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Subject: Kimora Lee Simmons--Help?

Written By: apollonia1986 on 02/12/09 at 9:42 pm

Hi Everyone!

I was wondering if you'd help me please. I am a huge fan of fashion designer turned reality star Kimora Lee Simmons and I was wondering, does anyone know where there's a good photo gallery with her pics at. I keep looking for galleries of her but can't really find anything.

If anyone knows where I can see a gallery of her pictures, please let me know. I will KARMA you!

This is a pic of Kimora at her last runway show with her daughters:

Thank you!

Subject: Re: Kimora Lee Simmons--Help?

Written By: Satish on 02/12/09 at 10:10 pm

Kimora's MySpace page has a few pictures of her:

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