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Subject: 20/20 Fast Food Strip Search Case

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/17/06 at 10:27 pm

I simply couldn't believe this when I heard about this happening.  I can't believe that people are that stupid, that they would comply with such nonsense. I'm sorry...if someone told me to do all of the stuff that this girl did, I would have told them to simply, F**K off". ::)

Subject: Re: 20/20 Fast Food Strip Search Case

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/17/06 at 10:29 pm

I don't care if it would land me in jail, but if some Barney Fife with a hard-on gets in my face and makes me do what that poor girl had to do, I'm kicking the cop in the onions.  F*ck that noise......who in their right mind would comply with this?!

Subject: Re: 20/20 Fast Food Strip Search Case

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/17/06 at 10:53 pm

I don't care if it would land me in jail, but if some Barney Fife with a hard-on gets in my face and makes me do what that poor girl had to do, I'm kicking the cop in the onions.  F*ck that noise......who in their right mind would comply with this?!

see, that's what I am saying too. I mean, I don't care how much of a meekling someone is...I mean, come on....use your brain. If someone, claiming to be cop, told me to take all of my clothes off, do jumping jacks so that "concealed things" would "fall out", lay over a stranger's lap and let them beat my a$$ for 10 minutes...and then to top it off...perform oral sex on said total stranger...I would tell them to take a flying flip off of a cliff. I seriously wonder about this girls mental state...a "normal" person would not allow this to happen.

Subject: Re: 20/20 Fast Food Strip Search Case

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/17/06 at 10:56 pm

see, that's what I am saying too. I mean, I don't care how much of a meekling someone is...I mean, come on....use your brain. If someone, claiming to be cop, told me to take all of my clothes off, do jumping jacks so that "concealed things" would "fall out", lay over a stranger's lap and let them beat my a$$ for 10 minutes...and then to top it off...perform oral sex on said total stranger...I would tell them to take a flying flip off of a cliff. I seriously wonder about this girls mental state...a "normal" person would not allow this to happen.

Some people are literally so terrified of cops, if one told them to lay down in traffic, they'd probably do it.  However, that's no excuse for that cop to behave the way he did.  Utterly reprehensible, and frankly.....he's a reason why people have such a distrust of cops in the first place.  I'm sure *someone* will post about how horrible cops are, but this moron shouldn't be taken as the leader of the pack.

Subject: Re: 20/20 Fast Food Strip Search Case

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/17/06 at 11:04 pm

Some people are literally so terrified of cops, if one told them to lay down in traffic, they'd probably do it.  However, that's no excuse for that cop to behave the way he did.  Utterly reprehensible, and frankly.....he's a reason why people have such a distrust of cops in the first place.  I'm sure *someone* will post about how horrible cops are, but this moron shouldn't be taken as the leader of the pack.

and I guess this guy is getting off of the hook for doing this too....I just don't understand.  If I was the girl/ or her parents...I would be totally suing someone's a$$ over this.

Subject: Re: 20/20 Fast Food Strip Search Case

Written By: La Roche on 12/18/06 at 6:48 am

I think what we're dealing with here is a girl who's a lil' bit stupid.

Subject: Re: 20/20 Fast Food Strip Search Case

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 12/18/06 at 9:26 am

and I guess this guy is getting off of the hook for doing this too....I just don't understand.  If I was the girl/ or her parents...I would be totally suing someone's a$$ over this.
They are.  "Meanwhile, Ogborn is suing McDonald's for $200 million, claiming the company didn't protect her from the hoax."

Like everyone else has said, how stupid do you have to be to a)do all of this in the first place and b)do this at the request of a "cop" who's ON THE PHONE!!!  Why didn't she just hang up?  Heck, why didn't ANY of them just hang the darned phone up?  Especially after 2 hours of this crap?  I'm sorry, I feel sorry that she was subjected to all of this, but come on, use some common sense ::)

I can't believe the guy got away with it either....all I can say is Karma is a b!tch, he'll get his....

Subject: Re: 20/20 Fast Food Strip Search Case

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/18/06 at 9:28 am

They are.  "Meanwhile, Ogborn is suing McDonald's for $200 million, claiming the company didn't protect her from the hoax."

Like everyone else has said, how stupid do you have to be to a)do all of this in the first place and b)do this at the request of a "cop" who's ON THE PHONE!!!  Why didn't she just hang up?  Heck, why didn't ANY of them just hang the darned phone up?  Especially after 2 hours of this crap?  I'm sorry, I feel sorry that she was subjected to all of this, but come on, use some common sense ::)

I can't believe the guy got away with it either....all I can say is Karma is a b!tch, he'll get his....

that manager had a few screws loose, IMO.  I'm sorry but who would let their fiance be in the room with a naked teenager for 2 hours.  Then she acted like, "OMG, I can't believe I was had". Come on! ::)

Subject: Re: 20/20 Fast Food Strip Search Case

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 12/20/06 at 12:11 pm

that manager had a few screws loose, IMO.  I'm sorry but who would let their fiance be in the room with a naked teenager for 2 hours.  Then she acted like, "OMG, I can't believe I was had". Come on! ::)
The only people who had ANY common sense were the 2 who refused to do what they were told.  Although, I'm STILL amazed that noone just hung up the phone ::)  Come on, what do they think will happen if they do?  They'll be arrested?  PUHLEEZE....

Subject: Re: 20/20 Fast Food Strip Search Case

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/20/06 at 1:14 pm

The only people who had ANY common sense were the 2 who refused to do what they were told.  Although, I'm STILL amazed that noone just hung up the phone ::)  Come on, what do they think will happen if they do?  They'll be arrested?  PUHLEEZE....

I know....I mean, I KNOW that if I was in a situation like that...I would have said a few choice words and slammed the phone down...end of story. ::)

Subject: Re: 20/20 Fast Food Strip Search Case

Written By: Fred on 12/21/06 at 2:27 am

Everybody in that ordeal was a complete tard. That manager especially was about as stupid as they come. The fiancee? Honestly though, I feel sorry for the girl who had to put up with that horsesheesh.

Subject: Re: 20/20 Fast Food Strip Search Case

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/21/06 at 9:52 pm

I think what we're dealing with here is a girl who's a lil' bit stupid.

It's not "stupidity" so much as naivete.  This was not an isolated incident.  The jerk had been pulling the con for a decade coast to coast.  I hope this incident will prompt companies and law enforcement to make sure everybody understands what procedures security detail will and will not take.

I would like to know how many times Mr. Nix's scheme failed.  As other posters have stated, most people would rather take their chance with arrest than cave in to sadistical orders.  Yet, I meet perfectly nice people--most of them young--who are just trusting and naive.  They're not ready for how rotten and scummy people can be.  You'd think Opie & Anthony, Howard Stern, "Jackass," and such sadistical jokers would make everybody too suspicious by the age of 17 to fall for the kind of crap Nix was pulling.  Sadly, it just doesn't work out like that. 

Yeah, that girl was not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but what if that was your daughter or your sister?  What if that was you?

Well, maybe Nix is off to the clink.  Maybe it will be HIS turn to stand on a chair nekkid and do jumpjacks.  Maybe it's time for HIS bum to get pummeled!

Subject: Re: 20/20 Fast Food Strip Search Case

Written By: Marian on 12/22/06 at 1:16 pm

They are.  "Meanwhile, Ogborn is suing McDonald's for $200 million, claiming the company didn't protect her from the hoax."

Like everyone else has said, how stupid do you have to be to a)do all of this in the first place and b)do this at the request of a "cop" who's ON THE PHONE!!!  Why didn't she just hang up?  Heck, why didn't ANY of them just hang the darned phone up?  Especially after 2 hours of this crap?  I'm sorry, I feel sorry that she was subjected to all of this, but come on, use some common sense ::)

I can't believe the guy got away with it either....all I can say is Karma is a b!tch, he'll get his....
I agree.What cop would expect someone to do this over the phone?people run away from cops in person all the time for less!

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