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Subject: Brooke Shields... Hawking EyeLASH Medicine
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/17/09 at 4:00 pm
Geeze... With all the various diseases to work on, what is the latest miracle drug? Latisse.
Latisse is an elixir that will make you grow eyelashes big enough to sweep the floor. ::)
Oddly they have picked Brooke Shields, who is famous for her eye BROWS, to hawk the stuff.
I imagine in a few years we'll see a news release from the FDA, where all of these bushy-lashed lasses start growing hair out of their ear lobes or something like that. :-\\
Subject: Re: Brooke Shields... Hawking EyeLASH Medicine
Written By: Michael C. on 05/17/09 at 6:20 pm
Who needs an elixir ? She can get Her buddy Kiefer to head butt them & their brow can swell increase on it's own ;) ;D
Geeze... With all the various diseases to work on, what is the latest miracle drug? Latisse.
Latisse is an elixir that will make you grow eyelashes big enough to sweep the floor. ::)
Oddly they have picked Brooke Shields, who is famous for her eye BROWS, to hawk the stuff.
I imagine in a few years we'll see a news release from the FDA, where all of these bushy-lashed lasses start growing hair out of their ear lobes or something like that. :-\\
Subject: Re: Brooke Shields... Hawking EyeLASH Medicine
Written By: Foo Bar on 05/19/09 at 10:15 pm
Oddly they have picked Brooke Shields, who is famous for her eye BROWS, to hawk the stuff.
Good Sir, I'm of a certain age to remember The Blue Lagoon, and I can assure you that Ms. Shields was not famous for her eyebrows. To this day I can't remember a thing about them. Her eyebrows coulda been shaved clean off for all I remember.
Subject: Re: Brooke Shields... Hawking EyeLASH Medicine
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/20/09 at 1:22 am
Good Sir, I'm of a certain age to remember The Blue Lagoon, and I can assure you that Ms. Shields was not famous for her eyebrows. To this day I can't remember a thing about them. Her eyebrows coulda been shaved clean off for all I remember.
She does have lovely eyebrows, but that's not what you and I were straining to see when we were watching The Blue Lagoon, now was it? If you don't look, you don't see!
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