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Subject: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: saver on 01/03/08 at 1:01 am
Letterman with the beard: Wolf Blitzer......or....a pale Papa Smirf? ;D
Subject: Re: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: whistledog on 01/03/08 at 2:15 am
Conan O'Brien had a beard too. Maybe it's a Late Night thing. They all came back w/out writers, so maybe it's their way of a protest or something ?
Subject: Re: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: saver on 01/03/08 at 2:45 am
Conan O'Brien had a beard too. Maybe it's a Late Night thing. They all came back w/out writers, so maybe it's their way of a protest or something ?
What are the odds? 2 of the 4 late nighters thought to do that?
Subject: Re: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: whistledog on 01/03/08 at 3:09 am
What are the odds? 2 of the 4 late nighters thought to do that?
4? There are 5 late nighters
Subject: Re: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: Powerslave on 01/03/08 at 4:15 am
Why does Letterman even need a writer? He's been using the same gags and the same schtick since the year dot.
Subject: Re: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: saver on 01/03/08 at 10:09 am
4? There are 5 late nighters
If you are counting the late,late,late nighter ok....I went by the 'main' network draws from Leno, Letterman, Conan, Kimmel.....Ferguson plays with the late,late show title or carson daly doing last call...but he was already back.
Subject: Re: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: Lindee on 01/03/08 at 1:56 pm
He looks much older with the beard.
Subject: Re: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: Rice_Cube on 01/03/08 at 1:58 pm
Conan did a great job with no writers. He can actually improvise.
Subject: Re: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: saver on 01/03/08 at 3:41 pm
Conan did a great job with no writers. He can actually improvise.
Letterman with pro writers has a line of dancers doing high kicks holding writers strike signs...Conan(no pro writers), spins a wedding ring and has someone counting how long it spins....what is equal to watching the monkeys at the zoo?
Subject: Re: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: Rice_Cube on 01/03/08 at 6:10 pm
Monkeys are very entertaining.
Subject: Re: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 01/03/08 at 7:38 pm
Monkeys are very entertaining.
Just like Prairie Dogs :)
Subject: Re: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: Connery on 01/04/08 at 1:39 am
On the day time soaps, anytime someone went missing for a time they always came back with beards....even the women, I swear.
Conan or Letterman, who copied who i wonder?
Subject: Re: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: saver on 01/04/08 at 3:25 am
I thought I heard they both live in Connecticut too...
More thrills on Conan as he takes us on a tour of an overhead catwalk ,(he always wondered what it was for), but I guess he thought WE the viewers, who never see it, wondered as well. :-\\ :-\\
Subject: Re: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: Jessica on 01/04/08 at 9:30 am
I thought I heard they both live in Connecticut too...
More thrills on Conan as he takes us on a tour of an overhead catwalk ,(he always wondered what it was for), but I guess he thought WE the viewers, who never see it, wondered as well. :-\\ :-\\
Just a question, but if you dislike his show so much, why the holy hell do you watch it?
Subject: Re: The 'new' Letterman look
Written By: saver on 01/04/08 at 1:31 pm
Just a question, but if you dislike his show so much, why the holy hell do you watch it?
I like variety/talk shows that entertain....when Letterman started, each night he would do something different and eventualy it turned into a 'cookie ctter' show where he will do stardard predictable his Presidental moments where they always show the greats giving a meaningful speach, then show Bush bububububu for words.
As the hosts were all off foir the months, you would think they would create something entertaining for when they return, then when they(Conan)goes for something that makes you say 'is that all he can do' then I tune out..but for the most part viewers, (I),watch expecting to be entertained. After these 2 lame attempts, I was moved to comment to get feedback on this, to find out if anyone else feels mentally insulted..It's a major network and this guy is climbing in the rafters and timing a spinning a ring.
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