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Subject: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: velvetoneo on 02/24/06 at 12:02 am
Ditto as my '90s essay...these are like the major people who might be featured in some sort of photo retrospective.
George W. Bush
Jack Abramoff
Zacarias Moussaoui
Howard Dean and John Kerry
Tony Blair
Simon Cowell and the rest of the American Idol Hosts
Donald Trump
Tyra Banks
Tom Ridge
Michael Chertoff
Oprah Winfrey
Dan Brown
Peter Jackson
Elijah Wood
Kanye West
50 Cent
Lil' Jon
Kelly Clarkson
Jessica Simpson
Scarlett Johansson
Natalie Portman
Darren Aronofsky
Heath Ledger
Jake Gyllenhaal
George Clooney
The Desperate Housewives Girls
Add as you wish! I'm tired...
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: Donnie Darko on 02/24/06 at 1:54 am
That's a great list :)
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 02/24/06 at 11:03 am
Like 'em or not:
George W. Bush(yecch!)
Osama Bin Laden(for all the wrong reasons)
Sean Hannity(yecch!)
Ann Coulter(yecch!)
Bill Gates
Bill O' Reilly(yecch!)
Shrek(okay, he's animated but he is a star)
Boston Red Sox(the whole team)
Chicago White Sox(the whole team)
Terrell Owens(for the wrong reason)
Cindy Sheehan
Karl Rove(for all the wrong reasons)
Dale Earnhardt Jr.(NASCAR's most popular driver)
FEMA(for the wrong reasons)
New Orleans Mayor Roy Nagin(for the wrong reasons)
Everyone who made the Airbus A380 a reality
Simon Cowell
Ruben Stoddard(spelling?)
anyone involved in 9/11, especially the WTC workers and the Flight 93 'Let's Roll' people who attempted to wrest control of the doomed flight from the hijackers...
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: gmann on 02/24/06 at 2:14 pm
Like 'em or not:
George W. Bush(yecch!)
Sean Hannity(yecch!)
Ann Coulter(yecch!)
Bill O' Reilly(yecch!)
Since I'm an equal opportunity offendor, I'll add the following to the "yecch" category:
Alan Colmes
Al Franken
Charles Schumer
former Ohio congressman James Traficant
I don't have a genuine dislike for any of the above...well, except for the last one. I'm just being a curmudgeon. ;D
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: velvetoneo on 02/24/06 at 5:08 pm
Michael Moore
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 02/28/06 at 9:07 pm
Carl Edwards
Kurt Busch(for getting himself fired by Roush Racing)
Danica Patrick
Andre and Big Boi, otherwise known as OutKast
50 Cent(like him or not)
Ashlee Simpson(she with the horrible voice)
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 03/01/06 at 10:51 am
Here's a couple of sports guys:
Barry Bonds(especially if he breaks the home run record)
Tom Brady
Terrell Owens
Kobe Bryant
Lebron James
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 03/01/06 at 8:29 pm
Here's a couple of sports guys:
Barry Bonds(especially if he breaks the home run record)
Tom Brady
Terrell Owens
Kobe Bryant
Lebron James
Of course if Bonds breaks the home run will be with a little help from those STEROIDS he uses....
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 03/01/06 at 8:32 pm
Kurt Busch's younger brother, Kyle......his nickname is 'Shrub'.
I don't see the same misbehavior in Kyle that Kurt sometimes has. But I think Kurt has a lot more pressure on him....
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 03/02/06 at 12:50 am
Of course if Bonds breaks the home run will be with a little help from those STEROIDS he uses....
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: Doc Brown on 09/04/06 at 11:38 pm
Michael Moore
DEFINITELY for all the wrong reasons!
Rudy Giuliani
Daniel Radcliffe
Maria Sharapova
Jerry Bruckheimer
And (trying not to cry as I type this) Steve Irwin :\'( .
Your Pal,
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 09/07/06 at 7:04 pm
Osama Bin Laden...for the evil things he's had his Al-Qaida underlings do, not only in America but in other countries as well...
and Kevin 'Mr. Loser' well as Britney Spears Federline...for all the wrong reasons, look at what's happened to her first child, Sean...what's going to happen when her second baby is born? IMO Britney does NOT know how to care for ONE child, let alone two.
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: Ebontyne on 09/07/06 at 8:02 pm
J. K. Rowling
Jon Stewart
Stephen Colbert
Condoleezza Rice
Donald Rumsfeld
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: Powerslave on 09/09/06 at 5:05 am
Steve Irwin
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: Ebontyne on 09/16/06 at 12:37 pm
Pope Benedict XVI
Subject: Re: Major Figures of the '00s
Written By: Abix on 09/16/06 at 9:21 pm
the judges on that silly show American Idol..oh and those Queer eye for the Straight Guy guys..
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