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Subject: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: Brian06 on 11/15/07 at 4:42 pm

Looks like his career is probably officially over.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: nally on 11/15/07 at 4:46 pm

Wouldn't surprise me any. ::) I knew he wouldn't be returning to the Jints next year.

I'm suprised you didn't post this in the Sports Zone...maybe Chucky or a moderator can move it.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: Brian06 on 11/15/07 at 4:47 pm

Wouldn't surprise me any. ::) I knew he wouldn't be returning to the Jints next year.

I'm suprised you didn't post this in the Sports Zone...maybe Chucky or a moderator can move it.

Well I thought of it as more general breaking news, but I know it can go there.  :-\\

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: La Roche on 11/15/07 at 4:48 pm

Looks like his career is probably officially over.

HAHAHA! Excellent, I truly hope his ass ends up in jail.

.. and I wouldn't say this is so much a sports story as a major event.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: Brian06 on 11/15/07 at 4:49 pm

HAHAHA! Excellent, I truly hope his ass ends up in jail.

.. and I wouldn't say this is so much a sports story as a major event.

Yeah I think it is more than just a "sports story", it's major current news which is why I put it here.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: nally on 11/15/07 at 4:55 pm

Yeah I think it is more than just a "sports story", it's major current news which is why I put it here.

I thought it was sports-related, given that it involved a pro sports player. But you're right, this is serious news.

I was waiting for the day when Baroid would be charged with it...he had it coming.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: Brian06 on 11/15/07 at 4:59 pm

I thought it was sports-related, given that it involved a pro sports player. But you're right, this is serious news.

I was waiting for the day when Baroid would be charged with it...he had it coming.

If he's convicted he's in pretty serious trouble, a long Federal Prison term would likely await him. It is also major news since he is the first actual player I believe that has ever been criminally charged in relation to the steroid scandal.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: La Roche on 11/15/07 at 5:04 pm

If he's convicted he's in pretty serious trouble, a long Federal Prison term would likely await him. It is also major news since he is the first actual player I believe that has ever been criminally charged in relation to the steroid scandal.

Well, he's the public face of steroids now anyway.

I just hope they decide to make an example of him, put some Dodgers fans on the jury!

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: EyesWideAsleep on 11/16/07 at 4:28 pm

Hahaha. A$$hole.  ;D

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: MrCleveland on 11/16/07 at 9:41 pm

To me...Hank Aaron is the Home-Run King.

Barry Bonds deserves to be in the Sports Hall-of-Shame with O.J. Simpson!

Sorry that I mentioned Bonds earlier. :-[

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: La Roche on 11/16/07 at 11:48 pm

To me...Bonds is the Home-Run King.

Barry Bonds deserves to be in the Sports Hall-of-Shame with O.J. Simpson!

That's quite the errr... polar opposite view there.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: danootaandme on 11/17/07 at 6:03 am

Barry Bonds is a poor excuse  for a human being, but that doesn't mean he is any more deserving of this than the couple of hundred other athletes who have booted and lied. It says something that he is the ONLY one that was hit with this,  It also says something that the news was given to the press before it was given to his lawyer.  It wasn't a leak, it was a release.  It wouldn't have happened if he hadn't hit the record.  You don't pull this crap because you don't like the guy, fair is fair and they better send out a few more indictments if they don't want to make this look like race is involved.  You will see an OJ like divide on this.  My sister lived in San Fran for decades and absolutely hates Barry, but as much as she hates him she figures that  this is whack.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: La Roche on 11/17/07 at 8:50 am

Barry Bonds is a poor excuse  for a human being, but that doesn't mean he is any more deserving of this than the couple of hundred other athletes who have booted and lied. It says something that he is the ONLY one that was hit with this,  It also says something that the news was given to the press before it was given to his lawyer.  It wasn't a leak, it was a release.  It wouldn't have happened if he hadn't hit the record.  You don't pull this crap because you don't like the guy, fair is fair and they better send out a few more indictments if they don't want to make this look like race is involved.  You will see an OJ like divide on this.  My sister lived in San Fran for decades and absolutely hates Barry, but as much as she hates him she figures that  this is whack.

I really can't see the racial involvement here.

It's specifically because he is so high profile and unlike a lot of the other athletes investigated he lied bare faced and wouldn't admit to it. For instance, Jason Giambi went before officials earlier this year and was smart enough to own up to it, as such, he basically got away with it. Do I agree with him getting away with it? Not really, I think if it could be proved he used banned substances then a post-emptive suspension should be called for, but regardless, the point is, he admitted to it. Barry didn't and as such will go to jail, not because of what he did, but because he lied about it.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: Brian06 on 11/17/07 at 1:22 pm

Bonds should have admitted to using like Giambi did, or even took the 5th like McGwire, had he done that the most he gets is a 50 game suspension from baseball now he could end up in prison.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: Marian on 11/17/07 at 2:15 pm

Wouldn't surprise me any. ::) I knew he wouldn't be returning to the Jints next year.

I'm suprised you didn't post this in the Sports Zone...maybe Chucky or a moderator can move it.
it's pretty big news.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: danootaandme on 11/17/07 at 5:06 pm

I really can't see the racial involvement here.

Like it or not the sentiment is already there. African Americans are already pointing out that although it is accepted that many, many athletes are known to have used steroids, and lied about it, there seems to have been a concerted effort to get Bonds.  This coming on the heels of Marion Jones.  Yes they both are guilty, but it is naive to think they are the exception and not the rule.  It does give the the appearance that major african american athletes words and actions are being scrutinized with an extra powerful microscope. 

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: runner69 on 11/17/07 at 9:16 pm

whats so dumb about this is that they should and could of acted on this sooner. now the record has been broken there will always be contraversy on the matter.................he is no hank or babe.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: La Roche on 11/17/07 at 11:16 pm

Like it or not the sentiment is already there. African Americans are already pointing out that although it is accepted that many, many athletes are known to have used steroids, and lied about it, there seems to have been a concerted effort to get Bonds.  This coming on the heels of Marion Jones.  Yes they both are guilty, but it is naive to think they are the exception and not the rule.  It does give the the appearance that major african american athletes words and actions are being scrutinized with an extra powerful microscope. 

I think that's just folks looking for something to get angry about.

They're being scrutinized because they're so high profile, because in theory they should be the pinnacle of their respective sports. If Bonds wasn't a cheating piece of s**t he'd have the respect and admiration of millions and would be a leading member of the black community.. but he's not, he's a cheat and a liar.. a total disgrace.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: danootaandme on 11/18/07 at 6:13 am

whats so dumb about this is that they should and could of acted on this sooner. now the record has been broken there will always be contraversy on the matter.................he is no hank or babe.

That is a serious sticking point.  They should have acted sooner. The minute Sosa and Magwire started slugging it out they should have stepped in.  That is why the African American community is defensive, they let Magwire stroll and anyone who had a clue knew that both he and Sosa were booting.  Then they started hinting that minority pitchers were pitching to Sosa so that he could get the record, false accusation.  All the vitriol about Bonds' records are being is being poured onto Bonds, very loud, and Magwires transgressions have been allowed to be quietly swept aside.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: La Roche on 11/18/07 at 11:16 am

That is a serious sticking point.  They should have acted sooner. The minute Sosa and Magwire started slugging it out they should have stepped in.  That is why the African American community is defensive, they let Magwire stroll and anyone who had a clue knew that both he and Sosa were booting.  Then they started hinting that minority pitchers were pitching to Sosa so that he could get the record, false accusation.  All the vitriol about Bonds' records are being is being poured onto Bonds, very loud, and Magwires transgressions have been allowed to be quietly swept aside.

But once again, the point here is McGuire took the 5th. He never lied about it. I was disappointed with him, but he didn't lie.

The reason it's taken so long is before you try somebody it's necessary to have the evidence against them.

I think you're wanting to see something that's not here. Bonds is being indicted because he broke the law, not because he's black.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: danootaandme on 11/18/07 at 3:37 pm

But once again, the point here is McGuire took the 5th. He never lied about it. I was disappointed with him, but he didn't lie.

The reason it's taken so long is before you try somebody it's necessary to have the evidence against them.

I think you're wanting to see something that's not here. Bonds is being indicted because he broke the law, not because he's black.

Perhaps, but then I could say that you aren't wanting to see something that is there, and, like it or not, the perception is there.  When it comes to steroid users Bonds has been villified more than all the others, Magwire, the whining little wimp, has not been put through the ringer that Bonds has. The ones that spew about the 'roids mumble Magwires name then start screaming BONDSBONDSBONDS, very much like the republicans who scream Clinton whenever bush f's up   Why is that?  Lance Armstrong has been accused multiple times and the same thing happens, there is a "how dare you" attitude when it comes to that spadex banana.  There is a pursuit of Bonds in this that is unequalled, that is why it has taken so long; they weren't able to get enough so they kept looking until they could come up with something.  From what I understand the language of the indictment is pretty broad, which means they didn't come up with a whole lot of specific stuff, just a bunch of maybe..   Is this really worth the 3 years and millions of dollars it is costing the American taxpayer? There seem to be a lot out there who have a hard-on for Bonds, they could have saved a lot of time and money relieving themselves on a beltway hootchie, then gone to work on something that actually does matter.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: Red Ant on 11/18/07 at 4:05 pm

I think Bonds' attitude has far more to do with people disliking him than the color of his skin. He's going to go down similar to Ty Cobb: a great player that almost no one liked. Kinda like Tony Stewart.


Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: La Roche on 11/18/07 at 4:11 pm

Perhaps, but then I could say that you aren't wanting to see something that is there, and, like it or not, the perception is there.  When it comes to steroid users Bonds has been villified more than all the others, Magwire, the whining little wimp, has not been put through the ringer that Bonds has. The ones that spew about the 'roids mumble Magwires name then start screaming BONDSBONDSBONDS, very much like the republicans who scream Clinton whenever bush f's up  Why is that?  Lance Armstrong has been accused multiple times and the same thing happens, there is a "how dare you" attitude when it comes to that spadex banana.  There is a pursuit of Bonds in this that is unequalled, that is why it has taken so long; they weren't able to get enough so they kept looking until they could come up with something.  From what I understand the language of the indictment is pretty broad, which means they didn't come up with a whole lot of specific stuff, just a bunch of maybe..  Is this really worth the 3 years and millions of dollars it is costing the American taxpayer? There seem to be a lot out there who have a hard-on for Bonds, they could have saved a lot of time and money relieving themselves on a beltway hootchie, then gone to work on something that actually does matter.

Final word on Bonds. He has been in the past and is in the present, a prick! He's a bastard to his fans, the press and his team mates. If there's any prejudice in regard to the hunt to prosecute Bonds it's because he's a wanker.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: JohnDoe on 11/18/07 at 4:57 pm

You guys want some funny side by side pictures of Bonds in the Early 90's (When he was as skinny as a string bean) and Bonds from this Decade (Where he looks like the Incredible Hulk)

Of course he takes Steroids.  Who is he fooling?  ;D

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: MrCleveland on 11/18/07 at 5:42 pm

You guys want some funny side by side pictures of Bonds in the Early 90's (When he was as skinny as a string bean) and Bonds from this Decade (Where he looks like the Incredible Hulk)

Of course he takes Steroids.  Who is he fooling?  ;D

His Muscles grew, but his Johnson shrunk!

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: danootaandme on 11/18/07 at 6:26 pm

Final word on Bonds. He has been in the past and is in the present, a prick! He's a bastard to his fans, the press and his team mates. If there's any prejudice in regard to the hunt to prosecute Bonds it's because he's a wanker.

The final word is being an complete a$$ doesn't justify additional scrutiny by the justice system, if it did then neither you or I would be safe.

The steroid pictures, yeah, we all know he was doing it, but like I said you are show all Bonds, now put up Magwire or Benoit. All's fair or all's not

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: JohnDoe on 11/18/07 at 7:15 pm

The final word is being an complete a$$ doesn't justify additional scrutiny by the justice system, if it did then neither you or I would be safe.

The steroid pictures, yeah, we all know he was doing it, but like I said you are show all Bonds, now put up Magwire or Benoit. All's fair or all's not

You're so ignorant and racist that it's insane. First off, they aren't going after him heavily because he's a "prick", that's just our reason for being happy that they're going after him. They are going after him because he committed perjury.  What part of that don't you get??

Mark McGwire did not lie in court when asked if he took steroids, so he isn't in trouble.

And while we're talking about McGwire, he was a huge target in the Late 90's when it came to steroids, but when asked about it, he claimed that he was indeed using a LEGAL substance. So they couldn't do anything to him over that. It was LEGAL.

Alot of MLB players have been asked in court whether they took steroids or not, and Bonds appears to be the only one who keeps saying "NO" (This is of course to save his image) but he obviously keeps lying, and that's against the law.  It's his fault for being so ignorant and arrogant to lie about it in court and just go about his business like nothing's wrong.

Barry Bonds himself is a racist. I remember him getting extremely defensive years ago whenever anyone would bring up Babe Ruth's name.  Bonds even arrogantly pointed out that after he passed Ruth in the All-Time Home Run category, no one should talk about Babe Ruth anymore.  That's how much Bonds appears to hate and despise the "white man".

His whole reason pretty much for taking steroids was to pass Babe Ruth in the record books so he could spite the "white man".

Hey, if you want to play the "Race Card", then so will we.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: Red Ant on 11/18/07 at 7:25 pm

You're so ignorant and racist that it's insane...

And you're about *this* close to not being able to post here anymore. Read the site rules before you post again, guest.


Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: Brian06 on 11/18/07 at 7:51 pm

The final word is being an complete a$$ doesn't justify additional scrutiny by the justice system, if it did then neither you or I would be safe.

The steroid pictures, yeah, we all know he was doing it, but like I said you are show all Bonds, now put up Magwire or Benoit. All's fair or all's not

McGwire is just as much of a cheat, I never defended that guy. Really the real record holders are still Maris and Aaron, all the steroid era "records" are tainted.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: Brian06 on 11/18/07 at 7:53 pm

You're so ignorant and racist that it's insane. First off, they aren't going after him heavily because he's a "prick", that's just our reason for being happy that they're going after him. They are going after him because he committed perjury.  What part of that don't you get??

Mark McGwire did not lie in court when asked if he took steroids, so he isn't in trouble.

And while we're talking about McGwire, he was a huge target in the Late 90's when it came to steroids, but when asked about it, he claimed that he was indeed using a LEGAL substance. So they couldn't do anything to him over that. It was LEGAL.

Alot of MLB players have been asked in court whether they took steroids or not, and Bonds appears to be the only one who keeps saying "NO" (This is of course to save his image) but he obviously keeps lying, and that's against the law.  It's his fault for being so ignorant and arrogant to lie about it in court and just go about his business like nothing's wrong.

Barry Bonds himself is a racist. I remember him getting extremely defensive years ago whenever anyone would bring up Babe Ruth's name.  Bonds even arrogantly pointed out that after he passed Ruth in the All-Time Home Run category, no one should talk about Babe Ruth anymore.  That's how much Bonds appears to hate and despise the "white man".

His whole reason pretty much for taking steroids was to pass Babe Ruth in the record books so he could spite the "white man".

Hey, if you want to play the "Race Card", then so will we.

McGwire is just as much of a cheat, I don't care if the substance he used was supposedly legal or not. Why do you think he took the 5th and didn't say anything before congress? C'mon. Read up on the BALCO scandal, Bonds, McGwire, Giambi, Sheffield, Sosa, etc. are all connected. Why do you think Hall Of Fame said no to McGwire?  ::)

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/18/07 at 9:18 pm

It's definetly over.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: danootaandme on 11/19/07 at 4:41 am

And while we're talking about McGwire, he was a huge target in the Late 90's when it came to steroids, but when asked about it, he claimed that he was indeed using a LEGAL substance. So they couldn't do anything to him over that. It was LEGAL.

Alot of MLB players have been asked in court whether they took steroids or not, and Bonds appears to be the only one who keeps saying "NO" (This is of course to save his image) but he obviously keeps lying, and that's against the law.  It's his fault for being so ignorant and arrogant to lie about it in court and just go about his business like nothing's wrong.

Barry Bonds himself is a racist. I remember him getting extremely defensive years ago whenever anyone would bring up Babe Ruth's name.  Bonds even arrogantly pointed out that after he passed Ruth in the All-Time Home Run category, no one should talk about Babe Ruth anymore.  That's how much Bonds appears to hate and despise the "white man".

His whole reason pretty much for taking steroids was to pass Babe Ruth in the record books so he could spite the "white man".

Hey, if you want to play the "Race Card", then so will we.

For Barry to get tired of the adulation of the Babe isn't racism, he is just saying what a lot of the star players with big egos are saying.  They are all tired of hearing about the Babe.  Being sick of hearing about beating Ruth doesn't in any way equate to despising "the white man", and it has pointed out, the Babe may have had that one drop that could have taken him out of the white category anyway..  The whole reason any of the players took steroids was to break records, and hopefully make the Hall of Fame.  The sad part is Bonds was already on the road to the hall before he booted.  My point is that what has been going on in this whole area, 'roids and baseball, is a waste of taxpayer money.  For the Justice Department to go after Bonds by spending millions of dollars and multiple years to bring a very vaguely worded indictment suggests some none to pure motives. 

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: La Roche on 11/19/07 at 9:40 am

For Barry to get tired of the adulation of the Babe isn't racism, he is just saying what a lot of the star players with big egos are saying.  They are all tired of hearing about the Babe.  Being sick of hearing about beating Ruth doesn't in any way equate to despising "the white man", and it has pointed out, the Babe may have had that one drop that could have taken him out of the white category anyway..  The whole reason any of the players took steroids was to break records, and hopefully make the Hall of Fame.  The sad part is Bonds was already on the road to the hall before he booted.  My point is that what has been going on in this whole area, 'roids and baseball, is a waste of taxpayer money.  For the Justice Department to go after Bonds by spending millions of dollars and multiple years to bring a very vaguely worded indictment suggests some none to pure motives. 

What your suggesting though is pointless. If the justice department wanted to railroad a successful black guy they'd go after a guy like Al Sharpton.. that would make sense.
Bonds being black is irrelevant. Because he broke the records, because he was the public face of the whole dirty issue, because he is so hated by the public and the media is the reason they're going after him. Going after a guy like McGuire wouldn't solve anything. He never lied about useing steroids and by the time all the other substances became illegal he'd already retired. I think there is enough conclusive evidence to exclude McGuire from the hall of fame and to strike his records from the books (and trust me, it kills me to say it, I f**kin idolized Mark McGuire, I thought he was the greatest thing since Joe DiMaggio, Stan Musial and Willie Mays all rolled together) but going after him is pointless, what are you going to prove? That he took things we already know he took and that he never denied taking?
Bonds took them, continued to use them after they were comprehensively banned and then proceeded to lie about taking them.
Do I think this is a good use of taxpayers money? No, I think baseball should deal with this, but whilst Bud Selig is the commissioner we know that wont happen, so it falls to the government to deal with it.
Baseball is the most sacred of all U.S institutions  ;) It's my church and temple and I hope it's good name is cleaned up and showing to the world that "Hey, we wont stand for cheating and lieing." is as good as any a way of doing that.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: danootaandme on 11/19/07 at 10:14 am

What your suggesting though is pointless. If the justice department wanted to railroad a successful black guy they'd go after a guy like Al Sharpton.. that would make sense.
Bonds being black is irrelevant. Because he broke the records, because he was the public face of the whole dirty issue, because he is so hated by the public and the media is the reason they're going after him. Going after a guy like McGuire wouldn't solve anything. He never lied about useing steroids and by the time all the other substances became illegal he'd already retired. I think there is enough conclusive evidence to exclude McGuire from the hall of fame and to strike his records from the books (and trust me, it kills me to say it, I f**kin idolized Mark McGuire, I thought he was the greatest thing since Joe DiMaggio, Stan Musial and Willie Mays all rolled together) but going after him is pointless, what are you going to prove? That he took things we already know he took and that he never denied taking?
Bonds took them, continued to use them after they were comprehensively banned and then proceeded to lie about taking them.
Do I think this is a good use of taxpayers money? No, I think baseball should deal with this, but whilst Bud Selig is the commissioner we know that wont happen, so it falls to the government to deal with it.
Baseball is the most sacred of all U.S institutions  ;) It's my church and temple and I hope it's good name is cleaned up and showing to the world that "Hey, we wont stand for cheating and lieing." is as good as any a way of doing that.

My point is they shouldn't be going after any of the players.  What was the point of the Justice Department getting involved in the first place?  Only to find out what was known already?  And since when has the Justice Department played fair when it comes to baseball.  One only has to remember Curt Flood.
Everyone knew what was going on, for how long, and who was doing it.  The Justice Department would have gone after the corporations, the top of the food chain, if they were really serious.  To go after Bonds, or any player, or any one, based on personality is a travesty of justice.  People can't be singled out for an extra bit because their abhorrent personality.  Look at the closely at the charges, considering the time and expense they are as lightweight as it gets. We also should not be so naive that it has stopped. It may have changed form, new products found that mask what is being taken, but no doubt about it, this type of enhancement is here to stay.  If Bonds does do jail time he will do it while the teams are still fielding players with a bit of extra muscle, a bit of extra power.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: EyesWideAsleep on 11/20/07 at 7:51 pm

Barry is an idiot.

Subject: Re: Barry Bonds indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice

Written By: nally on 11/24/07 at 10:49 pm

Barry is an idiot.

yes, he is weird. ::)

It's definetly over.

I hope so. He does not deserve to play anymore

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