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Subject: Tales of Monkey Island
Written By: Ryan112390 on 06/02/09 at 2:58 pm
For those who played and loved the Monkey Island series back in the 80s and 90s, LucasArts and TellTale Entertainment (an independant company composed of former LucasArts employees) will be releasing ''Tales of Monkey Island'', along with a 3D remake of the original game, in July on PC and XBOX Live Arcade.
Subject: Re: Tales of Monkey Island
Written By: snozberries on 06/02/09 at 4:51 pm
Is this the same thing as Tales of the Gold Monkey? ???
Subject: Re: Tales of Monkey Island
Written By: whistledog on 06/05/09 at 11:53 am
Did Greg Evigan or Clint Eastwood have anything to do with this game?
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