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Subject: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: Kyle on 04/09/05 at 2:57 pm
I'm just testing out the polls again, and I can't think about anythig to say, so go ahead and post your own comments. ;) :-[
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: jersey_bwoy2078 on 04/09/05 at 3:35 pm
More 1999, if anything...but that was 6 years ago.
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: QueenAmenRa on 04/09/05 at 3:36 pm
Well, if you're talking about music I'd have to say neither.  It's not at all like the late 80's and I can already distinguish between today's music and music of the late 90's.
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: RockandRollFan on 04/09/05 at 3:38 pm
Music wasn't great in 1989 but it beats '99 by far...IMHO
I also like 1989 because my boys were all little and we had great '99 they were fun too, but while I love them I enjoyed when they were younger :)
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: Everlong on 04/11/05 at 1:02 am
More 1999, if anything...but that was 6 years ago.
Whoa, that makes me feel old O_O.
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: bbigd04 on 04/11/05 at 1:03 am
Easy, 1999 of course. Not saying that 1999 is exactly like 2005 because it is not, but 1989 is a lot more different.
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: Batfan2005 on 04/21/05 at 12:29 pm
Actually, 2005 is like 1989 because they were big years for movies. In the summer '89, the box office hits included Batman, Ghostbusters II, Indiana Jones 3, and many more. This summer, the movies are Star Wars 3, Batman Begins, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, and many more. As far as music, Gwen Stefani's L.A.M.B. is one of the best CD's out now, and it has a lot of style's from the late 80's. In my personal life, I traveled a lot in '89, and I'm planning on doing a lot of travelling this year. If I had to pick any other year that '05 reminds me of, I'll have to say 1997.
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: george78 on 04/21/05 at 4:30 pm
How do you correlate either year with 2005? Why not 88 or 94? What is special about 89 and 99? ???
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: DevoRule on 04/21/05 at 6:44 pm
1999, but lately I've been seeing almost as much 80s, at least in the music. I've thought about it, today isn't that much like 1999. 1999 stuff is still very present but it's far from fresh. I'd say we broke the 1999 mold in 2003 or fall of '02.
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: Mergal on 04/22/05 at 5:45 am
1999, that only seems like yesterday :-[
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: Stompgal on 04/25/05 at 6:26 am
Definitely 1999, because it's more recent.
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: chaka on 04/26/05 at 9:54 am
I don't understand how you can compare 3 totally different years.
To me each year is unique
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: Dan78 on 04/26/05 at 10:15 am
Neither. I can't even compare this year to other years for this decade.
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: Kyle on 04/27/05 at 7:36 pm
Actually, 2005 is like 1989 because they were big years for movies. In the summer '89, the box office hits included Batman, Ghostbusters II, Indiana Jones 3, and many more. This summer, the movies are Star Wars 3, Batman Begins, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, and many more. As far as music, Gwen Stefani's L.A.M.B. is one of the best CD's out now, and it has a lot of style's from the late 80's. In my personal life, I traveled a lot in '89, and I'm planning on doing a lot of travelling this year. If I had to pick any other year that '05 reminds me of, I'll have to say 1997.
Ditto a lil' bit, but I say 2005 is a lot[ more like 1998 than it is to 1997. One thing that the fashion in 1998 has a little bit of a '50s feel to it (like in 2005) and the music sounds more like up to date. The song "Crush" has some sort of a '80s feel, and it also had a sneak preview of what would be like in the mid-2000's. Pink and black was in style that year, as well as crappy TV, even though sitcoms are still hanging around and reality TV was brand new thing. 2005 also has a 1999 feel to it, especially the comeback of latin and RapMetal. BTW, isn't there already a movie called Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. I'd seen that movie when I was in the third grade, man and it was tight!
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: Batfan2005 on 11/03/05 at 1:53 pm
Similarities between 1989 and 2005:
1989: Batman
2005: Batman Begins
1989: Nintendo Gameboy
2005: Sony PSP
1989: S.F. earthquake
2005: Hurricane Katrina
1989: New hip-hop/r&b artists that came out and ended the era of 80's pop and soft rock
2005: New hip-hop/r&b artists that came out and ended the styles of the early 2000's
1989: Madonna's Pepsi commercial
2005: Paris Hilton's Carls Jr. commercial
1989: End of the cold war
2005: Free elections in Iraq
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: whistledog on 11/03/05 at 2:58 pm
Both, I think ???
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: OliverDK on 11/08/05 at 9:49 am
I'm not sure I had expected us to have hovercars and personal robots by now (Would've been nice though) but the truth is that nothing have really changed, not compared to either 1989 or 1999 anyway; we still live in the same world, the same houses, the same cars, the same fashions, okay we all have Ipods, cell phones and other gadgets, that no sci-fi writer ever thought of in his wildest dreams, but has it made life easier, is it easier to buy groceries or to walk the dog because you've got the latest model cell phone in your pocket.
I have a tendency to observe the world around me as an outsider looking in, and not much have really changed in the 34 years I have spent in this world, I mean we were all lucky enough to have experienced the magic of Millennium Night but nothing have changed, the world is still FUBAR and it's still ruled by greedy, old men who'd rather make more money than affecting any real changes, we all know this so tell me; what have changed between the 2nd and the 3rd millennium, I mean something like when the aircraft came into common use.
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: Matt the Rat76 on 11/08/05 at 3:25 pm
I say both
Subject: Re: 2005: More like 1989 or 1999
Written By: bbigd04 on 11/08/05 at 4:17 pm
I've changed my earlier opinion and I now say both, because of the '80s influences I've noticed in some of the music in 2005.
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