show enough of it to tell if it was suicide or murder.... the girl did sing in the choir tho (school presumably) not church tho I could be wrong.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 10:10 pm
man I wish they showed more of the articles.... anyway- its not clear if the mom committed suicide or if she was murdered....the only sure murder was the fathers....
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 10:11 pm
so does Trinity become trinity because of his loss(es) or was he born that way and is responsible for the losses.... he was probably 12 when his sister died...old enough to be a killer...
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 10:13 pm
"Arthur has a place to put his lamp" ;D said with the perfect hint of a pout ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 10:13 pm
Watching Lithgow transition from Arthur to Trinity and back again was truly amazing.... if Lithgow doesn't get an Emmy nod...or an Emmy then he's been robbed!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 10:16 pm
why would trinity give Dex his hammer? the trophy hammer from the last kill?
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 10:17 pm
Dex is so honest in this last session with Rita and the therapist.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 10:18 pm
I never learned how to open up
the murder of mother "shaped who I am"
afraid to let Rita in because she'll see who I am....
its so honest!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 10:21 pm
love how the women try the find deep layers where there are none...
Therapist- why did you keep the apartment?
Dex- Because I need space to keep my stuff?
Rita- but we have a house there's plenty of room...
therapist- I think what Dex is trying to say is that he needs space for himself in the marriage...
Dex- yeah but I also need keep my stuff ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 10:23 pm
the way they revisit Trinity's "first" kill with him looking in on the woman in the bathtub... then how they can turn the same action from the first episode and twist it to something quasi-intimate... btw in four seasons the grossest thing I've ever seen on Dexter is Lithgow's naked ass ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/06/09 at 10:25 pm
aw... Dex gets a pink playhouse with flowers in a window planter for his kill stuff.. how manly ;D
at least Rita didn't insist on getting one of the keys... tho she probably had duplicates made for herself ;D
love that look into the camera with the eyebrow raise before the fade to black.....okay Tam I'm waiting on you now ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/08/09 at 11:20 am
Gotta drive north for training... not sure if my hotel gets Showtime so I may not get to watch until next Sunday. :\'(
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Henk on 11/08/09 at 11:23 am
Season four already?
We've just started season one over here. Sooooooooo.... I guess I won't be reading any of this. ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/08/09 at 11:24 am
Season four already?
We've just started season one over here. Sooooooooo.... I guess I won't be reading any of this. ;)
lol- its good stuff... feel free to add season one comments.. tam and I will play....
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/08/09 at 9:22 pm
Made it to Redwood City and just like I thought no Showtime in the hotel....crap balls!!! But free wi fi! WHoo Hoo!!!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/08/09 at 10:08 pm
lol- its good stuff... feel free to add season one comments.. tam and I will play....
We will for sure! 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/08/09 at 10:09 pm
Made it to Redwood City and just like I thought no Showtime in the hotel....crap balls!!! But free wi fi! WHoo Hoo!!!
It's all good Q - I didn't watch tonight - instead The Son and I caught up FlashForward. ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Henk on 11/15/09 at 11:14 am
lol- its good stuff... feel free to add season one comments.. tam and I will play....
Okay... Finally got to see an episode yesterday (I need to somehow fit it in my schedule). Not sure what season this is, but it sure don't look like season four.
So in this episode Dexter ends up killing a psychiatrist (Emmett whatshisname), who was responsible for the suicide of at least three powerful women. I believe it was titled "Shrink Foil".
Here's what I don't get: Dexter disconnects the camera and the computer, and deletes the recordings of his own sessions during his nightly visit. How come the psychiatrist didn't notice? I mean: wouldn't he be like checking equipment and recordings inbetween sessions? :-\\ The guy's a control freak, for heaven's sake!
I wasn't aware the series has a continuous storyline, btw. Makes it somewhat hard to follow.
Next episode is tonight at 23:40. I'm afraid I'll be in bed by then. :( So... you can just tell me what happens next. ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/16/09 at 10:52 am
Okay... Finally got to see an episode yesterday (I need to somehow fit it in my schedule). Not sure what season this is, but it sure don't look like season four.
So in this episode Dexter ends up killing a psychiatrist (Emmett whatshisname), who was responsible for the suicide of at least three powerful women. I believe it was titled "Shrink Foil".
Here's what I don't get: Dexter disconnects the camera and the computer, and deletes the recordings of his own sessions during his nightly visit. How come the psychiatrist didn't notice? I mean: wouldn't he be like checking equipment and recordings inbetween sessions? :-\\ The guy's a control freak, for heaven's sake!
I wasn't aware the series has a continuous storyline, btw. Makes it somewhat hard to follow.
Next episode is tonight at 23:40. I'm afraid I'll be in bed by then. :( So... you can just tell me what happens next. ;)
I gotta get back to you on this Henk- I've seen so many episodes since this one that they all tend to run together after awhile.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/16/09 at 11:05 am
Holy crap....two episodes behind.
Slack Tide- probably my least favorite episode of the season- mostly I just didn't like the director. He / or she , I forgot to go back and check who directed it... tried too hard to make Dexter look menacing... like when Dex had got the chainsaw started and the director tried to make you think Dex was going to go after Trinity but instead he went to tree (like I expected him to) then they did the same thing with the axe and the deer....its like-- look we know Dex wants to kill Trinity and we know that a weapon in hand and this remote location gives Dex the perfect opportunity but we also know Dex is not that rash... so stop trying to "trick" its just bad form- I was obvious and for you to try anyway is like film directing 101 ::)
sorry I'm sick again and under heavy medication so I hope what I wrote made sense....
I'm probably going to get the two eps confused again--- but-
When Dex came home and the kids wanted his help I got pissed because Ritas like kids stop hounding Dexter... first he'll help Cody with homework, then he'll put up Astor's shelves and then he'll put together Harrison's jumper...or whatever it was... did that woman learn nothing about over extending Dexter? I mean seriously... lets see if we can get him to crash another car.
The photographer... when he was first on the table I was inclined to think that he was innocent then he said those women are lucky because he preserved their youth and beauty...then I thought- oh he totally did it! then we find out he was innocent after all...
poor Dex
How great was Lithgow in both episodes...the way he took the range- from anger, to vulnerable, to giddy to downright was amazing.
Can you imagine being that family in the diner and having this crazy man sit down and tell you in front of your kids how his sister died while he watched her in the shower :o
Love Angel and Maria trying not to be together and failing ;D
Hate Quinn and his "girlfriend"
got nothing at the moment!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/16/09 at 12:00 pm
Q - I didn't read your post.
I am two episodes behind, so I have to watch and get caught up.
That's what happens when I am trying to get things mailed out to Nasty and get the house cleaned for the Holidays...
I am now also 2 episodes behind on House.
I am going to have to watch today in order to be caught up!
It's all good though, because I am putting away the summer clothes, so I can watch in the bedroom while I am doing everything else. ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Henk on 11/18/09 at 3:28 pm
I gotta get back to you on this Henk- I've seen so many episodes since this one that they all tend to run together after awhile.
Don't bother. I've given up on Dexter. The whole idea behind the series is just plain ludicrous.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/21/09 at 12:00 pm
Don't bother. I've given up on Dexter. The whole idea behind the series is just plain ludicrous.
well you're watching them out of order so its kinda unfair to judge donchya think?
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/21/09 at 12:02 pm
Q - I didn't read your post.
I am two episodes behind, so I have to watch and get caught up.
That's what happens when I am trying to get things mailed out to Nasty and get the house cleaned for the Holidays...
I am now also 2 episodes behind on House.
I am going to have to watch today in order to be caught up!
It's all good though, because I am putting away the summer clothes, so I can watch in the bedroom while I am doing everything else. ;)
phew.... I was getting worried that you'd abandoned me!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/21/09 at 1:08 pm
phew.... I was getting worried that you'd abandoned me!
I would never do that! 8)
I am miffed though! Turns out the dvr was 100% full and I didn't get last Monday's House recorded - thank goodness I record Dex on the dvr in the living room.
I will still watch House out of order though - I am not too worried about that. ;)
Perhaps tonight or tomorrow I will get caught up with Dex. I need to. I am going through Serial Killer withdrawal! ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/21/09 at 1:28 pm
I would never do that! 8)
I am miffed though! Turns out the dvr was 100% full and I didn't get last Monday's House recorded - thank goodness I record Dex on the dvr in the living room.
I will still watch House out of order though - I am not too worried about that. ;)
Perhaps tonight or tomorrow I will get caught up with Dex. I need to. I am going through Serial Killer withdrawal! ;D ;D ;D
wait you cant... this weeks ep actually influences what happens next week....sort of... I think you might be all confounded on Monday... but you can always call me I'll fill you in. ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Henk on 11/21/09 at 4:44 pm
well you're watching them out of order so its kinda unfair to judge donchya think?
The one that I watched didn't seem out of order at all... ::)
I've missed the rest 'cause they're scheduled at 23:00 - which also happens to be the best time to be online. I can't be bothered with taping them or watching the reruns, 'cause I don't have the time. And like I said: the whole concept of the series is ludicrous. A serial killer working as a blood spatter analyst? Really...!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/21/09 at 4:54 pm
The one that I watched didn't seem out of order at all... ::)
I've missed the rest 'cause they're scheduled at 23:00 - which also happens to be the best time to be online. I can't be bothered with taping them or watching the reruns, 'cause I don't have the time. And like I said: the whole concept of the series is ludicrous. A serial killer working as a blood spatter analyst? Really...!
hmmm well if the serial killer hasn't been caught (which he hasn't) why couldn't he work as a blood splatter analyst?
all of season one is set up in a way to explain how he got into his position and why its all believable. basically his "father" figured out he was a sociopath and channeled his focus and taught Dexter how to get along in mainstream society. Its fascinating and as Tam can attest- the character is written in such a way that he's actually likable and sympathetic.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Henk on 11/21/09 at 5:15 pm
hmmm well if the serial killer hasn't been caught (which he hasn't) why couldn't he work as a blood splatter analyst?
Maybe I'll buy that - for one season. But you've already started season four, and there's still no suspicions..? ???
all of season one is set up in a way to explain how he got into his position and why its all believable. basically his "father" figured out he was a sociopath and channeled his focus and taught Dexter how to get along in mainstream society. Its fascinating and as Tam can attest- the character is written in such a way that he's actually likable and sympathetic.
I'm not saying he's not likeable or sympathetic, but there's a lot about him and the series that I just won't buy.
Why did he have to kill the psychiatrist, for one. Weren't there other ways to expose him?
But then, if the only way was to kill him, why not stage a suicide..? After all, of his victims committed suicide, didn't they?
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/21/09 at 5:34 pm
Maybe I'll buy that - for one season. But you've already started season four, and there's still no suspicions..? ???
there have been suspicions but that was season 2..... things worked out in his favor (obviously)
I'm not saying he's not likeable or sympathetic, but there's a lot about him and the series that I just won't buy.
Why did he have to kill the psychiatrist, for one. Weren't there other ways to expose him?
But then, if the only way was to kill him, why not stage a suicide..? After all, of his victims committed suicide, didn't they?
one of the things you learn in season one... and it helps to understanding Dex better.
Dex's foster father was a cop who rescued Dex. His mother had been mutilated (before his eyes when he was 3 years old) at that age he was forced to sit in a storage container with her body...that's why his fascination with blood and stuff.
By the time he was twelve the father, a cop, noticed that Dex had some problems. And that he was emotionally detached.
Recognizing that he could not cure Dex of his illness he decided to channel it... he taught Dex that killing is wrong but sometimes people deserve to die. Specifically, criminals who seem to escape prosecution deserve to die...
Dex was able to feed his need to kill by only killing those who "deserve" to die...
The psychiatrist was evil but there was no way to prove what he did because working inside of the legal system most of that evidence would be unattainable or inadmissible in court... the other part of it that Dex is only interested in his particular brand of justice...not the justice offered by the legal system.
And, to his credit... he only kills really bad people ;) its not like he's killing drug dealers... he sets his sights on murderers and rapists 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/21/09 at 5:35 pm
But then, if the only way was to kill him, why not stage a suicide..? After all, of his victims committed suicide, didn't they?
oh yeah... and he has a system and cannot deviate from that system...whenever he does it seems to bite him in the ass just a bit.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Henk on 11/22/09 at 1:17 am
one of the things you learn in season one... and it helps to understanding Dex better.
Dex's foster father was a cop who rescued Dex. His mother had been mutilated (before his eyes when he was 3 years old) at that age he was forced to sit in a storage container with her body...that's why his fascination with blood and stuff.
By the time he was twelve the father, a cop, noticed that Dex had some problems. And that he was emotionally detached.
Recognizing that he could not cure Dex of his illness he decided to channel it... he taught Dex that killing is wrong but sometimes people deserve to die. Specifically, criminals who seem to escape prosecution deserve to die...
Dex was able to feed his need to kill by only killing those who "deserve" to die...
The psychiatrist was evil but there was no way to prove what he did because working inside of the legal system most of that evidence would be unattainable or inadmissible in court... the other part of it that Dex is only interested in his particular brand of justice...not the justice offered by the legal system.
And, to his credit... he only kills really bad people ;) its not like he's killing drug dealers... he sets his sights on murderers and rapists 8)
oh yeah... and he has a system and cannot deviate from that system...whenever he does it seems to bite him in the ass just a bit.
You can (try to) explain what you like, I'm still not buying it.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/22/09 at 10:40 am
You can (try to) explain what you like, I'm still not buying it.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Henk on 11/22/09 at 10:44 am
...and loving it. :P
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 2:20 pm
"Hungry Man" is my favorite episode out of all four seasons!!!!
It's Thanksgiving in the Morgan Household, the first one for the family, and Rita thinks its time to establish traditions.... Dex is still on the search for how to create the perfect family. Too bad his "role model" trinity is crumbling before his eyes.
Dex learns that Trinity's perfect family is not so perfect... he not "dear old dad" but a tyrant that the family is terrified of. Joshua spills the beans after he's had his fill of abuse. When he plans on running away Dex offers to help him face his father....mostly because Dex is still trying to get inside Trinity... oops... dex is now invited to Thanksgiving- much to Trinity's surprise.
Of course this doesn't help Dex lay the seeds of tradition with his family but surprise, surprise Rita took it better than I thought she would...
The whole time Dex is at Trinity's house you can just see the seams of the family ripping apart... its really amazing writing and acting...
when that girl came on to Dex- please take me away I'll do whatever you want and then mom said I don't care what you do with my daughter just don't tell Arthur... HOLY COW!!!! :o :o :o :o
And then the complete breakdown during dinner... when he calls his daughter by his sister's name and then the son goes ape shyt on the house throwing his aunts ashes (what's left of them anyway) against the wall...
When Dex pulled Trinity off the boy and dragged him into the kitchen and grabbed a knife.... in that moment you could see Dex's inhumanity and the fact that he does possess some semblance of humanity simultaneously!!!
I plan on watching this ep at least three more times this week!!!
oh and don't get me started on Rita and the Neighbor... she walked away but she had to think about it first... that bitch..
and um... isn't the guy like abusive or something? I got that feeling from a couple episodes earlier when he was fighting all day with his "new" girlfriend... wonder how long Masuka can keep silent...
and Angel and Maria won my heart..... again!
and HOLY CRAP... the reporter bitch killed Lundy??? Really... and she's Trinity's daughter... ooh this is just getting too good!!!!!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 3:21 pm
Q - I am about to get caught up.
I have 3 episodes so it will be a bit...
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 4:16 pm
Episode 7
I wasn't overly caught up in this one.
It was kind of boring - Deb coming back to work and finding that she didn't want to know who her Dad was sexing with.
Trinity being really eccentric, fresh lumber but won't kill a deer.
Come to find out the lumber is for a coffin? wtf?
I am really getting tired of Quinn. I don't know what it is but I honestly do not like the character at all.
And poor Angel - still jonesing for Maria...
And then Dex killed an innocent man!!!! Who friggin' knew??!!
On to next episode.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 4:25 pm
Holy crap....two episodes behind.
Slack Tide- probably my least favorite episode of the season- mostly I just didn't like the director. He / or she , I forgot to go back and check who directed it... tried too hard to make Dexter look menacing... like when Dex had got the chainsaw started and the director tried to make you think Dex was going to go after Trinity but instead he went to tree (like I expected him to) then they did the same thing with the axe and the deer....its like-- look we know Dex wants to kill Trinity and we know that a weapon in hand and this remote location gives Dex the perfect opportunity but we also know Dex is not that rash... so stop trying to "trick" its just bad form- I was obvious and for you to try anyway is like film directing 101 ::)
sorry I'm sick again and under heavy medication so I hope what I wrote made sense....
I'm probably going to get the two eps confused again--- but-
When Dex came home and the kids wanted his help I got pissed because Ritas like kids stop hounding Dexter... first he'll help Cody with homework, then he'll put up Astor's shelves and then he'll put together Harrison's jumper...or whatever it was... did that woman learn nothing about over extending Dexter? I mean seriously... lets see if we can get him to crash another car.
The photographer... when he was first on the table I was inclined to think that he was innocent then he said those women are lucky because he preserved their youth and beauty...then I thought- oh he totally did it! then we find out he was innocent after all...
poor Dex
How great was Lithgow in both episodes...the way he took the range- from anger, to vulnerable, to giddy to downright was amazing.
Can you imagine being that family in the diner and having this crazy man sit down and tell you in front of your kids how his sister died while he watched her in the shower :o
Love Angel and Maria trying not to be together and failing ;D
Hate Quinn and his "girlfriend"
got nothing at the moment!
I agree Q. "slack' is my least favorite so far as well. It was all I could to sit through it.
And s/he did try to make Dex too menacing. I wasn't impressed.
You didn't get the 2 episodes confused... you just added a little bit that I haven't seen yet. Ah well. ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 6:00 pm
Episode 8 - Road Kill
Definitely a creepy episode. Not in the same sense of creepy though.
I could never imagine some weirdo sitting down at my table and proceeding to tell me about his sister being killed and crap. Too bizarro for me. And then Trinity tries to take himself out. Chicken Shyt! And then Dex becomes his Savior! Seriously.
Rita and the neighbor! I swear that if they jack this up and Rita ends up in an affair - I dunno what Dex will do!
And thank goodness Angel and Maria got it on again! They were too cute together to end so soon!
Off to the next episode ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 6:22 pm
I agree Q. "slack' is my least favorite so far as well. It was all I could to sit through it.
And s/he did try to make Dex too menacing. I wasn't impressed.
You didn't get the 2 episodes confused... you just added a little bit that I haven't seen yet. Ah well. ;)
sorry....see this is why I can't let myself get behind again...because Then I get ahead of myself with the commentary.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 6:24 pm
I am really getting tired of Quinn. I don't know what it is but I honestly do not like the character at all.
finally coming around to my way of thinking huh? ;D
And then Dex killed an innocent man!!!! Who friggin' knew??!!
He seems to have gotten over it already! Funny he spent more time stressing when he killed Miguel's brother (accidentally but in self defense) ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 6:26 pm
Episode 8 - Road Kill
Definitely a creepy episode. Not in the same sense of creepy though.
I could never imagine some weirdo sitting down at my table and proceeding to tell me about his sister being killed and crap. Too bizarro for me. And then Trinity tries to take himself out. Chicken Shyt! And then Dex becomes his Savior! Seriously.
Rita and the neighbor! I swear that if they jack this up and Rita ends up in an affair - I dunno what Dex will do!
And thank goodness Angel and Maria got it on again! They were too cute together to end so soon!
Off to the next episode ;)
nice concise summary... glad I didn't give away the whole Dex keeps Trinity from offing himself in my last post ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 6:37 pm
Hungry Man
I love how Dex keeps playing with the turkey like it is a criminal. Haha!
And then he sends the Pig Headed Deb the video pf the kids - priceless.
Masuka - "I could be your tight man ututututututut" lmao
The needy wench reporter is now on my last nerve. Funny how my last nerve keeps getting used like this.
Nice - Arthur sees the paper with the reporters pic - think he is going to go after her? hmmm....
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 6:38 pm
Hungry Man
I love how Dex keeps playing with the turkey like it is a criminal. Haha!
And then he sends the Pig Headed Deb the video pf the kids - priceless.
Masuka - "I could be your tight man ututututututut" lmao
The needy wench reporter is now on my last nerve. Funny how my last nerve keeps getting used like this.
Nice - Arthur sees the paper with the reporters pic - think he is going to go after her? hmmm....
Tam's watching my episode!!!! I''m so excited!!!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 6:40 pm
Did Dex just show a little bit of jealousy towards Elliott?? Haha! That is awesome!!!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 6:40 pm
Hungry Man
Masuka - "I could be your tight man ututututututut" lmao
I think he said "thigh man" cuz he started out saying wing man... its a sexual turkey reference great capture of his laugh!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 6:43 pm
I think he said "thigh man" cuz he started out saying wing man... its a sexual turkey reference great capture of his laugh!!! ;D
That was a typo on my part! ;D
Ok - I now am thinking something right off the wall. I had to pause the epi. just so that I can actually write down my thoughts without being distracted.
Is it just me, or does the reporter know something? Eerie how she was saying about "watching the man that you love die in front of your eyes" and she gets all teary eyed and stuff. I have a theory and she fits the current description. I think there was something going on with Christine and Lundy prior to the whole Deb thing, and Christine got even by shooting them! She matches the height now, and jealousy is the perfect driver...
alright - back to the show
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 6:46 pm
That was a typo on my part! ;D
I thought it might be... but had to say something lest other people read it and were confused ;)
Ok - I now am thinking something right off the wall. I had to pause the epi. just so that I can actually write down my thoughts without being distracted.
Is it just me, or does the reporter know something? Eerie how she was saying about "watching the man that you love die in front of your eyes" and she gets all teary eyed and stuff. I have a theory and she fits the current description. I think there was something going on with Christine and Lundy prior to the whole Deb thing, and Christine got even by shooting them! She matches the height now, and jealousy is the perfect driver...
alright - back to the show
you are a better detective than Deb! 8)
..... except for that last part...
The extra spacings for camoflauge... hope it works. ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 6:53 pm
I can't stand Elliott.
Masuka - Chocolate Lava Cakes - how flippin' awesome is he?
Angel giving the notification - omg! I feel so bad for Angel.
Ok - Trinity is really psycho. This whole opposite attitude and crap. And then the revelation of the coffin.
Arthur is going off the deep end... And Dex is going along with him.
The crow bar and another change of attitude... heck am I ever confused!!!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 6:57 pm
Deb - "ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddgggggggggeeeeeee" how perfect was that? hahaha
Not once but twice!!!
Militant locks throughout the entire house...
Who is the daughter? What have I seen her in before?
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 7:04 pm
Arthur busts his son finger, Rebecca comes onto Dex, Sally asks Dex not to say anything... the entire family is one giant fudge up.
Yes, I wrote fudge on purpose.
Angel just told Maria he loves her!
OMG! His heart is on his sleeve!
And then he starts to yell it!!
Maria better say it back!
Who cares about buses!!
Hahaha! She said it back!! FINALLY!! w00t w00t!!!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 7:05 pm
I am so pissed right now!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 7:07 pm
I can't stand Elliott.
Masuka - Chocolate Lava Cakes - how flippin' awesome is he?
Angel giving the notification - omg! I feel so bad for Angel.
Ok - Trinity is really psycho. This whole opposite attitude and crap. And then the revelation of the coffin.
Arthur is going off the deep end... And Dex is going along with him.
The crow bar and another change of attitude... heck am I ever confused!!!
now that crow bar bit was effective use of the menacing camera angle.... that was so abused in Slack Tide.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 7:09 pm
Militant locks throughout the entire house...
Who is the daughter? What have I seen her in before?
she was on Young and the Restless (Eden)
and played Malone's Daughter on Without a Trace
she also played April on Gilmore Girls
and Tate in two eps of Six Feet Under.
Deb - "ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddgggggggggeeeeeee" how perfect was that? hahaha
Not once but twice!!!
And the way she looked at Harrison before she completed her thought ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 7:11 pm
Arthur busts his son finger, Rebecca comes onto Dex, Sally asks Dex not to say anything... the entire family is one giant fudge up.
Yes, I wrote fudge on purpose.
Angel just told Maria he loves her!
OMG! His heart is on his sleeve!
And then he starts to yell it!!
Maria better say it back!
Who cares about buses!!
Hahaha! She said it back!! FINALLY!! w00t w00t!!!
That moment between Angel and Maria was fantastic... I was so scared they were going to eff it up with someone catching them...glad they didnt!
Yeah I felt bad for Angel too thinking he was going to finally give this guy peace of mind only to find out he's in a vegetative state :\'(
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 7:11 pm
I am so pissed right now!
I wanted to jump inside my TV and slap that bitch silly!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 7:21 pm
I have now finished the episode!
And I can honestly say that I would never have predicted the outcome!
Christine is Arthur's Daughter!!! WTF!
Dexter almost revealing himself to Arthur...
Gah! Now Dex is on Arthur's hit list!
That is probably why he went to see his daughter...
She is in on sweet daddy's payroll or whatever the hell sick ploy it is.
I loved this episode!!!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 7:25 pm
I thought it might be... but had to say something lest other people read it and were confused ;)
you are a better detective than Deb! 8)
..... except for that last part...
The extra spacings for camoflauge... hope it works. ;)
I had notify of replies turned off just in case! ;)
So she wasn't a jealous ex - just working for Daddy... at least that is how it seems now.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 7:26 pm
I have now finished the episode!
And I can honestly say that I would never have predicted the outcome!
Christine is Arthur's Daughter!!! WTF!
Dexter almost revealing himself to Arthur...
Gah! Now Dex is on Arthur's hit list!
That is probably why he went to see his daughter...
She is in on sweet daddy's payroll or whatever the hell sick ploy it is.
I loved this episode!!!
what did I tell you!!!! :)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 7:28 pm
I had notify of replies turned off just in case! ;)
So she wasn't a jealous ex - just working for Daddy... at least that is how it seems now.
yeah something like that... she has to be aware that somethings going on with dad... I mean if she doesn't know he's Trinity (or that there is a trinity) at least she knows he's off....
I wonder if she wasn't just trying to create a story for her to write about... remember "if it bleeds; it leads"
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 7:32 pm
Tam forgot about me :\'(
"Hungry Man" is my favorite episode out of all four seasons!!!!
It's Thanksgiving in the Morgan Household, the first one for the family, and Rita thinks its time to establish traditions.... Dex is still on the search for how to create the perfect family. Too bad his "role model" trinity is crumbling before his eyes.
Dex learns that Trinity's perfect family is not so perfect... he not "dear old dad" but a tyrant that the family is terrified of. Joshua spills the beans after he's had his fill of abuse. When he plans on running away Dex offers to help him face his father....mostly because Dex is still trying to get inside Trinity... oops... dex is now invited to Thanksgiving- much to Trinity's surprise.
Of course this doesn't help Dex lay the seeds of tradition with his family but surprise, surprise Rita took it better than I thought she would...
The whole time Dex is at Trinity's house you can just see the seams of the family ripping apart... its really amazing writing and acting...
when that girl came on to Dex- please take me away I'll do whatever you want and then mom said I don't care what you do with my daughter just don't tell Arthur... HOLY COW!!!! :o :o :o :o
And then the complete breakdown during dinner... when he calls his daughter by his sister's name and then the son goes ape shyt on the house throwing his aunts ashes (what's left of them anyway) against the wall...
When Dex pulled Trinity off the boy and dragged him into the kitchen and grabbed a knife.... in that moment you could see Dex's inhumanity and the fact that he does possess some semblance of humanity simultaneously!!!
I plan on watching this ep at least three more times this week!!!
oh and don't get me started on Rita and the Neighbor... she walked away but she had to think about it first... that bitch..
and um... isn't the guy like abusive or something? I got that feeling from a couple episodes earlier when he was fighting all day with his "new" girlfriend... wonder how long Masuka can keep silent...
and Angel and Maria won my heart..... again!
and HOLY CRAP... the reporter bitch killed Lundy??? Really... and she's Trinity's daughter... ooh this is just getting too good!!!!!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 7:34 pm
Tam forgot about me :\'(
Sorry Chica - going to it now ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 7:37 pm
Sorry Chica - going to it now ;)
that's all right... we all know I'm needy and self serving ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 7:39 pm
"Hungry Man" is my favorite episode out of all four seasons!!!!
It's Thanksgiving in the Morgan Household, the first one for the family, and Rita thinks its time to establish traditions.... Dex is still on the search for how to create the perfect family. Too bad his "role model" trinity is crumbling before his eyes.
Dex learns that Trinity's perfect family is not so perfect... he not "dear old dad" but a tyrant that the family is terrified of. Joshua spills the beans after he's had his fill of abuse. When he plans on running away Dex offers to help him face his father....mostly because Dex is still trying to get inside Trinity... oops... dex is now invited to Thanksgiving- much to Trinity's surprise.
Of course this doesn't help Dex lay the seeds of tradition with his family but surprise, surprise Rita took it better than I thought she would...
The whole time Dex is at Trinity's house you can just see the seams of the family ripping apart... its really amazing writing and acting...
when that girl came on to Dex- please take me away I'll do whatever you want and then mom said I don't care what you do with my daughter just don't tell Arthur... HOLY COW!!!! :o :o :o :o
And then the complete breakdown during dinner... when he calls his daughter by his sister's name and then the son goes ape shyt on the house throwing his aunts ashes (what's left of them anyway) against the wall...
When Dex pulled Trinity off the boy and dragged him into the kitchen and grabbed a knife.... in that moment you could see Dex's inhumanity and the fact that he does possess some semblance of humanity simultaneously!!!
I plan on watching this ep at least three more times this week!!!
oh and don't get me started on Rita and the Neighbor... she walked away but she had to think about it first... that bitch..
and um... isn't the guy like abusive or something? I got that feeling from a couple episodes earlier when he was fighting all day with his "new" girlfriend... wonder how long Masuka can keep silent...
and Angel and Maria won my heart..... again!
and HOLY CRAP... the reporter bitch killed Lundy??? Really... and she's Trinity's daughter... ooh this is just getting too good!!!!!
You said it all Girl.
And it could be like you said - that Christine shot them to make a story. So many different angles right?
The cameras, the lighting, the acting!!! All of it! Nominations need to go up for real! Lithgow is absolutely amazing! He definitely needs a nod no matter what!
Christine as the daughter - I wonder if the other siblings know of her, or if she is from another marriage, or a one night stand type thing? You would think that the son would run away to her if he knew about her. Another side story perhaps.
Gah! I want it to be Sunday already!!!
And yes, this has to be my favorite episode of all of them as well!!! 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 7:46 pm
You said it all Girl.
And it could be like you said - that Christine shot them to make a story. So many different angles right?
The cameras, the lighting, the acting!!! All of it! Nominations need to go up for real! Lithgow is absolutely amazing! He definitely needs a nod no matter what!
Christine as the daughter - I wonder if the other siblings know of her, or if she is from another marriage, or a one night stand type thing? You would think that the son would run away to her if he knew about her. Another side story perhaps.
Gah! I want it to be Sunday already!!!
And yes, this has to be my favorite episode of all of them as well!!! 8)
perhaps she inherited her father's um, psychotic demeanor so that's why the brother didn't run to her... or like you said maybe she's a daughter from another marriage/hook up whatever....but I doubt it. I get the feeling she is Sally's daughter. That sally has been with Arthur for a lonnnnng time.
I am perplexed with the way the protected him but then that goes with the psyche of the abused doesn't it... personally I'd be on the sidelines cheering Dex on hoping to never have to live like that again ;)
When Joshua called his dad a killer I was like !!WTF!!! THEY KNOW!!! :o
then he said dad was sucking the life out of all of them... um not quite the same thing kid. ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 7:52 pm
perhaps she inherited her father's um, psychotic demeanor so that's why the brother didn't run to her... or like you said maybe she's a daughter from another marriage/hook up whatever....but I doubt it. I get the feeling she is Sally's daughter. That sally has been with Arthur for a lonnnnng time.
I am perplexed with the way the protected him but then that goes with the psyche of the abused doesn't it... personally I'd be on the sidelines cheering Dex on hoping to never have to live like that again ;)
When Joshua called his dad a killer I was like !!WTF!!! THEY KNOW!!! :o
then he said dad was sucking the life out of all of them... um not quite the same thing kid. ;D
Right! I thought they all knew as well. Because he went right for the awards on the wall, I thought he was going to start spouting off about how peeps die everywhere Arthur goes. But it was the sucking the life out of him thing.
I wonder now how this is going to change the dynamic for Dex and Arthur. Dex's dad was right - he is going to see Dex coming now. No easy way to get by that one.
If Christine does daddy's dirty work on the side - this will give Dex a second hit. But then again - Deb got it at the end so Deb is going to be after her for sure...
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 7:58 pm
Right! I thought they all knew as well. Because he went right for the awards on the wall, I thought he was going to start spouting off about how peeps die everywhere Arthur goes. But it was the sucking the life out of him thing.
I wonder now how this is going to change the dynamic for Dex and Arthur. Dex's dad was right - he is going to see Dex coming now. No easy way to get by that one.
If Christine does daddy's dirty work on the side - this will give Dex a second hit. But then again - Deb got it at the end so Deb is going to be after her for sure...
Yeah no way Dex can get the drop on Arthur now so its going to interesting to see his alternative plan.
I anticipate Deb getting to the point she's actually about to kill Christine for killing Lundy and Dex actually talking her out of it...
telling her how it will change her and she can't ever take it back... then killing Christine himself! Yeah I like that plan. 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 11/24/09 at 8:01 pm
Yeah no way Dex can get the drop on Arthur now so its going to interesting to see his alternative plan.
I anticipate Deb getting to the point she's actually about to kill Christine for killing Lundy and Dex actually talking her out of it...
telling her how it will change her and she can't ever take it back... then killing Christine himself! Yeah I like that plan. 8)
You know, that would work perfectly for Deb and Dex. Good thinking. ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 11/24/09 at 9:00 pm
You know, that would work perfectly for Deb and Dex. Good thinking. ;)
I should write for the show! ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 12/02/09 at 12:55 am
TAM----- don't read till you've caught up...
Only two eps left in the season :\'(
So Trinity is not Trinity but Quad? I mean seriously what do we call him now?
Fascinating that all the cycles start with him kidnapping and killing a boy around the age of 10. That means every house he's built has the body of a 10 yr old boy in the back yard under the patio.... :-\\
Christine getting arrested? interesting but not the show down between her and Deb I was hoping for.... tho if she has a good enough lawyer maybe she can get out and I can still get my wish...
Rita was almost not annoying this week.
Where the hell can Arthur go? I mean he knows Dex is on to him- can he really go home again? Does he turn around and stalk Dex? That would put Dex's Family in danger and how fascinating would it be to see him come to their defense... what if Rita had a chance to see the Dex that Sally (Arthur's wife) saw at Thanksgiving? :o
I'm thinking about the whole showdown with Lila- Rita new Dex was upset but she didn't see his transition can you imagine her seeing him transition from Dexter Morgan to the Dark Passenger? That would be one hell of moment!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 12/12/09 at 6:24 pm
Another good ep... not as good as the last two but still....
Dex setting up some poor slob as Trinity.... then offing him!
Christine offing herself :o who saw that coming!!!
and the best part! Arthur finding the PD!!!! :o :o :o
I had Dex dreams that night... they were so vivid I actually thought I had watched a new ep of Dex... I can't remember it now but I meant to come here and post it but I didn't get around to it.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 12/13/09 at 11:02 pm
Oh I forgot to add...
I was impressed that Rita told Dex about the kiss.... his response was classic... "oh okay" she was pissed. I thought for sure she was going to cheat on him because she needed to see that he loved her enough to care about an affair. but then he went and punched the dude and she was all happy ;D
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 12/14/09 at 1:13 pm
Q - I went to page 1 and hit quick reply - so that I don't see any of your updates! ;)
I am about to start getting caught up! Will post as I go! 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 12/14/09 at 3:51 pm
Q - I went to page 1 and hit quick reply - so that I don't see any of your updates! ;)
I am about to start getting caught up! Will post as I go! 8)
good plan! I will have to remember that one!!!
just watched the finale....OMG OMG OMG OMG!
the last couple minute aw schit!!! now what are we going to do!!!!
Im not saying anymore till Tam catches up.....just in case!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 12/14/09 at 5:43 pm
Using quick reply again!
I just finished episode 10 - forgive me, I can't remember the title...
My heart raced so many times during this episode. I love how Dex looked all disheveled and was always in a rush. I can't get over how much the character has changed since the first season. Even though I still think Rita is a b!tch, she and the kids have done a lot to soften Dex up. I mean, like he said, he has an obvious soft spot for children - because they are innocent, but I think if it weren't for his kids, we may never have seen the loving, parental, protective side of Dex that we saw in this episode!
Reporter - it didn't take much for her to crack huh? But it floored me to learn that she has known about her father right from her early age! And then she is just as looney as him, telling him that she has protected him and that she shot Lundy! Imagine, if you will, my jaw dropping to the floor when Lithgow got back in the truck and called her the C word!!! He is completely BRILLIANT!
And now I feel bad for Quinn. I think he really had feelings for the reporter b!tch. See, she can't be too important to me because I can't even remember her dang name! But Quinn looked completely torn up when they arrested her!
Now finally, the last two scenes that means everything!!! Dex catching and knocking Lundy out... saving the child then turning around and Lundy was gone! Not good. Lundy is definitely more crazy then I ever thought. I mean, he makes Dex look completely normal! I can't wait to see where this is going to lead!
And then the tear... when Dex talks to his son and says he will never hurt him again. There is so much going through Dex right now that I can only look at him in awe over how much he is dedicated to his family now...
It is going to suck if/when he finds out about his so-called neighbor and Rita kissin' it up!
On to next episode.
(Q - I will catch up with all of your posts when I am completely done. If I don't do it that way, I know I will end up reading further and that isn't a good thing obviously! ;) )
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 12/14/09 at 6:41 pm
Using quick reply again!
I just finished episode 10 - forgive me, I can't remember the title...
"Lost Boys"
My heart raced so many times during this episode. I love how Dex looked all disheveled and was always in a rush. I can't get over how much the character has changed since the first season.
Dex was so desperate to find Artur in this one... trying to save the boy and kill trinity... it was a race and yeah my heart was going non stop too....
Dex has changed a lot... it's been nice to see him learn how to care.... and discover that he has a capacity to feel love even if he still doesn't quite know how to show it...
Even though I still think Rita is a b!tch, she and the kids have done a lot to soften Dex up.
dammit Tam I wish you were at the end all ready
I've been bitching about Rita for 2.5 seasons but I was not expecting to feel the way I did about her after the end of the finale...
I mean, like he said, he has an obvious soft spot for children - because they are innocent, but I think if it weren't for his kids, we may never have seen the loving, parental, protective side of Dex that we saw in this episode!
This is soooo true... I think he still would have found the kid but I don't think he would've felt the obligation to do so if he weren't a father.
Reporter - it didn't take much for her to crack huh? But it floored me to learn that she has known about her father right from her early age! And then she is just as looney as him, telling him that she has protected him and that she shot Lundy! Imagine, if you will, my jaw dropping to the floor when Lithgow got back in the truck and called her the C word!!! He is completely BRILLIANT!
that was brilliant....
And now I feel bad for Quinn. I think he really had feelings for the reporter b!tch. See, she can't be too important to me because I can't even remember her dang name! But Quinn looked completely torn up when they arrested her!
Christine ;D but I know what you mean that happens to me all the time!
Yeah Quinn was hurt.... do you think it was love or do you think that he was just being a man and that he was upset that he got used/played that way.. I mean he really put himself out for her... well not for her but to get some from her ;D
Now finally, the last two scenes that means everything!!! Dex catching and knocking Lundy Arthur out... saving the child then turning around and Lundy Arthur was gone! Not good. Lundy Arthur is definitely more crazy then I ever thought. I mean, he makes Dex look completely normal! I can't wait to see where this is going to lead!
Fixt :D Tam has Lundy on the brain ;D
Man when Arthur got away I almost crapped my pants... like what the hell is Dex gonna do now... no way this can be a good thing!!!
And then the tear... when Dex talks to his son and says he will never hurt him again. There is so much going through Dex right now that I can only look at him in awe over how much he is dedicated to his family now...
I cannot wait to see how they handle everything next season....its gonna be hard balance!!!
It is going to suck if/when he finds out about his so-called neighbor and Rita kissin' it up!
I thought so didn't play out quite as I expected but I was pleased....
On to next episode.
(Q - I will catch up with all of your posts when I am completely done. If I don't do it that way, I know I will end up reading further and that isn't a good thing obviously! ;) )
I completely understand... :)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 12/14/09 at 7:37 pm
Episode 11: Hello, Dexter Morgan!
OMG! This episode knocked my socks off. Not an absolute fav but definitely higher up there on the scale!!
Angel and Maria got married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it! Now so long as Maria doesn't rethink the reasoning for it, they should be good. ;)
Dex punching Elliott!! Fabulous! More of the 'feeling' Dex coming through. Of course, stupid Rita's ass only likes it because she needed her feelings made better, never mind the fact that Dex deserved to punch the crap out of BOTH of them! Haha! And Masuka trying at every turn to tell Dex but couldn't, so he just blurts it out - only after Rita has confessed! And Rita is a tool! As if the b!tch tells Dex about kissing Elliott in order to persuade him to stay for counselling instead of going to work for the 'emergency' that Angel called him for. (Of course, he had no idea the emergency was to witness the marriage.) I wanna punch Rita in the face! Haha!
Now... Christine.
What an absolute insane way for her to break down and go out! I didn't think she was ever going to back down from her stance. She appeared to be strong and under control the whole time. Who knew that Arthur telling her he wished she was never born was going to make her completely lose it??!! And then she confesses to shooting Deb and killing Lundy, but never tells Deb that they have the wrong name of the Trinity! So she still protects her father in death. Gah! It was too quick and too easy! Deb deserves so much more! Her closure is now nothing but the vivid memory of Christine chickening out and taking her own life! Poor Quinn! His face when he ran up to the apartment! I wanted to reach through the tv and hug him so badly, even though I still think he is a bit of an ass!
The ending...
What a perfect ending!
Trinity appears to have Dex right where he wants him now! The look on Dex's face... was it rage? Anger? Fear? Not fear for himself, but now fear for his family because Arthur knows his real name??!! This is where Dex's 'family' devotion, love and caring are going to come into play for sure, I can just feel it. Of course, I have been known to be wrong in the past when it comes to Dex, because he is so unpredictable! ;)
How Dex is going to get out of this one is beyond me right now. I can't even begin to imagine where the season finale is going to go.
All I know is that I have goose flesh!!! I completely love Lithgow right now it isn't even funny. His character may be a complete psycho - but Lithgow pulls it off like this role was made specifically for him!!!
Season finale starting right shortly! 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 12/14/09 at 7:55 pm
Episode 11: Hello, Dexter Morgan!
my dvr said the ep was titled "Wish You Were Here" I was kinda pissed when I saw the producers titled it "HDM" because I totally knew from that title that the meet was coming....didn't diminish the impact but it wasn't quite the surprise it could have been...
BTW- given the fact that Christine witnessed at least one of her father's kills- how sick is it that he kept sending her post cards wishing she was there to witness the rest of his kills.
OMG! This episode knocked my socks off. Not an absolute fav but definitely higher up there on the scale!!
I feel the same way- it sets up the finale so perfectly and that ending just made me want more! I got it in the next ep..... way more than I expected!!! GOD I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!
Angel and Maria got married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it! Now so long as Maria doesn't rethink the reasoning for it, they should be good. ;)
I know... Maria thinks way too much! Hopefully she just basks in it for a little while... like the way they confronted the Capt. (chief whatever he is) too! that was awesome!
Dex punching Elliott!! Fabulous! More of the 'feeling' Dex coming through. Of course, stupid Rita's ass only likes it because she needed her feelings made better, never mind the fact that Dex deserved to punch the crap out of BOTH of them! Haha!
I was one of those... oh he didn't react to me kissing another man (sure he kissed her first but she kissed back >:( doesn't matter how brief it was ) anyway I knew she was one of those my man must really love me if he's willing to fight for me tho... I just knew it!
And Masuka trying at every turn to tell Dex but couldn't, so he just blurts it out - only after Rita has confessed! And Rita is a tool! As if the b!tch tells Dex about kissing Elliott in order to persuade him to stay for counselling instead of going to work for the 'emergency' that Angel
called him for. (Of course, he had no idea the emergency was to witness the marriage.) I wanna punch Rita in the face! Haha!
I'm all hearts and flowers for rita now :\'( always happens to me.. I hate a character until they are no longer there to hate then I miss their ass.... I'm such a loser! ;D
Now... Christine.
What an absolute insane way for her to break down and go out! I didn't think she was ever going to back down from her stance. She appeared to be strong and under control the whole time. Who knew that Arthur telling her he wished she was never born was going to make her completely lose it??!! And then she confesses to shooting Deb and killing Lundy, but never tells Deb that they have the wrong name of the Trinity! So she still protects her father in death. Gah! It was too quick and too easy! Deb deserves so much more! Her closure is now nothing but the vivid memory of Christine chickening out and taking her own life! Poor Quinn! His face when he ran up to the apartment! I wanted to reach through the tv and hug him so badly, even though I still think he is a bit of an ass!
I think if they had more than 12 eps they would have played that out a little differently but they had to get to the finale so bang lets kill Christine.. I still think my idea was better....deb wanting to kill her (cuz she's Lundy's killer) and Dex talking her out of it... but I can't have everything
The ending...
What a perfect ending!
Trinity appears to have Dex right where he wants him now! The look on Dex's face... was it rage? Anger? Fear? Not fear for himself, but now fear for his family because Arthur knows his real name??!! This is where Dex's 'family' devotion, love and caring are going to come into play for sure, I can just feel it. Of course, I have been known to be wrong in the past when it comes to Dex, because he is so unpredictable! ;)
All of the above I think....and you are so wise- fear for his family is exactly what drives Dex in the next ep... I cannot way to see what you think!!!
How Dex is going to get out of this one is beyond me right now. I can't even begin to imagine where the season finale is going to go.
All I know is that I have goose flesh!!! I completely love Lithgow right now it isn't even funny. His character may be a complete psycho - but Lithgow pulls it off like this role was made specifically for him!!!
Season finale starting right shortly! 8)
You have no idea what you are about to get yourself into...I hope you have turned off the phone and just immerse yourself in it!!! I know I did!!! I totally need to watch it again!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 12/14/09 at 11:38 pm
TAM----- don't read till you've caught up...
All caught up Q... as you know ;)
Only two eps left in the season :\'(
So Trinity is not Trinity but Quad? I mean seriously what do we call him now?
Fascinating that all the cycles start with him kidnapping and killing a boy around the age of 10. That means every house he's built has the body of a 10 yr old boy in the back yard under the patio.... :-\\
I guess I didn't say anything about this in my posts. I was completely taken aback by this revelation! And Dex - I think he finally saw the true monster, because we know Dex would never hurt a child. They have "innocence" - that's why he became so engrossed in finding Arthur. I don't think I have ever seen Dex dig so hard and so deep before!
Christine getting arrested? interesting but not the show down between her and Deb I was hoping for.... tho if she has a good enough lawyer maybe she can get out and I can still get my wish...
I kind of saw some of Arthur in Christine. They way her eyes were glassy and she didn't really give a shyt about it. I loved though when she tried to say they could only hold her for 48 hours, and Angel turned it around and said they were holding her as a material witness! She sunk so hard! That part was awesome!
And I wish that Deb had of had the chance to whoop her arse! Man, that would have been beautiful!
Rita was almost not annoying this week.
Agreed, although I can't really remember much of her from the episode. I was more engrossed in everything else, and we both know she annoys me no matter what, so I probably wasn't paying much attention anyway! ;D
Where the hell can Arthur go? I mean he knows Dex is on to him- can he really go home again? Does he turn around and stalk Dex? That would put Dex's Family in danger and how fascinating would it be to see him come to their defense... what if Rita had a chance to see the Dex that Sally (Arthur's wife) saw at Thanksgiving? :o
I'm thinking about the whole showdown with Lila- Rita new Dex was upset but she didn't see his transition can you imagine her seeing him transition from Dexter Morgan to the Dark Passenger? That would be one hell of moment!
Arthur has been able to slip out every single time over the past 30 years! Hell, he was barely slipping away from Lundy. But I didn't think he would leave town... he controls his family so much so, that he would never leave them to do as they wish. ;)
And of course, the rest of my rantings was ^^^ ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 12/14/09 at 11:55 pm
Another good ep... not as good as the last two but still....
Dex setting up some poor slob as Trinity.... then offing him!
Christine offing herself :o who saw that coming!!!
and the best part! Arthur finding the PD!!!! :o :o :o
I had Dex dreams that night... they were so vivid I actually thought I had watched a new ep of Dex... I can't remember it now but I meant to come here and post it but I didn't get around to it.
Oh I forgot to add...
I was impressed that Rita told Dex about the kiss.... his response was classic... "oh okay" she was pissed. I thought for sure she was going to cheat on him because she needed to see that he loved her enough to care about an affair. but then he went and punched the dude and she was all happy ;D
Right! Where to begin with this? lol
Well, like I said... ;D
Episode 11: Hello, Dexter Morgan!
OMG! This episode knocked my socks off. Not an absolute fav but definitely higher up there on the scale!!
Angel and Maria got married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it! Now so long as Maria doesn't rethink the reasoning for it, they should be good. ;)
Dex punching Elliott!! Fabulous! More of the 'feeling' Dex coming through. Of course, stupid Rita's ass only likes it because she needed her feelings made better, never mind the fact that Dex deserved to punch the crap out of BOTH of them! Haha! And Masuka trying at every turn to tell Dex but couldn't, so he just blurts it out - only after Rita has confessed! And Rita is a tool! As if the b!tch tells Dex about kissing Elliott in order to persuade him to stay for counselling instead of going to work for the 'emergency' that Angel called him for. (Of course, he had no idea the emergency was to witness the marriage.) I wanna punch Rita in the face! Haha!
Now... Christine.
What an absolute insane way for her to break down and go out! I didn't think she was ever going to back down from her stance. She appeared to be strong and under control the whole time. Who knew that Arthur telling her he wished she was never born was going to make her completely lose it??!! And then she confesses to shooting Deb and killing Lundy, but never tells Deb that they have the wrong name of the Trinity! So she still protects her father in death. Gah! It was too quick and too easy! Deb deserves so much more! Her closure is now nothing but the vivid memory of Christine chickening out and taking her own life! Poor Quinn! His face when he ran up to the apartment! I wanted to reach through the tv and hug him so badly, even though I still think he is a bit of an ass!
The ending...
What a perfect ending!
Trinity appears to have Dex right where he wants him now! The look on Dex's face... was it rage? Anger? Fear? Not fear for himself, but now fear for his family because Arthur knows his real name??!! This is where Dex's 'family' devotion, love and caring are going to come into play for sure, I can just feel it. Of course, I have been known to be wrong in the past when it comes to Dex, because he is so unpredictable! ;)
How Dex is going to get out of this one is beyond me right now. I can't even begin to imagine where the season finale is going to go.
All I know is that I have goose flesh!!! I completely love Lithgow right now it isn't even funny. His character may be a complete psycho - but Lithgow pulls it off like this role was made specifically for him!!!
Season finale starting right shortly! 8)
my dvr said the ep was titled "Wish You Were Here" I was kinda pissed when I saw the producers titled it "HDM" because I totally knew from that title that the meet was coming....didn't diminish the impact but it wasn't quite the surprise it could have been...
I figured by the title as well that Arthur was going to figure out Dex's real name - but I didn't picture it happening quite like it did.
BTW- given the fact that Christine witnessed at least one of her father's kills- how sick is it that he kept sending her post cards wishing she was there to witness the rest of his kills.
See, this is why I love posting with you! I never even thought about it that way!
Goose flesh is back again!
I feel the same way- it sets up the finale so perfectly and that ending just made me want more! I got it in the next ep..... way more than I expected!!! GOD I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!
We sure did, didn't we? ;)
I know... Maria thinks way too much! Hopefully she just basks in it for a little while... like the way they confronted the Capt. (chief whatever he is) too! that was awesome!
I was one of those... oh he didn't react to me kissing another man (sure he kissed her first but she kissed back >:( doesn't matter how brief it was ) anyway I knew she was one of those my man must really love me if he's willing to fight for me tho... I just knew it!
I'm all hearts and flowers for rita now :\'( always happens to me.. I hate a character until they are no longer there to hate then I miss their ass.... I'm such a loser! ;D
Now see, had I read this before I finished the finale - I would have thought you were a moron! And of course I wouldn't have been able to wait, I probably would have googled the finale just to get a hint of what happened!!!
I think if they had more than 12 eps they would have played that out a little differently but they had to get to the finale so bang lets kill Christine.. I still think my idea was better....deb wanting to kill her (cuz she's Lundy's killer) and Dex talking her out of it... but I can't have everything
Makes sense. I guess if they ran a regular season length they would have been able to do more, but still, I am content now with the way it panned out.
All of the above I think....and you are so wise- fear for his family is exactly what drives Dex in the next ep... I cannot way to see what you think!!!
You have no idea what you are about to get yourself into...I hope you have turned off the phone and just immerse yourself in it!!! I know I did!!! I totally need to watch it again!
Ok, not going to reply to this one yet. ;)
Now I shall post my thoughts about the season finale! 8) ;)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: Tam on 12/15/09 at 12:42 am
Season Finale time!!!
I am definitely going to have to watch it again! :o
I can't get my head around much in the episode but the ending!
"The Getaway"
Ok, so I didn't buy the agreement that Arthur and Dex made at the start. I knew something was still going to go off, because Dex always gets his man. ;)
And when Dex lost it with Quinn outside and pushed him down... let me tell you, I actually expected more from Quinn. Ah well, perhaps next season? (et la. Doakes?)
The whole chse and Rita on the phone and Dexter ending up arrested for taking off the side mirror of another car! Gah! Rita is truly a pain in the arse! I mean, Dex tried to tell her that he was busy and she is so self absorbed that she couldn't even get the hint!!! But it was brilliant that Arthur, being as smart as we have always thought he is - didn't think to look up on top of the light to see if his belongings were there.
And then he rages into the house, steals his family things, and is determined that it was Dex who did it to him??!! I suppose that would be the firt thing I would think of, but why couldn't it have been someone else? His wallet and everything else was gone. If Dex hasn't gotten arrested, Arthur would have been gone too at that moment! He should have been thankful!
Now, I am not remembering much else about the episode, because I am constantly drawn back to the ending. The way Dex finally did away with Arthur - it was brilliant. With a hammer and the train running and Vera's favorite song playing. And it was quick! I felt so much release for Dex. And so he goes home to gather up his clothes to head to the keys to see Rita and Harrison! There was so much love and appreciation in his eyes. He was a truly converted man. Not in the sense that he would never kill again - of course not. There wouldn't be a show if that were to happen, but he was somehow ever more human.
He gets the voicemail from Rita...
He calls her back...
Her phone rings in the house...
Dex finds her purse and her cell...
Harrison starts to cry...
The scene slows down, Dex running to the restroom, Harrison sitting in blood that has pooled along side the sink, Rita in the bathtub... dead like all of Trinity's other female victims!
My jaw hit the floor!
And so now I feel really bad because Rita was a thorn in my side, I boasted about how much she drove me crazy and how much I wanted to punch her and kick her and crap... but I would have never written her off like that! And poor Harrison!!! I mean, not everyone who goes through a traumatic experience becomes sociopaths, but how are the writers going to work this out? I mean, I thought Rita might get abducted or something, and Dex would be on the clock to get her back... but I never expected her to be killed off like that! Never!
And originally I thought that it might just be Dex daydreaming or just dreaming - but that would be too cheesy! It was bad enough when Dallas did the whole season was a dream thing, and I am pretty sure Dex fans would be outraged if they did something like that! But seriously, I wish it didn't have to happen like that for Rita, Dex and Harrison!
I loved the finale!
I will probably watch it again, at least 2 more times!
If not more!
Now I will patiently wait for season 5! 8)
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 12/15/09 at 12:56 pm
All caught up Q... as you know ;)
I guess I didn't say anything about this in my posts. I was completely taken aback by this revelation! And Dex - I think he finally saw the true monster, because we know Dex would never hurt a child. They have "innocence" - that's why he became so engrossed in finding Arthur. I don't think I have ever seen Dex dig so hard and so deep before!
That's its so much fun breaking down the eps with you...between the two of us we kind of cover it all.
I think you're right about Dex and kids...remember that 14 year old he let go at first because Dex thought he was an innocent victim.... he found out he was wrong...but at what point does a child cease being innocent? That's going to be something they will have to explore soon...perhaps next season.
I kind of saw some of Arthur in Christine. They way her eyes were glassy and she didn't really give a shyt about it. I loved though when she tried to say they could only hold her for 48 hours, and Angel turned it around and said they were holding her as a material witness! She sunk so hard! That part was awesome!
I get that... there are similarities and yeah! that was an awesome twist!!!!
And I wish that Deb had of had the chance to whoop her arse! Man, that would have been beautiful!
I sooo wanted Deb to go Ape Schit on her! Could you imagine if Christine had killed herself in away that brought Deb into questioning about whether it was actual suicide or meant to look like one... that could have been interesting as well.
Agreed, although I can't really remember much of her from the episode. I was more engrossed in everything else, and we both know she annoys me no matter what, so I probably wasn't paying much attention anyway! ;D
I think its because she didn't try to manipulate Dex this time around that I um didn't mind her so much.... I wonder- when I go back and watch the eps again knowing what I know if I will hate her as much the second time around.
Arthur has been able to slip out every single time over the past 30 years! Hell, he was barely slipping away from Lundy. But I didn't think he would leave town... he controls his family so much so, that he would never leave them to do as they wish. ;)
I could almost see him pulling a John List and killing his whole family before going on the run... he's the type.... I mean ending their lives would be the most ultimate form of control right?
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 12/15/09 at 1:03 pm
See, this is why I love posting with you! I never even thought about it that way!
Goose flesh is back again!
I actually didn't think of it either till I wrote that bit about the switch of titles on my DVR
We sure did, didn't we? ;)
Now see, had I read this before I finished the finale - I would have thought you were a moron! And of course I wouldn't have been able to wait, I probably would have googled the finale just to get a hint of what happened!!!
;D ;D ;D ;D
same thing happened to me during Third Watch...they announced a character would die... I was watching and I said "Oh they can kill Alex off I can't stand her"---then they did and I was sad. I missed her! ;D I'm a dork!
glad you didn't read and google- that was definitely and ending to be savored.
Makes sense. I guess if they ran a regular season length they would have been able to do more, but still, I am content now with the way it panned out.
Yeah I have to admit limiting them to 12 eps keeps the writing Tight and concise.... but- maybe they could give us 15 instead of 22 ;D I just want soooo much more!!! :)
Ok, not going to reply to this one yet. ;)
Now I shall post my thoughts about the season finale! 8) ;)
got it! O0
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 12/15/09 at 1:28 pm
Season Finale time!!!
I am definitely going to have to watch it again! :o
Me too... at least twice!
I can't get my head around much in the episode but the ending!
"The Getaway"
It completely messed with my head!!!
Ok, so I didn't buy the agreement that Arthur and Dex made at the start. I knew something was still going to go off, because Dex always gets his man. ;)
there was no way. I knew neither was going to let the other get away with that so-called agreement.
but they both knew the other wasn't buying it as well....interesting game of cat and mouse tho!
And when Dex lost it with Quinn outside and pushed him down... let me tell you, I actually expected more from Quinn. Ah well, perhaps next season? (et la. Doakes?)
yeah I'm only buying by believing Quinn was caught so off guard that he didn't have time to react... cuz I fully expected Quinn to hook him for assaulting an officer or something ;D
The whole chse and Rita on the phone and Dexter ending up arrested for taking off the side mirror of another car! Gah! Rita is truly a pain in the arse! I mean, Dex tried to tell her that he was busy and she is so self absorbed that she couldn't even get the hint!!! But it was brilliant that Arthur, being as smart as we have always thought he is - didn't think to look up on top of the light to see if his belongings were there.
i'm do checking the light fixtures of parking garages for envelopes of cash now ;) I wouldn't have thought of it either...
Yeah Rita was pissing me off too... I mean seriously he had the can't talk now voice going and everything!!!
I was a bit annoyed by everyone (well I think they said it twice) that Dex was arrested for assaulting an officer...technically he assaulted the dumbass with the cell phone. he didn't resist when the deputies got him to the ground.
And then he rages into the house, steals his family things, and is determined that it was Dex who did it to him??!! I suppose that would be the firt thing I would think of, but why couldn't it have been someone else? His wallet and everything else was gone. If Dex hasn't gotten arrested, Arthur would have been gone too at that moment! He should have been thankful!
I think Arthur just thought the whole thing with Dex was about the money...even tho Dex said at Thanksgiving that he should have killed him when he had the chance I don't think Arthur knew just how serious (and capable) Dex is of killing... so of course if it was only extortion and Dex got away with the money then all Arthur had left was revenge...come to think of it I think Arthur was naive enough to believe the agreement because he underestimated Dex- its only because Dex was unable to kill him right away that Arthur was enraged to a point to extract his own revenge... <---- hope that made sense.
Watching Arthur rage thru his house tho I'm more convinced than ever that he could've/would've John List'd his family given the time and the fact that he was completely focused on Dexter.
Now, I am not remembering much else about the episode, because I am constantly drawn back to the ending. The way Dex finally did away with Arthur - it was brilliant. With a hammer and the train running and Vera's favorite song playing. And it was quick! I felt so much release for Dex. And so he goes home to gather up his clothes to head to the keys to see Rita and Harrison! There was so much love and appreciation in his eyes. He was a truly converted man. Not in the sense that he would never kill again - of course not. There wouldn't be a show if that were to happen, but he was somehow ever more human.
The discussion between Arthur and Dex. that's was poignant but Lithgow was right... it changes in tone once you know the ending.
That moon was beautiful. Its stupid thinking of Dex noticing the moon but then with Rita's v.mail and she mentions its not his thing but asks him to look at it anyway you see she has affected in such a way that he's doing these things without prompting.
When they were pulling Arthur's fam out of the house and Dex imagined it being Rita and the kids look at that last moment before Rita gets in the car - the way she glows..... that was beautiful moment that should have told me she was already dead but you know... I just wasn't receptive to that kind of ending so I totally missed it!
He gets the voicemail from Rita...
He calls her back...
Her phone rings in the house...
Dex finds her purse and her cell...
Harrison starts to cry...
The scene slows down, Dex running to the restroom, Harrison sitting in blood that has pooled along side the sink, Rita in the bathtub... dead like all of Trinity's other female victims!
My jaw hit the floor!
And so now I feel really bad because Rita was a thorn in my side, I boasted about how much she drove me crazy and how much I wanted to punch her and kick her and crap... but I would have never written her off like that! And poor Harrison!!! I mean, not everyone who goes through a traumatic experience becomes sociopaths, but how are the writers going to work this out? I mean, I thought Rita might get abducted or something, and Dex would be on the clock to get her back... but I never expected her to be killed off like that! Never!
Me neither...
Dex said it tho... born in blood... think about it. His brother Brian, Himself, and Christine.... all witnesses to a traumatic event all turned out to be capable of killing....
Arthur was messed up from the beginning confused about sex at 10 (why else would he be staring at his sister in the shower ::) ) then abused emotionally and perhaps physically the rest of his life...
And originally I thought that it might just be Dex daydreaming or just dreaming - but that would be too cheesy! It was bad enough when Dallas did the whole season was a dream thing, and I am pretty sure Dex fans would be outraged if they did something like that! But seriously, I wish it didn't have to happen like that for Rita, Dex and Harrison!
And Astor and Cody... they will be greatly affected tooo.
I blame Rita for not being organized to remember her friggin id! And for calling Dex and getting him in the trouble that prevented him from killing Trinity sooner.... and well it's just easy (still) to blame Rita ;D I feel bad tho I really thought that maybe she was finally coming around and would be less annoying now that Dex proved his love for her... :\'(
I loved the finale!
I will probably watch it again, at least 2 more times!
If not more!
Now I will patiently wait for season 5! 8)
no mention of Deb learning that Ice Truck and Dex are bros. That was a nice scene too. Dex worried Deb figured out who he is and Deb completely oblivious to it.
gaaa season five is toooo far away! This is like waiting for the next Harry Potter book!
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 03/30/10 at 1:29 pm
Showtime had a free preview this past weekend, so hubby and I watched all 12 episodes on "On Demand" Saturday. I was dreaming that I was a detective when I fell asleep that night (I wonder why? lol)
Now I have to go back and read the thread because I'm all caught up with the show now.
Subject: Re: Dexter: Season 4
Written By: snozberries on 03/30/10 at 6:39 pm
Showtime had a free preview this past weekend, so hubby and I watched all 12 episodes on "On Demand" Saturday. I was dreaming that I was a detective when I fell asleep that night (I wonder why? lol)
Now I have to go back and read the thread because I'm all caught up with the show now.
Check for new replies or respond here...
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