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Subject: Strokes new album...

Written By: Trimac20 on 02/20/06 at 8:25 am

Just wondering what everyone thinks of the Strokes new album, 'First Impressions of Earth.' I thought it was quite good - a good balance between coventionality and experimentation (more so the former). My favourites are '15 Minutes', strangely nostalgic, and 'Evening of the World' the first song is also pretty good. Still not up to the first album (pretty hard task) but overall a good effort (so a bit deritive in parts) perhaps the only good thing to come out of New York in awhile...

Subject: Re: Strokes new album...

Written By: gmann on 02/20/06 at 2:13 pm

Just wondering what everyone thinks of the Strokes new album, 'First Impressions of Earth.' I thought it was quite good - a good balance between coventionality and experimentation (more so the former). My favourites are '15 Minutes', strangely nostalgic, and 'Evening of the World' the first song is also pretty good. Still not up to the first album (pretty hard task) but overall a good effort (so a bit deritive in parts) perhaps the only good thing to come out of New York in awhile...

I haven't had a chance to pick up the new one yet, but I may do so before the month is out. The first two albums were pretty cool. I'm a sucker for anything vaguely resembling 60s/70s garage rock.   

Subject: Re: Strokes new album...

Written By: Donnie Darko on 02/21/06 at 1:39 am

Don't they kind of sound like Killing Joke?

Subject: Re: Strokes new album...

Written By: whistledog on 02/21/06 at 2:06 am

Did you know lead guitarist Albert Hammond Jr. is the son of Albert Hammond, a singer from the 70's who had lots of hits, the biggest of which was "It Never Rains in Southern California" :)

Subject: Re: Strokes new album...

Written By: Donnie Darko on 02/21/06 at 2:06 am

[quote author=whis

Subject: Re: Strokes new album...

Written By: whistledog on 02/21/06 at 2:26 am

hmmm  :)

It does rain in Southern California though  ;D

Not according to Albert ;D

Subject: Re: Strokes new album...

Written By: gmann on 02/21/06 at 9:56 am

[quote author=whis

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