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Subject: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Guest on 04/08/08 at 1:39 pm
What's her best song? My favorite is "Tied Together With a Smile". :)
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 04/08/08 at 1:42 pm
I don't like her. I don't like country music.
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: woops on 04/08/08 at 4:58 pm
Respect her for writing her own songs and playing a guitar, but not into country music. Well, not as heavily computerized like Aly & AJ.
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Brian06 on 04/08/08 at 5:28 pm
She's good, if I listen to ever country it's usually only country pop stuff like her.
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: sugar168 on 04/08/08 at 6:12 pm
i think she did wonders with her tim mcGraw song... i give her props for writing and playing her own music.
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: whistledog on 04/08/08 at 7:58 pm
She's alright. Not something I would listen to by choice, but I can see what all the fans see in her and her music :)
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: nally on 04/17/08 at 5:31 pm
I don't much care for her...mostly because I'm not a fan of country music. Unless it sounds more like pop (such as a few of LeAnn Rimes' songs).
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/17/08 at 6:20 pm
I'd... Oh well, you probably know...
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: whistledog on 04/18/08 at 10:42 am
I'd... Oh well, you probably know...
... bang her like cymbals in an overworked marching band? :D
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Foo Bar on 04/19/08 at 12:17 am
Since I started readin' Playboy,
I don't want no candy, I don't need no toy!
I took a stick and an old coffee can (wait, what?!), and I
... bang(ed) her like cymbals in an o(')erworked marching band? :D
I don't wanna work! I wanna bang Taylor Swift all day!
I don't wanna play! I just wanna bang Taylor Swift all day!
When I get older, they think I'm a fool,
The teacher told me I should stay after school,
She caught me poundin' on the desk with my hand,
But my licks were so hot, I made the teacher wanna dance!
Every day, when I get from work
I feel so frustrated, the boss is a jerk!
And I get my sticks and go out to the shed,
And I pound that drum like it was the boss' head!
Todd Rundgren's Bang the Drum All Day is the most unintentionally-filthy song ever.
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/19/08 at 6:28 pm
... bang her like cymbals in an overworked marching band? :D
I'd hit it like Pete Rose swinging for 4000. :P
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Marty McFly on 04/19/08 at 9:27 pm
Guys, can I ask you a serious question?
Does it make you feel good to sound like classless pervs (especially a middle-aged Lyricboy, that's even worse when this chick is only like 18 and easily young enough to be your potential daughter), not to mention uneducated and very narrow-minded? You say this sh*t so much it's almost comical and laughable, but then again it's also serious, because there's alot of creeps out there far worse than you. Even TALKING about it in a public way comes across as disgusting, especially since your only view or concern of young women seems to be sexualizing them. It's like this locker room or trashy bar on a Friday night mentality.
If you were 14 it would still be pervy and borderline offensive nonetheless, but it would be semiforgivable since you'd just be some rude kids that could mature and grow out of it someday. But grown*ss men talking like that is despicable. No offense, but it's guys like you that make nice guys (like myself) look bad by comparison and help ruin society. I think the fact that you haven't learned more than one phrase or style of thinking in all the time you've been around, is a sad statement on your maturity.
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: whistledog on 04/19/08 at 11:23 pm
Guys, can I ask you a serious question?
Does it make you feel good to sound like classless pervs (especially a middle-aged Lyricboy, that's even worse when this chick is only like 18 and easily young enough to be your potential daughter), not to mention uneducated and very narrow-minded? You say this sh*t so much it's almost comical and laughable, but then again it's also serious, because there's alot of creeps out there far worse than you. Even TALKING about it in a public way comes across as disgusting, especially since your only view or concern of young women seems to be sexualizing them. It's like this locker room or trashy bar on a Friday night mentality.
If you were 14 it would still be pervy and borderline offensive nonetheless, but it would be semiforgivable since you'd just be some rude kids that could mature and grow out of it someday. But grown*ss men talking like that is despicable. No offense, but it's guys like you that make nice guys (like myself) look bad by comparison and help ruin society. I think the fact that you haven't learned more than one phrase or style of thinking in all the time you've been around, is a sad statement on your maturity.
You just called us uneducated, narrow-minded creeps :o
Why I oughta .... agree with you ;D In LyricBoy's defense though, 18 is legal age. In my defense, I'm just a dirty old man :D
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Foo Bar on 04/20/08 at 12:54 am
Guys, can I ask you a serious question?
Does it make you feel good to sound like classless pervs
Yeah, it does. :)
Heck, I'm so old (and not a country fan) that I didn't have to know who Ms. Swift was. I happened to be listening to Rundgren just a few minutes before reading the thread. I'd started to write the parody and then realized that just about every line in the song could be read as a double entendre.
For a more serious answer -- don't we all do this all the time, even when walking down the street? Threat assessment and mate assessment are 24/7 processes. That glob of pixels in my eye on the next block - human or nonhuman? (if nonhuman - can I eat it / can it eat me?) If human, male or female? Friend, stranger, or threat? (If friend, greet. If stranger, acknowledge presence, return any offered greeting, demonstrate nonthreatening behavior, move on. If threat, make sure threat knows that I've aware of my surroundings and am unlikely to be taken by surprise.)
"If female and nonthreat, assess on scale of DO NOT WANT / Sort-of-want? / I'D HIT IT!" is a very small subroutine of a programme that primates have been running for millions of years.
We're more than our genes, of course, which is the funny part. I was brought up (we humans can use memes to transfer units of cultural information far faster than other species use genes to transfer genetic information) to also have a routine that adds "If female and non-threat, speed up and walk past it. Odds are it's already labeled you as a threat just from your footsteps. As a nonthreat, it won't attack from behind, and the most effective way you can demonstrate that you're a nonthreat is to walk in front of it."
That doesn't mean I haven't already computed how many beers it'd take (in the DO NOT WANT category), to whether or not she's got brains to match the looks (in the sort-of-want category), and (for the I'D HIT IT category) whether it's "screen-door-in-a-hurricane" or "like the fist of an angry God", as represented by the canonical picture of the asteroid impact obliterating a continent.
The entire initial hittability computation takes a couple of seconds at most. The genetic software is very old, very crude, and very fast, because the critters that spent too long pondering "can I eat it or will it eat me?" usually became food for the critters that figured it out first.
It's good that it's fast -- not just because it prevented my ancestors from becoming food, but because I'm still half a block away when the memetic software kicks in and says "She's on the left-hand side of the sidewalk, there are no bicycles approaching from behind, the light ahead is red for her, but will be green when I get there, so I'll be past her and on my nonthreatening merry way by the middle of the crosswalk, visions of asteroids still in my head, and we'll both have forgotten about each other's existence in the next 5 minutes."
Fascinating stuff.
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Marty McFly on 04/20/08 at 1:40 am
True, a 30 year old can't be the father of an 18 year old (maybe barely biologically, but it's sure not typical, that's more like an older brother/cousin), but a 50 year old totally can. Her age wasn't the basic issue, but that just makes it seem even more tasteless.
Yeah, everyone is sexual to an extent, but there's a difference between normal and perverted, and there's also a way to show your maturity level.
More I think about it, this board has really followed the course of VH1 and the Jerry Springer show....starting out as serious, mild family friendly entertainment that was educational. Then slowly turning into a trailer park atmosphere and totally abandoning its roots.
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Foo Bar on 04/21/08 at 8:18 pm
What do you call the male version of a Cougar BTW?
By his title.
For example, Mr. Secretary (Henry Kissinger), The Honorable (Eliot Spitzer), or Mr. President (Bill Clinton).
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Tia on 04/22/08 at 2:48 pm
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Jessica on 04/22/08 at 2:56 pm
Rearrange "hassle" and add an "o".
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Tia on 04/22/08 at 3:07 pm
Rearrange "hassle" and add an "o".
"lass hoe"? i bet that's what taylor swift's boytoy calls her while riding her round her ranch house pony-girl style. "yippie kay yay, mofo, i'ma lasso me a lass hoe! git along, little lassie!"
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Tia on 04/22/08 at 3:08 pm
*whip crack*
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Jessica on 04/22/08 at 3:10 pm
Do you think they use the attachable pony tail as well? :o
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Tia on 04/22/08 at 3:11 pm
Do you think they use the attachable pony tail as well? :o
dude, AND the bit and bridle! :o
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Jessica on 04/22/08 at 3:16 pm
Speaking of hoes, there is a restaurant down on Stony Island called "Hoe Toy". Srsly. I'd hate to see what their "special sauce" consists of. :o
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Midas on 04/22/08 at 6:42 pm
More I think about it, this board has really followed the course of VH1 and the Jerry Springer show....starting out as serious, mild family friendly entertainment that was educational. Then slowly turning into a trailer park atmosphere and totally abandoning its roots.
Wow. You pretty much insulted everyone on the board. And being a member way back before you even discovered this place, I can tell you firsthand how it's changed over the years. Change is inevitable.
In response to the original topic, I don't dislike Taylor Swift nor her music. It's okay.
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: whistledog on 04/22/08 at 7:54 pm
Speaking of hoes, there is a restaurant down on Stony Island called "Hoe Toy". Srsly. I'd hate to see what their "special sauce" consists of. :o
You can bet it's super expensive to eat there ;D
Dem Hoes cost boo coo bucks :D
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Tia on 04/22/08 at 7:58 pm
Dem Hoes cost boo coo bucks :D
now now, no need to get partisan. :P the hoes on the other side are just as high-class.
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/22/08 at 9:00 pm
Speaking of hoes, there is a restaurant down on Stony Island called "Hoe Toy". Srsly. I'd hate to see what their "special sauce" consists of. :o
I used to shop at the Moo 'n' Oink down on Stony Island. They had awesome soul food ingredients. Loosest chitterlings in town, and you can not beat their milk prices!
Subject: Re: Taylor Swift?
Written By: Jessica on 04/22/08 at 9:04 pm
I used to shop at the Moo 'n' Oink down on Stony Island. They had awesome soul food ingredients. Loosest chitterlings in town, and you can not beat their milk prices!
Ah, a Chicago boy!
I'm tempted to go in there someday. Probably when I get back from California.
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