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Subject: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 06/21/09 at 10:17 am

Call them remakes,call them"reinventions",call them "reimaginings"...Call them what they are....Reheated leftovers...
More times , than not, remakes are unneccessary. They bring nothing new to the table except a patented name that prey on Your nostalgic memories.
Some Summers You look at a Movie Marquee and You can't tell what year it is.......
Did We really need a retelling of Friday the 13th ? Horror Fans don't know who Jason is?
And who doesn't know who Freddy Kruger is? ...A remake of the original Nightmare on Elm Street? A few years back , Freddy VS Jason was one of the highest grossing Films of both the franchises.
Hey...Let's remake Death Wish ? Can't Zac Effron play an Architect,who by night cleans the Streets of NYC ? Let's remake Dirty Harry...I'm thinking Paul Rudd...Nah.....Jack Black.......Oh Ashton Kutcher's Agent !!
Pretty Woman is more than 10 years old......Isn't it time to redo it?
With High School Musical all the rage...Let's go back to the Grease well !!
Travolta can redo the Frankie Avalon Cameo...
Zac Effron {Shouldn't He be in every musical?} as Danny. The Jonas Bros as the T-Birds.....Taylor Swift as Sandy....She'll make the transformation from "good Girl" to "slut" as well as Olvia did....WTF was I thinking ?!?! Call Spencer & Heidi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 06/21/09 at 11:08 am

Now...after dumping on the glut of retreads coming off the new idea challenged Hollywood assembly line.......
I will admit that there is that one in a million .........That Movie that can't be FUBARed up because of the talent involved.....
The Mod Squad.......The Avengers........The Taking of Pelham 123.  The quality & caliber of Denzel Washington's & John Travolta's Acting chops overcome what have become the expected cliches in today's action Films.{MTV  overused quick editing,excessive cursing}
Denzel's Character has much more depth than the original, Walter Matthau's had.
Travolta is just a Bad Mother....{shut Yo mouth....I'm talkin' bout Taravolta....*and we can dig it*}
I'm a big fan of the 1974 Original ......But unlike most regurgitated remakes.....I knew that this one was worth the look see based on the talent.
The updating really worked for Pelham....Obviously the computer technology, not applicable in '74 ,is front & center here. The real reason behind the jacking has been updated,successfully.

Call them remakes,call them"reinventions",call them "reimaginings"...Call them what they are....Reheated leftovers...
More times , than not, remakes are unneccessary. They bring nothing new to the table except a patented name that prey on Your nostalgic memories.
Some Summers You look at a Movie Marquee and You can't tell what year it is.......
Did We really need a retelling of Friday the 13th ? Horror Fans don't know who Jason is?
And who doesn't know who Freddy Kruger is? ...A remake of the original Nightmare on Elm Street? A few years back , Freddy VS Jason was one of the highest grossing Films of both the franchises.
Hey...Let's remake Death Wish ? Can't Zac Effron play an Architect,who by night cleans the Streets of NYC ? Let's remake Dirty Harry...I'm thinking Paul Rudd...Nah.....Jack Black.......Oh Ashton Kutcher's Agent !!
Pretty Woman is more than 10 years old......Isn't it time to redo it?
With High School Musical all the rage...Let's go back to the Grease well !!
Travolta can redo the Frankie Avalon Cameo...
Zac Effron {Shouldn't He be in every musical?} as Danny. The Jonas Bros as the T-Birds.....Taylor Swift as Sandy....She'll make the transformation from "good Girl" to "slut" as well as Olvia did....WTF was I thinking ?!?! Call Spencer & Heidi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Tia on 06/21/09 at 11:14 am

remakes are smart from a financial point of view for the studios because they're dealing with a known quantity with something like scooby doo, land of the lost, etc. etc. instead of investing in some new story they get to exploit an existing dividend with regard to name recognition. they get to save money on promotion.

it's a sad day for creativity, but good for box office, unfortunately.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 06/21/09 at 12:28 pm

Hollywood can no longer spell creativity,much less recognize it anymore........

it's a sad day for creativity, but good for box office, unfortunately.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: ladybug316 on 06/21/09 at 12:39 pm

Generally, I don't like remakes at all.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: LyricBoy on 06/21/09 at 12:52 pm

I'm OK with remakes... even of a true classic like Dirty Harry or Death Wish.  But only if the remake stays true to the spirit and vibe of the original.

Unfortunately we see remakes, done on the cheap, that are done for laughs or gratuitous sales and are a disgrace.  So-called "remakes" such as

Cheaper By The Dozen (bore no resemblance to the original)
Starsky & Hutch (cheese comedy version)
The Incredible Hulk (special effects rendered the story inhuman and missed the point)
Nutty Professor (gratuitous special effects)
Walking Tall (way too much gratuitous violance, and bore little resemblance to the true life story)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 06/21/09 at 1:41 pm

I usually like original movies better.  I often say if it's not broken don't fix it.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Tia on 06/21/09 at 2:12 pm

solaris was allegedly pretty good.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Melanie Lee on 06/21/09 at 7:51 pm

I'm not against remakes if they're done well.  Also, would you make a distinction between remaking original movies and re-adapting a novel or play or other original source that's already been filmed.

For example, the 1994 version of Little Women, with Winona Ryder, was excellent, and had a flavor that the previous two versions (Katharine Hepburn; June Allyson; and you could include the TV-movie with Susan Dey) didn't have.  I'm not saying the 1994 movie was necessarily better, but it was different.

A Christmas Carol and Oliver Twist have been made umpteen times.  Inherit the Wind was done twice, and A Streetcar Named Desire three times.  Not to mention Shakespearean plays!  I for one wouldn't put the kabosh on remakes!

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: whistledog on 06/21/09 at 9:49 pm

It depends on the movie.  I liked the 2008 version of 'The Day the Earth Stood Still', but as I never saw the original, I can't really compare

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 06/21/09 at 11:11 pm

dude I was in the theater watching the proposal (btw O0 ) and they showed a trailer for Fame.... I'm not happy... but pretty decent stars as the staff...

Kelsey Grammer
Megan Mullally
Bebe Neuwirth
Charles S. Dutton

and Debbie Allen as Principal Simms.... yo Lydia Grant better have gotten married in the last 20 years or something...

the only thing I can say is all the kids have new names so its not like they are trying to reinvent Coco, Leroy, Bruno and company... but it feels like pretty much the same script  ::)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: 90steen on 06/21/09 at 11:17 pm

I like the remake of John Carpenter's Halloween (1978) Not as much as the originality of the original  :) but I like it and I'm actually looking forward to the sequel this August. I wouldn't want to see the remake of Friday The 13th because I didn't even like the first one.

If they ever remake Scream I will refuse to see it.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 06/21/09 at 11:24 pm

I liked Halloween too... and I also enjoyed Prom Night... but I'm a freak  ;D

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: anabel on 06/21/09 at 11:26 pm

I agree, it depends on the movie. As said above, I also think that they have run out of ideas for new movies. Remakes are not always that good. One I do love is King Kong.

What I hate most is how they have gone to using old tv shows to make movies. Except Transformers!  ;) Land of the Lost, an old Saturday morning show is one of these. (after seeing box office #s and review, we won't bother after all.) The trailer shows a lot of stupid stuff and sexual content that was just not there in the show. Dukes of Hazzard was nothing like the original show from the 80's. ( I didn't even bother to see it) I remember they made a Dragnet movie that was so-so. Some of the Disney remakes are ok, as they are careful with their own product-we liked the new Parent Trap with Lindsey I'm now a Bad Girl Lohan..

Speaking of A Christmas Carol, I know there have been so many versions, but my all time favorite is the 1951 version starring Alastair Sim.  It is our tradition to watch it every Christmas Eve before bedtime.

I DO however like it when a new movie with new characters adapts the formula of an old movie, if it's done WELL, like Sleepless in Seattle, borrowing some of the magic of An Affair To Remember.

I'm probably too picky about movies, but they cost so much these days that I make sure it's something I will not regret paying for-so I probably miss a lot of good stuff.  ::)  I just hope they never try to remake Casablanca...and leave Gone With The Wind alone!! And Pretty Woman-it cannot be touched-it's perfect the way it is...

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 06/21/09 at 11:36 pm

I agree, it depends on the movie. As said above, I also think that they have run out of ideas for new movies. Remakes are not always that good. One I do love is King Kong.

What I hate most is how they have gone to using old tv shows to make movies. Except Transformers!  ;) Land of the Lost, an old Saturday morning show is one of these. (after seeing box office #s and review, we won't bother after all.) The trailer shows a lot of stupid stuff and sexual content that was just not there in the show. Dukes of Hazzard was nothing like the original show from the 80's. ( I didn't even bother to see it) I remember they made a Dragnet movie that was so-so. Some of the Disney remakes are ok, as they are careful with their own product-we liked the new Parent Trap with Lindsey I'm now a Bad Girl Lohan..

Speaking of A Christmas Carol, I know there have been so many versions, but my all time favorite is the 1951 version starring Alastair Sim.  It is our tradition to watch it every Christmas Eve before bedtime.

I DO however like it when a new movie with new characters adapts the formula of an old movie, if it's done WELL, like Sleepless in Seattle, borrowing some of the magic of An Affair To Remember.

I'm probably too picky about movies, but they cost so much these days that I make sure it's something I will not regret paying for-so I probably miss a lot of good stuff.  ::)  I just hope they never try to remake Casablanca...and leave Gone With The Wind alone!! And Pretty Woman-it cannot be touched-it's perfect the way it is...

Speaking of Bitchy Lohan... the remake she and Jamie Lee Curtis did was pretty good too!

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: anabel on 06/21/09 at 11:47 pm

^ Freaky Friday!  :)  Escape to Witch Mountain was ok, Matthew really liked it, but he hadn't seen the original.  I just liked Dwayne Johnson's pretty teeth.  ;D

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 06/22/09 at 12:00 am

^ Freaky Friday!  :)  Escape to Witch Mountain was ok, Matthew really liked it, but he hadn't seen the original.  I just liked Dwayne Johnson's pretty teeth.  ;D

sorry we have to disagree on that one... I hated Witch Mountain...speaking of which... Tia still owes me $7 for making me go see that mess  >:(

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: gumbypiz on 06/22/09 at 3:17 am

Hmm, good topic probably belongs in More Than a Decades section to be commented on correctly.

Personally, I HATE remakes, very few if any have ever been done better or even been respectfully attempted to do justice of the original and that poor record puts me off to them for good reason.

King Kong – Original, the two remakes only had a CGI/SFX benefit, though I’ll give a nod to the ’77 remake just because it was pretty steamy with Jessica Lange in it!

The Italian Job – Original, w/Michael Cane (and Benny Hill!) was SO much better written and acted and the vintage cars made watching it so much more fun and the ending is waaay better. The remake REALLY sucked (driving of the new minis notwithstanding) any remake with Marky Mark in it is going to bite just on principle.

Get Carter – Original. Revision to the above Marky Mark rule, if Mr. Cane did it first, no one is going to do it better...addendum, if Sly Stone is in a remake (unless it’s a Rocky rehash) its going to stink, watch out!

Planet of the Apes – Original, epic movie screenwritten by none other than Rod Serling and had a worthy cast of Charlton Heston & Roddy McDowall. The remake was just a steaming pile, and proving the point again, what did I just say about Marky Mark being in sequels? Well ditto that and add that hack director Tim Burton too (Alice in Wonderland is going to be a trainwreck!)

Willy Wonka – Duh, the original. Seriously Tim Burton needs to be dunked in chocolate and kept away from remaking perfectly good classics, and I’m beginning to think we need to have a talk with Mr. Depp too.

The Nutty Professor – Original, though it’s hard to call the Eddie Murphy film a true remake, it has all the elements but really went bit fare in a (crudely) different direction and take than the original. Didn’t think it was possible but Mr. Murphy actually makes Jerry Lewis look suave and sophisticated in comparison.

The Getaway – No one is allowed to EVER remake a Steve McQueen film and get away with it. Alec Baldwin is just a freaking embarrassment. The Tomas Crown Affair was not bad but even Pierce Brosnan can’t live up to McQueen.

Oceans 11- Original. Surely every one of the rat pack is spinning violently in their graves with these series of lame remakes and sequels. Frank would be so ashamed.

Freaky Friday – Original, I shouldn’t have to even write too much to prove that. Coming down to child stars that stared in Disney films that self destructed or not, Jodie Foster wins, easily.

Day the Earth Stood Still and War of the Worlds – Any true lover of film and sci-fi horror already knows the answer on this. Four words that confirm remakes of these were a bad idea, Keanu Reeves & Tom Cruise.

To be fair there have been a few, a FEW mind you that were done pretty well, but we really don’t want directors and studios to get the idea they have any idea of what their doing, its purely hit or miss…

The Thing, remake, easily one of the better films of the genre and managed to keep the same menacing feel as the original w/o solely relying on CGI and SFX.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (the ’77 remake) is actually so much more creepy and unsettling than the original, and infinitely better than the latest remake.

The Fly –tie. Its not better just different, way different, and very scary and creepy too, really too different to be a remake but still being faithful to the original in the maddening way the circumstances got out of hand and out of control.

Cape Fear – tie. The original is nice and film noir-y dark and unsettling. Remake in color is psychotic and unnerving with DeNiro. Either one works equally well, but if its not done better why do it at all?

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 06/22/09 at 4:00 am

Willy Wonka – Duh, the original. Seriously Tim Burton needs to be dunked in chocolate and kept away from remaking perfectly good classics, and I’m beginning to think we need to have a talk with Mr. Depp too.

you get karma for this  ;)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Mushroom on 06/22/09 at 5:39 am

To me this is really about the 2 approaches that the director takes.

One is the "Remake".  This is when they try to tell the movie again, making changes as they see fit.  Sometimes it is good (Ocean's 11).  Often times it is horrible (The Italian Job).

Then you have the "Reimaging".  Tim Burton did this with Willie Wonka and POTA.  I am actually a fan of his remake of POTA, since in many ways it came closer to the original book then the Charlton Heston movie did.

But more and more of the movies comming out now are pure coprolite.  Star Trek comes immediately to mind, as does what I have seen of Land Of The Lost.

But Hollywierd has stagnated over the last decade.  And most of the time we are left comparing what we see compared to the original, and are left wanting.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: LyricBoy on 06/22/09 at 7:59 am

To me this is really about the 2 approaches that the director takes.

One is the "Remake".  This is when they try to tell the movie again, making changes as they see fit.  Sometimes it is good (Ocean's 11).  Often times it is horrible (The Italian Job).

Then you have the "Reimaging".  Tim Burton did this with Willie Wonka and POTA.  I am actually a fan of his remake of POTA, since in many ways it came closer to the original book then the Charlton Heston movie did.

But more and more of the movies comming out now are pure coprolite.  Star Trek comes immediately to mind, as does what I have seen of Land Of The Lost.

But Hollywierd has stagnated over the last decade.  And most of the time we are left comparing what we see compared to the original, and are left wanting.

Yes, from what I have seen of the Land of the Lost "remake" it is 100% doody, and very disrespectful of the original series.  It should have been named "Land of the Lost Talent"...  ::)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Jessica on 06/22/09 at 10:49 am

Tim Burton did this with Willie Wonka and POTA.  I am actually a fan of his remake of POTA, since in many ways it came closer to the original book then the Charlton Heston movie did.

This is also true of Willy Wonka.  He adhered more closely to the book than the former one with Gene Wilder (although I'm still partial to the older one because it's so nutty).

Star Trek comes immediately to mind, as does what I have seen of Land Of The Lost.

Sorry.  Disagree with you about Star Trek.  Even if YOU don't like it, I did, and it got me so interested in the whole franchise that I have watched 8 out of 10 of the original movies (the last two will be coming this week) and have watched the most important episodes of TOS (still working on watching the rest).  This is coming from someone who had ZERO interest in the whole genre (with the exception of DS:9 and some episodes of TNG), was reluctant to see the new movie, and just mocked everything about Star Trek and its fans.

I also don't see the new Star Trek as a remake, but as a jumpstart to the franchise again, just like Batman Begins.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Mushroom on 06/22/09 at 2:48 pm

Sorry.  Disagree with you about Star Trek.  Even if YOU don't like it, I did, and it got me so interested in the whole franchise that I have watched 8 out of 10 of the original movies (the last two will be coming this week) and have watched the most important episodes of TOS (still working on watching the rest).  This is coming from someone who had ZERO interest in the whole genre (with the exception of DS:9 and some episodes of TNG), was reluctant to see the new movie, and just mocked everything about Star Trek and its fans.

I also don't see the new Star Trek as a remake, but as a jumpstart to the franchise again, just like Batman Begins.

Star Trek was a reimagineing, not a remake or sequal really.

And I think that is one of the reasons I did not like it.  It was not nessicarily a bad movie, but it really was not a Star Trek movie.  Call it "Star Trek In Name Only".

The same with the newer Batman movies.  To really enjoy it, throw out all of the Batman movies that came before it.

I have a great idea for Hollywood:  How about dipping into some of the more obscure movies for a change?  In fact, they can start with one that has long been a favorite of mine, a little gem from 1973 called Arnold.  8)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Starde on 06/22/09 at 3:12 pm

I tend to hate remakes in general. Very rarely do I actually like a remake (Isn't The Mummy from 1999 a remake?). I especially hate remakes of classic films. I can't believe they're actually remaking Bonnie & Clyde (Hilary Duff as Bonnie?!?!?!) and My Fair Lady (I think Kiera Knightley is Eliza)! I swear to God, if Hollywood even thinks about messing with Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, or Pretty Woman... >:( 10 bucks says they remake Titanic within the next 50 years. ::)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Step-chan on 06/22/09 at 3:25 pm

The Nutty Professor I actually like, but I didn't see the original. Other than that, I usually stay away from remakes.(I'm not a big movie goer either way)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Mushroom on 06/22/09 at 3:57 pm

I tend to hate remakes in general. Very rarely do I actually like a remake (Isn't The Mummy from 1999 a remake?). I especially hate remakes of classic films. I can't believe they're actually remaking Bonnie & Clyde (Hilary Duff as Bonnie?!?!?!) and My Fair Lady (I think Kiera Knightley is Eliza)! I swear to God, if Hollywood even thinks about messing with Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, or Pretty Woman... >:( 10 bucks says they remake Titanic within the next 50 years. ::)

Well, The Mummy was a massive reimagining.  It took only a sliver of the original story (a mummy returns to life), and made an entirely new story around that premise.  I am not even sure if it qualifies as that to be honest, since it has such a small amount in common with the original movie.

My Fair Lady, that is hard to say.  After all, that is a reimagening of a classic story, which was itself a reimagining of an ancient myth (Pygmalion  by George Bernard Shaw, on the Greek myth).  And it was based directly on a popular Broadway and London musical.

And it has already been remade.  Pretty Woman was basically a remake of Pygmalion, as was The Opening Of Misty Beethoven.

Then you have The Producers.  A movie, based on a play that was based on a movie, about a play.  Is enough to give a person a headach.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 06/22/09 at 7:12 pm

I did like Rob Zombie's Halloween{also enjoyed His, House of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects}
There are exceptions...sometimes the "remakes" work.
The Amityville Horror redo,had a lot more details from the Lutz's book than the original did.....
House of Wax....They just used the name.....Actually , watching it I thought it was more a remake of Tourist Trap.
I liked Halloween too... and I also enjoyed Prom Night... but I'm a freak  ;D

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 06/22/09 at 7:14 pm

I was quite disgusted when I heard about the Bonnie and Clyde redo......
I tend to hate remakes in general. Very rarely do I actually like a remake (Isn't The Mummy from 1999 a remake?). I especially hate remakes of classic films. I can't believe they're actually remaking Bonnie & Clyde (Hilary Duff as Bonnie?!?!?!) and My Fair Lady (I think Kiera Knightley is Eliza)! I swear to God, if Hollywood even thinks about messing with Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, or Pretty Woman... >:( 10 bucks says they remake Titanic within the next 50 years. ::)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 06/22/09 at 7:17 pm

I can't help but be concerned what Mr.'s Burton & Depp are going to do to My beloved, Dark Shadows.... :\'(

Quote from: gumbypiz on Today at 04:17:12 AM

Willy Wonka – Duh, the original. Seriously Tim Burton needs to be dunked in chocolate and kept away from remaking perfectly good classics, and I’m beginning to think we need to have a talk with Mr. Depp too.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: anabel on 06/22/09 at 8:05 pm

I’m beginning to think we need to have a talk with Mr. Depp too.

I'll take care of that for you........ ;)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 06/22/09 at 10:34 pm

This is also true of Willy Wonka.  He adhered more closely to the book than the former one with Gene Wilder (although I'm still partial to the older one because it's so nutty).

Sorry.  Disagree with you about Star Trek.  Even if YOU don't like it, I did, and it got me so interested in the whole franchise that I have watched 8 out of 10 of the original movies (the last two will be coming this week) and have watched the most important episodes of TOS (still working on watching the rest).  This is coming from someone who had ZERO interest in the whole genre (with the exception of DS:9 and some episodes of TNG), was reluctant to see the new movie, and just mocked everything about Star Trek and its fans.

I also don't see the new Star Trek as a remake, but as a jumpstart to the franchise again, just like Batman Begins.

Exactly Jess. I have watched most eps of the original star trek, some eps of TNG, no eps of Voyager or the other one.... and have seen two of the, what?, 6 or 7 original star trek movies?

I am only a casual fan of the Trek Universe but the new film captured me in a way the original never has...  I like the original I love the new! 

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 06/22/09 at 10:37 pm

Star Trek was a reimagineing, not a remake or sequal really.

And I think that is one of the reasons I did not like it.  It was not nessicarily a bad movie, but it really was not a Star Trek movie.  Call it "Star Trek In Name Only".

The same with the newer Batman movies.  To really enjoy it, throw out all of the Batman movies that came before it.

I have a great idea for Hollywood:  How about dipping into some of the more obscure movies for a change?  In fact, they can start with one that has long been a favorite of mine, a little gem from 1973 called Arnold.   8)

which batman do you suggest we dump? the comic? the 60s campy series? the animated series? the Tim Burton crap fest?  nope Batman Begins and Dark Knight are the best representatives for the Batman Universe!

but you can keep the hulk movies...  8-P

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 06/22/09 at 10:38 pm

I was quite disgusted when I heard about the Bonnie and Clyde redo......

you and me both.... I actually threw up in my mouth a little when I heard Hillary Duff's playing Bonnie Parker  8-P


Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 06/22/09 at 10:39 pm

I'll take care of that for you........ ;)

always willing to sacrifice yourself for the more difficult jobs huh?  ;D

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/23/09 at 10:10 am

Normally I HATE remakes-but there are also exceptions to the rule. I think the Mummy is an exception-however, I don't think it was the same movie as the earlier ones-just have the same title. Also some of the recent Dracula films are better than the original with Bela Lugosi but it just doesn't have that same comical charm as the original. Other films I just wish that would leave alone. And I HATE, HATE, HATE when they have to take an old 1970s tv series and turn it into a movie. Can't they think of any new ideas for movies?


Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: LyricBoy on 06/23/09 at 5:45 pm

you and me both.... I actually threw up in my mouth a little when I heard Hillary Duff's playing Bonnie Parker  8-P


Wll you never know.

Comedienne Lisa Kudrow took on a dead-serious role, playing the long-suffering (emphasis on suffering) wife of a legendary porn star.  She did quite a good job of it.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: joeman on 06/23/09 at 7:30 pm

Some movies could do remakes, it is just I am not happy with the remakes done in this decade.  That said, however, I did like Friday The 13th and Halloween remake.  They were far better than the horror remakes done early this decade, ie....  The Omen, Texas Chainsaw Massacre the Beginninng(first remake was ok), etc...

Is a new Child's Play in the works?  Last I know, Chucky and his wife had a baby.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: whistledog on 06/23/09 at 10:04 pm

One thing I hate is when it's not really a remake, but "loosely based" on another movie.

Remember 'Down to Earth' starring Chris Rock?  The story of a black comedian taken by an angel 1 second before he was actually supposed to die, so they send him back to earth in the body of a rich white man.  This was loosely based on the 1978 film 'Heaven Can Wait' which was in itself a remake of an earlier film with the same title.

Or when they Urbanize a film (or TV show) that was originally an all caucasian cast.  It's not so much that I don't like it, I just wanna know when is it gonna be the other way around also?  Like Jim Carrey playing J.J. in a 'Good Times' remake or Jonah Hill playing Rerun in a 'What's Happening' remake.  Japan does it all the time with American films (and vice versa)

Ice Cube will appear as Gabe Kotter in a remake of 'Welcome Back, Kotter'.  He was actually given the thumbs up by Gabe Kaplan himself and I think he's gonna do a bang up job.  I've yet to see Ice Cube in a role that I didn't like

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 06/23/09 at 10:31 pm

Wll you never know.

Comedienne Lisa Kudrow took on a dead-serious role, playing the long-suffering (emphasis on suffering) wife of a legendary porn star.  She did quite a good job of it.

but lisa kudrow can actually act.... hilary duff has yet to act in anything... so far all she's ever done are appearances.  ::)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Rice_Cube on 06/23/09 at 10:39 pm

Star Trek was a reimagineing, not a remake or sequal really.

And I think that is one of the reasons I did not like it.  It was not nessicarily a bad movie, but it really was not a Star Trek movie.  Call it "Star Trek In Name Only".

The same with the newer Batman movies.  To really enjoy it, throw out all of the Batman movies that came before it.

The newer Batman movies are more enjoyable by default anyway.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: LyricBoy on 06/24/09 at 8:20 am

Some movies could do remakes, it is just I am not happy with the remakes done in this decade.  That said, however, I did like Friday The 13th and Halloween remake.  They were far better than the horror remakes done early this decade, ie....  The Omen, Texas Chainsaw Massacre the Beginninng(first remake was ok), etc...

Is a new Child's Play in the works?  Last I know, Chucky and his wife had a baby.

These days, a Child's Play remake would have Adam Sandler as Chuckie and Jack Black as the baby.  ::)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: anabel on 06/24/09 at 8:58 pm

but lisa kudrow can actually act.... hilary duff has yet to act in anything... so far all she's ever done are appearances.  ::)

Q, I can't believe you never saw Hilary in A Cinderella Story?  Raise Your Voice? Cody Banks? Cheaper By The Dozen?  ;D

I thought she should have won an OSCAR for her role as Heather Locklear's daughter in "The Perfect Man", where she ends up setting up Heather and Mr. Big from Sex and The City...seriously, Hilary Duff is the next Meryl Streep!  She blows Julia Roberts out of the water with her acting skills!

YES, I'm kidding!  ;D ;D ;D

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 06/24/09 at 9:17 pm

Q, I can't believe you never saw Hilary in A Cinderella Story?  Raise Your Voice? Cody Banks? Cheaper By The Dozen?   ;D

I thought she should have won an OSCAR for her role as Heather Locklear's daughter in "The Perfect Man", where she ends up setting up Heather and Mr. Big from Sex and The City...seriously, Hilary Duff is the next Meryl Streep!  She blows Julia Roberts out of the water with her acting skills!

YES, I'm kidding!  ;D ;D ;D

Sadly.... I have seen every movie listed, which is why I feel I can speak on this subject with great authority.... you forgot that film destined to become a classic Material Girls with Hilary and Haylie Duff.... oh.. but compared to Haylie Hilary is great actress!  ::) 

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Mushroom on 06/25/09 at 2:33 am

which batman do you suggest we dump? the comic? the 60s campy series? the animated series? the Tim Burton crap fest?  nope Batman Begins and Dark Knight are the best representatives for the Batman Universe!

I am not saying to throw them out, just to totally ignore the earlier movies.

Much like to enjoy the earlier movies, you had to ignore the Adam West TV series.  Other then the name an basic characters, none of them had anything to do with the other.

Although most fans say to ignore any of the movies after Batman II.  Once Michael Keaton left, they went rapidly downhill.

I can't help but be concerned what Mr.'s Burton & Depp are going to do to My beloved, Dark Shadows.... :\'(

Mr. Depp is very tallented, but his roles can be very changing.

Barnabas Collins played in the style of Sweeny Tood, good.

Barnabas Collins played in the style of Captain Jack Sparrow, bad.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Ryan112390 on 06/25/09 at 11:53 am

Simon Cowell wants to make a remake of Saturday Night Fever, with Zac Efron as Tony Manero.  :(

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Lindee on 06/25/09 at 3:26 pm

I usually like original movies better.  I often say if it's not broken don't fix it.

I agree.
I don't like another actor recreating a role that made someone else famous. No one else could ever play Dirty Harry like Clint Eastwood did.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 06/25/09 at 5:14 pm

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I'm reading this ...and thinking..{before I get to the end...}.poor Anabel....hittin' the sauce........ ;) :o ::) ;D ;D

Q, I can't believe you never saw Hilary in A Cinderella Story?  Raise Your Voice? Cody Banks? Cheaper By The Dozen?   ;D

I thought she should have won an OSCAR for her role as Heather Locklear's daughter in "The Perfect Man", where she ends up setting up Heather and Mr. Big from Sex and The City...seriously, Hilary Duff is the next Meryl Streep!  She blows Julia Roberts out of the water with her acting skills!

YES, I'm kidding!  ;D ;D ;D

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: anabel on 06/25/09 at 5:17 pm

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I'm reading this ...and thinking..{before I get to the end...}.poor Anabel....hittin' the sauce........ ;) :o ::) ;D ;D

*hiccup*  *hiccup*  I'm glad I had someone going there!  :)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 06/26/09 at 3:23 am

They need to remake this movie.  ;D

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 06/26/09 at 3:49 am

They need to remake this movie.  ;D


Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: LyricBoy on 06/26/09 at 8:58 am

How about doing remakes of the classic movies from the "Golden Age of Porn"?

A recent remake of "The Devil in Miss Jones" made quite a stir in Picksburgh recently.  Given the nonsensical nature of today's porn (or so I am told), remakes of the classics like "Behind the Green Door", "Tell Them Johnny Wadd is Here", and "Anyone but my Husband" could make a go of it.  (And be one heck of alot less grainy than the originals!)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/26/09 at 12:19 pm

They need to remake this movie.  ;D

Too funny.


Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 07/10/09 at 8:10 am

I just saw a movie poster for a remake of the Stepfather

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: 80sfan on 07/10/09 at 12:55 pm

Pure and utter hate!  ;D

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 07/11/09 at 11:27 am

Another MUST-MISS.........Remake !
I just saw a movie poster for a remake of the Stepfather

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 07/11/09 at 11:34 am

Another MUST-MISS.........Remake !


but the acting looks so.... um.... not bad....  ::)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 07/11/09 at 1:01 pm

but the story looks before... ;D

but the acting looks so.... um.... not bad....  ::)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 07/11/09 at 1:11 pm

but the story looks before... ;D

good point.... done before x3

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Medemia on 07/20/09 at 7:05 pm

Well, one remake I'm actually looking forward to and one I am not in the least:

Look forward to:  Clash of the Titans.  Cult classic.  I am interested in seeing what they can do with modern day CGI instead of gumby (not that gumby figures were bad.)  That was a film I have watched too many times to count.

Keep it away!:  The Karate Kid.  Jackie Chan as Mr. Miyagi and Jaden Smith and Daniel-San.  How do you do better than Pat Morita!?  I don't remember Mr. Miyagi having many stunts, which has been Chan's drawing power for years.  This is a childhood memory that should stay intact as it is.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: apollonia1986 on 07/20/09 at 8:41 pm

I really don't dig all these doggone remakes. They're ruining all my favotrite films, Fame, Flashdance, etc...It's an abomination!  >:(

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 07/20/09 at 9:45 pm

I really don't dig all these doggone remakes. They're ruining all my favotrite films, Fame, Flashdance, etc...It's an abomination!  >:(

wait...who's remaking flashdance? wtf?  >:(

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 07/25/09 at 12:29 pm

so apparently Warner Bros is going to do a remake of Nightmare on Elm Street...

I got this from the Comic Con program guide:

Friday- 10:00-12:30 Warner Bros.—  Join WB for a look at their much anticipated  slate of upcoming genre films, including Where The Wild Things Are, The Book of Eli, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Box, Jonah Hex, and Sherlock Holmes. Hall H  

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Bree on 07/25/09 at 1:04 pm

so apparently Warner Bros is going to do a remake of Nightmare on Elm Street...  

If featuring teenyboppers from Disney Channel and CW would be interesting

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: snozberries on 07/25/09 at 1:22 pm

If featuring teenyboppers from Disney Channel and CW would be interesting

only because itd be fun to watch them die horribly painful deaths!  :)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Womble on 07/26/09 at 6:17 am

only because itd be fun to watch them die horribly painful deaths!  :)

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: LyricBoy on 07/26/09 at 7:15 am

Casting is now underway for a The A-Team movie.  8)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 07/26/09 at 5:17 pm

Jackie Earle Hailey {original Bad News Bears} is the new Freddy......
Not likin' the remaking of it.............
so apparently Warner Bros is going to do a remake of Nightmare on Elm Street...

I got this from the Comic Con program guide:

Friday- 10:00-12:30 Warner Bros.—  Join WB for a look at their much anticipated  slate of upcoming genre films, including Where The Wild Things Are, The Book of Eli, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Box, Jonah Hex, and Sherlock Holmes. Hall H  

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 07/26/09 at 5:19 pm

Heard Liam Neeson has signed on as Hannibal..........
Casting is now underway for a The A-Team movie.   8)

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: MrCleveland on 07/30/09 at 1:30 pm

I can't stand them!

What will they do next...remake "Gone With the Wind"?

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Mushroom on 07/31/09 at 5:54 am

I can't stand them!

What will they do next...remake "Gone With the Wind"?

No, they are going to remake Heavens Gate, Sergeant Pepper's Loneley Heart Club Band, and Ishtar.

After all, they could not do any worse then the original versions did.  ;D

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: MrCleveland on 07/31/09 at 3:08 pm

No, they are going to remake Heavens Gate, Sergeant Pepper's Loneley Heart Club Band, and Ishtar.

After all, they could not do any worse then the original versions did.   ;D

Sgt. Pepper?!

Who will they have on that one...the Jonas Brothers?! :o

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: JamieMcBain on 08/29/09 at 3:19 pm

Get ready for the Swamp Thing remake......

IN 3-D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why, man.... why?



Mickey Rourke will be in the remake of the film, Mona Lisa....

I like how one person put it on the net.....

"What's next, Dakota Fanning in the 2015 remake of Showgirls?"

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 08/29/09 at 4:33 pm

Get ready for the Swamp Thing remake......

IN 3-D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why, man.... why?



Mickey Rourke will be in the remake of the film, Mona Lisa....

I like how one person put it on the net.....

"What's next, Dakota Fanning in the 2015 remake of Showgirls?"

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: MrCleveland on 08/29/09 at 4:42 pm

And there's also going to be a remake of "Yellow Submarine" directed by Robert Zemeckis. (I made a rant about this on here too).

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 09/05/09 at 6:55 pm

This Friday.......Sorority Row opens...............
A remake of 1983's The House On Sorority Row

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: anabel on 09/05/09 at 7:12 pm

I like how one person put it on the net.....

"What's next, Dakota Fanning in the 2015 remake of Showgirls?"

No, she'll be too busy doing this.....

'New Moon' Actress Dakota Fanning To Star In The 'Wizard of Oz' Remake?
Posted 8/24/09 2:00 pm ET by Amy Wilkinson in Casting News, Movie News

Dakota Fanning may be heading over the rainbow (how very unvampire like!) in a new "Wizard of Oz" sequel, reports the UK's Daily Express. If cast, the 15-year-old would step in to the ruby red slippers of Dorothy's granddaughter.

The remake, described by one Warner Bros. executive as a "darker and more action-packed" take on the beloved L. Frank Baum tale, is being co-produced by Todd McFarlane, the man behind "Spawn." Todd hinted at what audiences could expect from his grittier remake saying, "You've still got Dorothy trapped in an odd place, but she's much closer to the Ripley character from 'Alien' than a helpless singing girl."

Though I'm not sure how I feel about a darker "Wizard of Oz" (does anyone remember the frightful "Return to Oz"?), I am stoked to see Dakota take on a potentially kick-butt role. She's no stranger to strong female characters, but the abilities of Dakota's alter egos usually lies within their minds.

For instance, in the action flick "Push," Dakota played Cassie Holmes, a girl whose special skill was seeing the future (while bullets and such whizzed around her). And in the upcoming "New Moon," the blonde plays a Volturi vampire who inflicts pain through the power of her mind. Perhaps this "Oz" remake will finally allow Dakota to flex her action muscles (and show off all those cheerleading skills).

What do you think about Dakota potentially being cast in a "Wizard of Oz" remake?

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 09/05/09 at 7:19 pm

Return To Oz was pretty bad
as was
The Wiz

No, she'll be too busy doing this.....

'New Moon' Actress Dakota Fanning To Star In The 'Wizard of Oz' Remake?
Posted 8/24/09 2:00 pm ET by Amy Wilkinson in Casting News, Movie News

Dakota Fanning may be heading over the rainbow (how very unvampire like!) in a new "Wizard of Oz" sequel, reports the UK's Daily Express. If cast, the 15-year-old would step in to the ruby red slippers of Dorothy's granddaughter.

The remake, described by one Warner Bros. executive as a "darker and more action-packed" take on the beloved L. Frank Baum tale, is being co-produced by Todd McFarlane, the man behind "Spawn." Todd hinted at what audiences could expect from his grittier remake saying, "You've still got Dorothy trapped in an odd place, but she's much closer to the Ripley character from 'Alien' than a helpless singing girl."

Though I'm not sure how I feel about a darker "Wizard of Oz" (does anyone remember the frightful "Return to Oz"?), I am stoked to see Dakota take on a potentially kick-butt role. She's no stranger to strong female characters, but the abilities of Dakota's alter egos usually lies within their minds.

For instance, in the action flick "Push," Dakota played Cassie Holmes, a girl whose special skill was seeing the future (while bullets and such whizzed around her). And in the upcoming "New Moon," the blonde plays a Volturi vampire who inflicts pain through the power of her mind. Perhaps this "Oz" remake will finally allow Dakota to flex her action muscles (and show off all those cheerleading skills).

What do you think about Dakota potentially being cast in a "Wizard of Oz" remake?

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: Michael C. on 09/07/09 at 5:13 pm

Article ,from a couple weeks ago ,about remakes in development......

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 09/13/09 at 10:26 pm

This is rather intriguing:  Apparently Jeff Bridges is in talks with the Coen Brothers to do a remake of the 1969 western True Grit with Bridges starring as Rooster Cogburn, the role which won John Wayne his only Oscar.

Now I love True Grit and normally I would think this is one classic that Hollywood shouldn't mess with. But the Coen Brothers getting back together with the Dude as the Rooster???  Quite frankly, I have a hard time thinking how this could NOT be awesome.

Subject: Re: Movie Remakes. Love Them? Hate Them?

Written By: headlock on 10/17/09 at 2:39 pm

I think a great example of a terrible remake was The Day The Earth Stood Still starring a wooden Keanu Reeves. Another was The Red Dragon, a remake of Manhunter. This remake was purely a way to cash in on the popularity of Dr. Lecter from Silence of the Lambs. Like an idiot, I went to see it for completeness.
I heard there is an upcoming remake of Creature From The Black Lagoon. I'll feel compelled to see it even though it will probably be a high tech mess.

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