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Subject: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/17/07 at 2:39 am

She's gone nuts.  I mean, totally crazy.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Zoso on 02/17/07 at 2:57 am

Poor girl. I feel sorry for her. This is what the media and the public have made her into. People bash her and then wonder why she does things like this.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/17/07 at 3:02 am

Part of this is her own fault.  I agree that the paparazzi and the tabloids and the media don't help any, but when you're doing nothing but partying all night, drinking all the time, flashing your goods to the world and generally acting like an imbecile, it will come back to bite you.

I don't know what she's hoping to accomplish with all this. 

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: kellygoo72 on 02/17/07 at 3:08 am

Sounds like someone can't stand to not have the spotlight on her... She is pathetic!  those poor kids.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Zoso on 02/17/07 at 3:09 am

If you look at the photos or videos, she looks so miserable while she does it. It's like she (metaphorically) shaving away a part of her past, of a part of her. She's definately not happy. And yes, she brought some of it on herself, but the media and tabloid took it all way too far.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: kellygoo72 on 02/17/07 at 3:20 am

If you look at the photos or videos, she looks so miserable while she does it. It's like she (metaphorically) shaving away a part of her past, of a part of her. She's definately not happy. And yes, she brought some of it on herself, but the media and tabloid took it all way too far.

I agree a bit that the media is taking it too far but think of this, why is it that these so called celebrities have to call the media if they take a poop.. They love the limelight and then blame it, shes not hurting them, shes helping them... She needs to grow up, either be a good mother or give those poor kids to someone who can raise them and get over herself already!

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Trimac20 on 02/17/07 at 3:54 am

I agree, I wish the tabloids should just leave her alone. We're all sick of hearing about her - yet at the same time I can't conceal my delight when I read about what a piece of trash she has become - no, that she always was, but that people are only really seeing now...

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/17/07 at 3:55 am

She wasn't always a piece of trash.  I think that's going a little too far.  She definitely needs to clean her act up, because at the rate she's going....she's going to hit 27 and check out.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: LyricBoy on 02/17/07 at 7:25 am

She wasn't always a piece of trash.  I think that's going a little too far.  She definitely needs to clean her act up, because at the rate she's going....she's going to hit 27 and check out.

I agree with you.  I remember not that long ago, Brit was as pure as the dven snow and was professing chastity etc to her young followers.

But when you have as much fame and looks and personality as Brit, you become a veritable magnet for scumbags, hangers-on, gold-diggers, and the like.  They will bring you down every time unless you are UNUSUALLY strong.  >:(

Let's hope that Britney gets the help she needs and rids her life of those dirt-bags and their influence.  :-*

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Red Ant on 02/17/07 at 8:28 am

You link is not working right now.

I can't tell if that is her.  :-\\

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 02/17/07 at 8:40 am

i dunno, i think it's sorta cool. although i haven't watched the video yet.

maybe she's transforming into someone who doesn't suck. although i wouldn't hold my breath.

okay, i watched the video and i still think it's cool. i've always liked the idea that when she got older she'd outgrow the bubble gum and become a real artist, like mark wahlburg. it could happen. like with that stoned video... she doesn't come off too bright but at least she's making an effort to ask philosophical questions.

and then there's this:

"britney, why'd you cut your hair like that?"

"go **** yourself."


Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Jessica on 02/17/07 at 10:49 am

Eh, for all we know, she shaved it off so it would grow back healthy (she does dye it a lot). Or maybe she was hot or something.

As far as the pooparazi ruining her, bullsh*t. Even though they don't like it, every star is fair game when they're in a public place. I don't condone the Poops climbing fences and hanging around their doors, but the tat parlor was out in the open, from what I remember.

She's a trainwreck to be sure, but nobody is forcing the alcohol down her throat and pointing a gun to her head making her go to clubs. And we saw how well rehab worked. Federjerk is standing a better chance of getting those kids every day.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: JamieMcBain on 02/17/07 at 11:25 am

Wow, she has lost it.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: lorac61469 on 02/17/07 at 11:32 am

I dunno, maybe it represents a "New Beginning"?   ???

Hell, I've thought about shaving my head but I've never had the guts to do it or the team of hairstylists to fix my mistakes.   ;D

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 02/17/07 at 12:30 pm

i think she's gonna bust out a brilliant 2-cd concept album modeled around dante's divine comedy and be lauded as the greatest musical genius since radiohead.

wouldn't THAT be something?

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Marian on 02/17/07 at 3:28 pm

Eh, for all we know, she shaved it off so it would grow back healthy (she does dye it a lot). Or maybe she was hot or something.

As far as the pooparazi ruining her, bullsh*t. Even though they don't like it, every star is fair game when they're in a public place. I don't condone the Poops climbing fences and hanging around their doors, but the tat parlor was out in the open, from what I remember.

She's a trainwreck to be sure, but nobody is forcing the alcohol down her throat and pointing a gun to her head making her go to clubs. And we saw how well rehab worked. Federjerk is standing a better chance of getting those kids every day.
her hair was kind of ratty-looking,and she didn't have nything else to shave anyway--her pubic hair must not have grown back yet.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 02/17/07 at 3:35 pm

her hair was kind of ratty-looking,and she didn't have nything else to shave anyway--her pubic hair must not have grown back yet.
she could take care of them pimples on her ass!

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/17/07 at 3:36 pm

This is such a disturbing cry for help.  This girl is cracked.  One of the comments someone made about her was "JT sold that stock at its absolute peak."  Too true.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 02/17/07 at 3:37 pm

all the more reason why i daydream of a stunning creative comeback. great art comes from suffering.

so does drug addiction and jail time, but britney catches so much flak i'm suddenly realizing i think i might be on her side.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Gis on 02/17/07 at 4:06 pm

She's got a very good shaped head, it kind of suits her.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Jessica on 02/17/07 at 4:20 pm

She's got a very good shaped head, it kind of suits her.

She's the new GI Jane.

Or Sinead O'Conner.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/17/07 at 4:22 pm

I hope Britney rips up a picture of Pope Benedict on SNL.  That'll help her get her fanbase back.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Jessica on 02/17/07 at 4:26 pm

I hope Britney rips up a picture of Pope Benedict on SNL.  That'll help her get her fanbase back.

I would respect her so much more.

I can't warm up to that dude. He looks too much like Emperor Palpatine.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/17/07 at 4:30 pm

I would respect her so much more.

I can't warm up to that dude. He looks too much like Emperor Palpatine.

He's freaky-looking.  My mom wanted to put a picture of him up in the house, I told her she better not or I'd pull a Sinead O'Connor.  She totally didn't know what I was talking about.

And yeah, if she did that...she'd catch hell, but it might win her some new fans.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: saver on 02/17/07 at 4:58 pm

She must be sniffin' whatever Anna Nicole was on...

Or just 'creatrively' wanted the DRAPES TO MATCH THE CARPET ;) ;) ;) 

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 02/17/07 at 5:03 pm


Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: woops on 02/19/07 at 7:58 pm

Deb wrote songs, plays a piano, and is a successful stage actress

Heck she looks great in her mid 30's and currently writing music for her next album, which she's working with producer Neal Pogue (Outkast, Pink)

Here's some info


Britney is nothing but a desperate loser

Though she also should clean up her act since she could end up like Anna Nicole  :(

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/19/07 at 8:02 pm

What does Deborah Gibson have to do with this?

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tam on 02/19/07 at 8:08 pm

Eh, for all we know, she shaved it off so it would grow back healthy (she does dye it a lot). Or maybe she was hot or something.

Good point! Heck, to go one step further - maybe she cut it all off to donate to charity - Locks of Love.

I, personally hope that she does straighten out and soon. Obviously living in the limelight doesn't help when you make bad decisions, because all the pap. want to do is air your dirty laundry. I think she sometimes pulls the stunts she does just to make them happy. Case in point - she checked into rehab one day and out the mext to do this. Bizarre.

I still like her though and am not afraid to admit it!  ;)

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: woops on 02/19/07 at 8:13 pm

Deb has nothing to do with this, but felt like posting after somebody dissed her  :P

It's a habit since I'm tired of reading negative/ignorant comments about her

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: whistledog on 02/19/07 at 9:25 pm

Maybe she's going to do a cover of "Nothing Compares 2 U" and wanted to go all the way with it

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/19/07 at 9:33 pm

Good point! Heck, to go one step further - maybe she cut it all off to donate to charity - Locks of Love.

No offense Tam, but if that was the reason she cut off all her hair, the person who worked at the salon wouldn't be selling it on Ebay.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/19/07 at 10:06 pm

No offense Tam, but if that was the reason she cut off all her hair, the person who worked at the salon wouldn't be selling it on Ebay.

I was just gonna post that! :D

I heard a rumor that she shaved it off because they wanted a hair follicle sample to do a drug test.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/19/07 at 10:08 pm

I was just gonna post that! :D

I heard a rumor that she shaved it off because they wanted a hair follicle sample to do a drug test.

They can use the hair on her arms as well, according to what I read.  So, unless she does a full-body wax...she could still get popped.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/19/07 at 10:09 pm

They can use the hair on her arms as well, according to what I read.  So, unless she does a full-body wax...she could still get popped.

that's true...never thought about that.  I just think it was yet another attention grabber on her part.....kissing Madonna, showing off her vajayjay....and now shaving her head bald....nothing really surprises me anymore. ::)

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: whistledog on 02/19/07 at 10:11 pm

Maybe she cut off her hair, so she can glue it in a certain area so she can climb out of more limos without being top news :D

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/19/07 at 10:12 pm

that's true...never thought about that.  I just think it was yet another attention grabber on her part.....kissing Madonna, showing off her vajayjay....and now shaving her head bald....nothing really surprises me anymore. ::)

I think she's headed for a Mariah Carey-style breakdown.  I mean, all the stories I've been reading about her behavior and her demeanor during this whole escapade, and what people around her were leads me to think that she's not okay.  Which isn't funny.  I read her mom is going to LA to be with her and the kids, so at least some responsible adult is going to be around those kids, but I think she's scared she could lose custody to Federdork because of how she's been acting.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tam on 02/19/07 at 10:14 pm

No offense Tam, but if that was the reason she cut off all her hair, the person who worked at the salon wouldn't be selling it on Ebay.

No kidding!
I read an article about it after posting what I did.
I could still wish though right??!!!??? ;D

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/19/07 at 10:15 pm

No kidding!
I read an article about it after posting what I did.
I could still wish though right??!!!??? ;D

Well of course.  It would have been great if that's why she did it, but the broad has gone batty.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/19/07 at 10:24 pm

I think she's headed for a Mariah Carey-style breakdown.  I mean, all the stories I've been reading about her behavior and her demeanor during this whole escapade, and what people around her were leads me to think that she's not okay.  Which isn't funny.  I read her mom is going to LA to be with her and the kids, so at least some responsible adult is going to be around those kids, but I think she's scared she could lose custody to Federdork because of how she's been acting.

yes...thank goodness for her mother!

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tam on 02/19/07 at 10:26 pm

Of course I understand why shyt happens as it does for celebrities - but for real...

If I were living in a marriage of hell and finally started the proceedings to divorce the idiot, you wanna believe I would be out partying my arse off!

But of course, she is a celebrity and she is supposed to set standards, blah blah crap.

On a different note and not to go right off topic - but I have actually been thinking about shaving my head!
Mushroom does it for Locks of Love too.
I haven't decided as of yet but now people are going to think I will be copying Brit. The Shame!

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Dominic L. on 02/19/07 at 10:28 pm


Oh yeah. You can tell she's just trying to sport the '80s new wave look. Next album will be The Eurythmics... II!

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: gumbypiz on 02/19/07 at 11:22 pm

Chia Britney ;D :D

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/19/07 at 11:24 pm

Chia Britney ;D :D

I seriously cannot stop laughing at that! ;D

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: whistledog on 02/19/07 at 11:27 pm

Chia Britney ;D :D

Br-Br-Br-Britney! :D

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: whistledog on 02/20/07 at 1:12 am

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 02/20/07 at 1:13 am

i love you britney! don't listen to the haters!

honestly, though, that picture's kinda hot. i'd hit me some hairless brit. she needs a cheeseburger though.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tam on 02/20/07 at 1:16 am

New thread idea....
Shave Brits head!
Photoshop pics of Brit to make her bald!! 8)

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Marty McFly on 02/20/07 at 2:35 am

Poor girl. I feel sorry for her. This is what the media and the public have made her into. People bash her and then wonder why she does things like this.

If you look at the photos or videos, she looks so miserable while she does it. It's like she (metaphorically) shaving away a part of her past, of a part of her. She's definately not happy. And yes, she brought some of it on herself, but the media and tabloid took it all way too far.

Totally agree, that's well put.

I know I'm probably not the majority here, but I do like her. While I don't think the G.I. Jane haircut looks too good on her, if that's what she wants to do, so be it. She'll probably let it grow back anyway.

On a more serious note, I get the impression that everything she's been through in the last few months, particuarly with KFed (I admit to applauding her for kicking the dude to the curb), probably has taken a toll on her. I'm certainly not saying that excuses her from acting irresponsibly (i.e. the car "flashing" incident), but she seems like a genuinely good person who just has made some mistakes. She's been tabloid fodder probably since 2003, with the Madonna kiss.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 02/20/07 at 7:02 am

I was just gonna post that! :D

I heard a rumor that she shaved it off because they wanted a hair follicle sample to do a drug test.
Possibly, but there are less drastic ways to beat a drug test and they can still get a follicle from her head.....

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Marian on 02/20/07 at 1:56 pm

This is such a disturbing cry for help.  This girl is cracked.  One of the comments someone made about her was "JT sold that stock at its absolute peak."  Too true.
Well,I don't think someone shaving thier head is a cry for help.If this was a guy,people would just way to go.I think in this case she did it for basically the same reason.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/20/07 at 2:06 pm

Well,I don't think someone shaving thier head is a cry for help.If this was a guy,people would just way to go.I think in this case she did it for basically the same reason.

It's not just shaving her head.  It's the way she was acting before, during, and after it.  It's the way she's been acting ever since she filed for divorce.  It's a cry for help.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: lorac61469 on 02/20/07 at 3:18 pm

It looks as though she checked herself into rehab today.  I wonder how long she'll stay this time?

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 02/20/07 at 3:21 pm


Where's Benny Hill when we really need him?

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: whistledog on 02/20/07 at 3:30 pm

Britney Spears in: G.I. Jane 2

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/20/07 at 4:58 pm

I hope Britney rips up a picture of Pope Benedict on SNL.  That'll help her get her fanbase back.

Shaving her head is the only cool thing Britney has ever done!  I still have a soft spot for that look harkening back to my punk/goth days.  I had the biggest crush on Sinead O'Connor when "The Lion and the Cobra" came out.  I had a GIANT poster of her on my bedroom wall.  Then she started in with all that sanctimonious twaddle and prostituted her talents to Prince.  Turned me right off!  Never could stand her after that. 

The pope photo incident was cool because she was trying to call attention to child abuse in the church.  She was right.  I saw the whole thing live, and the only sacrilege that night was what she did to that Bob Marley song!

I'm no fan of Britney, but I don't see any reason to think shaving her head is indicative of mental instability per se.  When you damage your hair badly enough, sometimes it's best to get rid of it all and start fresh.  I remember when my hair started falling out after I dyed/bleached it a dozen times in a 12-month period!  Summer of '87--just when Sinead was getting popular--I had the barber shave it down to a stubble--what we called a "scuzz."  I didn't go for completely shaven. 

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: star500 on 02/20/07 at 10:36 pm

I agree with the person that feels sorry for her. I feel sorry for Britney too. She just needs to get away from the paparazzi and the reporters for a while, I think. She is human after all, and she makes mistakes just like everyone else. She probably regrets shaving her head now and actually, I read that one reason she may have shaved her head is because her hair is falling out from all the wear and tear she has put it through and she was shaving it to get rid of it. But she should have done it privately at home and not publicly.

I agree she should not be partying so much and spending so much time away from her kids, but I really think once she gets it out of her system, she will be a good mother.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/20/07 at 10:53 pm

According to a story I just read, K-Fed threatened to have her tested for drugs, and that's why she shaved her hair off.  If she had tested positive, she could kiss her kids goodbye.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Foo Bar on 02/20/07 at 11:22 pm

Maybe she's going to do a cover of "Nothing Compares 2 U" and wanted to go all the way with it

The great Karnak knows all.

A: Talent
Q: She does not want what she hasn't got.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: whistledog on 02/20/07 at 11:30 pm

The great Karnak knows all.

A: Talent
Q: She does not want what she hasn't got.

You spelled "Carnac" wrong :D

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/21/07 at 12:54 am

According to a story I just read, K-Fed threatened to have her tested for drugs, and that's why she shaved her hair off.  If she had tested positive, she could kiss her kids goodbye.

I've heard that, and if Brit did it to conceal drug abuse, she obviously knows nothing about the many ways to test for drugs!

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: karen on 02/21/07 at 4:34 am

Shaving her head and having a tattoo?  Sounds like a decent night out to me!!

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 02/21/07 at 6:31 am

According to a story I just read, K-Fed threatened to have her tested for drugs, and that's why she shaved her hair off.  If she had tested positive, she could kiss her kids goodbye.
is that right? spark a doob, lose your kids? that how they do it now?

great effin' country we live in. land of the free, my ass.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 02/21/07 at 6:32 am

that said, i have no idea what effect shaving your head is supposed to have on a urine test. i must be missing something.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Jessica on 02/21/07 at 11:12 am

It looks as though she checked herself into rehab today.  I wonder how long she'll stay this time?

Not long. She checked herself out this morning.

I'm all for living it up WITHIN REASON after dumping a jerk, but this is ridiculous. If any other person had pulled this crap, the kids would be in protective custody, PRONTO.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/21/07 at 11:35 am

that said, i have no idea what effect shaving your head is supposed to have on a urine test. i must be missing something.

As you know, they can analyze hair to detect substances.  This can reveal the presence of certain drugs long after they've run the course through your innards. 

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Marian on 02/21/07 at 2:28 pm

It's not just shaving her head.  It's the way she was acting before, during, and after it.  It's the way she's been acting ever since she filed for divorce.  It's a cry for help.
Okay,but still,it may be just because she wants a fresh start.And people sometimes do that during lent.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/21/07 at 2:48 pm

Okay,but still,it may be just because she wants a fresh start.And people sometimes do that during lent.

Please don't tell me you think she's doing this because of Lent.  Come on now.

Not long. She checked herself out this morning.

Dumb bitch can't even do that right.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Marian on 02/21/07 at 3:39 pm

Please don't tell me you think she's doing this because of Lent.  Come on now.

Dumb bitch can't even do that right.

I'm just saying some people do.LOL

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 02/21/07 at 5:06 pm

As you know, they can analyze hair to detect substances.  This can reveal the presence of certain drugs long after they've run the course through your innards. 
i actually didn't know that. i simply assume that if i'm ever in a position to take a drug test, i'll fail miserably, however it's administered.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Jessica on 02/22/07 at 11:07 am

The gossip site I read is reporting she went back to rehab because Federdork made her or else he was going to call for an emergency custody hearing. As it stands now, she MUST complete it or else he will probably get the babies.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/22/07 at 11:20 am

Yes, I just read that her mom drove her to the rehab center late last night, and she checked herself back in.;_ylt=AiTskd1SfDQA7Hl8VdmiIhbqChkF

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Marian on 02/22/07 at 2:03 pm

Please don't tell me you think she's doing this because of Lent.  Come on now.

Dumb bitch can't even do that right.

:o :D ;) :-\\You mean people don't give up hair for Lent?Wow,a lot of people are shaving their legs for nothing,then!!! :D ;D

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: saver on 02/22/07 at 3:34 pm

Glad this isn't a typewriter or I would not want to waste the ink...

She went BACK to rehab..this her 3rd entry....(come to my house and give me the money as long as you're not staying more than the night) ;) ;) ;)

Also they(?) say , she cut her hair because KFED was going to have it tested for chemicals that he would use in a court battle for the kids, so..she shaved it all off....she must have some SOMEWHERE they could get for a test if they need it..let me think where?........ :-X :-X 

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/22/07 at 4:16 pm

:o :D ;) :-\\You mean people don't give up hair for Lent?Wow,a lot of people are shaving their legs for nothing,then!!! :D ;D

I shave my legs because it's clean and because I don't feel like looking like a Werewolf.  It has nothing to do with Lenten sacrifices. 

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Marian on 02/22/07 at 4:31 pm

I shave my legs because it's clean and because I don't feel like looking like a Werewolf.  It has nothing to do with Lenten sacrifices. 
hahhahaahahaha!Me too!

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/22/07 at 5:44 pm

Look at this pinnacle of feminine beauty and grace:

These were taken outside KFed's house by the paparazzi after he refused to talk to her.  Jesus Lord get those kids away from her.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/22/07 at 7:11 pm

Oh yeah, if you go to, you can watch a video of all can hear her smashing the car and screaming "F*ck you" to the paparazzi.

She has officially lost her mind.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/22/07 at 10:03 pm

Look at this pinnacle of feminine beauty and grace:

These were taken outside KFed's house by the paparazzi after he refused to talk to her.  Jesus Lord get those kids away from her.

man, I thought she was repulsive when she had hair and some sanity.....she's just down right awful.  I hate to say this...but those kids can't be any worse off being with KFed. ::)

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: kellygoo72 on 02/22/07 at 10:17 pm

Look at this pinnacle of feminine beauty and grace:

These were taken outside KFed's house by the paparazzi after he refused to talk to her.  Jesus Lord get those kids away from her.

LOL... Is this for real?  Damn , I miss everything.. so shes back in Rehab... Im not sure since its 11:15pm already.. This is too much!  ;D

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 02/22/07 at 10:19 pm

you know, if i was being hounded by them paparazzi bastards day in and day out, i dunno what i'd do.

seriously, i know defending britney is probably a lost cause at this point but didn't lady di and company turn themselves into hamburger trying to get away from the paparatts? obviously getting harangued by them characters is enough to drive a lot of people psycho.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: gumbypiz on 02/23/07 at 2:25 am

Britney+ Piccard

For those Star Trek fans wondering what a Spears/Piccard fusion would look like  :D

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 02/23/07 at 7:04 am

Britney+ Piccard

For those Star Trek fans wondering what a Spears/Piccard fusion would look like  :D

how about kojak?!?

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 02/23/07 at 3:49 pm

You know what's really scary? Since she's gone nutso, I couldn't help but think that Britney bears a striking resemblance to Private Pyle from Full Metal Jacket.

You be the judge:

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: spaceace on 02/23/07 at 6:10 pm

Look at this pinnacle of feminine beauty and grace:

These were taken outside KFed's house by the paparazzi after he refused to talk to her.  Jesus Lord get those kids away from her.

I think the kids are pretty much away from her.  Her Mom is caring for them.  Forget rehab I'm thinking "good old fashioned State Hospital".

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/23/07 at 6:11 pm

I think the kids are pretty much away from her.  Her Mom is caring for them.  Forget rehab I'm thinking "good old fashioned State Hospital".

The kids have been with KFed, his mom and her mom this whole time, and if Britney leaves rehab again, she'll lose them for good...according to a couple stories I've read.

Who thought KFed would turn out to be the responsible parent here?

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 02/23/07 at 7:52 pm

maybe it's all a publicity stunt?

okay, never mind, i'm done trying to stick up for britney. you're on your own, chicky! you shoulda followed kim richards' example. look how together she is.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: 3 on 02/24/07 at 3:58 am

All these celebs seem to be deeply troubled and unhappy. They are either in rehab or have severe marital problems. If I were as rich as them I would certainly be happy :D

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: tv on 02/24/07 at 3:41 pm

All these celebs seem to be deeply troubled and unhappy. They are either in rehab or have severe marital problems. If I were as rich as them I would certainly be happy :D
Just because you have money doesn;t bring hapiness. Some of these actors/actress are away from the family, they are on location shooting a moving away from their kids or girlfriend/boyfriend or husband or wife. Its not easy being an actor or actress.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/24/07 at 3:45 pm

Just because you have money doesn;t bring hapiness.

We used to live in a shoebox in the middle of the road!

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: tv on 02/24/07 at 3:56 pm

Now I thought I would have never said this  but K-Fed looks like the more mature one out of him and Britney right now. I think the kids are staying with K-Fed right now.

As far as Britney she obviously has problems. I think part of it is she went into the industry so young and had the fame instantly and the press constantly on her butt all the time it just mounted up on her. Than she got married had kids, than the divorce. She just has alot on her plate on her. I hope she gets better. I know some of the stuff she put on herself earlier in her career with the revaeling outfits but I don;t think she knew how much it would mount up her in the long run. I think too since Britney hasn;t really been revlevant musically for at least 5 years she's maybe having trouble to not being "in" right now. Once urban music's popularity took off in 2003 I think it just totally took the style of music that she was doing and perfected off the radar screen.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Marty McFly on 02/24/07 at 11:03 pm

Now I thought I would have never said this  but K-Fed looks like the more mature one out of him and Britney right now. I think the kids are staying with K-Fed right now.

As far as Britney she obviously has problems. I think part of it is she went into the industry so young and had the fame instantly and the press constantly on her butt all the time it just mounted up on her. Than she got married had kids, than the divorce. She just has alot on her plate on her. I hope she gets better. I know some of the stuff she put on herself earlier in her career with the revaeling outfits but I don;t think she knew how much it would mount up her in the long run. I think too since Britney hasn;t really been revlevant musically for at least 5 years she's maybe having trouble to not being "in" right now. Once urban music's popularity took off in 2003 I think it just totally took the style of music that she was doing and perfected off the radar screen.

Totally agree with you.

As much of a dork as KFed is, I get the impression he honestly does care about his kids. That's not to say Brit's not a good mother, but like you said, I don't think she's in the best state of mind now. I agree, the instant household name-celebrity she got at the end of 1998 (which has pretty much remained the same through today. Despite her only being musically relevant in 1999-2001/'02, she's a huge name) probably is taking a toll.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: kerisgirl on 02/25/07 at 1:05 am

shes gone wacko... with a capital W... i mean honestly what was she thinking... im thinking shes doing it all for attention... her poor children tho... they are gunna grow up haering how their mother was a young teenage star who all of a sudden turned into a "trashy" person then went completly nutzy. i feel bad for em. i really do

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Dominic L. on 02/25/07 at 1:08 am

I hear she did it because she was starting to bald. XD

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: whistledog on 02/25/07 at 1:09 am

Now that she shaved off all of her hair, maybe she should be known as Britney Shears? :D

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 02/25/07 at 7:34 am

Now that she shaved off all of her hair, maybe she should be known as Britney Shears? :D
holy crap. that's brilliant. i think this may sweep the country.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: KKay on 02/25/07 at 8:20 am

she makes me feel really good about myself.

NOW i'm a fan.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Jessica on 02/25/07 at 10:13 am

Totally agree with you.

As much of a dork as KFed is, I get the impression he honestly does care about his kids. That's not to say Brit's not a good mother, but like you said, I don't think she's in the best state of mind now. I agree, the instant household name-celebrity she got at the end of 1998 (which has pretty much remained the same through today. Despite her only being musically relevant in 1999-2001/'02, she's a huge name) probably is taking a toll.

Yep, can't scorn that potential meal ticket angle. If he cares so much about his kids, he needs to get his ass over to Shar's and spend a bit of money on the other two.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Marian on 02/25/07 at 3:26 pm

But i wonder how many "bald by choice" guys would like being compared to her? :D

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: tv on 02/25/07 at 7:35 pm

Yep, can't scorn that potential meal ticket angle. If he cares so much about his kids, he needs to get his ass over to Shar's and spend a bit of money on the other two.
Yeah but we don't know how much time he spends the kids he had with shar and sahar doesn't have the media on her butt like Britney does following her very move.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: gumbypiz on 03/04/07 at 8:26 pm

Not doing too well in rehab...

Daily Telegraph
From correspondents in London
March 05, 2007 01:00am
BRITNEY Spears has flipped her lid in rehab, trying to hang herself with a bed sheet after screaming "I am the anti-Christ" to frightened staff.
She made the demonic cry after scrawling the devil's number "666" across her head.

Spear’s manic behavior has concerned relatives who once again fear for her safety, and has staff at the Promises Clinic in Malibu, California struggling to cope.
The former chart-topper's troubles have been revealed in Britain's News Of the World, which broke the exclusive story.
Within days of her suicidal behavior, Spears - who was in and out of rehab before shaving her own head and later attacking a photographer's car with an umbrella - was begging estranged husband Kevin Federline not only for reconciliation, but demanding she wanted to soon have another baby.
The ordeal began when she terrified staff by writing the number of the beast on her head and running around the clinic screaming, "I am the anti-Christ!"
"The clinic people just didn't know what to do," a friend claimed.
The pop star then tried to hang herself with a bed sheet was but was found before she could hurt herself.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 03/04/07 at 8:35 pm

sounds like she has schizophrenia or manic depression.

to tell you the truth i got nothing but compassion for her now. i hope she gets this worked out. we got this streak in my family too and i've seen a few people i love suffer very deeply from it. there but for the grace of god go i...

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 03/04/07 at 10:56 pm

News of the World is Britain's answer to the National Enquirer.  Please don't take any of that crap seriously.  Can we all wait until we get some actual substantiated reports from something that is not a tabloid before we brand her with a mental illness?

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 03/04/07 at 11:06 pm

News of the World is Britain's answer to the National Enquirer.  Please don't take any of that crap seriously.  Can we all wait until we get some actual substantiated reports from something that is not a tabloid before we brand her with a mental illness?
wtf ever. like i know that publication from adam.

obviously i mean, IF it's true. ::)

and i hardly think i'm "branding" anybody. i'm saying, what's being described, that's what it sounds like to me.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 03/04/07 at 11:12 pm

wtf ever. like i know that publication from adam.

obviously i mean, IF it's true. ::)

and i hardly think i'm "branding" anybody. i'm saying, what's being described, that's what it sounds like to me.

I wasn't referring to you, Mike.  I was directing that at the person who posted it in the first place.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 03/04/07 at 11:15 pm

I wasn't referring to you, Mike.  I was directing that at the person who posted it in the first place.
what the hell do you mean!? i'm not overly touchy and sensitive tonight! i have no idea what you're talking about! >:(

;D oops.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Sister Morphine on 03/04/07 at 11:15 pm

what the hell do you mean!? i'm not overly touchy and sensitive tonight! i have no idea what you're talking about! >:(

;D oops.

It's cool.  I still love you.  ;)

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Marian on 03/08/07 at 11:52 am

Couldn't yopu just see a statue of a bald woman hitting a car with an umbrella?So many exasperated celebrities would just love to see thAt!

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: limblifter on 03/08/07 at 12:55 pm

Couldn't all of this behavior be attributed to postpartum depression?

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 03/08/07 at 12:57 pm

Couldn't all of this behavior be attributed to postpartum depression?

that's an interesting observation, actually. that can be really really rough, PPD.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: lorac61469 on 03/08/07 at 1:05 pm

Couldn't all of this behavior be attributed to postpartum depression?

Sounds more like Postpartum Psychosis.  I had PPD and didn't do crazy stuff...I cried and cried then I cried some more.  I couldn't function normally without a breakdown. 

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Tia on 03/08/07 at 1:44 pm

Sounds more like Postpartum Psychosis.  I had PPD and didn't do crazy stuff...I cried and cried then I cried some more.  I couldn't function normally without a breakdown. 
i think it comes in a wide variety of intensities, it can be so strong it can mimic psychosis, the same way manic-depression does.

i shouldn't say this, but my parents i'm sure will never read this thread... my mom got wicked PPD after she had me, had to go to the hospital, had paranoid delusions and it was just evidently generally quite awful. but PPD was the diagnosis. and it all went away in short order. few weeks, as i've heard. obviously i know nothing of this first-hand.

some might be inclined to make fun but you shouldn't. it was a quite serious episode in our family.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Jessica on 03/08/07 at 3:57 pm

i think it comes in a wide variety of intensities, it can be so strong it can mimic psychosis, the same way manic-depression does.

i shouldn't say this, but my parents i'm sure will never read this thread... my mom got wicked PPD after she had me, had to go to the hospital, had paranoid delusions and it was just evidently generally quite awful. but PPD was the diagnosis. and it all went away in short order. few weeks, as i've heard. obviously i know nothing of this first-hand.

some might be inclined to make fun but you shouldn't. it was a quite serious episode in our family.

The only person who would make fun of it is Tom Cruise.

I had PPD, but on a much milder level. Lots of crying, lots of depression. It went away after awhile. She might actually have that. Hmm....definitely something to think about.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Dominic L. on 03/08/07 at 4:52 pm

What... is... PPD?

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: lorac61469 on 03/08/07 at 5:23 pm

What... is... PPD?

Postpartum depression.

i think it comes in a wide variety of intensities, it can be so strong it can mimic psychosis, the same way manic-depression does.

i shouldn't say this, but my parents i'm sure will never read this thread... my mom got wicked PPD after she had me, had to go to the hospital, had paranoid delusions and it was just evidently generally quite awful. but PPD was the diagnosis. and it all went away in short order. few weeks, as i've heard. obviously i know nothing of this first-hand.

some might be inclined to make fun but you shouldn't. it was a quite serious episode in our family.

The reason I say psychosis is becuase of her really strange behavior.

The symptoms of PPD are...
-Feelings of hopelessness or depression
-Disturbances with appetite and sleep
-Uncontrollable crying
-Lack of interest in the baby
-Fear of harming the baby or oneself
-Mood swings – highs and lows

PPS symptoms are...
- Hallucinations
- Delusions (usually religious)
- Severe insomnia
- Extreme anxiety & agitation
- Suicidal or homicidal thoughts
- Bizarre feelings & behavior

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: karen on 03/09/07 at 6:33 am

I know (on-line) someone who had post partum mania.  She was on such a high after giving birth.  She would post totally random messages that sounded like she was permanently drunk.  She ended up havning a spell on a mental ward.

Subject: Re: Britney Spears goes insane

Written By: Gis on 06/25/07 at 8:10 am

Apparently Kevin has got his ex Shar Jackson pregnant again.............maybe that's why Britney's got her baps out all the time at the moment!

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