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Subject: Favorite Kevin Smith film.
Written By: JamieMcBain on 07/17/05 at 1:43 pm
My favorites are Clerks, Mallrats, Dogma, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
Chasing Amy are Jersey Girl are ok.
But my favorite one is Dogma.
Subject: Re: Favorite Kevin Smith film.
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 07/18/05 at 6:20 am
I would have to say, "Jay & Silent Bob"
Erin :)
Subject: Re: Favorite Kevin Smith film.
Written By: jaytee on 07/18/05 at 7:59 am
But my favorite one is Dogma.
That was one of the worst movies I have ever sat through.
Subject: Re: Favorite Kevin Smith film.
Written By: limblifter on 07/18/05 at 9:18 am
That was one of the worst movies I have ever sat through.
I didn't know the poll was "What was the worst movie jaytee ever had to sit through" :D
My vavourite is Clerks.
Subject: Re: Favorite Kevin Smith film.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/18/05 at 10:17 am
A classic of working class grunge!
Subject: Re: Favorite Kevin Smith film.
Written By: Indy Gent on 07/18/05 at 10:15 pm
I don't care much about Kevin Smith, and I especially despise Dogma. So I choose not to vote here. ::)
Subject: Re: Favorite Kevin Smith film.
Written By: Billy Florio on 07/19/05 at 11:13 pm
Kevin Smith is a hit or miss director.
for example....Clerks, Chaising Amy and Dogma are genius and brilliantly written.
Mall rats is just a perfect example of where an indie director can go wrong when handed a large budget....
Jay and Silent Bob is just a sellout movie that wasnt the least bit funny...
Jersey what garbage....from my review: "Jersey Girl is Kevin Smith's attempt at a family comedy that is neither funny nor for the family"
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