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Subject: Life (and death) Imitates Weekend at Bernie's

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/14/08 at 2:01 am

Corpse Wheeled To Store To Cash Check
Men Accused Of Wheeling Dead Man Through NYC Streets In Attempt To Cash His $355 Social Security Check

"The witnesses saw the two pushing the chair with Cintron flopping from side to side and the two individuals propping him up and keeping him from flopping from side to side," Browne said.

You've probably heard this merrie melodie by now, but I posted it anyway.  It's just one of those "what were they thinking?" stories. 

"Hey Virge, let's go, it's bingo night.  Virge...Virge?  Aw, jeez, Dave, he's dead.  No pulse, turnin' blue."
"Oh no! Poor Virge, never even saw it comining.  Look, he just opened his Social Security check and...SAY, Jim, are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

There have been all too many cases of greedy people concealing the bodies of dead family members so their SS checks keep coming, but this is the first time I've heard of people taking the body with them to a check cashing store.  Apparently these guys were hoping the store wouldn't ask any questions, but just in case... still don't make no sense. 
"Why is he tied to a chair?  Oh, Virge gets that way when his blood sugar drops, he'll be fine in a few minutes.  Jim, buy him a Mars Bar.  Oh, we didn't bring dime one, here cash his check.  He has to sign it?  Virge...they need your signature.  Wait, his paresis is acting up again, lemme give him a hand with the pen...."

Each scenario is more ridiculous than the last.

Did they know how many laws they were breaking?  I guess guys loopy enough to pull a stunt like this aren't the type to call the legal services hotline. 


Subject: Re: Life (and death) Imitates Weekend at Bernie's

Written By: whistledog on 01/14/08 at 4:27 pm

It worked in the movies, but people in real life aren't that stupid to mistake a dead guy for a live person.  As far as stupid criminals go, this one might just be in the running for #1 of 2008 ;D

Perhaps they should have stapled a toupee to his scalp, or shot an arrow through his head :D

Subject: Re: Life (and death) Imitates Weekend at Bernie's

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/14/08 at 8:16 pm

Bet they wish the clerk had gone ahead and cashed that check before they got caught.  They're gonna need all the cash they can get for legal costs.  $355 doesn't get you very far, but every little bit helps. 

If I was the judge I'd go easy on those two clods.  What they did was disgraceful to be sure, but these guys are 65 years old and apparently quite thick.  Attempted fraud and mistreatment of a corpse deserves a, ahem, stiff sentence, but I wouldn't over do it.

What's a hard-liner going to say? 
"No! Lock them up and throw away the key!  We've got to send a message all those old punks who might tie a corpse to a chair for $355 that crime does not pay!"


Subject: Re: Life (and death) Imitates Weekend at Bernie's

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/14/08 at 9:35 pm

I heard about this.  This isn't a new thing in particular for Social Security fraud.  Usually the corpse is found in the home months after death.  Brave move taken the guy out in order to make it look legit.  You would think that someone would have noticed he was dead.  I mean the big stiffness  sets in soon after dead and they get that pasty, lack of blood flow look.

Subject: Re: Life (and death) Imitates Weekend at Bernie's

Written By: whistledog on 01/14/08 at 10:59 pm

I heard about this.  This isn't a new thing in particular for Social Security fraud.  Usually the corpse is found in the home months after death.  Brave move taken the guy out in order to make it look legit.  You would think that someone would have noticed he was dead.  I mean the big stiffness  sets in soon after dead and they get that pasty, lack of blood flow look.

And the corpse would probably start to smell big time.  They must've had plenty of air spray to tame the smell :D

Subject: Re: Life (and death) Imitates Weekend at Bernie's

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/16/08 at 10:55 am

And the corpse would probably start to smell big time.  They must've had plenty of air spray to tame the smell :D

Air freshener, whiskey.  Na, nothing covers the smell of death.

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