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Subject: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/07/08 at 11:11 pm
I was just thinking about how certain terms nowadays have been made especially popular by celebrities and/or celebrity trash magazines. One in particular that I hate is the new term for the stars who happen to be pregnant. Baby bump.
Also on the same annoying lines is how coupled celebrities names are grouped together. TomKat, etc... ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: fusefan on 05/07/08 at 11:24 pm
Canoodling. ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Red Ant on 05/07/08 at 11:28 pm
Whoever came up with "The Donald" and "The Hoff" should be forced to site upon a pile of used hypodermic needles.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Tam on 05/07/08 at 11:31 pm
Don't know if it counts but...
"Have a Happy Period"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/07/08 at 11:32 pm
Whoever came up with "The Donald" and "The Hoff" should be forced to site upon a pile of used hypodermic needles.
ahahah..I'm getting a good visual there! ;D
Don't know if it counts but...
"Have a Happy Period"
Oh HAD to be a man that came up with that slogan. ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Red Ant on 05/07/08 at 11:51 pm
Thanks, Erin. :)
Don't know if it counts but...
"Have a Happy Period"
I remember that letter Catwoman posted here a while back. I would have thought the makers of Always would have yanked that slogan right away. I am wrong:
There's no way that men are solely responsible for this one.
Every woman I know would slap the sheesh out of me if I sent them one of those e-cards.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/08/08 at 12:04 am
Thanks, Erin. :)
I remember that letter Catwoman posted here a while back. I would have thought the makers of Always would have yanked that slogan right away. I am wrong:
There's no way that men are solely responsible for this one.
Every woman I know would slap the sheesh out of me if I sent them one of those e-cards.
ugh..totally lame, huH?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/08/08 at 10:01 am
Thanks, Erin. :)
I remember that letter Catwoman posted here a while back. I would have thought the makers of Always would have yanked that slogan right away. I am wrong:
There's no way that men are solely responsible for this one.
Every woman I know would slap the sheesh out of me if I sent them one of those e-cards.
OMG!!!! I don't know whether to laugh or throw up.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 05/08/08 at 5:41 pm
I was just thinking about how certain terms nowadays have been made especially popular by celebrities and/or celebrity trash magazines. One in particular that I hate is the new term for the stars who happen to be pregnant. Baby bump.
Also on the same annoying lines is how coupled celebrities names are grouped together. TomKat, etc... ::)
yeah... I thought Bennifer was far more gag inducing than TomKat tho...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/08/08 at 6:38 pm
"My bad" (my error/fault)
"My crib" (my home)
"My peeps" (my people--friends, associates, family. Started in the '90s but was still overrused early in the '00s)
"Let's jet" (let's go. But perhaps that's more '90s)
GF (girlfriend)
BF (boyfriend)
BFF (best friend forever)
Bling (aka bling-bling--fashion accessories)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: apollonia1986 on 05/08/08 at 7:18 pm
Okay, there's one that got on my nerves after Paris Hilton became a psuedo-pop culture icon:
Celebutante. (celebrity + debutante)
I spawned my own term: Celebudunce. ;D
And I also hate "bee-yotch". If you're gonna swear, just say it, get it over with, so we can move on with our lives. It's like the 00's equivalent of "buh-bye". It was cool for 5.7 seconds and then it was over. >:(
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 05/08/08 at 7:35 pm
I never really liked the word "Anyhoo" but, am not sure if this is a '00s term. Anyway you slice it, it's gotta go! ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: coqueta83 on 05/08/08 at 7:52 pm
"Brangelina" ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/08/08 at 10:39 pm
I never really liked the word "Anyhoo" but, am not sure if this is a '00s term. Anyway you slice it, it's gotta go! ;D
I used to say "anyhoo" until I realized how totally dorky it was!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/08/08 at 10:45 pm
I used to say "anyhoo" until I realized how totally dorky it was!
wait....dorky=cool...well, at least in MY book. 8) ;)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: whistledog on 05/09/08 at 11:39 am
"My bad" (my error/fault)
"My crib" (my home)
"My peeps" (my people--friends, associates, family. Started in the '90s but was still overrused early in the '00s)
"Let's jet" (let's go. But perhaps that's more '90s)
GF (girlfriend)
BF (boyfriend)
BFF (best friend forever)
Bling (aka bling-bling--fashion accessories)
Bling is one I don't care for either
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 05/09/08 at 11:42 am
"My bad" (my error/fault)
"My crib" (my home)
"My peeps" (my people--friends, associates, family. Started in the '90s but was still overrused early in the '00s)
"Let's jet" (let's go. But perhaps that's more '90s)
GF (girlfriend)
BF (boyfriend)
BFF (best friend forever)
Bling (aka bling-bling--fashion accessories)
"my bad" has been in use since the 90's...I guess it's still frequently used these days too?
Also in use since the 90s: "trippin" as slang for "bluffing"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Tanya1976 on 05/09/08 at 11:44 am
Many of these urban terms date back before the 90s. It's only that the mainstream suburbanites caught on 20 years afterwards (as always ;D).
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/09/08 at 11:55 am
"My bad" (my error/fault)
"My crib" (my home)
"My peeps" (my people--friends, associates, family. Started in the '90s but was still overrused early in the '00s)
"Let's jet" (let's go. But perhaps that's more '90s)
GF (girlfriend)
BF (boyfriend)
BFF (best friend forever)
Bling (aka bling-bling--fashion accessories)
I agree with you with the "My bad". I really, really hate that. I also hate the term "ghay" which a lot of people around here uses.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 05/09/08 at 11:57 am
I never really liked the word "Anyhoo" but, am not sure if this is a '00s term. Anyway you slice it, it's gotta go! ;D
I'm not sure when it came into use either, but I see it used all the time. It does annoy me to some extent, but I sometimes use it
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/09/08 at 2:14 pm
As in "hella cool," "hella good," etc.
Seems like a total poser word to me.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Tam on 05/09/08 at 2:37 pm
Fo' Sho = For Sure
That's Hot! ::)
Ignorant text type: U hav 2 snd 2 ne1 4 luk foo! >:(
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: whistledog on 05/09/08 at 4:58 pm
One I hate is the word Tard, short for 'Retard'. Not that I ever liked that word either
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Tanya1976 on 05/09/08 at 5:45 pm
As in "hella cool," "hella good," etc.
Seems like a total poser word to me.
that's hella old, lol
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: audkal on 05/09/08 at 9:38 pm
Not sure if it's 00s but....
"Hit up" (go somewhere/stop off at)
"Let's hit up McDonald's" = "Let's go to McDonalds"
My brothers use this all the time, I hate it. ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: QueenAmenRa on 05/10/08 at 6:06 pm
Ignorant text type: U hav 2 snd 2 ne1 4 luk foo! >:(
Yeah I'll use some shorthand like numerals 2 and 4.....otherwise I just spell it out I cant's even read what you wrote! LOL
I also hate when people actually speak IM lingo......the other day I heard someone literally SAY "O.M.G." Why? WHY?!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: ADH13 on 05/12/08 at 8:08 pm
As in "hella cool," "hella good," etc.
Seems like a total poser word to me.
I say that sometimes. Usually when I'm freezing, I'll say it's hella cold.
I hate when people say "What up". I also found the abbreviation "J-Lo" really irritating. Is her name really that long that it takes too much effort to say it??
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Red Ant on 05/12/08 at 9:38 pm
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: karen on 05/12/08 at 10:16 pm
You're really against Rachel Ray aren't you?!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Red Ant on 05/12/08 at 10:45 pm
You're really against Rachel Ray aren't you?!
What? You mean there is only one person on this planet who says "Delish"? ;)
Yes, I am, though not enough to join the Rachel Ray Sux forum. A rant in passing every three or four months and occasionally tossing peanuts at the TV when her show is on is good enough.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/12/08 at 11:05 pm
One I hate is the word Tard, short for 'Retard'. Not that I ever liked that word either
I heard 'tard by 1983.
If you say 'this is sh*t,' that means it's bad
If you say 'this is the sh*t,' that means it's superb.
Doesn't make sense.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Davester on 05/12/08 at 11:05 pm
I say that sometimes. Usually when I'm freezing, I'll say it's hella cold.
I hate when people say "What up". I also found the abbreviation "J-Lo" really irritating. Is her name really that long that it takes too much effort to say it??
I still say 'hella' sometimes. It's one of those left-over things...
And 'J-Lo' - too presumptuous... 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Tam on 05/12/08 at 11:44 pm
I still say 'hella' sometimes. It's one of those left-over things...
And 'J-Lo' - too presumptuous... 8-P
Uncle Dave!!! Your avatar BLINKS!!!
I thought I was just seeing things - seen as how this is the first time I have ever seen it blink....
Good thing I am observant huh? LOL
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Red Ant on 05/12/08 at 11:46 pm
I heard 'tard by 1983.
If you say 'this is sh*t,' that means it's bad
If you say 'this is the sh*t,' that means it's superb.
Doesn't make sense.
And if you say "This my sh*t", that means you are Gwen Stefani.
I still say 'hella' sometimes. It's one of those left-over things...
And 'J-Lo' - too presumptuous... 8-P
Too bad Jimmy isn't still around:
"J... lo
Where ya going with that booty so grand?
J.... lo
I said where ya going with that booty so grand?"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Davester on 05/12/08 at 11:51 pm
Uncle Dave!!! Your avatar BLINKS!!!
I thought I was just seeing things - seen as how this is the first time I have ever seen it blink....
Good thing I am observant huh? LOL
Yeah, for like the past two years - DUH!!! :P
*Muah!* Loves ya! :-*
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: karen on 05/13/08 at 10:48 am
Uncle Dave!!! Your avatar BLINKS!!!
I thought I was just seeing things - seen as how this is the first time I have ever seen it blink....
Good thing I am observant huh? LOL
I'd never noticed that till you mentioned it!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 05/13/08 at 10:53 am
Don't forget "Yummo"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/13/08 at 12:10 pm
Don't forget "Yummo"
and EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Red Ant on 05/13/08 at 12:30 pm
Don't forget "Yummo"
and EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
Stop! You're doing my head in!!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 05/13/08 at 12:35 pm
Don't forget "Yummo"
and EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
Stop! You're doing my head in!!!! ;D
Hey...I've picked up on Racheal Ray's terminology and I use it all the time (especially when referring to extra virgin olive oil by its inits). One term of hers that I do NOT like to use, however, is "sammies" (for sandwichies).
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Foo Bar on 05/14/08 at 12:38 am
BFF (best friend forever)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: robby76 on 05/14/08 at 7:48 am
The word "Boo" as in 'my boo' etc.
Ummm I still use 'anyhoo' and quite like it.
And like Maxwell I truly hate "my bad".
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/14/08 at 8:26 am
The word "Boo" as in 'my boo' etc.
Ummm I still use 'anyhoo' and quite like it.
And like Maxwell I truly hate "my bad".
I agree..I loathe the word "boo" and the phrase, "my bad" ugh. 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 05/14/08 at 9:51 am
Amazing. This word is just overused.
I hate when kicked off contestants from any reality TV show say they "had an amazing journey". 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/14/08 at 9:54 am
Amazing. This word is just overused.
I hate when kicked off contestants from any reality TV show say they "had an amazing journey". 8-P
oh, speaking of reality show contestants..I hate whenever they say that their experience was, "surreal". ugh. 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 05/14/08 at 11:18 am
Another overused word: challenging.
I also cannot stand peeps (friends) or team player
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: cables on 05/15/08 at 3:36 pm
"At the end of the day" (90s?)
"The bottom line" (also 90s?)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Temptation on 05/17/08 at 11:39 am
Smexxy >:(
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: annonymouse on 05/17/08 at 11:52 am
"Tomcat" when referring to tom cruise. I hate the stupid pet names they make up for celebrities.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: tv on 05/17/08 at 1:39 pm
"Metrosexual" was a term that was around 2003/2004.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: tv on 05/17/08 at 1:45 pm
oh, speaking of reality show contestants..I hate whenever they say that their experience was, "surreal". ugh. 8-P
I think former NBA player Charles Barkley made the word up "Surreal" when he was on the Phoenix Suns back in 1994. Charles was like I don't even know what that word(surreal) means after he had said it. I remember after Charles said it I started to hear the word "surreal" more.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 05/20/08 at 11:22 am
I used to say "anyhoo" until I realized how totally dorky it was!
Noo, it's okay. I guess certain people I know who've said it in the past rubbed me the wrong way, so that could also be why I associate it in a negative way. You're still cool! ;)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: wsmith4 on 05/20/08 at 3:23 pm
"My bad" (my error/fault)
"My crib" (my home)
"My peeps" (my people--friends, associates, family. Started in the '90s but was still overrused early in the '00s)
"Let's jet" (let's go. But perhaps that's more '90s)
GF (girlfriend)
BF (boyfriend)
BFF (best friend forever)
Bling (aka bling-bling--fashion accessories)
I HATE bling too!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Tanya1976 on 05/20/08 at 4:59 pm
I think former NBA player Charles Barkley made the word up "Surreal" when he was on the Phoenix Suns back in 1994. Charles was like I don't even know what that word(surreal) means after he had said it. I remember after Charles said it I started to hear the word "surreal" more.
You're kidding, right? Surreal is a real word.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: loki 13 on 05/20/08 at 7:12 pm
I think former NBA player Charles Barkley made the word up "Surreal" when he was on the Phoenix Suns back in 1994. Charles was like I don't even know what that word(surreal) means after he had said it. I remember after Charles said it I started to hear the word "surreal" more.
Jefferson Airplane released an album in 1967 called "Surrealistic Pillow."
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: wsmith4 on 05/21/08 at 1:23 pm
You're kidding, right? Surreal is a real word.
the word "Surreal" has been around since at least April 3, 1952!!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 05/21/08 at 2:35 pm
And I also hate "bee-yotch". If you're gonna swear, just say it, get it over with, so we can move on with our lives. It's like the 00's equivalent of "buh-bye". It was cool for 5.7 seconds and then it was over. >:(
I'd have to agree with that one for sure.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 05/28/08 at 10:06 am
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 05/28/08 at 5:17 pm
the word "Surreal" has been around since at least April 3, 1952!!
Earlier than that...
Think 1920s
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 05/28/08 at 5:31 pm
Although I think it was said back in the 90s, I hate when they say something is "The sh*t".
Not a big fan of the term Boo either, but it doesn't bug me as much as the other one. ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 05/28/08 at 5:32 pm
Although I think it was said back in the 90s, I hate when they say something is "The sh*t".
Whenever it was from, I have to agree with you; people shouldn't have to resort to using profanity to describe something. 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/28/08 at 10:05 pm
You're kidding, right? Surreal is a real word.
Surrealist joke of the day:
Q. Who invented surrealism?
A. Charles Barclay.
'nuff said.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 05/28/08 at 10:07 pm
Surrealist joke of the day:
Q. Who invented surrealism?
A. Charles Barclay.
'nuff said.
Not to be confused with a certain NBA player? ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Foo Bar on 05/28/08 at 11:39 pm
Surrealist joke of the day:
Q. Who invented surrealism?
A. Charles Barclay.
Gnarls who? *zing*
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: cables on 06/04/08 at 12:52 pm
I think this one's definitely 00s: when two people were going out together they used to be a couple. Now they're "an item"; invariably pronounced idem.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Homer on 06/04/08 at 6:38 pm
"Item" actually goes way back.
Most subculture terms are stupid, like "tats," "gamers,""stoners"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: RhodesGoddess84 on 06/04/08 at 10:17 pm
I can think of a few that get to me...
"That is so last year."
"*soandso* is the new *soandso*!"
Maybe these aren't necessarily terms, they just happen to be at the top of my "annoying" list.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 06/14/08 at 4:26 pm
I say that sometimes. Usually when I'm freezing, I'll say it's hella cold.
I hate when people say "What up". I also found the abbreviation "J-Lo" really irritating. Is her name really that long that it takes too much effort to say it??
do they say Hella outside of Northern CA? I lived in NorCal and everyone said hella but when I moved to SoCal they made fun of anyone who said hella.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 11/11/08 at 11:08 pm
do they say Hella outside of Northern CA? I lived in NorCal and everyone said hella but when I moved to SoCal they made fun of anyone who said hella.
I'd never heard of "Hella" until 2002, when No Doubt (a southern-California-based band) released their single "Hella Good", which was a big hit in the summer of that year.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: tv on 11/13/08 at 7:23 pm
I still say 'hella' sometimes. It's one of those left-over things...
And 'J-Lo' - too presumptuous... 8-P
Yeah "J-Lo" I couldn;t stand that back then like in 2001 or 2002 I think it was.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: tv on 11/13/08 at 7:29 pm
Bling is one I don't care for either
Yeah Bling or Bling or Bling I can;t stand that term.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 11/14/08 at 11:07 am
"office wife/ husband" or "work wife/ husband"
"kay" or "kay kay" (instead of okay)
"touch base"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: windeez on 11/14/08 at 3:38 pm
From The Rachel Maddow Show
"Talk me down."
It's new and I'm tired of hearing it.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/14/08 at 10:03 pm
That's hot... ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/14/08 at 11:00 pm
Gnarls who? *zing*
I wrote, I must have been ****ed up!
Is overshare a term, or is it just something Sarah Silverman made up?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: LyricBoy on 11/15/08 at 8:18 am
"Hater"... if you object to anything you are automatically labelled a "hater" or "hatah".
Also the concatenation of what should be two words into one word. Like "cellphoning" etc...
Awkward "couple names". OK, so "Bennifer" was kinda cool, maybe even "Billary". But then you had TomKat and Vinciffer and Jennimayer and Bradgelina that just sounded weird and too forced.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 11/15/08 at 11:42 am
I was at the neighborhood bar a few weeks back when this large tattooed woman came in and started talking to me and the bartender. She told us she was from San Francisco, and whenever she agreed with us she'd reply, "True that!"
Actually I found it more funny than annoying (in part because it reminded me of the "Lazy Sunday" video from SNL a few years back) and after she left, the bartender and I got a good laugh out of it.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 11/15/08 at 4:34 pm
Yeah "J-Lo" I couldn;t stand that back then like in 2001 or 2002 I think it was.
yes, it was then when she released her album with that name. Then everybody started referring to her that way. ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/16/08 at 11:36 am
Hater blockers. ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Davester on 11/16/08 at 12:03 pm
"At the end of the day" was fashionable and cliché. Meaning "ultimately" or "when all is said and done"...
But I don't really despise it and I don't know if it was popularized by a celebrity and I don't know if the expression is specific to the 00s...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 11/16/08 at 12:36 pm
my bad.... haven't heard it for years but my trainee- whenever she makes a mistake...and she makes several a day...always follows my correction with "My bad" yeah whatever just stop screwing up! ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Davester on 11/16/08 at 2:05 pm
my bad.... haven't heard it for years but my trainee- whenever she makes a mistake...and she makes several a day...always follows my correction with "My bad" yeah whatever just stop screwing up! ::)
For the longest time I thought it was "my bag"... ???
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 11/16/08 at 2:15 pm
For the longest time I thought it was "my bag"... ???
as you goofed- oops that's my bag (of crap I have to be burdened with because I am too stupid to learn from my previous mistakes)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Davester on 11/16/08 at 2:18 pm
as you goofed- oops that's my bag (of crap I have to be burdened with because I am too stupid to learn from my previous mistakes)
Exactly. Makes sense to me...
I am so not hip...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Tam on 11/16/08 at 2:21 pm
Can someone fill me in on all of the acronyms?
ftw to name one.
Tia and BFF and Red Ant use ones I have never seen before and can't remember what they are right now....
I am hopeless!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Dagwood on 11/16/08 at 2:21 pm
FTW is For The Win
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: 2kidsami on 11/16/08 at 2:25 pm
I can not stand - IDK >:( >:( >:(
Especially when students use it on a test, I start taking off extra points - you can not be too lazy to write out I don't know on a test, we are not being charged for words ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 11/16/08 at 2:26 pm
I used to think it was a rverse way of saying WTF you know like in Risky Business....sometimes you just gotta say what the fudge. ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 11/16/08 at 2:29 pm
I can not stand - IDK >:( >:( >:(
Especially when students use it on a test, I start taking off extra points - you can not be too lazy to write out I don't know on a test, we are not being charged for words ;D ;D ;D
text messaging and internet speak is ruining the articulation of this great nation of ours LOL ;)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Dagwood on 11/16/08 at 2:50 pm
Lol is one I am so sick of. Another board I visit has a poster that ends every dang post with lol. It doesn't matter if it is joking or sad. It wouldn't be a surprise to see them post "My dog got hit by a car lol" I cringe when they show up.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 11/16/08 at 2:55 pm
Lol is one I am so sick of. Another board I visit has a poster that ends every dang post with lol. It doesn't matter if it is joking or sad. It wouldn't be a surprise to see them post "My dog got hit by a car lol" I cringe when they show up.
Lol. That was the lol funniest post lol. I've lol seen in lol years
LOL lol LOL lol LOL lol LOL lol LOL lol LOL ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Okay i'll stop now! lol
oops ;)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Dagwood on 11/16/08 at 3:43 pm
Lol. That was the lol funniest post lol. I've lol seen in lol years
LOL lol LOL lol LOL lol LOL lol LOL lol LOL ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Okay i'll stop now! lol
oops ;)
:P :P :P :P :P :P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: karen on 11/16/08 at 10:13 pm
Lol. That was the lol funniest post lol. I've lol seen in lol years
LOL lol LOL lol LOL lol LOL lol LOL lol LOL ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Okay i'll stop now! lol
oops ;)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 11/16/08 at 11:13 pm
my bad.... haven't heard it for years but my trainee- whenever she makes a mistake...and she makes several a day...always follows my correction with "My bad" yeah whatever just stop screwing up! ::)
For the longest time I thought it was "my bag"... ???
I thought that too when I first heard the phrase in the mid-90's. But "bad" makes more sense because the sayer realizes that they made a mistake.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Davester on 11/16/08 at 11:48 pm
I thought that too when I first heard the phrase in the mid-90's. But "bad" makes more sense because the sayer realizes that they made a mistake.
Why not just say, "my mistake" or "belay meh last"...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: darcy on 11/17/08 at 12:00 am
"Amazing", "Awesome", "Random"! ;)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/17/08 at 2:29 am
"Text" as a verb.
"Maverick" (you know what I mean)
"War on terror"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 11/17/08 at 8:39 am
WTF is that all about?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/17/08 at 10:14 am
Joe Six Pack. ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 11/17/08 at 5:29 pm
"Text" as a verb. short for text messaging. I think it "became" a verb when the trend of text-messaging began to develop. ::) People have been giving different parts-of-speech to other words as well...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: loki 13 on 11/17/08 at 7:36 pm
A term that irks me is a combination of synonyms: Ginormous
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Davester on 11/17/08 at 9:18 pm
As in, "blah-blah represent..."
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/21/08 at 1:00 am
(something) IS THE NEW (something).
eg. Thirty is new forty.
Or, as I saw on a dress shop sign today,
Black is the new green!
Yeah, well blow me! Sorry, it's just the same as it ever was!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: gibbo on 11/21/08 at 1:35 am
Lol. That was the lol funniest post lol. I've lol seen in lol years
LOL lol LOL lol LOL lol LOL lol LOL lol LOL ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Okay i'll stop now! lol
oops ;)
My kids have started SAYING lol (out loud) if something is funny. now they're too lazy to actually laugh???
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 12/03/08 at 10:12 am
'alright already'
::) ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Hoagies With Myles on 12/03/08 at 10:36 am
A term that irks me is a combination of synonyms: Ginormous
I'm with you.
I worked with a girl who would say ginormous on the phone all of the time and it really drove me crazy. I wanted to get the most ginormous object i could find and lob it over my cubicle at her.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/03/08 at 12:21 pm
Throw such-and-such under the bus
This one has been around a long time and it was kind of nifty before the latest election cycle, but it's now in the ranks of the over-used!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: statsqueen on 12/03/08 at 3:12 pm
I never really liked the word "Anyhoo" but, am not sure if this is a '00s term. Anyway you slice it, it's gotta go! ;D
I agree. It drove me nuts when my friend Eric said it. To make things worse, somehow my daughter has recently picked it up. I cringe every time she says it.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: robby76 on 12/03/08 at 6:19 pm
:-\\ I always use "anyhoo". Never in conversation but quite a bit in e-mails etc. :D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 12/04/08 at 9:50 am
::) ::)
oh and 'off of'
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: robby76 on 12/04/08 at 10:19 am
Here's a term I really hate... "fashionista".
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Foo Bar on 12/04/08 at 8:11 pm
(something) IS THE NEW (something).
Yeah, well blow me! Sorry, it's just the same as it ever was! :-*
Throw such-and-such under the bus
Anyhoo, I hear that 80s-retro's making a comeback. Talking Heads references are the new foolish ship sailings.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 12/04/08 at 8:36 pm
'alright already'
::) ::)
for me its "Alrighty then!"
oh and anyways.... anyways drives me insane.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/04/08 at 11:08 pm
and variations thereon.
WMDs (plural should really be Ws MD)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 12/04/08 at 11:12 pm
:-\\ I always use "anyhoo". Never in conversation but quite a bit in e-mails etc. :D
yeah, I often use it informally...but never in a paper.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Hoagies With Myles on 12/06/08 at 3:04 pm
I can't say with 100% that it first appeared in the 00's but "it is what it is" annoys the heck out of me. I first remembered hearing it in the 00's. What does it even mean?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: robby76 on 12/06/08 at 7:48 pm
I can't say with 100% that it first appeared in the 00's but "it is what it is" annoys the heck out of me. I first remembered hearing it in the 00's. What does it even mean?
Well that's been around for a while. Sort of like a "that's life".
However there is the 00s "What it is" which is more of a "wassuuuup" from the 90s. ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/06/08 at 11:13 pm
I can't say with 100% that it first appeared in the 00's but "it is what it is" annoys the heck out of me. I first remembered hearing it in the 00's. What does it even mean?
My old man used to say "It is what is." is a tautology.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Matt the Rat76 on 12/07/08 at 3:31 pm
here a despised term of the 00's celeberty couple names! you have tomkat,bradglina,benifer so on and so forth! you know if george carlin was still alive he will have a feild day with those supercouples names!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: ~NeonFire372~ on 12/08/08 at 5:11 pm
I'm with you.
I worked with a girl who would say ginormous on the phone all of the time and it really drove me crazy. I wanted to get the most ginormous object i could find and lob it over my cubicle at her.
I actually laughed out loud (literally) at that.
I hate people that say "my bad" all the time. It just gets so annoying after the 800th time!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 12/11/08 at 11:09 am
here a despised term of the 00's celeberty couple names! you have tomkat,bradglina,benifer so on and so forth! you know if george carlin was still alive he will have a feild day with those supercouples names!
yeah all of those especially 'benifer' ::) ::) ::)
ohh and 'supercouples'
tut ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: loki 13 on 12/11/08 at 5:05 pm
It's not just combined couples name I despise but also the shortening of a celebrity's name by using
first initial and half of the last name, e.g., KFed, JLO and such. :P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 12/12/08 at 1:01 am
It's not just combined couples name I despise but also the shortening of a celebrity's name by using
first initial and half of the last name, e.g., KFed, JLO and such. :P
I agree. ::)
Jennifer Lopez titled her 2001 album "J Lo" and everyone started referring to her that way. C'mon Jen, just because you shorten your name doesn't necessarily mean people are gonna change their opinion of you.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 12/12/08 at 11:25 am
"bitch slap" is another one i cannot stand.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/12/08 at 4:42 pm
"Butthurt." ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 12/13/08 at 6:23 pm
"Butthurt." ;D ;D ;D
I'm becoming rather fond of it. ;)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 12/15/08 at 9:37 am
It's not just combined couples name I despise but also the shortening of a celebrity's name by using
first initial and half of the last name, e.g., KFed, JLO and such. :P
people who do that need to be frog marched to the nearest cliff and..
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: star80 on 12/15/08 at 11:38 am
I've read all the posts and agree on some and here are mine: My Bad, Bitch Slap, My Boo, Baby Mama, Baby Daddy, Don't Be Hatin', Psycho, Booty, Gay (the way the word is used for everything), Trailer Park Trash (Can you imagine how that must make people feel that do live in mobile homes?......Sad World!!!!), Stop Trippin', Yo Mama, Get A Life, Trifling
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/15/08 at 8:09 pm
I've read all the posts and agree on some and here are mine: My Bad, Bitch Slap, My Boo, Baby Mama, Baby Daddy, Don't Be Hatin', Psycho, Booty, Gay (the way the word is used for everything), Trailer Park Trash (Can you imagine how that must make people feel that do live in mobile homes?......Sad World!!!!), Stop Trippin', Yo Mama, Get A Life, Trifling
Who cares how poor people feel! I'm worried about Barbara Walters!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/15/08 at 8:15 pm
It's not just combined couples name I despise but also the shortening of a celebrity's name by using
first initial and half of the last name, e.g., KFed, JLO and such. :P
You mean like, AL-B? :(
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/15/08 at 8:49 pm
You mean like, AL-B? :(
There was an AL-B in my college dorm. His name was Albert, but his Fred Flintsone buddy used to pound on his door and yell, AAAALLLL--BEEE!!! Hence, "AL-B."
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 12/15/08 at 9:19 pm
Who cares how poor people feel! I'm worried about Barbara Walters!
What's wrong with Barbara Walters?
Well I know what's wrong with her... but why are you worried about her? ;)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 12/17/08 at 9:10 am
I've read all the posts and agree on some and here are mine: My Bad, Bitch Slap, My Boo, Baby Mama, Baby Daddy, Don't Be Hatin', Psycho, Booty, Gay (the way the word is used for everything), Trailer Park Trash (Can you imagine how that must make people feel that do live in mobile homes?......Sad World!!!!), Stop Trippin', Yo Mama, Get A Life, Trifling
yeah all of those tho' they are not used so much here in the UK, (prob in London??) but using gay or ghey for anything, what on earth ::) ::)
i can recall a time when i used to go camping and ran around full of gaiety now some ****** has ruined the original meaning of those words and the connotation isn't the same.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: philbo on 12/17/08 at 9:41 am
Canoodling. ::)
A bit late in pointing this out, but "Canoodling" goes back a bit further than this decade:
It's not just combined couples name I despise but also the shortening of a celebrity's name by using
first initial and half of the last name, e.g., KFed, JLO and such. :P
Always made me think that K-Fed sounded a bit like a D-Ked
Term I can't stand: "reality TV" - two old words put together to make something brainless and annoying
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 12/17/08 at 4:48 pm
Term I can't stand: "reality TV" - two old words put together to make something brainless and annoying
As opposed to...fiction TV? ??? I never quite understood why "reality based" shows are called that.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: robby76 on 12/20/08 at 5:05 am
Just watched E!News (hey I was bored) and I think I've heard it all now...
Johniston (John Mayer & Jennifer Aniston)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: tv on 12/20/08 at 9:24 pm
I've read all the posts and agree on some and here are mine: My Bad, Bitch Slap, My Boo, Baby Mama, Baby Daddy, Don't Be Hatin', Psycho, Booty, Gay (the way the word is used for everything), Trailer Park Trash (Can you imagine how that must make people feel that do live in mobile homes?......Sad World!!!!), Stop Trippin', Yo Mama, Get A Life, Trifling
"Psycho" has been around since the 90's with people using that word. "Get A Life" thats been around for at least 20 years that saying.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 12/21/08 at 10:27 am
I've read all the posts and agree on some and here are mine: My Bad, Bitch Slap, My Boo, Baby Mama, Baby Daddy, Don't Be Hatin', Psycho, Booty, Gay (the way the word is used for everything), Trailer Park Trash (Can you imagine how that must make people feel that do live in mobile homes?......Sad World!!!!), Stop Trippin', Yo Mama, Get A Life, Trifling
Yo Mama was used back in the 70s.
here's another: extended family.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Red Ant on 12/21/08 at 10:30 am
Just watched E!News (hey I was bored) and I think I've heard it all now...
Johniston (John Mayer & Jennifer Aniston)
I think "Mannifer" has a nice ring to it. :D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/21/08 at 3:18 pm
Shock and Awe
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: philbo on 12/22/08 at 5:28 am
Shock and Awe
I remember the first time I heard the phrase, and thought "shockin', or... what"?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 12/22/08 at 9:33 am
Shock and Awe
Didn't they start using that phrase after 9-11?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 12/23/08 at 10:59 am
When they say a child is "spirited" instead of wild or bratty.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: danootaandme on 12/23/08 at 11:02 am
I despise the word despise
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: haleym8826 on 12/23/08 at 11:34 am
Krunk..or Crunk. or however its supposed to be spelled. It is the stupidest word in the world and there is no point to it. How about everyone just says that is cool.
Tight is another one. why replace a word that doesnt need to be replaced. I get by just fine with cool, awesome, and fantastic.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: gumbypiz on 12/24/08 at 1:39 am
FAIL. ::)
I HATE the overused word FAIL. And its overused modifier EPIC.
I'm soo tired of seeing these word used in addition to PWND or PWNED. Especially when used as a caption to a picture of an unfortunate person crashing, falling, etc. I cannot beleive the general public has no other way to describe the situation, and most didn't even know or had even heard of the word "Epic" outside of the Faith No More track of 1990.
PWND FAILS, and EPIC FAIL has been PWNED. So enough already. :P
Not only do these words sound like you've never progressed beyond third grade when spoken, it seem to make you feel that way just READING it too.
Also those beginning a sentence or reply/response as "meh", i.e. not/unsure, only "OK" or so-so. Meh sounds like you lost control of your lips or mouth and can't udder more than a consonant or two without drooling.
Thank god for the INTERNET and all that its brought us and how its advanced our vocabulary, huh folks? ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: 80sfan on 12/24/08 at 1:52 am
How about the word 'retarded'? How would people feel if their child was retarded and everyone used that term? I'm not even joking.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: 80sfan on 12/24/08 at 1:59 am
I can't say with 100% that it first appeared in the 00's but "it is what it is" annoys the heck out of me. I first remembered hearing it in the 00's. What does it even mean?
Why does it bother you? I actually like the saying. It means life can be a b**ch, stop whining and get over yourself (not you). It means there are some things and people you can't change and in order to not go crazy, you have to get away from it or let it be.
What really annoys me is when people are so stubborn and the thing that they hate isn't even bothering them. In my head, I am like, just let it be!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Davester on 12/24/08 at 2:42 am
How about the word 'retarded'? How would people feel if their child was retarded and everyone used that term? I'm not even joking.
At one time the term "retarded" was the normal, accepted way of referring to someone with mental/learning disabilities...
For us kids on the playground, as always, the term was hurled as an insult...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 12/24/08 at 11:19 am
At one time the term "retarded" was the normal, accepted way of referring to someone with mental/learning disabilities...
For us kids on the playground, as always, the term was hurled as an insult...
I agree. I grew up in the 70s and everybody said it.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: ninny on 12/24/08 at 12:06 pm
At one time the term "retarded" was the normal, accepted way of referring to someone with mental/learning disabilities...
For us kids on the playground, as always, the term was hurled as an insult...
I agree. I grew up in the 70s and everybody said it.
I too grew up in the seventies and have to catch myself from saying "thats retarted" I have in the past got so mad at Missy for doing stupid things that I've blurted out "are you retarted"only to feel bad afterwards.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 01/07/09 at 11:48 am
Put on your game face
Bring your A game
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: tv on 01/07/09 at 1:06 pm
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: C. Luless on 01/07/09 at 1:31 pm
Eeeeww! I hate that! And yes, I'm sure there are those who hate Eeewww also. sorry ;)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/08/09 at 1:42 pm
I agree. I grew up in the 70s and everybody said it.
If you grew up in Massatwosheeshs, you'd hear: "What ah yah, fackin' retahdid?"
I remember the first time I heard the phrase, and thought "shockin', or... what"?
I thought it was an indigenous group; the Shockinaw Indians of northern New York or something.
WTF is a "bromance"? A relationship with a gentleman of color?
When they say a child is "spirited" instead of wild or bratty.
Instead of out-of-control little pain-in-the-ass bastard!
Speaking of, I hate the terms "baby mama" and "baby daddy" and the cultural decline they signify!
Extra Virgin Olive Oil?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: haleym8826 on 01/08/09 at 2:35 pm
If you grew up in Massatwosheeshs, you'd hear: "What ah yah, fackin' retahdid?"
I thought it was an indigenous group; the Shockinaw Indians of northern New York or something.
WTF is a "bromance"? A relationship with a gentleman of color?
Instead of out-of-control little pain-in-the-ass bastard!
Speaking of, I hate the terms "baby mama" and "baby daddy" and the cultural decline they signify!
Extra Virgin Olive Oil?
;D ;D ;D. I started watching the TV show called Bromance, it isnt all that great and it is not a relationship between two colored people. ;D ;D. It just a friendly relationship between two guys.
Rachel Ray uses E.V.O.O in alot of stuff. I only know because Tam got her Big Orange Book for christmas and I flipped through the recipes.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: statsqueen on 01/13/09 at 6:22 pm
I remember the first time I heard the phrase, and thought "shockin', or... what"?
Now I can't hear it without thinking of the the movie "Hitch" where Will Smith tells Kevin James "that was shockingly awful" ::)
Ok, not the first time I have seen these. I give up! What do they stand for?? (I promise not to use them, I am dying of curiosity) :)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/13/09 at 7:08 pm
;D ;D ;D. I started watching the TV show called Bromance, it isnt all that great and it is not a relationship between two colored people. ;D ;D. It just a friendly relationship between two guys.
Ahem, "people of color" is proper; "colored people" is derogatory!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/13/09 at 11:18 pm
Ahem, "people of color" is proper; "colored people" is derogatory!
c'mon, Lindsay Lohan still uses that term ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/14/09 at 10:19 am
c'mon, Lindsay Lohan still uses that term ::)
You don't want to know what Lindsay Lohan uses or what uses her!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: philbo on 01/14/09 at 10:56 am
Ok, not the first time I have seen these. I give up! What do they stand for?? (I promise not to use them, I am dying of curiosity) :)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: tv on 01/14/09 at 3:27 pm
You don't want to know what Lindsay Lohan uses or what uses her!
Thats funny!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: statsqueen on 01/14/09 at 7:32 pm
Thank you!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/14/09 at 7:40 pm
You don't want to know what Lindsay Lohan uses or what uses her!
;D true, true.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Marian on 01/15/09 at 2:12 pm
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 01/17/09 at 11:28 am
Play dates
sounds like kids have to make an appointment to play together.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 01/18/09 at 12:47 pm
Joel McHale is forever talking about that show on "The Soup"... kinda makes me want to watch it.... that and the show Principal's Office (which was The Soup's clip of the week)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 01/19/09 at 10:12 am
Enough Already??
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 02/26/09 at 5:41 pm
Here's one I heard today:
Ginormous (combo of gigantic/enormous)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/26/09 at 6:46 pm
The word gay used to means something is cheesy or uncool.
BBF annoys me. What's that hand gesture the kids use these days. It kind of looks like a half ass peace sign.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: philbo on 02/27/09 at 6:39 am
Here's one I heard today:
Ginormous (combo of gigantic/enormous)
According to, that one's been around for more than half a century... I knew it sounded kind of familiar ;)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: chiefyamick on 02/27/09 at 11:38 pm
"Fo' Shizzle"
"Seriously"- I know this one isn't new, but it's getting obnoxiously overused....SERIOUSLY
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: 80sfan on 02/28/09 at 1:54 am
No homo.
Um, if you're not gay, then why do you need to explain to others that you're not gay?
And isn't saying "No homo" giving people more reason to suspect you're not straight, even if you are?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: philbo on 03/01/09 at 10:35 am
No homo.
Um, if you're not gay, then why do you need to explain to others that you're not gay?
And isn't saying "No homo" giving people more reason to suspect you're not straight, even if you are?
Never heard that one.. I'd suspect someone's denything that they're of the genus Homo, and therefore non-human. What do you reckon?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 04/09/09 at 3:24 pm
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: statsqueen on 04/09/09 at 10:46 pm
What's that hand gesture the kids use these days. It kind of looks like a half ass peace sign.
I think (and I could be wrong) that you are talking about "deuces" (peace sign but kind of at an angle, right?). Way of saying good bye, peace, "holla", etc.
Does that help?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/10/09 at 1:00 am
Toxic assets
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 04/10/09 at 9:09 am
"can't wrap my head around it"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: philbo on 04/10/09 at 2:02 pm
Toxic assets
Why did both of those make me think of Paris Hilton?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: gibbo on 04/10/09 at 4:25 pm
What's with everyone saying " my bad" whenever they make a mistake? The guy serving me my coffee said that when I pointed out he short changed me. He simply said "my bad" which I replied "what....counting, manners???" He just looked at me at if I was a real smartass..
It's okay ...we often play around verbally....he just set himself up with that one!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/10/09 at 4:51 pm
probably been mentioned a few times but the term ...."my bad"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: gibbo on 04/10/09 at 4:53 pm
probably been mentioned a few times but the term ...."my bad"
You're kidding...right? You did see my post before yours? ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/10/09 at 5:18 pm
You're kidding...right? You did see my post before yours? ;D
smartass ::) actually I did not read your post, "no offense" I didn't because when i posted my reply it just came up on a new page. sorry gibbo. and it's not "my bad" ;)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: gibbo on 04/10/09 at 5:24 pm
smartass ::) actually I did not read your post, "no offense" I didn't because when i posted my reply it just came up on a new page. sorry gibbo. and it's not "my bad" ;)
I wear my "smartass" rep as a badge of honour (correct spelling used)!! It actually scares me a little that we were briefly on the same wavelength!!! :o ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/10/09 at 5:28 pm
I wear my "smartass" rep as a badge of honour (correct spelling used)!! It actually scares me a little that we were briefly on the same wavelength!!! :o ;D
same wavelength, frequency...we must be sharing one brain between us ;D yeah, that's scary.....
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: statsqueen on 04/10/09 at 8:01 pm
same wavelength, frequency...we must be sharing one brain between us ;D yeah, that's scary.....
You get used to it....Sami, Q and I have been residing in each other's brains for quite a while!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/10/09 at 8:05 pm
You get used to it....Sami, Q and I have been residing in each other's brains for quite a while!
yes, you all have, haven't you. I don't mind sharing the same brain with Peter, but I betcha I've got more dead brain cells than gibbo so he needs to make up the difference :D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: gibbo on 04/10/09 at 9:17 pm
yes, you all have, haven't you. I don't mind sharing the same brain with Peter, but I betcha I've got more dead brain cells than gibbo so he needs to make up the difference :D're outta luck in that department!! ;D .....and we can commit all three of the aforementioned ladies to an asylum right now.... ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Jessica on 04/10/09 at 9:28 pm
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: gibbo on 04/10/09 at 9:34 pm
I'm getting the vibe from recent posts that you are NOT a fan!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Jessica on 04/10/09 at 9:37 pm
I'm getting the vibe from recent posts that you are NOT a fan!!! ;D
Quite obvious, huh? ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: statsqueen on 04/10/09 at 10:06 pm're outta luck in that department!! ;D .....and we can commit all three of the aforementioned ladies to an asylum right now.... ;D
Not feelin' the love, Peter!! ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/10/09 at 10:27 pm
"go on with your bad self" :-\\
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: gibbo on 04/10/09 at 10:36 pm
Not feelin' the love, Peter!! ;D ;D ;D
Now there's a term...."not feelin' the love"..... ;)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: robby76 on 04/10/09 at 11:26 pm
"go on with your bad self" :-\\
That was from the 70s wasn't it? It's even a lyric from the Jacksons hit "Lovely One".
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/10/09 at 11:40 pm
That was from the 70s wasn't it? It's even a lyric from the Jacksons hit "Lovely One".
I don't remember it ever being said in the 70's or 80's for that matter, but if it's in the song, some people must have been saying it. I think I only am aware of it this past decade.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: 90steen on 04/11/09 at 12:27 pm
This has been around for longer, but I have always hated when people sad "chill" or "chill out"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/11/09 at 12:47 pm
not sure how long this one's been around, but I just heard it on tv today & discovered I pretty much despise it " how ya like me now"?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: statsqueen on 04/11/09 at 6:21 pm
Now there's a term...."not feelin' the love"..... ;)
lol Happy to help ;)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/11/09 at 6:45 pm
"moving forward"
this one's probably been used a while, especially in corporation meetings 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 04/15/09 at 4:50 pm
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/15/09 at 6:53 pm
"it is what it is" :-\\
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 05/06/09 at 3:53 am
Not feelin' the love, Peter!! ;D ;D ;D
late response but its my fault... he figures I should reside and if you're wacky enough to share a brain with me then you belong there as well! ;)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 05/06/09 at 3:54 am
"go on with your bad self" :-\\
Damn... 1979's alive and well in the badfinger residence ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 05/06/09 at 3:55 am
"it is what it is" :-\\
no... that's... it is what it T-I-IS!!! Bernie Mac used to say that :\'(
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 05/31/09 at 2:44 am
"talk to the hand"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/31/09 at 8:58 am
"I don't have the bandwidth"...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 05/31/09 at 9:53 am
You go girl
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Starde on 05/31/09 at 4:44 pm
I've noticed more and more people are using the word "legit". Examples: "That's legit", "It's totally legit". It's starting to annoy me now.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 05/31/09 at 7:06 pm
I've noticed more and more people are using the word "legit". Examples: "That's legit", "It's totally legit". It's starting to annoy me now.
maybe they are just too legit to quit... ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: 90steen on 05/31/09 at 7:28 pm
Saying "yessir" instead of yes. Are we in the army now? No... And what's with the one word thing?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: 90steen on 05/31/09 at 8:01 pm
Calling a cigarette a "square."
"Excuse me, do you have an extra square?"
Nope. But I have a circle.
And you might here the average pothead use terms like. "I'm geeked." or "I'm buttered" Now back in the mid 90's, particularly 1995 we had a few awkward terms too we would use. Like "I"m so blasted" or "toasted" but it sounds a lot better than geeked and buttered. Makes me think of nerds and rolls.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Michael C. on 05/31/09 at 9:54 pm
I HATE that phrase.................
"it is what it is" :-\\
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/01/09 at 9:16 pm
"Excuse me, do you have an extra square?"
I don't have a square to spare...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Shadow946 on 06/02/09 at 3:02 am
Dece (pronounced deese) for decent.
"Yeah that movie was pretty dece."
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Davester on 06/02/09 at 4:53 am
Saying "yessir" instead of yes. Are we in the army now? No... And what's with the one word thing?
I don't know about the "one word thing". Senior citizens have always fascinated and charmed me and I easily make friends with them. I suppose it was because I was brought up by my grandparents. They taught me to respect people and to show deference to them. Maybe those folks appreciate it when I addressed them as "Sir" or "Ma'am"...
Yep, you're a 90s teen. What, were you raised in a barn..?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: 90steen on 06/02/09 at 9:12 pm
I don't know about the "one word thing". Senior citizens have always fascinated and charmed me and I easily make friends with them. I suppose it was because I was brought up by my grandparents. They taught me to respect people and to show deference to them. Maybe those folks appreciate it when I addressed them as "Sir" or "Ma'am"...
Yep, you're a 90s teen. What, were you raised in a barn..?
no I meant it as like kids saying it to each other in some type of silly way.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 06/03/09 at 1:53 am
Calling a cigarette a "square."
"Excuse me, do you have an extra square?"
Nope. But I have a circle.
And you might here the average pothead use terms like. "I'm geeked." or "I'm buttered" Now back in the mid 90's, particularly 1995 we had a few awkward terms too we would use. Like "I"m so blasted" or "toasted" but it sounds a lot better than geeked and buttered. Makes me think of nerds and rolls.
never, ever heard this before...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 06/03/09 at 1:56 am
Saying "yessir" instead of yes. Are we in the army now? No... And what's with the one word thing?
sorry but I think we've gotten too far from respect.. I cannot stand when people show disrespect... like saying yeah instead of yes or naw instead of no... if we are friends that's one thing but to be so complacent with someone you don't know or someone in a position of authority... like the court shows on tv... you should have to answer yes or no not uh huh or nuh-uh ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 06/03/09 at 1:56 am
I don't know about the "one word thing". Senior citizens have always fascinated and charmed me and I easily make friends with them. I suppose it was because I was brought up by my grandparents. They taught me to respect people and to show deference to them. Maybe those folks appreciate it when I addressed them as "Sir" or "Ma'am"...
Yep, you're a 90s teen. What, were you raised in a barn..?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Henk on 06/03/09 at 1:27 pm
This has been around for longer, but I have always hated when people sad "chill" or "chill out"
I can live with "chill", but not ever tell me to "chillax". I might just do the exact opposite and hang you by your toenails.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 06/03/09 at 2:18 pm
I can live with "chill", but not ever tell me to "chillax". I might just do the exact opposite and hang you by your toenails.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 06/03/09 at 3:07 pm
credit crunch
housing crunch
crunch the numbers
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: wsmith4 on 06/04/09 at 8:18 am
"internet" ::) GOD I hate that term!
and "sandals" instead of flip flops! ARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHh
oh and what about saying "yes cheesesteak" instead of just "a cheesesteak!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: 80sfan on 06/04/09 at 9:37 am
When people use the term "I don't care about..." in the wrong way. Some people don't know there's a difference between not giving a hoot about something and hating it.
Some people just use it to sound smart.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 06/04/09 at 2:57 pm
What the heck is "kawaii"? I think it's a variation of cool but I'm not sure. Anyway that bugs me. >:(
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: gibbo on 06/04/09 at 8:40 pm
"internet" ::) GOD I hate that term!
and "sandals" instead of flip flops! ARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHh
oh and what about saying "yes cheesesteak" instead of just "a cheesesteak!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love a good 'sword and flip flop' movie! Sorry....that just doesn't sound right!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 06/04/09 at 9:34 pm
What the heck is "kawaii"? I think it's a variation of cool but I'm not sure. Anyway that bugs me. >:(
never heard this one before
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 06/04/09 at 9:48 pm
never heard this one before
I looked it up. It's kind of Americanized Japanese for cute. So I think Hello Kitty and stuff like that would be considered kawaii. However the term is really overused. 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 06/04/09 at 9:59 pm
I looked it up. It's kind of Americanized Japanese for cute. So I think Hello Kitty and stuff like that would be considered kawaii. However the term is really overused. 8-P
you should move to Santa'll never hear it again ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 06/13/09 at 4:13 pm
Stay-cation (taking a vacation @ home)
For all the losers that got themselves in debt and cannot afford to take one.
The latest in celebrity couple lame nicknames: Speidi (Spencer & Heidi)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 08/13/09 at 12:53 pm
i pretty much have always despised the term "my bad"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 08/13/09 at 12:54 pm
i pretty much have always despised the term "my bad"
...even when I first heard it, in the mid-90s
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: gibbo on 08/13/09 at 4:08 pm
...even when I first heard it, in the mid-90s
Hang on ...didn't you use that very term in one of your posts last week? ;D I can't stand it either.... I feel like adding " Your bad what? ...language? .... English? ....manners? ....what?"
Only did that once and the guy just looked at me blankly!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 08/13/09 at 4:30 pm
...even when I first heard it, in the mid-90s
it's that old? ??? I probably despised it then too
Hang on ...didn't you use that very term in one of your posts last week? ;D I can't stand it either.... I feel like adding " Your bad what? ...language? .... English? ....manners? ....what?"
Only did that once and the guy just looked at me blankly!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 08/13/09 at 11:45 pm
it's that old? ??? I probably despised it then too
Yep, when I was in high school I heard kids saying it. That was 1994-98 for me.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 11/12/09 at 12:22 pm
Giving Back or Give Back .
Rich celebrities always want "give back" to the community. 8-P
Foodie. Is that a yuppie that likes food?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: DJ Blaze on 11/14/09 at 12:49 pm
Emo. Definitely emo. It's basically goth for hip people.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: star80 on 11/14/09 at 4:33 pm
"Psycho" has been around since the 90's with people using that word. "Get A Life" thats been around for at least 20 years that saying.
Yes, but people still use those words today and I'm sick of them
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 11/29/09 at 10:03 am
I hate this one; you hear it alot especially on TV.
" The elephant in the room"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/30/09 at 9:21 pm
When people say this or that is "off the table."
It usually comes from politics: "Impeachment is off the table" or "a public option is off the table."
Sh*t versus the sh*t. If you say, "this movie is sh*t," that means it's bad. If you say, "this movie is the sh*t," that means it's superb. I always thought that was silly.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 12/01/09 at 10:34 am
preggers (instead of pregnant)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: karen on 12/01/09 at 1:44 pm
preggers (instead of pregnant)
another one that's at least 30 years old
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/01/09 at 11:52 pm
I think somebody else mentioned it, but it's worth mentioning again:
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 12/02/09 at 11:27 am
another one that's at least 30 years old
I'm 48 and never heard that one until the past 3-4 years ago.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: karen on 12/02/09 at 2:05 pm
I'm 48 and never heard that one until the past 3-4 years ago.
Maybe its only old in the UK?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Dagwood on 12/02/09 at 6:11 pm
Maybe its only old in the UK?
Nah, I heard it here in the 80's as well.. Maybe it is just regional.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nondiva234 on 12/05/09 at 1:59 am
Pormanteaus of the word "man" with basically anything...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 12/27/09 at 10:00 am
When a celebrity says that their family "keeps me grounded".
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: LyricBoy on 12/27/09 at 10:38 am
"Manscaping" ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: LyricBoy on 12/27/09 at 10:43 am
"Talk to the hand"
"Talk to the moose"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 12/31/09 at 9:57 am
Celebrities (ex: Britney Spears) try to "re-invent" themselves when they suck and are no longer popular.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: tv on 12/31/09 at 10:22 am
Celebrities (ex: Britney Spears) try to "re-invent" themselves when they suck and are no longer popular.
Britney Spears is still pretty popular maybe not like 1999-2000 but still pretty popular.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: tomario on 12/31/09 at 11:40 pm
Pormanteaus of the word "man" with basically anything...
....moobs...arrrggh! 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 02/24/10 at 2:12 pm
hot mess
va jay jay (vagina)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Billy on 03/03/10 at 11:42 pm
Calling a cigarette a "square."
I always thought that was stupid, but I thought they call the pack the square, which was stupid enough. I remember a teen who worked at the store where I worked back in the 90's asked me if I want part of his square", meaning if I wanted a cigarette (I was almost 40 so I had no idea what this teen slang ment), I said I don't smoke and I said he should make that square his last square. He said he smokes a half a square a day. But I think they started calling individual cigs a square also.
Also smoking related... Another tern that I hate is "my bad". I am a security guard at a college and whenever there are kids smoking too close to the enterences and I tell them to move, 9 times out of 10 they say "sorry, my bad".
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/05/10 at 1:25 am
oh snap!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: silhouette on 03/15/10 at 6:09 pm
What's the opinion on adding -sauce? (i.e. awesomesauce, weaksauce)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Foo Bar on 03/18/10 at 10:20 pm
What's the opinion on adding -sauce? (i.e. awesomesauce, weaksauce)
Outside of gaming or other competitive activities, I'd consider it weak sauce.
On the other hand, I think that using "WIN!", "FAIL!", and "THIS!" in real life are perfectly fine. But then, I also think that the greatest luxury!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/19/10 at 12:55 am
certain terms that uised to be insultive, unflattering, have become compliments in the softball community where having the best softball bat makes one a star, even if that bat has been altered illegaly making it more powerful than a stock bat off the rack.
the first terms used was "that bat is "sick" and that term is used widely in this way in other arenas.
next came "that bat is stupid"
the next term was "that bat is ridiculous"
and currently the new term is "that bat is retarded" I am curious as to what the next term will be ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 05/26/10 at 11:34 am
guncles - gay uncles
Tori Speiling has two gay friends that she refers to as "guncles" to her kids.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Starde on 05/26/10 at 7:12 pm
When people use the word "rape" in a humorous way, which is very common among my peers (I'm a college student). Examples:
"I totally raped that final!"
"Dude, I raped your ass in Super Smash Bros.!"
"That sh*tty music raped my ears!"
8-P I've never used the word like that and I don't plan to. I just don't find it hilarious at all and it's really annoying. ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 05/26/10 at 8:32 pm
When people use the word "rape" in a humorous way, which is very common among my peers (I'm a college student). Examples:
"I totally raped that final!"
"Dude, I raped your ass in Super Smash Bros.!"
"That sh*tty music raped my ears!"
8-P I've never used the word like that and I don't plan to. I just don't find it hilarious at all and it's really annoying. ::)
That's pretty sick IMO.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: fredrickthe94guy on 06/04/10 at 3:59 am
OMG SHUT UP!!!....
piss off!!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: lola669 on 06/04/10 at 7:24 am
My Bad
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 06/04/10 at 9:03 am
Lately alot of people on TV court shows (Judge Judy, People's court) always seem to start their sentences off with basically.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/23/10 at 9:20 pm
Lately alot of people on TV court shows (Judge Judy, People's court) always seem to start their sentences off with basically.
I try to avoid "basically." Basically, it's a wuss word used in lieu of succinct explanation.
"Summer of the Shark." That's what they billed the summer of 2001 as because there had been a whole bunch of shark attacks on humans. I thought it was cheesy and wished they'd shut up about it. September 10, 2001, was the last day I had to hear about "The Summer of the Shark"!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: wsmith4 on 06/28/10 at 2:27 pm
"What's the down?"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Starde on 06/28/10 at 5:32 pm
That's pretty sick IMO.
It is! I just don't understand how people think that it's cool or funny to say that. 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/29/10 at 5:18 pm
Were these two awful phrases ever in spontaneous circulation, or were they made up for movies:
"Don't harsh my mellow!"
"Stow the 'tude!"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 07/02/10 at 9:37 pm
"That's how we roll"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/07/10 at 12:31 am
"Let's roll!"
I had the notion to market a brand of cigarette papers called "Let's Roll." Maybe somebody did.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Foo Bar on 07/08/10 at 10:19 pm
"Let's roll!"
I had the notion to market a brand of cigarette papers called "Let's Roll." Maybe somebody did.
If not, California might legalize pot this fall, the tenth anniversary's next year, and the WTC's still a hole in the ground. I say there's still time to turn you into a capitalist!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/09/10 at 11:16 pm
If not, California might legalize pot this fall, the tenth anniversary's next year, and the WTC's still a hole in the ground. I say there's still time to turn you into a capitalist!
Ben & Jerry's showed the way! Make a hipster product and be an ethical capitalist. Donate to ecological causes. Proudly proclaim how you, as CEO, do not make more than seven times the lowest paid worker in the company when the average CEO makes 400 zillion times more. Embrace a hippie image via tie-dyes and Grateful Dead flavor tributes. Then, when the time is just right, sell out to Unilever for more money than you could count in a lifetime!
In my case, I'd recruit Jello Biafra and sell out to Phillip-Morris!
However, the market for rolling papers is more limited than for ice cream, and the joke is stale and, some would say, in bad taste!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 08/10/10 at 1:38 pm
Challenge. Instead of saying "problem", everything is now a challenge.
I watched the Duggars TV show (19 and counting) and Michelle must have used the word challenge at least 5 times in a 30 minute show. 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: 2015 on 08/10/10 at 4:57 pm
Challenge. Instead of saying "problem", everything is now a challenge.
I watched the Duggars TV show (19 and counting) and Michelle must have used the word challenge at least 5 times in a 30 minute show. 8-P
so true lol
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 09/09/10 at 8:56 pm
Losing is not an option.
Any reality TV show contestant will say that at one time or another. 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Hud on 09/09/10 at 11:45 pm
Texting and 'net shorthand messages/terms, especially those that type LOLOL. Is that "laugh out loud out loud", or "laugh out laugh out loud"?
PEACE OUT. Take an early '70's hippy word (usually hand signed with the stolen v-for-victory fingers), add a word and claim innovative clever geniusness that mom and dad aren't hip to. The term died out for a reason.
UP FOR. Are you up for some hacky sack? Creates the illusion that if you don't like my bad idea, you're less capable. Stick with "Do you want to...?".
ANY RAP SLANG. From beeches n hoes to bling to "pop a cap" to "trunk junk". Insider hip hop/gang/street slang is merely ignorance attempting to be respectable. What is clever to teens is irritating to old fogie farts like me, which makes me even grouchier. Now git off'n my lawn!
DON'T EVEN GO THERE. Do not say this to me. I will.
YOU GO GIRL. Oprah can be a bad influence also.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: ADH13 on 09/13/10 at 2:42 am
How ________ is THAT?
Get your ____________ on.
My girls (said by a female referring to friends) I have no problem with someone using this term to describe their daughters.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Bobby on 09/13/10 at 7:56 pm
One thing I don't like is when people just say 'whatever' to you when they can't think of anything better to say. It's just laziness, lol.
Another 'this is the sh.t' meaning brilliant term is 'sick'. 'That was sick!' means 'That was excellent!' and I don't get it.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/14/10 at 12:36 am
Did we mention: "Think outside the box"?
I hate that. Whenever I hear it I know I'm dealing with somebody who's been fed corporate pablum.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: ADH13 on 09/14/10 at 7:00 pm
Did we mention: "Think outside the box"?
I hate that. Whenever I hear it I know I'm dealing with somebody who's been fed corporate pablum.
I hate corporate lingo.
I hate job ads that say they're looking for a "dynamic self-starter".
But I'm finding my true most hated phrase these days is "Touchdown Dallas! But wait, there's a flag." >:(
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 09/14/10 at 7:34 pm
I hate corporate lingo.
I hate job ads that say they're looking for a "dynamic self-starter".
But I'm finding my true most hated phrase these days is "Touchdown Dallas! But wait, there's a flag." >:(
Every job seems to be working in a "fast paced environment"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Foo Bar on 09/14/10 at 9:25 pm
Did we mention: "Think outside the box"?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: ADH13 on 09/14/10 at 9:29 pm
That's great! ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 09/15/10 at 11:40 am
Hot Button Issue
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Ashkicksass on 09/15/10 at 2:15 pm
I hate corporate lingo.
I hate job ads that say they're looking for a "dynamic self-starter".
But I'm finding my true most hated phrase these days is "Touchdown Dallas! But wait, there's a flag." >:(
My most hated phrase is "Touchdown Dallas!" ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Ashkicksass on 09/15/10 at 2:15 pm
Did we mention: "Think outside the box"?
I hate that. Whenever I hear it I know I'm dealing with somebody who's been fed corporate pablum.
UGHHHHH. That's my most hated one too. Hands down.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: ADH13 on 09/15/10 at 3:13 pm
My most hated phrase is "Touchdown Dallas!" ;) ;D
...and I hope you hear it a lot this year!! :)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: ADH13 on 09/19/10 at 2:06 am
"That's what she said" ???
I don't even get what that means.
"I'm just sayin." Again, ???
I know people have said "I'm just sayin" for years but in a different context that actually made sense.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Foo Bar on 09/19/10 at 9:17 pm
"That's what she said" I don't even get what that means.
You know how you can go from zero-to-funny by simply reading a fortune cookie's fortune and appending the words "in bed"? If not, you should try it a few times - it's a device that everyone should have in their humor toolbox.
Well, TWSS is sorta like that, except that it's used to turn a conversation from boring-to-dirty, and because unlike "in bed", TWSS doesn't work for every line of conversation. You have to be very careful when you pull it out or it won't work.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Foo Bar on 09/19/10 at 9:17 pm
For example:
You have to be very careful when you pull it out or it won't work.
"That's what she said!"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/21/10 at 1:21 am
For example:
"That's what she said!"
We were guilty as all hell of "that's what she said."
It was too easy. (fill in the blank____________________)
And if you got Chinese food in college you added the phrase "in bed" do the declarative in your fortune cookie!
(eg. "Behind every great man is another great bed!"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Foo Bar on 09/22/10 at 10:30 pm
"Behind every great man is another great bed!"
That's what she said, but I didn't roll that way.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/23/10 at 2:41 am
That's what she said, but I didn't roll that way.
You are always honest and sincere...In bed!"
I just asked you a question,
"Since when do you like a cheese-boiga!"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 09/29/10 at 4:38 pm
skills set
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: karen on 10/01/10 at 2:38 pm
For example:
"That's what she said!"
the British version of this is
"said the actress to the bishop"
(or vice versa as seems appropriate)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 10/14/10 at 8:23 am
Soccer Mom
Cheer Mom
Hockey Mom 8-P
Throw Under The Bus. Said on every reality TV Show.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/15/10 at 6:35 pm
-epic fail
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 10/25/10 at 4:55 pm
Living hand to mouth
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 11/26/10 at 6:52 pm
Man cave
Doc in a box (doctor at a walk in clinic)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Mat1991 on 12/03/10 at 7:45 am
Gay Marriage.
Not that I despise the issue itself, because I am personally in favor; but it gets on my nerves the way various media outlets will refer to the issue as gay marriage as opposed to its, as far as I'm concerned, proper term, which is same-sex marriage.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: wsmith4 on 12/09/10 at 10:24 am
OH MY GOD how I hate the term "Chillaxin"
And I hate HATE HATE "Fail" and "Epic Fail" and "Pn3d". Oh my GOD my blood is boiling.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: DJ Blaze on 12/10/10 at 8:15 pm
OH MY GOD how I hate the term "Chillaxin"
And I hate HATE HATE "Fail" and "Epic Fail" and "Pn3d". Oh my GOD my blood is boiling.
Really now? I honestly love "Fail", "Epic Fail", "Pwned", and "Epic Win". And "OMG the EPICNESS".
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: HeartsAfire on 12/13/10 at 4:45 pm
If I ever hear the phrase "sippin' the haterade" again, it will be too soon.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 12/15/10 at 10:01 am
If I ever hear the phrase "sippin' the haterade" again, it will be too soon.
Don't be a hater
Don't be a hatein'
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Mat1991 on 12/15/10 at 10:43 am
Don't be a hater
Don't be a hatein'
I despise any phrase revolving around the terms "hater" and "hatin'."
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 12/15/10 at 3:13 pm
I know this is from 2010 but I hate the term "jeggings" (jean leggings). 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Mat1991 on 12/15/10 at 8:18 pm
"Bromance" 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 12/15/10 at 11:45 pm
preggers (instead of pregnant)
yes, I've noticed that one used online in some places. ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 12/15/10 at 11:51 pm
-epic fail
ditto on those.
And I hate HATE HATE "Fail" and "Epic Fail" and "Pn3d".
I don't get this "using numbers as letters" fad, either.
"Bromance" 8-P
Yeah that seems to have come into play in the past few years as well. I don't care for it either. ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: DJ Blaze on 12/16/10 at 9:09 pm
The worst term of the 00's (and the worst term period): Justin Bieber.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/16/10 at 11:45 pm
calling someone a "tool" as an insult.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 12/17/10 at 4:53 pm
The worst term of the 00's (and the worst term period): Justin Bieber.
I agree.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: DJ Blaze on 12/17/10 at 9:06 pm
I agree.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Step-chan on 12/17/10 at 11:10 pm
The worst term of the 00's (and the worst term period): Justin Bieber.
Only the awesomeness of "How is babby formed?" can make it slightly tolerable. :D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: DJ Blaze on 12/18/10 at 8:07 am
Only the awesomeness of "How is babby formed?" can make it slightly tolerable. :D
Surprisingly I haven' heard of this meme.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Foo Bar on 12/18/10 at 8:16 pm
I despise any phrase revolving around the terms "hater" and "hatin'."
How's that? :)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Foo Bar on 12/18/10 at 8:19 pm
Only the awesomeness of "How is babby formed?" can make it slightly tolerable. :D
Surprisingly I haven' heard of this meme.
Oh, you poor, poor bastard.
Three years ago, someon asked the question that was singlehandedly responsible for discrediting the already-discredited-by-2008 Yahoo Answers from ever being taken seriously as a source for advice.
How Is Babby Formed? How girl get pregnent?
Link is safe for work. Not safe for sanity.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: apollonia1986 on 12/20/10 at 9:04 pm
Lord, have mercy.
People of the world, put down the damn Wii's and DS2's and please pick up a book! Any book. Even a comic and READ!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Foo Bar on 12/20/10 at 10:08 pm
Lord, have mercy.
Sorry, it's Yahoo Answers.
No mercy.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Mat1991 on 12/22/10 at 7:43 pm
"Manorexia." 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: apollonia1986 on 12/23/10 at 4:07 pm
The only manorexic I know is Carson Daly.
That was a man tailor made to be show on the late, late, late show.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 12/24/10 at 9:01 am
People who refer to their stepchildren as "bonus children".
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Starde on 12/25/10 at 11:06 am
Sorry, it's Yahoo Answers.
No mercy.
LMAO!!!!! ;D Oh, the stupidity...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/10/11 at 7:43 pm
-brain fart
-fat fingererd it
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: gibbo on 01/11/11 at 3:35 am
Why does everything have to be called an 'event' these days. Queensland (my State) is 60% flooded right now and it is due to a 'rain event'. I say...sack the event organizer! >:(
.... and we can't have a simple disaster anymore! It has to be a mega-disaster!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/11/11 at 10:17 am
The term "only God can judge me". It's a cop out used by people who have done stupid criminal stuff a little too often. I also don't like "haters be hatin". 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: bchris02 on 01/11/11 at 8:17 pm
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: 80sfan on 01/12/11 at 2:35 am
People who refer to their stepchildren as "bonus children".
That's awful!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: 80sfan on 01/12/11 at 2:36 am
The term "only God can judge me". It's a cop out used by people who have done stupid criminal stuff a little too often. I also don't like "haters be hatin". 8-P
I hate that term/quote too! >:(
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: 80sfan on 01/12/11 at 2:36 am
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 01/12/11 at 5:06 pm
The term "only God can judge me". It's a cop out used by people who have done stupid criminal stuff a little too often. I also don't like "haters be hatin". 8-P
Here's another:
"It's in God's hands now"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: compudude86 on 01/13/11 at 12:53 pm
Fo' Sho = For Sure
I remember my girlfriends aunt trying to use that one...
"Is (such and such) a Ho fer show?" (putting enough emphasis on the words that you could tell she was saying "for show" and not fo sho) I also remember it showing up in the background of a rap video as "fasho"
I know "im rick james b*t*h" was overused for a while, I heard "how bout, no scott, ok?" and some of the catchier movie quotes that got overused to the point that it is no longer funny, any of little johns old catchphrases, including but not limited to whhhhhat?, oooookkkk!, or yeeeahh!, along with Waaaaaaazuuuuuuppppp! but that died before 2005.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 01/29/11 at 11:05 am
Momager- A child star's Mom who is also their manager
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: ProfS on 02/20/11 at 2:57 pm
The most despised term for me was the word random. People used that word without knowing at all what it really means.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: apollonia1986 on 02/24/11 at 11:36 pm
Aww, I still use random.
I watched Laguna Beach WAAAAY too much!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/25/11 at 1:26 am
How I hate that word!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 02/25/11 at 8:29 am
How I hate that word!
People on Judge Judy say that all the time. 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Zeb on 03/11/11 at 5:39 pm
Dece (pronounced deese) for decent.
"Yeah that movie was pretty dece."
If I ever knew anyone who spoke like that I would try to avoid them as much as possible.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/13/11 at 7:11 am
People on Judge Judy say that all the time. 8-P
...."you know what I mean!"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: wsmith4 on 03/15/11 at 10:42 am
Can't stand "Cash the cow" or "Drop down the line, bro" >:(
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: kevwa10191 on 03/18/11 at 1:33 pm
this may or may not be a "term". but one thing I cannot stand is when someone says "like" every 3rd word in a sentence.
if you watch shows or movies from before early 2000's, they never did that. Its almost become a habit of some people now.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: nally on 03/18/11 at 1:37 pm
this may or may not be a "term". but one thing I cannot stand is when someone says "like" every 3rd word in a sentence.
if you watch shows or movies from before early 2000's, they never did that. Its almost become a habit of some people now.
I've heard that used in speech for several years now, even before the 00's.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: kevwa10191 on 03/18/11 at 1:39 pm
I've heard that used in speech for several years now, even before the 00's.
yes it has always been used, but not to the extent as it is now.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 03/26/11 at 5:28 pm
this may or may not be a "term". but one thing I cannot stand is when someone says "like" every 3rd word in a sentence.
if you watch shows or movies from before early 2000's, they never did that. Its almost become a habit of some people now.
Valley girl talk
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: youngerderek on 03/31/11 at 1:22 pm
i hate the 'c' word. obviously, its centuries older than the 2000s, but it seems like during the late 2000s it finally began to seep into the mainstream. i hope in 2020 i dont have to hear the c word when im on the bus ...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: ADH13 on 04/02/11 at 10:28 pm
The other day I texted one of my co-workers some information and he responded back with "Good looking out." ???
I had to Google it... I guess it's something similar to "Thank You" lol
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 04/02/11 at 10:39 pm
The other day I texted one of my co-workers some information and he responded back with "Good looking out." ???
I had to Google it... I guess it's something similar to "Thank You" lol've never heard that? I hear it all the time.. it's more like "you had his back"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: ADH13 on 04/02/11 at 10:50 pm've never heard that? I hear it all the time.. it's more like "you had his back"
No I hadn't heard that. I tend to be way behind when it comes to slang... cause I usually can't stand the terminology they come up with these days...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: snozberries on 04/02/11 at 10:51 pm
No I hadn't heard that. I tend to be way behind when it comes to slang... cause I usually can't stand the terminology they come up with these days...
yo you be buggin...those words are dope!!! :D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 04/03/11 at 4:07 pm
No I hadn't heard that. I tend to be way behind when it comes to slang... cause I usually can't stand the terminology they come up with these days...
Me too
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: loki 13 on 04/03/11 at 5:27 pm
I am sure I said this before but I really despise Portmanteau Words. I know they have been around for awhile,
I can handle the word smog but in the last decade they became real annoying. It's bad enough that there are
words such as ginormous but when they started messing with celebrity couples, that was enough.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: youngerderek on 04/04/11 at 2:12 am
I am sure I said this before but I really despise Portmanteau Words. I know they have been around for awhile,
I can handle the word smog but in the last decade they became real annoying. It's bad enough that there are
words such as ginormous but when they started messing with celebrity couples, that was enough.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 04/15/11 at 11:09 am
structured settlement
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: wsmith4 on 04/15/11 at 1:11 pm
structured settlement
In what context would that be used?
I really really can't stand "epic"...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 04/15/11 at 3:15 pm
JG Wentworth commercials
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: youngerderek on 04/15/11 at 3:33 pm
In what context would that be used?
I really really can't stand "epic"...
i would say epic is more 2010s, though it definitely started in the late 00s
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: fredrickthe94guy on 04/16/11 at 2:49 am
[quote author=Sir Billzy link=topic=32426.msg2674883#msg2674883 date=1302891079
I really really can't stand "epic"...
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: kevwa10191 on 04/20/11 at 1:10 pm
JG Wentworth commercials
"it's my money and I need it now!" ;D
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: SuperDude526 on 04/27/11 at 8:59 am
"Oh snap!"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 04/27/11 at 5:06 pm
"you're taking food from my kids' mouths".
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Vicky on 04/29/11 at 9:42 pm
People who refer to their stepchildren as "bonus children".
::) ::)
Why do people need to create new words for something. ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/30/11 at 1:22 am
People who refer to their stepchildren as "bonus children".
It is easier to call them step children for that is what they are.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 04/30/11 at 1:06 pm
It is easier to call them step children for that is what they are.
"Bonus children" is more politically correct. 8-P They probably don't want to hurt their feelings. Same as using "mentally challenged" instead of "mentally retarded".
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/30/11 at 2:19 pm
"Bonus children" is more politically correct. 8-P They probably don't want to hurt their feelings. Same as using "mentally challenged" instead of "mentally retarded".
The term "step" is still allowed in these modern days.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 04/30/11 at 6:11 pm
The term "step" is still allowed in these modern days.
I agree. I have 3 stepsisters from my mom's 2nd marriage and that's what I refer to them as. They're not bonuses to me. What I was referring to in my previous post is there are people who probably think it's better, nicer, correct, (whatever) to say bonus. I think the whole thing is insane.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Louise1978 on 05/01/11 at 12:08 am
LOL "bonus children" sounds like they have won a prize.I prefer "step children".
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Hud on 05/07/11 at 8:47 am
KiDs ThAt TyPe ThEiR nAmE iN tHiS fAsHiOn, 0r 3ls3 th1s way, as has been mentioned.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: SuperDude526 on 05/07/11 at 4:17 pm
You kiddin'? I still see people do that.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 05/26/11 at 7:22 pm
Everybody TV seems to say this. 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: danootaandme on 05/26/11 at 8:31 pm
End of story
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 05/28/11 at 4:11 pm
Everybody on TV seems to say this. 8-P
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/29/11 at 1:15 am
This is a pet hate of mine!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 05/29/11 at 4:37 pm
This is a pet hate of mine!
Every litigant on a TV judge show (ex: Judge Judy, The Peoples Court) always say that.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Davester on 05/29/11 at 8:42 pm
It's meaning has been, in recent years, to be a celebration of diversity, community and the human spirit yet the term makes me feel uneasy...
Further back the word was usually followed by "thermonuclear", which could also make a person anxious, but at least Fender guitars were still made in America... :o
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: wsmith4 on 06/02/11 at 11:41 am
Everybody these days has been using the term "ball peen hammer" to describe people.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/03/11 at 2:01 pm
Everybody these days has been using the term "ball peen hammer" to describe people.
Not over here!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: wsmith4 on 06/03/11 at 2:41 pm
Not over here!
Oh, it's everywhere.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/03/11 at 3:34 pm
Oh, it's everywhere.
...but not in the UK ?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: wsmith4 on 06/05/11 at 2:49 pm
...but not in the UK ?
It's EVERYwhere
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/06/11 at 12:58 pm
It's EVERYwhere
Everywhere else?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 06/08/11 at 6:25 pm
"raise awareness"
Celebrities that refer to acting as their "craft" or being "in the industry".
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 07/08/11 at 9:05 am
The elephant in the room
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: wsmith4 on 07/08/11 at 9:39 am
Everywhere else?
Even in the UK
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/08/11 at 1:14 pm
Even in the UK
Not in London.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: wsmith4 on 07/08/11 at 2:51 pm
Not in London.
Especially London
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/08/11 at 2:52 pm
Especially London
Not in my part of London
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 07/14/11 at 10:00 am
Any tern with "man" in front of it
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: wsmith4 on 07/14/11 at 10:41 am
Not in my part of London
Your part of London is where it originated and is still the most widely used.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: loki 13 on 08/01/11 at 3:56 pm
Preggers....Woman don't get pregnant anymore, they are preggers. I know that text messages has given
the English Language abbreviated words but preggers? Let's see, preggers....8 letters, pregnant....8 letters.
preggers...2 syllables, pregnant...2 syllables. It gains nothing, sounds stupid and makes the user sound ignorant.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 09/01/11 at 7:30 am
Preggers....Woman don't get pregnant anymore, they are preggers. I know that text messages has given
the English Language abbreviated words but preggers? Let's see, preggers....8 letters, pregnant....8 letters.
preggers...2 syllables, pregnant...2 syllables. It gains nothing, sounds stupid and makes the user sound ignorant.
I can't stand it when a couple says "we're pregnant". No you're not, she is. 8-P
Also women who refer to their boobs as "the girls".
"Lock and load"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: wsmith4 on 11/29/11 at 1:25 pm
I absolutely despise "Food insecure" to describe people who are on the verge of going hungry. ABSOLUTELY DESPISE IT!!!!!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/25/11 at 9:44 am
I've always thought the whole "COWBOY UP" thing was pretty stupid.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 12/26/11 at 10:30 am
"cutting edge technology"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/26/11 at 4:53 pm
"baby bump"
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 01/05/12 at 1:47 pm
Take it to the next level
Take it up a notch
Kick it up a notch (Emeril Lagasse)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/16/12 at 1:55 am
I can't stand it when a couple says "we're pregnant". No you're not, she is. 8-P
Also women who refer to their boobs as "the girls".
"Lock and load"
Pet relationships are prologue for parent-child relationships. So you got a pet lizard who just wants to hang out on a rock all day and eat whatever he's fed. Too bad we can't breed humans like this...or can we?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Henk on 01/16/12 at 5:55 am
If there's one word that gets me itchy all over, it's 'authentic'. 8-P
Not sure if this is just a Dutch thing, but nowadays everything has to be authentic. The food you buy is made with authentic ingredients, using an authentic recipe. Clothes are made from authentic materials. They come in authentic paper bags. And so on and so on.
And what exactly does 'authentic' mean, anyway? :-\\ Nothing, if you ask me. It has totally lost its meaning.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Howard on 01/16/12 at 6:26 am
here's one: brohoof like fistpumping or fistbumping from one person to another.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Foo Bar on 01/16/12 at 9:11 pm
here's one: brohoof like fistpumping or fistbumping from one person to another.
You've encountered this in real life, as in, outside of a certain thread on this message board? Awesome. Everything is going according to plan. Oh, and just for you, Howard...
Welcome to the Herd.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: gibbo on 01/17/12 at 1:11 am
You've encountered this in real life, as in, outside of a certain thread on this message board? Awesome. Everything is going according to plan. Oh, and just for you, Howard...
Welcome to the Herd.
Awkward place to be joined at birth! (and I don't mean in a meadow).
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Howard on 01/17/12 at 6:27 am
You've encountered this in real life, as in, outside of a certain thread on this message board? Awesome. Everything is going according to plan. Oh, and just for you, Howard...
Welcome to the Herd.
I heard about it but I never knew it was called brohoof, Whoever came up with such a silly name? ::)
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Foo Bar on 01/18/12 at 11:41 pm
I heard about it but I never knew it was called brohoof, Whoever came up with such a silly name? ::)
Oh dear. You really are that innocent.
In the late 70s, there was the high five ("Gimme 5!"). The high-5 was eventually replaced with respect knuckles:
In 2008 the brofist, aka the fist bump surged (with Presidential endorsement!) in popularity, and by 2011, fans of a certain television show made the obvious memetic leap.
For further information, this thread will get you started off on the right hoof, and by the time you make it to page 21...'ll be One with the Herd.
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Howard on 01/19/12 at 6:41 am
Oh dear. You really are that innocent.
In the late 70s, there was the high five ("Gimme 5!"). The high-5 was eventually replaced with respect knuckles:
In 2008 the brofist, aka the fist bump surged (with Presidential endorsement!) in popularity, and by 2011, fans of a certain television show made the obvious memetic leap.
For further information, this thread will get you started off on the right hoof, and by the time you make it to page 21...'ll be One with the Herd.
So fistbumping has been popular for 35 years?
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/03/12 at 11:00 pm
Just because you took it off the table doesn't mean you have to throw it under the bus!
Subject: Re: Despised terms of the 00's
Written By: Lindee on 02/16/12 at 8:57 pm
bad boy
Adam Richman and Guy Fieri use thie one alot.
From the Yoplait commercial with the kid at the spelling bee.
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