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Subject: L Word Character Questions
Written By: Razr on 10/18/08 at 3:11 pm
I watched a few episodes of L Word for the first time recently on netflix -- a few towards the end of S2 and a couple at the start of S3. Bette and Tina are really beautifully written and acted characters, and Bette's sister is too, but every other character I find to be some degree of annoyingashell, so I probably won't stick with it, but if anyone is a regular watcher, I have a few background questions about Bette and her sister.
-Do they have the same mother? Bette talks about her mother a lot, but I don't think I ever heard the sister talk about her?
-What exactly was the deal with Bette's father and her mother? Did he leave her for another woman, or did he just have an affair?
-Did Bette and the sister grow up together, or did they just connect as adults? I'm not sure why I don't get the sense they grew up together, but I don't.
Anyway, could be a really good show; some really good acting, but some of the writing is really, really bad. At least the parts I've seen (e.g., the adoption board inspector: is that supposed to be... comedy?)
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