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Subject: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: Donnie Darko on 06/25/06 at 4:18 pm

Do you think 2007 will be different from 2006?

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/25/06 at 4:19 pm

We can only wait and see.

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: velvetoneo on 06/25/06 at 4:27 pm

Sort of. I think all glam rap will fade away, '80s nostalgia will absolutely peak, the economy will be horrible, and some sort of dance music or electronica will start ascending to popularity. A/C and emo will still be pretty popular, but preppieness will go away. Crime will start getting bad again, and maybe alternative rap will rear its head.

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: Roadgeek on 06/25/06 at 4:31 pm

2007? Hopefully better than 2006.

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: batfan2005 on 06/25/06 at 7:23 pm

Sort of. I think all glam rap will fade away, '80s nostalgia will absolutely peak, the economy will be horrible, and some sort of dance music or electronica will start ascending to popularity. A/C and emo will still be pretty popular, but preppieness will go away. Crime will start getting bad again, and maybe alternative rap will rear its head.

Yeah, I think 2007 will be as you described. It will be similar to 1991, seeing how 2006 is like 1990, and 2005 was like 1989, and so on. A lot of the traits you mentioned were traits of 1991, like the bad economy, high crime rate, and dance music rising in popularity. 1991 had a lot more of the dance music that was prototyped in 1989 and 1990, and I think 2007 will have a lot more of the dance/electronica music that was prototyped in 2005 and 2006.   

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: David Sari on 06/25/06 at 8:55 pm

Ashley Tisdale will be the most famous actress & pop singer, also a claymated  version of her will take on Chelsea Handler  :D

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: batfan2005 on 08/11/07 at 9:53 pm

Sort of. I think all glam rap will fade away, '80s nostalgia will absolutely peak, the economy will be horrible, and some sort of dance music or electronica will start ascending to popularity. A/C and emo will still be pretty popular, but preppieness will go away. Crime will start getting bad again, and maybe alternative rap will rear its head.

From what we've seen this year, looks like your predictions were correct!

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: whistledog on 08/11/07 at 10:06 pm

Ashley Tisdale will be the most famous actress & pop singer, also a claymated  version of her will take on Chelsea Handler  :D

Who is Chelsea Handler ?

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: woops on 08/11/07 at 10:21 pm

She's Don Imus with a blonde wig and a lame talk show on E! ::) :P

Ashley Tisdale is an OK actress, though she's just another flash in the pan

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: whistledog on 08/11/07 at 10:24 pm

Ashley Tisdale is an OK actress, though she's just another flash in the pan

I wish she'd flash her pans.  Might make her movies more enjoyable ;D

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: GoodRedShirt on 08/12/07 at 4:24 am

Hover Cars.

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: tv on 08/12/07 at 7:58 pm

Sort of. I think all glam rap will fade away, '80s nostalgia will absolutely peak, the economy will be horrible, and some sort of dance music or electronica will start ascending to popularity. A/C and emo will still be pretty popular, but preppieness will go away. Crime will start getting bad again, and maybe alternative rap will rear its head.
Your list on Predictions for 2007 on my comments of your list:
"I think all glam rap will fade away", -Hasn't Happened yet
'80s nostalgia will absolutely peak,"-You're correct
"the economy will be horrible",-You are correct
"and some sort of dance music or electronica will start ascending to popularity." your correct sort of
"A/C and emo will still be pretty popular," You are correct
"but preppieness will go away,Crime will start getting bad again:,- I don;t about those 2 predictions
"and maybe alternative rap will rear its head"-Haven't seen that happen yet

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: popking on 08/12/07 at 11:29 pm

I actually think the 80s nostalgia is starting to pass its peak. Now its more or less a late 80s nostalgia. Regardless, 80s nostalgia has been a failure since its basically impossible to replicate the feel of the 80s with things like rap and the like being popular.

The glam rap hasn't all faded away, but its in the process of happening. So that prediction is at least partially correct.  Emo is not as popular as it was either but its still around.

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: tv on 08/13/07 at 4:47 pm

I actually think the 80s nostalgia is starting to pass its peak. Now its more or less a late 80s nostalgia. Regardless, 80s nostalgia has been a failure since its basically impossible to replicate the feel of the 80s with things like rap and the like being popular.
Well no the 80's did have rap it was just not the bling bling rap style that rap is today. Rap in the 80's had artists like Public Emeny, Run DMC, LL Cool J, Eric B & Rakim, EMPD, Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince, Grandmaster Falash & The Furious Five, and Kool Moe Dee.

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: popking on 08/13/07 at 5:33 pm

Your right. I knew that, but the point I was trying to imply is that today's rap is far more lewd and has that post-gangsta mentality, which was a product of the 90s.  In the 80s rap was much different. So it can never replicate the 80s "feel" because its the 2000s and not the 1980s. Of course nostalgia never brings a decade back anyway.

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 08/15/07 at 10:44 am

I think 2007 has been an o.k. year. So far it turned out almost like I thought it was, but music is a little better this year than in 2006

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: Philip Eno on 08/15/07 at 10:50 am

Certainly this has seen a change in the season, we have not had a real summer yet.

Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: GameDude2008 on 08/27/07 at 5:17 pm


Subject: Re: What Will 2007 Be Like?

Written By: Philip Eno on 08/28/07 at 7:43 am

2007 will only be whatever 2007 will be like.

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