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Subject: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: Jessica on 08/15/07 at 10:35 am

My God.,0,2817986.story?coll=la-home-center

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: lorac61469 on 08/15/07 at 10:37 am

no words... >:( :\'(

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: whistledog on 08/15/07 at 10:40 am

I hope that guy gets the f*cking chair >:(

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 08/15/07 at 10:40 am

I am seriously sitting here crying. I cannot seem to have children of my own...yet scumbags on this earth are somehow allowed to keep having and abusing/killing them and/or putting them in situations with violent SO's. This world sucks.

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: Jessica on 08/15/07 at 10:43 am

I am seriously sitting here crying. I cannot seem to have children of my own...yet scumbags on this earth are somehow allowed to keep having and abusing/killing them and/or putting them in situations with violent SO's. This world sucks.

I cried too. Nothing hurts me more than seeing some a**hole harm a child.

And {{{HUGS}}} to you.

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 08/15/07 at 10:44 am

I cried too. Nothing hurts me more than seeing some a**hole harm a child.

And {{{HUGS}}} to you.

thanks Jess! :)

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: Marian on 08/15/07 at 11:00 am

:(The neighbors showed a lot of class in not killing him and making him available to answer for his crime.They probably wouldn't hjave been arrested if they killed him though.

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: saver on 08/15/07 at 12:51 pm

My God.,0,2817986.story?coll=la-home-center

And they let Sharp live!!!!!!
I think a mishap of a cleaver accidentally impaling itself in the guys neck could have happened...

But hey, maybe he was selectively crazed for the moment and will get out in 72 hours after observation..
(Oh, that's right Gahndi said something about an eye for an eye leaves someone blind ..wasn't G the one who had chastized women or demeaned them..and here I am  quoting him like he's the one who rose above it all...) Let's stick with quoting the BIBLE if we have to fall that way...THOU SHALT NOT KILL

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: Jessica on 08/15/07 at 12:55 pm

And they let Sharp live!!!!!!
I think a mishap of a cleaver accidentally impaling itself in the guys neck could have happened...

But hey, maybe he was selectively crazed for the moment and will get out in 72 hours after observation..
(Oh, that's right Gahndi said something about an eye for an eye leaves someone blind ..wasn't G the one who had chastized women or demeaned them..and here I am  quoting him like he's the one who rose above it all...) Let's stick with quoting the BIBLE if we have to fall that way...THOU SHALT NOT KILL


What the holy f**k are you talking about?

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: saver on 08/15/07 at 1:00 pm


What the holy f**k are you talking about?


It talks all about the guesome injuries the person suffered, hand nearly severed, child DEAD,and not a word other than the criminal was held down until police arrived..we know where this will wind up:
TRANSLATION:Guy will claim insanity, get time in mental ward of  jail or released after a short evaluation...(no one at the scene thought of doing a little something to the guy before anyone arrived)not saying I would do anything....

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: Jessica on 08/15/07 at 1:04 pm


It talks all about the guesome injuries the person suffered, hand nearly severed, child DEAD,and not a word other than the criminal was held down until police arrived..we know where this will wind up:
TRANSLATION:Guy will claim insanity, get time in mental ward of  jail or released after a short evaluation...(no one at the scene thought of doing a little something to the guy before anyone arrived)not saying I would do anything....

Uh, duh. Obviously I read the article because *I* posted it! And no, I didn't care that they held him down because I was too busy trying to get the horrific images of that little boy dying out of my head.

What I'm talking about is your ranting about Gandhi or whatever the Christ you were saying. Do you ever proof read before you post or is it just a "type a bunch of crap and hit the button" reflex?

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: JamieMcBain on 08/15/07 at 6:16 pm

I hope that guy did it, burns in Hell.

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: Red Ant on 08/15/07 at 7:07 pm

Damn, that's horrific. Sharp should be put down: sounds as there is absolutely no doubt who did this heinous crime, as well as several eye witnesses.

As for pleading temporary insanity, I propose a temporary death penalty. If you are found sane after you die, then we'll bring you back...


Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: coqueta83 on 08/15/07 at 8:07 pm

One word-SICK.  >:( >:( >:( >:(

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/15/07 at 8:50 pm

Sharp?  The guy's name is "Sharp"?

Hey buddy, a felling ax is quicker!

Thousand Oaks, more like thousand slices....

Wait, is this what they call "bad taste"?

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: Jessica on 08/15/07 at 10:00 pm

Wait, is this what they call "bad taste"?


Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/15/07 at 10:23 pm


See Quirk's thread, "Why do people put their children in so much danger?"

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: Jessica on 08/16/07 at 9:19 am

See Quirk's thread, "Why do people put their children in so much danger?"

And so I did. The most I got out of it is that you consider what you said "perverse levity" and that stuff like this happens every day. Doesn't change the fact that I found what you said completely tasteless.

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/16/07 at 10:25 am

And so I did. The most I got out of it is that you consider what you said "perverse levity" and that stuff like this happens every day. Doesn't change the fact that I found what you said completely tasteless.

Well...I guess it wasn't very nice.

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: Tia on 08/16/07 at 10:50 am

Wait, is this what they call "bad taste"?
i believe so. :-X

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: saver on 08/16/07 at 2:49 pm

Uh, duh. Obviously I read the article because *I* posted it! And no, I didn't care that they held him down because I was too busy trying to get the horrific images of that little boy dying out of my head.

What I'm talking about is your ranting about Gandhi or whatever the Christ you were saying. Do you ever proof read before you post or is it just a "type a bunch of crap and hit the button" reflex?

The Gandhi reference is to what is to come when anyone talks about 'let's hack the guy up and see how HE likes it' responses.

I made comment on how someone should have 'conveniently' slipped and 'accidentally' injured the guy while being held..yet no one did it.

Haven't you heard the response to always be,(and if not, SOMEONE out here is bound to use it..-so I referenced it before anyone jumped to it), 'Gandhi once said an eye for an eye will only leave people blind'

So, there was no CRAP to what I was commenting on,I was just trying to cut off any 'Gandhi' quote nonsense about 'let's first try the guy in court', to which will lead to a 'mentally challenged' plea.

Overall, my comment in a few words would be..KILL HIM FOR THIS AND MOVE ON...THEN comment on what Gandhi would say and the NO DEATH PENALTY ADVOCATES.

I'm with you on this, just didn't want to start to hear responses 'for' the guys case.(Which has happened a lot when some posts like this come up.) 


Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: Tam on 08/16/07 at 3:16 pm

I am completely horrified!
The article goes on to talk about Sharp and how he passed drug tests and seemed like an upstanding citizen etc....
What about the child and his mother??!!??!!??!!??!!

Whether he tries to plead insane or not, this guy knew what the hell he was doing! Someone tried to help the child and he pulled him closer to him and started hacking some more! Almost severed the mother's hand off! Even the old lady who tackled him got cut in the face! This guy needs no trial IMO! Like it has been said - eye-witness accounts! Fry his ass to HELL for real!

Now I am going to get a kleenex and go hug my son!

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: McDonald on 08/16/07 at 4:03 pm

Sharp?  The guy's name is "Sharp"?

Hey buddy, a felling ax is quicker!

Thousand Oaks, more like thousand slices....

Wait, is this what they call "bad taste"?

Probably, but who cares. It's a sad story, but I really can't say that I'm being brought even a little bit close to tears. You gotta laugh sometimes, or you might cry. I hope the guy will spend the rest of his life in prison. They'll give him a taste of his own medicine in there. Even hardened criminals have a conscience when it comes to sick phucks like this guy, and they'll straighten his arse out alright.

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: limblifter on 08/16/07 at 4:36 pm

and they'll straighten his arse out alright.

Straigthen it, loosen it, hopefully rip a new one.

This is a terrible story, I often think to myself how i'd ever get over seeing something like that happen right in front of me. Poor kid :\'(

I haven't seen this story plastered all over CNN, or any other news outlet. If this had happened to a pretty little white girl would the media be covering it differently?

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: LyricBoy on 08/16/07 at 6:32 pm

This is certainly a case to revive a medieval punishment.

Death by lead enema.

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/16/07 at 7:36 pm

This is certainly a case to revive a medieval punishment.

Death by lead enema.

I was going to say a mercury enema, but lead will do just fine!

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: Marian on 08/19/07 at 4:39 pm

well yes.

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: zcrito on 08/19/07 at 7:31 pm

Sadly, bad stuff like this happens all over the world all the time.

Now with 24 hour cable networks and internet news sites it's brought to us like never before. Twenty years ago and before most people would have never heard about this, just those in its local news area.

I hope all this just doesn't make us cynical or pessimistic.

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: Jessica on 08/19/07 at 9:01 pm

Sadly, bad stuff like this happens all over the world all the time.

Now with 24 hour cable networks and internet news sites it's brought to us like never before. Twenty years ago and before most people would have never heard about this, just those in its local news area.

I hope all this just doesn't make us cynical or pessimistic.

I don't think it got much national press. I got this from another board, and the person who posted it lives a few blocks from where it happened. The only articles I found on it were in the L.A. Times, and that was through Google.

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: kellygoo72 on 08/19/07 at 10:27 pm

My God.,0,2817986.story?coll=la-home-center

My God.. What a friggin piece of crap he is... I cannot imagine seeing this... That poor child. I had to close the pg, I wanted to SPIT on the computer screen....... Hell is too GOOD for this scumbag! :\'(
R.I.P Sevn <?>

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/19/07 at 11:36 pm

1 little boy hacked to death in Los Angeles versus 100 little boys hacked to death in the Congo

Subject: Re: Boy, 6, hacked to death with meat cleaver.

Written By: Jessica on 08/20/07 at 10:09 am

1 little boy hacked to death in Los Angeles versus 100 little boys hacked to death in the Congo

At the risk of sounding insensitive, I must say that it is sad that we can list statistics and stories from other countries, but we really have no f*cking idea what is going on in our own backyard. That's not to say that we shouldn't care about what goes on in other countries (I'm pretty pissed about the whole situation with Israel turning away Darfur refugees, but that's another story), it's just that we should really get with it and pay attention to some of our country's problems too.

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