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Subject: should errant pilots be charged for air force dispatch?

Written By: saver on 05/11/05 at 8:46 pm

We all heard the outcry that the RUNAWAY BRIDE should pay back the law enforcement and officials trying to find her for 'Her Mistake'...
As we now heard of the errant aircraft that caused the White House to go on alert 5/11/05 It cost the Government about $30,000 to send up jets to escort the off course 'errant' pilot...BUT the news reports that several aircraft stray EACH WEEK into the forbidden SHOULD WE/US start charging the errant pilots who cause the panic?

Let's hear it...... :-\\

Subject: Re: should errant pilots be charged for air force dispatch?

Written By: Gis on 05/12/05 at 1:30 am

Nah.I'm sure the government class it as good training should it ever happenn again for real.

Subject: Re: should errant pilots be charged for air force dispatch?

Written By: Marian on 05/12/05 at 2:12 pm

from what i've read,it's a true accident by the pilot or the student--not sure who was actually flying at the time.I think if the teacher was the one actually at the controls,it's not fair that the student should lose his licence,too--I mean,wasn'rt he counting on the guy for his expertise?The runaway bride's case was one of deliberate deception,so she shouldn't get out of paying.

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