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Subject: Where's Hillary Duff in 10 years?

Written By: Debbie Does Malice on 05/28/05 at 8:00 pm

She'll be on "E! True Hollywood Story" & be a washed up has-been like Tiffany!!!  :D

Subject: Re: Where's Hillary Duff in 10 years?

Written By: AL-B on 05/28/05 at 8:24 pm

In 2015 you'll be able to find Hillary Duff at the T/A truck stop just off of Exit 1 on I-80 in Council Bluffs, IA. She'll be what we in the trucking business refer to as a "lot lizard," or "commercial girl."  :D

Subject: Re: Where's Hillary Duff in 10 years?

Written By: GoodRedShirt on 05/28/05 at 9:10 pm

Cleaning the floors with a rag and a bucket of water in my multi-million dollar mansion.  ::)

Subject: Re: Where's Hillary Duff in 10 years?

Written By: GoodRedShirt on 05/29/05 at 1:23 am

Cleaning the floors with a rag and a bucket of water in my multi-million dollar mansion.  ::)
Make that "gold floors" ...not fake gold either... real gold.

Subject: Re: Where's Hillary Duff in 10 years?

Written By: naaacho on 05/29/05 at 1:37 am

No. she'll be living it up in a freakin mansion in a swimming pool with butlers while everyone struggles with life. and she'll be ****'n guys all the time

  i hate that  girl. she has no talent

Subject: Re: Where's Hillary Duff in 10 years?

Written By: naaacho on 05/29/05 at 1:38 am

how u get mansion? working at blockbuster for $27 a week till u r 472?

Subject: Re: Where's Hillary Duff in 10 years?

Written By: GoodRedShirt on 05/29/05 at 1:51 am

how u get mansion? working at blockbuster for $27 a week till u r 472?
That's one way.

The other way is: finish school/university, get a good job, earn bucketloads of cash, desgin and build my own mansion with golden floors, live in it.

Subject: Re: Where's Hillary Duff in 10 years?

Written By: Mergal on 05/29/05 at 6:55 am

She'll be a promiscous struggling celebrity who'll be trying to keep up with her fame because her looks will rapidly be vanishing despite all the cosmetic surgery she'll be investing.

Subject: Re: Where's Hillary Duff in 10 years?

Written By: Debbie Does Malice on 05/29/05 at 7:07 pm

Playboy anybody?  ::)  :P

Makes good use for the bird cage  :D

Subject: Re: Where's Hillary Duff in 10 years?

Written By: NullandVoid on 05/29/05 at 10:26 pm

Six feet underground

just kidding....she'll probably be over and one with. Teen stars rarely last very long.

Subject: Re: Where's Hillary Duff in 10 years?

Written By: SpaceHog on 06/10/05 at 12:01 pm

workin in my sweatshop! I am gonna whip her extra hard, if she breaks out into song and dance! and starts quoting sheesh from Lizzie Mcquire!....

Subject: Re: Where's Hillary Duff in 10 years?

Written By: AnnieBanannie on 06/11/05 at 11:59 pm

Hosting "Inside Edition."

Subject: Re: Where's Hillary Duff in 10 years?

Written By: Debbie Does Malice on 06/12/05 at 6:25 pm

She'll be chubby like Tiffany on "Hit Me Baby One More Time"!  :D

Subject: Re: Where's Hillary Duff in 10 years?

Written By: racer on 06/13/05 at 3:37 pm

She'll be chubby like Tiffany on "Hit Me Baby One More Time"!  :D

Is this Woops claiming to be someone else?

Clue #1 - His online name contains the name "Debbie" for another has-been Debbie Gibson

Clue #2 - He doesn't like Tiffany and has previously referred to her a chubby on the show

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