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Subject: any Kazaa users?
Written By: jiminy on 03/06/05 at 3:34 pm
I was curious, does anyone use kazaa?
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: sputnikcorp on 03/06/05 at 3:40 pm
i use kazaalite. i had kazaa but i had so many viruses that it killed my hard drive.
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: ktelqueen on 03/06/05 at 3:42 pm
i used to use kazaalite until i discovered rocks 8)
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Apricot on 03/06/05 at 3:43 pm
LimeWire was okay, but it didn't have any Ween and eventually, it got infected and all my search results came up with Porn. I use BearShare. Thanks, RockandRollFan! :D
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: jiminy on 03/06/05 at 3:45 pm
i use kazaalite. i had kazaa but i had so many viruses that it killed my hard drive.
I can usually pick out the viruses, if you want an MP3 and the file size is too small, you can bet it's a virus...and whats the deal with some MP3s, you download them but when you go to play them they are silent, it's like someone recorded silence then mis-labled it
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Apricot on 03/06/05 at 3:48 pm
The mislabeled silence ones usually contained the strongest, most pissedoff viruses. We still have one stuck on our computer, though Kazaa has been gone for 5-6 months and we've tried to kill with SpyWare Doctor every week or so! It's crazy!
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: jiminy on 03/06/05 at 3:53 pm
I preview my MP3s before they are 100% and if it's silence I cancell my download, I'm yet to find any velvet revolver MP3s that are labeled correctly
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/06/05 at 4:02 pm
Try Ares man. It's excellent, good download speeds and i have used it for about 8 months and have never had a virus. I got a couple bits of spyware but they are easy to get rid of. Plus it has a pretty good selection of most stuff.
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Bobby on 03/06/05 at 4:38 pm
I can usually pick out the viruses, if you want an MP3 and the file size is too small, you can bet it's a virus...and whats the deal with some MP3s, you download them but when you go to play them they are silent, it's like someone recorded silence then mis-labled it
I preview my MP3s before they are 100% and if it's silence I cancell my download, I'm yet to find any velvet revolver MP3s that are labeled correctly
Yep! That's the way to do it. Once you know the signs, you can usually stay away from the bad files.
I use Kazaa Lite, Bearshare and WinMX but I use Bearshare the most because I can find more than one file at a time.
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 03/06/05 at 9:23 pm
Can't say.... the "feds" and Metallica might arrest me! ;D
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: sputnikcorp on 03/06/05 at 11:30 pm
Can't say.... the "feds" and Metallica might arrest me! ;D
you know, it's legal to download music in canada, JMcB...
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: ElDuderino on 03/06/05 at 11:31 pm
Used to. But I switched over to BearShare, MUCH better.
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 03/07/05 at 12:03 am
you know, it's legal to download music in canada, JMcB...
Yeah... but still.... ;D
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 03/07/05 at 12:11 am
I got many songs from them but now I use bearshare and Limeware
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/07/05 at 1:48 am
I found Kazaa took up more space than it was worth and Kazaa-Lite was a revolving door for spyware.
The other thing is, I'm not that big of a media consumer (well, I am if you count news media) and haven't cared about major motion pictures, current pop music, current televison for the past several years. The movie disinterest is a bit shocking to me considering how much I always enjoyed going. Anyway, I just didn't have a need for Kazaa because I hear all the new music I could ever want through my radio station. This and the cited technical problems made it a drag.
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/07/05 at 3:11 am
Really? We A friend DL'd the entire album off of WinMX and they're all fine ???
ummm....not that I'd ever DL a song or album or video or anything 8)
Yeah i downloaded Contraband from Win MX & It was fine. I dl'd El Rey from Ares, again works fine.
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Dave Brown on 03/07/05 at 4:50 am
i use kazaalite. i had kazaa but i had so many viruses that it killed my hard drive.
Is their a difference between "Kazaa" and "Kazaalite"?
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Bobby on 03/07/05 at 5:15 am
Is their a difference between "Kazaa" and "Kazaalite"?
The difference is Kazaa has a huge amount of spyware on it and Kazaa Lite has no spyware. :)
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/07/05 at 6:48 am
The difference is Kazaa has a huge amount of spyware on it and Kazaa Lite has no spyware. :)
That's not what I found out! Never say never, and never say "no spyware."
:o :o
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Bobby on 03/07/05 at 6:51 am
That's not what I found out! Never say never, and never say "no spyware."
 :o :o
AARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! Max, you've ruined my obviously false of security. :o ;D
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Paul on 03/07/05 at 7:09 am
i used to use kazaalite until i discovered rocks 8)
Agreed Maria, LimeWire's a killer...there's some real obscurities to be found there...(only downside, its a bit temperamental in loading - but that's probably down to my ancient equipment...)
MX is still good, although the range of choice is narrower and some of the downloading is slower (see above excuse...!)
I never use Kazaa now...why have a sandwich when there's a three-course meal on offer...?!!
I suppose the coppers will be 'feeling my collar' shortly...!!
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: jiminy on 03/07/05 at 7:32 am
Does anyone understand kazaa's rating system of low, high, guru and supreme being? I'll leave the PC on all night and when I check my traffic, I've always sent about 2 - 3 times more then I've received and sometimes my rating goes down or stays the same
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 03/07/05 at 9:40 am
Does anyone understand kazaa's rating system of low, high, guru and supreme being? I'll leave the PC on all night and when I check my traffic, I've always sent about 2 - 3 times more then I've received and sometimes my rating goes down or stays the same
Same thing used to happen to me, jiminy. I decided to give it up.
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 03/07/05 at 9:43 am
I still use MX for songs I can't fine on the others I use, Bearshare and Limewire. The thing I like about Bearshare is that it seems to download a bit I can enter 20 songs, go to bed and the next morning they're ready....keeping in mind that I have dial-up so a 4 minute songs always takes around 20 minutes to download ::)
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/07/05 at 9:44 am
I still use MX for songs I can't fine on the others I use, Bearshare and Limewire. The thing I like about Bearshare is that it seems to download a bit I can enter 20 songs, go to bed and the next morning they're ready....keeping in mind that I have dial-up so a 4 minute songs always takes around 20 minutes to download ::)
I just have to gloat. I am getting upgraded to a 2 Megabyte connection soon ;D
Considering my 512KB connection will download a 4 min song in under a min. With a 2 Meg I WILL RULE ALL!!!
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 03/07/05 at 9:46 am
I just have to gloat. I am getting upgraded to a 2 Megabyte connection soon ;D
Considering my 512KB connection will download a 4 min song in under a min. With a 2 Meg I WILL RULE ALL!!!
....digs a hole to hide in!
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Mona on 03/07/05 at 10:20 am
Kazaa totally screwed up my daughter's computer. My husband finally got all the viruses off and now they use ARES. No problems with it so far.
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/07/05 at 10:22 am
Kazaa totally screwed up my daughter's computer. My husband finally got all the viruses off and now they use ARES. No problems with it so far.
Yay.. thought i was the only ARES user in the world ;D
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Davester on 03/07/05 at 10:32 am
Began with Morpheus, switched to Kazaa ended-up with WinMX...
Ever since the "upgrade" from 2.6 WinMX has sucked, for the most part. Having said that, it's still the best since Napster went bye-bye...
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 03/07/05 at 5:23 pm
I We A person I know uses irc or bittorrent rather than p2p programs. They are slightly harder to use, but you know what you are getting.
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/07/05 at 5:25 pm
I We A person I know uses irc or bittorrent rather than p2p programs. They are slightly harder to use, but you know what you are getting.
Bittorrent isn't bad.. however if you have something downloading.. that's it, ya can't use your Internt. It totally and utterly sucks your connection dry. Run them overnight if you do run them.
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Apricot on 03/07/05 at 7:15 pm
You can't Use BearShare unless you keep the Save Network. Just keep running your SpyWare Doctor or whatever you use to clear out the crap it lets in. You be cool! 8)
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: jiminy on 03/07/05 at 7:18 pm
post some links to these other better sites, I saw eDonkey but decided not to try it, I hadn't heard enough about it
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 03/07/05 at 7:37 pm
CHRIST! I DL'd bearshare last much freakin spyware is on that? It took me 15 minutes to get rid of it all this morning!
I've never had a problem with it...I have the older version and when it keeps bugging me to upgrade, I decline.
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Apricot on 03/07/05 at 7:43 pm
I have the ad supported version, though.
Subject: Re: any Kazaa users?
Written By: Fred on 03/07/05 at 10:03 pm
Try Ares man. It's excellent, good download speeds and i have used it for about 8 months and have never had a virus. I got a couple bits of spyware but they are easy to get rid of. Plus it has a pretty good selection of most stuff.
All I can say is that Ares is the best P2P file-sharing program I've ever used. The transfer rates are very fast, which is surprising for a P2P program.
Believe me it's great. :D
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