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Subject: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: Mushroom on 09/14/06 at 4:33 pm

It seems that Dog The Bounty Hunter has finally been arrested.

He was charged in Mexico with kidnapping in 2003, when he kidnapped Max Factor heir and convicted serial rapist Andrew Luster.  He and his team bailed out of jail, but skipped the country before he was formally charged.

Mexico finally requested extradition from US Authorities, and he was picked up by US Marshalls in Hawaii.

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/14/06 at 5:26 pm

I dunno, sometimes it takes a scumbag to catch a scumbag.  If Dog was really all that and a bag o' chips, the U.S. government would send him to Afghanistan!

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: deadrockstar on 09/14/06 at 5:43 pm

;D This has made my day.

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: Marian on 09/15/06 at 2:09 pm

wait a minute--the Mexicans want to charge him with taking a U.S. fugitive baCK TO HIS own COUNTRY??? ::) ???Did they really want to keep him that bad??

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: deadrockstar on 09/15/06 at 2:14 pm

wait a minute--the Mexicans want to charge him with taking a U.S. fugitive baCK TO HIS own COUNTRY??? ::) ???Did they really want to keep him that bad??

You don't seem to understand. Bountyhunting is strictly illegal in Mexico, there under Mexican law, what Dog did was kidnapping.

Frankly I don't feel a bit of sympathy for the b@stard. Neither does U.S. law enforcement apparently, they picked him up and sent his azz back. The best part, you see, is that it takes awhile to go to trial in Mexico. Even if he manages to get off, he'll at least spend a year in Mexican jail. ;D

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 09/15/06 at 2:24 pm

The law is the law, I guess, but it seems rather unfair to me that the Mexican government allows a convicted rapist to run free while at the same time vigorously pursuing someone who's trying to bring him to justice. Seems kind of one-sided to me.

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: deadrockstar on 09/15/06 at 11:12 pm

The law is the law, I guess, but it seems rather unfair to me that the Mexican government allows a convicted rapist to run free while at the same time vigorously pursuing someone who's trying to bring him to justice. Seems kind of one-sided to me.

Because in Mexico bountyhunting is seen how it should be- as vigilantism.

I don't agree with American law in this case- I think bountyhunters like dog should be considered vigilantes and therefore, criminals. We have law enforcement for a reason. To me allowing bountyhunters to operate is like allowing criminals to bring in other criminals- it seems kind of hypocritical on the part of the Law to tolerate it

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 09/15/06 at 11:26 pm

Because in Mexico bountyhunting is seen how it should be- as vigilantism.

I don't agree with American law in this case- I think bountyhunters like dog should be considered vigilantes and therefore, criminals. We have law enforcement for a reason. To me allowing bountyhunters to operate is like allowing criminals to bring in other criminals- it seems kind of hypocritical on the part of the Law to tolerate it
I agree that bountyhunting is a rather shady profession, to say the least. However, I don't know the full circumstances of this particular case, nor am I familiar with Mexico's extradition policies. My first impression is that the kidnappee in question fled to Mexico to jump bail and avoid his trial. I don't know if the Mexican authorities would have eventually extradited him and that Dog the Bounty Hunter just went after him as a publicity stunt, or, if it wasn't for Dog, Andrew Luster would still be sitting down in Mexico drinking margaritas and having a good laugh at the expense of his victims.  Perhaps you know more about this than I do.

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/15/06 at 11:40 pm

I too wish the proper authorities would have caught Luster and Factor, but they didn't, and they weren't gonna.  Mexico is a country with gargantuan problems.  There's a lot of lawlessness.  At least one of the world's most prolific serial murderers is still at large down there.  Of course, America doesn't care too much because the victims are just poor Mexican girls.  Anyway, if Dog ever came face to face with that monster, he'd probably cry and pee his pants!

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: deadrockstar on 09/15/06 at 11:43 pm

I agree that bountyhunting is a rather shady profession, to say the least. However, I don't know the full circumstances of this particular case, nor am I familiar with Mexico's extradition policies. My first impression is that the kidnappee in question fled to Mexico to jump bail and avoid his trial. I don't know if the Mexican authorities would have eventually extradited him and that Dog the Bounty Hunter just went after him as a publicity stunt, or, if it wasn't for Dog, Andrew Luster would still be sitting down in Mexico drinking margaritas and having a good laugh at the expense of his victims.  Perhaps you know more about this than I do.

I'm not familiar with how the Mexican authorities were pursuing Mr. Luster either. I can't really say whether or not he'd still be on the loose if it wasn't for Dog.

I'm not saying Bountyhunters never do any good, but I still think it shouldn't be tolerated by the law. It seems like they're allowing people to commit criminal acts- assault, kidnapping, breaking & entering- in order to bring in criminals. We already have people who are allowed to do these things to enforce the law, they're called law enforcement! :D

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: Mushroom on 09/15/06 at 11:54 pm

There is one thing that required an action like whar Dog did to bring Mr. Luster to justice:

The Mexican Government considers both the Death Penalty and LWOP as "Cruel and Unusual Punisment".  Therefore, they refuse to expidite anyboy who faces either of these sentences.

Because of this, the US Government could do nothing when Mr. Luster ran to Mexico.  Mexico considers the 124 year sentence (what he was given in absentia) "LWOP", therefore they refused to extradite him.  So Andrew was able to party and live openly, thumbing his nose at his victims and the Justice system both.

I am not saying I agreed with what Dog did or not, that really is irrelevant.  But I belive that arresting him and sending him back is actually the right thing to do.  If he had appeared for his arraignment, he more then likely would have done a few months in jail before being returned to the US because of pressure from both inside the government, and from ordinary citizens protesting.

By running, he has only made things worse.  Now the Mexican Government will probably go harder on him, if nothing else then to show that their laws are not to be ignored.

And to be honest, I am surprised it has talen this long to get around to requesting him.  This is a 3 year old charge.  And I wonder if him flaunting his fame on a weekly TV show (the #1 show on A&E) has anything to do with the arrest.  If he had simply dissapeared into anonymity, Mexico probably would have let it die.  By appearing on TV every week, it only reinforces the desire in some to see him brought to justice, since he really is profiting from the fame he got comitting a crime in their country.

I'm not familiar with how the Mexican authorities were pursuing Mr. Luster either. I can't really say whether or not he'd still be on the loose if it wasn't for Dog.

They were not persueing him at all.  He was living openly, and made no attempts to hide his identity.  This is because under the Mexican Constitution, he was safe from extradition because he was convicted and sentenced to 124 years.  Because he was un-extraditable, there was no reason to hide.  He could have gone on national TV and admitted what he did and he was glad he did it, and nothing would have happened.

In fact, they had been trying to find an excuse to extradite him for immigration and visa violations, but he was careful to keep everything current and follow all Mexican laws.  Mexico wanted to see him out of their country, but unless he did something that could warrent his return to his home country, they could do nothing but sit back and watch him.

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 09/16/06 at 12:25 am

There is one thing that required an action like whar Dog did to bring Mr. Luster to justice:

The Mexican Government considers both the Death Penalty and LWOP as "Cruel and Unusual Punisment".  Therefore, they refuse to expidite anyboy who faces either of these sentences.

Because of this, the US Government could do nothing when Mr. Luster ran to Mexico.  Mexico considers the 124 year sentence (what he was given in absentia) "LWOP", therefore they refused to extradite him.  So Andrew was able to party and live openly, thumbing his nose at his victims and the Justice system both.

I am not saying I agreed with what Dog did or not, that really is irrelevant.  But I belive that arresting him and sending him back is actually the right thing to do.  If he had appeared for his arraignment, he more then likely would have done a few months in jail before being returned to the US because of pressure from both inside the government, and from ordinary citizens protesting.

By running, he has only made things worse.  Now the Mexican Government will probably go harder on him, if nothing else then to show that their laws are not to be ignored.

And to be honest, I am surprised it has talen this long to get around to requesting him.  This is a 3 year old charge.  And I wonder if him flaunting his fame on a weekly TV show (the #1 show on A&E) has anything to do with the arrest.  If he had simply dissapeared into anonymity, Mexico probably would have let it die.  By appearing on TV every week, it only reinforces the desire in some to see him brought to justice, since he really is profiting from the fame he got comitting a crime in their country.

They were not persueing him at all.  He was living openly, and made no attempts to hide his identity.  This is because under the Mexican Constitution, he was safe from extradition because he was convicted and sentenced to 124 years.  Because he was un-extraditable, there was no reason to hide.  He could have gone on national TV and admitted what he did and he was glad he did it, and nothing would have happened.

In fact, they had been trying to find an excuse to extradite him for immigration and visa violations, but he was careful to keep everything current and follow all Mexican laws.  Mexico wanted to see him out of their country, but unless he did something that could warrent his return to his home country, they could do nothing but sit back and watch him.
Obviously the Mexican government needs to change some of their extradition policies.  IMO, I think that our government should have refused to extradite Dog in protest of these policies. It seems ridiculous to me that someone could rape and/or murder at will, and that if they can just make it across the Rio Grand they can get off scot-free.

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/16/06 at 12:27 am

Obviously the Mexican government needs to change some of their extradition policies.  IMO, I think that our government should have refused to extradite Dog in protest of these policies. It seems ridiculous to me that someone could rape and/or murder at will, and that if they can just make it across the Rio Grand they can get off scot-free.

I believe Canada has a similar extradition policy as does Israel I think.  If you've been convicted of a capital offense here, and you flee to a country that doesn't have capital punishment , they won't send you back.

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: deadrockstar on 09/16/06 at 12:30 am

There is one thing that required an action like whar Dog did to bring Mr. Luster to justice:

The Mexican Government considers both the Death Penalty and LWOP as "Cruel and Unusual Punisment".  Therefore, they refuse to expidite anyboy who faces either of these sentences.

Because of this, the US Government could do nothing when Mr. Luster ran to Mexico.  Mexico considers the 124 year sentence (what he was given in absentia) "LWOP", therefore they refused to extradite him.  So Andrew was able to party and live openly, thumbing his nose at his victims and the Justice system both.

I am not saying I agreed with what Dog did or not, that really is irrelevant.  But I belive that arresting him and sending him back is actually the right thing to do.  If he had appeared for his arraignment, he more then likely would have done a few months in jail before being returned to the US because of pressure from both inside the government, and from ordinary citizens protesting.

By running, he has only made things worse.  Now the Mexican Government will probably go harder on him, if nothing else then to show that their laws are not to be ignored.

And to be honest, I am surprised it has talen this long to get around to requesting him.  This is a 3 year old charge.  And I wonder if him flaunting his fame on a weekly TV show (the #1 show on A&E) has anything to do with the arrest.  If he had simply dissapeared into anonymity, Mexico probably would have let it die.  By appearing on TV every week, it only reinforces the desire in some to see him brought to justice, since he really is profiting from the fame he got comitting a crime in their country.

They were not persueing him at all.  He was living openly, and made no attempts to hide his identity.  This is because under the Mexican Constitution, he was safe from extradition because he was convicted and sentenced to 124 years.  Because he was un-extraditable, there was no reason to hide.  He could have gone on national TV and admitted what he did and he was glad he did it, and nothing would have happened.

In fact, they had been trying to find an excuse to extradite him for immigration and visa violations, but he was careful to keep everything current and follow all Mexican laws.  Mexico wanted to see him out of their country, but unless he did something that could warrent his return to his home country, they could do nothing but sit back and watch him.

Yeah this case is a cache 22. I don't agree with what the Dog does, yet, it appears like this situation with Luster wouldn't have been resolved if it wasn't for him.\

[quote author=

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: deadrockstar on 09/16/06 at 12:33 am

Obviously the Mexican government needs to change some of their extradition policies.  IMO, I think that our government should have refused to extradite Dog in protest of these policies. It seems ridiculous to me that someone could rape and/or murder at will, and that if they can just make it across the Rio Grand they can get off scot-free.

Not exactly. They get off if they're wanted for the crimes in a state in which the penalty for them is the death penalty. So if you committed murder in, say, West Virginia- they would extradite you back.  But if you were wanted for murder in Texas- they wouldn't.

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/16/06 at 12:35 am

Really any country without the death penalty has this type of extradition policy in regards to the U.S. Although, haven't there been cases where we've signed extradition agreements in which we agree to not give someone the death penalty in order for the other country to agree to extradite the person in question? ???

I believe they have, but I've also heard of instances where they'll agree to charge them with a lesser offense to get the country to extradite, and then when they get back to the States, they'll immediately charge them with the capital offense.

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: deadrockstar on 09/16/06 at 12:38 am

[quote author=

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 09/16/06 at 12:41 am

Yeah this case is a cache 22. I don't agree with what the Dog does, yet, it appears like this situation with Luster wouldn't have been resolved if it wasn't for him.
It's totally a Catch-22. I mean, if Luster (now there's a name for a serial rapist! ::)) would've only raped one or two women and wouldn't have faced a LWOP sentence, then Mexico would have been more likely to extradite him. But since he was facing a 124-year sentence (I don't know how many women he raped, but it must have been quite a few, since a 124-year sentence seems pretty severe), Mexico apparently felt that this could be considered "cruel and unusual" punishment. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.  

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: Mushroom on 09/16/06 at 10:19 am

Although, haven't there been cases where we've signed extradition agreements in which we agree to not give someone the death penalty in order for the other country to agree to extradite the person in question? ???

And that happens all the time.

However, Luster was convicted and sentenced in absentia, so that would not be applicable.  He was present for the beginning of his trial, but he took off when he realized he was going to be convicted.  He stayed in hiding until the conviction and sentence was passed out.

If he was caught before he was sentenced, he could have been returned as a fugitive.  However, once the sentence came out, he was non-extraditeable because of the length of sentence.  Luster knew this, so stopped hiding.

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/16/06 at 1:43 pm

The Mexican govenment isn't corrupt.  Corruption is the government of Mexico!  So I guess down there in Mexico City, they get a little government in their corruption now and again, like when they outlawed the death penalty!

Anyway, you don't need the death penalty in Mexico.  If you think somebody deserves to die for what he did, just pay your local cop $100 U.S., and he'll do the job for you!

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: deadrockstar on 09/16/06 at 11:38 pm

The Mexican govenment isn't corrupt.  Corruption is the government of Mexico!  So I guess down there in Mexico City, they get a little government in their corruption now and again, like when they outlawed the death penalty!

Anyway, you don't need the death penalty in Mexico.  If you think somebody deserves to die for what he did, just pay your local cop $100 U.S., and he'll do the job for you!

Most developing countries lack in law & order.

I used to know this guy from Pakistan, and I remember him telling me how corrupt the cops in Pakistan are. He told me when you're pulled over there the cop will ask you to come have some tea with him, because you're going to discuss how much you're gonna pay him to leave you alone. :D

Also look at the lax-to-nil traffic laws in these countries. Christ, you ever seen footage of Mumbai at rush hour? Its a suicide run to navigate THAT traffic!

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: robS on 09/18/06 at 8:29 pm

It seems that Dog The Bounty Hunter has finally been arrested.

He was charged in Mexico with kidnapping in 2003, when he kidnapped Max Factor heir and convicted serial rapist Andrew Luster.  He and his team bailed out of jail, but skipped the country before he was formally charged.

Mexico finally requested extradition from US Authorities, and he was picked up by US Marshalls in Hawaii.


Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: Jessica on 09/18/06 at 10:09 pm

From Wikipedia:

In 1996, 1997 and 2000, however, Luster allegedly gave three women GHB, a known date rape drug, and raped them while they were unconscious. Luster was brought to trial in 2002. Soon afterward, police officers found videotapes of Luster raping the women in question, including one tape labeled "Shauna GHBing." On January 3, 2003, after one of the victims had testified, but before the jury viewed the "Shauna" tape, Luster vanished from his house, along with his dog and his truck. Luster was later convicted in absentia to 124 years in prison by a California court. The California Court of Appeal refused the appeal his attorneys filed on his behalf , ruling that as a fugitive from justice, Luster had forfeited his right to appeal. The California Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court later refused to disturb this ruling.

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: Mushroom on 09/19/06 at 10:37 am

Most developing countries lack in law & order.

And I myself am somewhat grateful for that fact.

When my ex and her family were under a "Detainment Order" in Argentina in 1980, her father bribed the Army Officer who came to arrest them by giving him their car and everything in their apartment.  This gave most of her family the chance to escape the country.  The only member who was not able to escape was her brother, who was in a hospital (he was retarded).  He died of a "brain hemmorage" a month later.  He was healthy otherwise, and her family have never accepted the "official" explanation of how he died.

Unfortinuately, very few were lucky enough to escape the "Dirty War" like her and her family was.

SOmetimes, corruption can be made to work in the favor of the "Good Guys".  But sadly, it is far more often used by the corrupt to escape justice (or by corrupt officials to profit from others).

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/19/06 at 10:01 pm

Most developing countries lack in law & order.

I'll bet they do, some of them at least.  I can imagine Sam Waterston dubbed en espanol!

Doesn't the bribe system cut both ways?  On the one hand, you can bribe the cops.  On the other hand, the cops are free to put you in a position of requiring a bribe, and you've got no recourse.  If the cops don't get enough pay, aren't they more likely to moonlight as mercenaries?

And the judicial system, I would not want to be an American in front of a Mexican magistrate!  Maybe I'm just prejudiced.  I always got a chuckle when 18-year-olds would cross the border to go to the boozers or the strip clubs, raise hell, break the law, and end up in a Tijuana jail. 
"But I'm an American!"
"That don't cut no ice around here, gringo!"

Subject: Re: Dog arrested for kidnapping

Written By: deadrockstar on 09/20/06 at 6:35 am

I always got a chuckle when 18-year-olds would cross the border to go to the boozers or the strip clubs, raise hell, break the law, and end up in a Tijuana jail. 
"But I'm an American!"
"That don't cut no ice around here, gringo!"

Yeah, when my uncle was stationed in El Paso him and another guy went over to Juarez to party, and ended up getting arrested. The Juarez jail consisted of walls. WALLS! There was no real floor(it was dirt) and no ROOF. Juarez isn't an area where it rains a lot, however, it just so happens that night it decided to pour.


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