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Subject: What did you think of Coke C2?

Written By: Carl on 03/14/06 at 1:20 pm

Me personally, I didn't think it was that bad, it's rarely sold now, probably discontinued. But, I still see some stores carry it. I've heard people say it tasted like a flat version of regular coke. The new Coke Zero is dreadful!! I don't suggest buying that.

Subject: Re: What did you think of Coke C2?

Written By: Roadgeek on 03/14/06 at 2:14 pm

I didn't ever drink the Coke C2. This was back when the Atkin's/Low Carb dieting was popular back in 2004. I thought low carb was foolish. Low carb and no carb diets just didn't seem to help people. You should be more concerned with cholestoral and fats.

Subject: Re: What did you think of Coke C2?

Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 03/15/06 at 10:51 am

Yeah I never really got into the whole low carb dieting thing. I never tried any Coke C2 since it didnt really look like it would tast that good.

Subject: Re: What did you think of Coke C2?

Written By: nikki89 on 03/15/06 at 7:45 pm

Me personally, I didn't think it was that bad, it's rarely sold now, probably discontinued. But, I still see some stores carry it. I've heard people say it tasted like a flat version of regular coke. The new Coke Zero is dreadful!! I don't suggest buying that.

I love Coke Zero! I guess it's because I wasn't really allowed Regular Coke as a kid(my mom made me drink Diet) so when I did drink it it was too sweet but I liked the flavor. So now it get the flavor without the sweetness.

And I never really saw the point of Coke C2. Why bother with that when they knew Coke Zero was coming out?

Subject: Re: What did you think of Coke C2?

Written By: Carl on 03/16/06 at 7:24 am

And I never really saw the point of Coke C2. Why bother with that when they knew Coke Zero was coming out?

I think it was to replace C2 correct? I rarely see it sold now.

Subject: Re: What did you think of Coke C2?

Written By: bbigd04 on 03/16/06 at 9:21 am

I've had plenty of C2, it was actually pretty good. I'm surprised they got rid of it already. Coke Zero is still better than regular diet coke though.

Subject: Re: What did you think of Coke C2?

Written By: Carl on 03/16/06 at 9:34 am

Occasionally, I see C2 is some stores..I buy it.

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