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Subject: Bob Dylan's toilet stench blowing in the wind

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/18/09 at 2:25 am

From Channel News Asia

LOS ANGELES : A couple in Malibu has filed a complaint against their neighbour, rock icon Bob Dylan, for permanently placing a foul smelling portable toilet next to the property line they share with him.

Dylan, 67, has ignored the pleas of his neighbours, David and Cindy Emminger, to deal with the problem for more than six months. The outdoor portable toilet is used by the guards on Dylan’s compound.

The Emmingers said Dylan rented a "toxic, hazardous, carcinogenic chemical toilet", and "plopped it down next to their home". The toilet spews horrible chemical odours into their home, the couple said.

"It’s a scandal – 'Mr Civil Rights' is killing our civil rights," said David Emminger.

Emminger and his wife installed five industrial-sized fans in their yard in a desperate attempt to blow the stench away from their house and back at Dylan.

However, to their dismay, the fans failed to achieve their purpose as the ocean breeze that sweeps across the singer’s land is still much stronger.

A helicopter from a local television station hovered over Dylan's property this week, capturing a video of the offending toilet.

Despite the many complaints from the Emmingers, Malibu Mayor Andy Stern said that the other neighbours do not seem to be facing any problems and has left the issue to the enforcers of the city’s code on objectionable odours.

"I really have not involved myself in Bob Dylan's toilet, and by the way I haven't involved myself in anyone else's toilet in Malibu," said Stern.

Dylan is set to release his 33rd studio album, "Together Through Life", his first in three years, on April 28. Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988, Dylan has churned out hits like "Like a Rolling Stone", "All Along the Watchtower" and "Blowin' In the Wind".

Subject: Re: Bob Dylan's toilet stench blowing in the wind

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/18/09 at 2:28 am

Don't Stink Twice, It's All Right

Subject: Re: Bob Dylan's toilet stench blowing in the wind

Written By: danootaandme on 03/18/09 at 4:53 am

He couldn't do better for the guys?  What's wrong with him?  Why not a guard shack, it would cost less to put up than what he spends at Hannukah.  We use those porta potties in construction, I am sure you have seen them at outdoor festivals and such.  If not attended to on a very regular basis they are more than disgusting. I, myself, do everything I can to avoid them. 

Subject: Re: Bob Dylan's toilet stench blowing in the wind

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/18/09 at 6:56 pm

He couldn't do better for the guys?  What's wrong with him?  Why not a guard shack, it would cost less to put up than what he spends at Hannukah.  We use those porta potties in construction, I am sure you have seen them at outdoor festivals and such.  If not attended to on a very regular basis they are more than disgusting. I, myself, do everything I can to avoid them. 

I have a Seinfeldian rule about outdoor activities...if Jiffy Johns are present, I ain't staying!

Malibu Bob is a disgrace.  I don't even wanna make a pun here.  Anyway,  all the Dylan stuff I like is stuff he did before 1975....

Subject: Re: Bob Dylan's toilet stench blowing in the wind

Written By: whistledog on 03/19/09 at 9:28 pm

So apparently his singing isn't the only thing that stinks?

Subject: Re: Bob Dylan's toilet stench blowing in the wind

Written By: Tia on 03/20/09 at 2:01 pm

better be careful what you say about dylan. turns out he's psychic and if he predicts armageddon, that's what we're gonna get.

Bob Dylan’s got a new record coming out next month, and you should be terrified. Yes, the dude continues to make great music, but his past two studio albums were also Harbingers of Doom. Love and Theft was about America in flames, and then under water, and it was recorded in 2001 and released on September 11 of that rotten year. His next record, Modern Times, was released in the autumn of 2006 — it was named after a Depression-era Charlie Chaplin movie, as the stock market hit new heights and the housing bubble was just beginning to pop, and it was filled with grim songs of working people losing ground.

Subject: Re: Bob Dylan's toilet stench blowing in the wind

Written By: statsqueen on 03/20/09 at 9:15 pm

He is gonna be at the Rothbury Festival if anyone wants to check him out....

I want to go, but more to see...well, I just looked at the line up because I couldn't remember who I heard was coming that I wanted to see, but in any event Flogging Molly will be there.

Subject: Re: Bob Dylan's toilet stench blowing in the wind

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/21/09 at 12:21 pm

He is gonna be at the Rothbury Festival if anyone wants to check him out....

I want to go, but more to see...well, I just looked at the line up because I couldn't remember who I heard was coming that I wanted to see, but in any event Flogging Molly will be there.

See, there's the difference....Bob Dylan portable toilets, Flogging Molly uses them!

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