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Subject: The O.C. ends.

Written By: JamieMcBain on 02/22/07 at 9:45 pm

So who here seen the last episode?

Subject: Re: The O.C. ends.

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/22/07 at 9:51 pm

I turned on the last 5 minutes while I was waiting for the Fox 5 news at 10.  Summer and Seth got married.  That's about what I caught.

Subject: Re: The O.C. ends.

Written By: Windbreaker05 on 02/22/07 at 9:53 pm

I watched it. The O.C. was one of the few shows I watched regularly. Another one down...

Subject: Re: The O.C. ends.

Written By: whistledog on 02/22/07 at 10:00 pm

Was The O.C. cancelled cause of low ratings, or did the cast/crew just decide it was time?

Subject: Re: The O.C. ends.

Written By: Windbreaker05 on 02/22/07 at 10:32 pm

Was The O.C. cancelled cause of low ratings, or did the cast/crew just decide it was time?

The ratings were pretty good, but with all the characters graduating and whatnot, they wanted to go out on a high note and not try something like, for example, Saved By The Bell: The College Years.

Subject: Re: The O.C. ends.

Written By: Marty McFly on 02/22/07 at 11:39 pm

The ratings were pretty good, but with all the characters graduating and whatnot, they wanted to go out on a high note and not try something like, for example, Saved By The Bell: The College Years.

While I never watched a single OC episode myself (though I kinda know what it's about in a secondhand sense), I do applaud them for quitting while they're ahead. That's what happened with Seinfeld, because Jerry had the same philosophy.

Even good shows can start wearing out their welcome after awhile, and it's usually pretty evident.

P.S. I wonder if this will begin to be the decline of '00s culture?

Subject: Re: The O.C. ends.

Written By: woops on 02/23/07 at 4:56 am

Like David Spade would say "I liked it when it was originally 'Beverly Hills 90210'  ::) :P

Now only if they cancel all the reality shows, "Lost",  and "Desperate Housewives"

Subject: Re: The O.C. ends.

Written By: Satish on 02/23/07 at 10:22 am

The ratings were pretty good, but with all the characters graduating and whatnot, they wanted to go out on a high note and not try something like, for example, Saved By The Bell: The College Years.

No, that's not true. It was because of low ratings that FOX decided to cancel "The OC". Just read this:

Most fans and critics seem to agree that "The OC" was a great show in its first season, but that its quality, along with its ratings, declined dramatically in the following seasons, until it has now finally been cancelled after its fourth season.

Subject: Re: The O.C. ends.

Written By: JamieMcBain on 02/23/07 at 6:18 pm

It was cancelled, because of a sharp ratings drop, after season two.

Subject: Re: The O.C. ends.

Written By: GoodRedShirt on 02/23/07 at 6:49 pm

I never watched the show, but it was 10 times better than 90% of the dreck on TV now.  ::)

Subject: Re: The O.C. ends.

Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 02/23/07 at 8:24 pm

I caught the last ten minutes as well. I watched the show when it first debuted, but stopped watching two seasons ago...

Subject: Re: The O.C. ends.

Written By: whistledog on 02/23/07 at 8:27 pm

They cancel good shows like The O.C. and keep mindless dribble like Survivor and The Biggest Loser

If you ask me, the Biggest Losers are the idiots who run the TV networks  ::)

Subject: Re: The O.C. ends.

Written By: La Roche on 02/23/07 at 9:02 pm

I turned on the last 5 minutes while I was waiting for the Fox 5 news at 10.  Summer and Seth got married.  That's about what I caught.

YOU ASS!! It's not been on here yet and I've been too lazy to youtube it.

Ok.. so.. opening this thread was pretty dumb, but still.

Subject: Re: The O.C. ends.

Written By: 3 on 02/24/07 at 3:51 am

I saw the last episode because I was curious to see how the whole thing concluded. I initially liked the show when it first came out but soon began to realise how crap it was ;D. The one thing that really got to me was the fact that many of the teenage characters were played by actors in their mid to late 20s. In contrast the parental characters were often played by actors in their mid to late 30s. Furthermore, the OC seemed promote the idea that sex and dating were the ONLY concerns of 16-17 year olds - Mmmm... interesting? Yes. Realistic? No.

Then again these teen soaps/dramas are not intended to accurately depict the lives of teenagers. One can argue that they are made to provide a form of escapism where one can leave behind the 'real' world and the daily stresses associated with it.

Meh... good riddance to bad rubbish ;D. hehe...       

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