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Subject: "Beat the barber"
Written By: Jinxx on 09/02/06 at 3:23 pm
:DAnyone seen this show?I saw footage of it on YOU tube,but the red-haired girl still has most of her hair when the clip's a show where the kid gets their head shaved bald if they get aN ANSWER WRONG.I wonder how their parents liked it!This one boy said he was attracting a lot of girls since he lost his hair!Anyone have any more complete footage?that you can link here?
Subject: Re: "Beat the barber"
Written By: LyricBoy on 09/02/06 at 4:53 pm
:DAnyone seen this show?I saw footage of it on YOU tube,but the red-haired girl still has most of her hair when the clip's a show where the kid gets their head shaved bald if they get aN ANSWER WRONG.I wonder how their parents liked it!This one boy said he was attracting a lot of girls since he lost his hair!Anyone have any more complete footage?that you can link here?
All I can say is if they run a show called "Beat the urologist" I will not be a contestant.
Subject: Re: "Beat the barber"
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 09/03/06 at 3:22 pm
"Beat the barber?!?"
That sounds dirty. :o :o :o
Subject: Re: "Beat the barber"
Written By: Marian on 09/05/06 at 3:56 pm
All I can say is if they run a show called "Beat the urologist" I will not be a contestant.
:D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;Duh,what do you suppose you would have to do if you got a question wrong??? ??? :o
Subject: SDFSD
Written By: SDFSDF on 09/12/06 at 7:50 am
手机铃声下载 免费铃声 下载铃声 下载手机铃声 铃声下载 免费铃声 免费手机铃声 免费铃声下载 手机图片 手机图片下载 下载手机图片 手机下载图片 待机图片 手机待机图片 手机待机图片下载 手机游戏下载 下载手机游戏 手机游戏 手机游戏免费下载 免费手机游戏 免费铃声下载 免费手机铃声 免费铃声 手机铃声下载 铃声下载 手机图片 免费铃声下载 免费手机铃声 免费铃声 手机铃声下载 铃声下载 手机图片 免费铃声下载 免费手机铃声 免费铃声 手机铃声下载 铃声下载 手机图片 免费铃声下载 免费手机铃声 免费铃声 手机铃声下载 铃声下载 手机和弦铃声 手机和弦铃声下载 mp3铃声下载 mp3手机铃声 手机mp3铃声 免费手机铃声下载 免费铃声 免费手机铃声 免费手机图片 手机动画图片 手机和弦铃声 手机和弦铃声下载 mp3铃声下载 mp3手机铃声 手机mp3铃声 免费手机铃声下载 免费铃声 免费手机铃声 免费手机图片 手机动画图片 手机和弦铃声 手机和弦铃声下载 mp3铃声下载 mp3手机铃声 手机mp3铃声 免费手机铃声下载 免费铃声 免费手机铃声 免费手机图片 手机动画图片 手机小游戏 手机游戏免费下载 手机游戏下载 手机游戏 手机铃声下载 免费铃声 下载铃声 下载手机铃声 铃声下载 免费手机铃声 免费铃声下载 搞笑铃声 mp3铃声下载 mp3铃声 mp3手机铃声 手机图片下载 手机待机图片 免费手机图片 手机图片免费下载 手机图片 手机动画图片 手机下载图片 免费待机图片 三星铃声 mp3铃声 手机待机图片 手机图片 手机小游戏 在线手机视频 手机视频 三星铃声 mp3铃声 手机待机图片 手机图片 手机小游戏 在线手机视频 手机视频三星铃声 mp3铃声 手机待机图片 手机图片 手机小游戏 在线手机视频 手机视频
Subject: Re: SDFSD
Written By: Marian on 09/12/06 at 3:05 pm
手机铃声下载 免费铃声 下载铃声 下载手机铃声 铃声下载 免费铃声 免费手机铃声 免费铃声下载 手机图片 手机图片下载 下载手机图片 手机下载图片 待机图片 手机待机图片 手机待机图片下载 手机游戏下载 下载手机游戏 手机游戏 手机游戏免费下载 免费手机游戏 免费铃声下载 免费手机铃声 免费铃声 手机铃声下载 铃声下载 手机图片 免费铃声下载 免费手机铃声 免费铃声 手机铃声下载 铃声下载 手机图片 免费铃声下载 免费手机铃声 免费铃声 手机铃声下载 铃声下载 手机图片 免费铃声下载 免费手机铃声 免费铃声 手机铃声下载 铃声下载 手机和弦铃声 手机和弦铃声下载 mp3铃声下载 mp3手机铃声 手机mp3铃声 免费手机铃声下载 免费铃声 免费手机铃声 免费手机图片 手机动画图片 手机和弦铃声 手机和弦铃声下载 mp3铃声下载 mp3手机铃声 手机mp3铃声 免费手机铃声下载 免费铃声 免费手机铃声 免费手机图片 手机动画图片 手机和弦铃声 手机和弦铃声下载 mp3铃声下载 mp3手机铃声 手机mp3铃声 免费手机铃声下载 免费铃声 免费手机铃声 免费手机图片 手机动画图片 手机小游戏 手机游戏免费下载 手机游戏下载 手机游戏 手机铃声下载 免费铃声 下载铃声 下载手机铃声 铃声下载 免费手机铃声 免费铃声下载 搞笑铃声 mp3铃声下载 mp3铃声 mp3手机铃声 手机图片下载 手机待机图片 免费手机图片 手机图片免费下载 手机图片 手机动画图片 手机下载图片 免费待机图片 三星铃声 mp3铃声 手机待机图片 手机图片 手机小游戏 在线手机视频 手机视频 三星铃声 mp3铃声 手机待机图片 手机图片 手机小游戏 在线手机视频 手机视频三星铃声 mp3铃声 手机待机图片 手机图片 手机小游戏 在线手机视频 手机视频
I can't read this.can you translate it?
Subject: Re: SDFSD
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/12/06 at 3:07 pm
I can't read this.can you translate it?
Why bother? It's spam.
Subject: Re: SDFSD
Written By: Marian on 09/12/06 at 3:08 pm
Why bother? It's spam.
OH,well I can't read chinese.
Subject: Re: SDFSD
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/28/06 at 10:04 am
I can't read this.can you translate it?
Just for you!
载 exemption 费 hand desk 铃 voice exemption under 载 exemption 费 hand desk 游 戏 exemption 费 铃 voice under 载 hand desk 游 戏 hand desk 游 戏 hand desk 游 戏 exemption 费 under 载 under 载 hand desk 游 戏 under 载 图 one 待 desk 图 one hand desk 待 desk 图 one hand desk 待 desk 图 piece under 载 hand desk 图 one hand desk under 载 under 载 hand desk 图 one hand desk 图 piece under 载 exemption 费 铃 voice exemption 费 hand desk 铃 voice exemption 费 铃 voice under 载 hand desk 铃 voice 铃 voice under 载 铃 voice under 载 exemption 费 铃 voice under the hand desk 铃 voice 费Under 载 hand desk harmony chord 铃 voice hand desk harmony chord 铃 voice under 载 铃 voice under 载 exemption 费 hand desk 铃 voice exemption 费 铃 voice hand desk 铃 voice under 载 hand desk 图 one exemption 费 铃 voice under 载 铃 voice under 载 exemption 费 hand desk 铃 voice exemption 费 铃 voice hand desk 铃 voice under 载 hand desk 图 one exemption 费 铃 voice under 载 铃 voice under 载 exemption 费 hand desk 铃 voice exemption 费 铃 voice hand desk 铃 voice under 载 hand desk 图 one exemption 费 铃 voice under 载 铃 voice under 铃 voice hand desk 铃 voice 载 under mp3 铃 voice载 Under 载 exemption 费 铃 voice exemption 费 hand desk 铃 voice exemption 费 hand desk 图 one hand desk 动 picture 图 one hand desk harmony chord 铃 voice hand desk harmony chord 铃 voice under mp3 hand desk 铃 voice hand desk mp3 铃 voice exemption 费 hand desk 铃 voice 载 under mp3 铃 voice 载 under 载 exemption 费 铃 voice exemption 费 hand desk 铃 voice exemption 费 hand desk 图 one hand desk 动 picture 图 one hand desk harmony chord 铃 voice hand desk harmony chord 铃 voice under mp3 hand desk 铃 voice hand desk mp3 铃 voice exemption 费 hand desk 铃 voice 载 under mp3 铃 voice 载 mp3 hand desk 铃 voice Under 载 搞 laughing 铃 voice mp3 铃 voice under 载 exemption 费 hand desk 铃 voice exemption 费 铃 voice under 载 hand desk 铃 voice 铃 voice under 载 铃 voice under 载 exemption 费 铃 voice under 载 hand desk 游 戏 hand desk 铃 voice under 载 hand desk 游 戏 under 载 exemption 费 铃 voice exemption 费 hand desk 铃 voice exemption 费 hand desk 图 one hand desk 动 picture 图 one hand desk small 游 戏 hand desk 游 戏 exemption 费 under the hand desk mp3 铃 voice exemption 费 hand desk 铃 voice 载 载 hand desk 待 desk under mp3 铃 voice mp3 hand desk 铃 voice hand desk 图 piece 图载 图 one exemption 费 待 desk 图 one Sanxing 铃 voice mp3 铃 voice hand desk 待 desk 图 one hand desk 图 one hand desk small 游 戏 resident in 线 hand desk 视 频 hand desk under 载 hand desk 图 one hand desk 动 picture 图 one hand desk under one exemption 费 hand desk 图 one hand desk 图 one exemption 费 视 频 Sanxing 铃 voice mp3 铃 voice hand desk 待 desk 图 one hand desk 图 one hand desk small 游 戏 resident in 线 hand desk 视 频 hand desk 视 频 Sanxing 铃 voice mp3 铃 voice hand desk 待 desk 图 one hand desk 图 one hand desk small 游 戏 resident in 线 hand desk 视 频 hand desk 视频
Subject: Re: SDFSD
Written By: Marian on 10/28/06 at 2:25 pm
Just for you!
Wow!You really know chinese?
Subject: Re: SDFSD
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/28/06 at 3:30 pm
Wow!You really know chinese?
It's Japanese.
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