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Subject: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: Trimac20 on 03/01/06 at 9:44 pm
All I hear is hype about this band called the 'Arctic Monkeys', composed of a few teenage lads from Sheffield, England. Heard a few snippets of their music, but nothing enough to convince me to buy their record. It got me wondering, however, if we are on the edge of a new revolution. Perhaps the 'New Progressive' thing - led by Franz Ferdinand, Coldplay, Kaiser Chiefs, Killers.etc (psuedo80smusic) is dying out and giving way to a rawer sound. I think Coldplay mighr remain top of the heap for perhaps a year or so, and then a new band of original artists will start to dominate.
I think we need to buckle the trend a little. I don't really mind this 'New Progressive' sort of music, but it lacks the power and epic feel of the 90s. I think we need something to break the trend.
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: Donnie Darko on 03/01/06 at 9:55 pm
Well, I kind of consider the Neo-Wave part of the greater emo spectrum; I think White Stripes-type "minimalist" stuff will probably rule the 2010s rock scene, along with another genre or two.
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 03/02/06 at 1:58 am
The whole hype around the Arctic Monkeys doesn't seem long lasting, as far as I'm concerned.
Just wait until something else comes along within the next year and you won't hear anything else about them from the press. It's kinda sad because they are actually a really good band who do deserve to be noticed like they are right now.
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: velvetoneo on 03/02/06 at 4:58 am
I think a Midwestern sound influenced by grunge, minimalist-type "White Stripes Stuff", folk music, and '50s rock will be pretty big in the '10s.
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: Donnie Darko on 03/02/06 at 2:05 pm
The whole hype around the Arctic Monkeys doesn't seem long lasting, as far as I'm concerned.
Just wait until something else comes along within the next year and you won't hear anything else about them from the press. It's kinda sad because they are actually a really good band who do deserve to be noticed like they are right now.
Let's hope it's not another post-grunge band nobody cares about. :P
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: whistledog on 03/02/06 at 4:04 pm
The Arctic Monkeys album is even a success here in Canada, which is quite surprising. I bet they will be around for years to come
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: Trimac20 on 03/04/06 at 9:50 am
Yeah, they are some pretty good bands about withs ome potential, but there seems to be a conspicous lack of real characters in the rock world today. We need a few more Jim Morrisons', even Liam Gallaghers to spice up the world of rock. There is just a real bland approach to image these days (if you know what I mean, which you pbly don't).
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: velvetoneo on 03/04/06 at 9:54 am
I totally agree with that...the last real characters in rock music have been what, Kurt Cobain and maybe earlier Beck and Radiohead's Thom Yorke? I miss the captivating days of peak Madonna.
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: Trimac20 on 03/04/06 at 10:42 am
Good to see others who agree with me. Though, I wonder, how could you 'miss' the 'captivating days of peak Madonna' when you weren't even born then? :) Cos. Madonna's peak was probably late 80s...
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: velvetoneo on 03/04/06 at 4:33 pm
It's more of a pang for something I never experienced but that was close enough to my time to pretend I did. She really lost some of her captivating quality after Erotica was released, her 1984-1991 peak was astounding. She is a goddess. There's nobody in pop music now who's that captivating that you can't tear your eyes off of them.
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: Marty McFly on 03/05/06 at 2:50 am
It's more of a pang for something I never experienced but that was close enough to my time to pretend I did. She really lost some of her captivating quality after Erotica was released, her 1984-1991 peak was astounding. She is a goddess. There's nobody in pop music now who's that captivating that you can't tear your eyes off of them.
Yeah, even though music has had subtle changes in the '00s, the last 100% "iconic/household name" performers (i.e. the kind grandma's, 5 year olds and everyone else knew about, whether or not they even liked it) were probably the 1999 crop of boybands/Britney/Ricky Martin-type stuff. ;D
I'd also say your description is accurate for alot of '80s music in general. It was very exciting and you really wanted to be a part of it and couldn't wait to see what the new hits on the radio were gonna be.
I feel this way about the older music videos too - even if I've already seen 'em, they're still have such a cool/interesting/fun quality, that I can watch them repeatedly like I might do with movies. Even if I don't "remember" some of them when they were actually coming out, I get a similar feeling of nostalgia - I was there when they were still somewhat around on VH1 (i.e. watching 1984 videos in 1991).
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: Trimac20 on 03/05/06 at 5:37 am
I can sort of relate to what you're talking to. I sometimes feel I've lived in the past era, sort of in a past life (though I don't really believe in that). In many ways, I do feel like I was born in the wrong era. I do think, however, we have some sort of collective memory of the history before we were born.
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: velvetoneo on 03/05/06 at 7:08 am
Yeah, even though music has had subtle changes in the '00s, the last 100% "iconic/household name" performers (i.e. the kind grandma's, 5 year olds and everyone else knew about, whether or not they even liked it) were probably the 1999 crop of boybands/Britney/Ricky Martin-type stuff. ;D
I'd also say your description is accurate for alot of '80s music in general. It was very exciting and you really wanted to be a part of it and couldn't wait to see what the new hits on the radio were gonna be.
I feel this way about the older music videos too - even if I've already seen 'em, they're still have such a cool/interesting/fun quality, that I can watch them repeatedly like I might do with movies. Even if I don't "remember" some of them when they were actually coming out, I get a similar feeling of nostalgia - I was there when they were still somewhat around on VH1 (i.e. watching 1984 videos in 1991).
I totally agree with that...we haven't had a decent household name lately. I suppose 50 Cent, Kanye West, Usher, Jay-Z, Eminem, Beyonce Knowles, Coldplay come close, but they still aren't "household names."
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: Donnie Darko on 03/05/06 at 3:41 pm
^^^McFly, would you say people were trendier in the '80s? Now, I'm not one to follow trends (in fact, I tend to go against them, LOL), but in the '80s at least there were trends, rather than things that remained "trendy" for 7, 9, hell even 15 years. ;D
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: Marty McFly on 03/05/06 at 7:09 pm
^^^McFly, would you say people were trendier in the '80s? Now, I'm not one to follow trends (in fact, I tend to go against them, LOL), but in the '80s at least there were trends, rather than things that remained "trendy" for 7, 9, hell even 15 years. ;D
Definitely. Sometimes I think this is cool, sometimes not, but I believe the reason for this was the '80s were just such a cool/exciting time, many many people found something to like. Everyone from little kids to 40-year olds seemed to dig at least some stuff from then, but if you were a Brat Packer, you would've probably abandoned the things you used to love as a 10 year old in 1978 once you were a 15 year old in 1983.
Sometimes I kinda like the fact that things haven't hugely changed in pop culture since 1999, and not REALLY generationally since 1991/92. That means in the grand scheme of things, I've been living in the same world since I was like, freakin' 9 (alternative rock, The Simpsons, some form of gangsta rap, the more "laid back" attitude/mindset of the '90s). ;)
Even the things that I perhaps don't like as much, I would probably miss if they were to suddenly go away.
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: Donnie Darko on 03/05/06 at 9:04 pm
^Would you say the '90s are an X or Y decade, McFly? I'd kind of say somewhere between, that is, the "world" of the '90s was more like that of the '80s in that it wasn't completely digitized and still had that "late 20th Century suburbia" feel, BUT the '90s concept of cool is almost the same as the '00s one, with the exception that goofy music like emo and glam rap are popular now but probably wouldn't be so much in the '90s.
I wonder if Emo would be hot in the '90s. I bet it would have its adherents, but overall not be too well-liked, until maybe 1998 or '99.
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: La Roche on 03/05/06 at 9:09 pm
I still hope and pray that all this wuss rock crap would go away.
I think a lot of black/death metal etc bands are starting to tone down their sound so they can appeal to a wider marker. It'd be nice to see a metal revival.
For instance, In Flames latest release 'Come Clairty' has been doing fairly well and IMO they play a fairly aggresive style of music a lot of people wouldn't like.
I've been wanting 'Iced Earth' to really market their 'Tribute to the God's' CD. ACDC, Iron Maiden, Kiss etc covers. I think that could spark something off.
I'm tired of all this indie music or whatever new label it has today, the fact of the matter is it all sounds the same. It's the same acoustic guitar, the same three chords and the same song that dosen't really make sense but is just catchy enough to remember. Please, GIVE ME SOME SUBSTANCE!
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: velvetoneo on 03/05/06 at 10:43 pm
I think the '00s still have a very suburbanized feel to them, just the interior design has been more tech. Once you get beyond that, it's somewhat the same. Anyway, I think less tech design will come in in the 2010s as we get more tech to counteract it-wood paneling, etc.
I don't think glam rap or emo would have been well-liked until maybe 2000 or so, the amount of whininess and excess present in them, without the fun aspect of the '90s, would've made them pretty unpopular.
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: Trimac20 on 03/06/06 at 4:36 am
I've lost much of my liking for modern 'punk', 'emo'etc. Even Blink 182, Jimmy Eat World, Sum41 (let alone post-Good Charlotte) kind of irritate me these days. I think it's a mainly 'juvenile' genre (despite what people say), and you tend to get out of by the 20s (usually because you're too snobby, or you've actually improved your taste in music). I'm even getting bored of older punk like Pistols, Dead Kennedys, The Clash, Ramones, New York Dolls (though I still like Iggy and the Stooges).
Which brings me to the point that the Top 40 charts are controlled mainly by those in the 10-16 age group. Teenagers are still the biggest market for ultra-mainstream pop music, and musical trends tend to follow teen fashion.
Subject: Re: Superbands of the next year...
Written By: velvetoneo on 03/06/06 at 6:32 am
I've lost much of my liking for modern 'punk', 'emo'etc. Even Blink 182, Jimmy Eat World, Sum41 (let alone post-Good Charlotte) kind of irritate me these days. I think it's a mainly 'juvenile' genre (despite what people say), and you tend to get out of by the 20s (usually because you're too snobby, or you've actually improved your taste in music). I'm even getting bored of older punk like Pistols, Dead Kennedys, The Clash, Ramones, New York Dolls (though I still like Iggy and the Stooges).
Which brings me to the point that the Top 40 charts are controlled mainly by those in the 10-16 age group. Teenagers are still the biggest market for ultra-mainstream pop music, and musical trends tend to follow teen fashion.
It really is mainly a juvenile genre, I've always associated Blink 182 and Sum 41 with preteen and young teen boys.
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