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Subject: Is Jacko SICK or faking?

Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/15/05 at 5:51 pm

I say Psycho.

Subject: Re: Is Jacko SICK or faking?

Written By: Indy Gent on 02/15/05 at 5:58 pm

Two for psycho, but more socio.

Subject: Re: Is Jacko SICK or faking?

Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/15/05 at 6:01 pm

You'd have to be the biggest airhead to pick Option 4.  ;D

Subject: Re: Is Jacko SICK or faking?

Written By: sputnikcorp on 02/15/05 at 6:21 pm

he lives in his own world. that could make him a psychotic.

Subject: Re: Is Jacko SICK or faking?

Written By: sputnikcorp on 02/15/05 at 7:08 pm

personally i think he's extremly mentally ill. you think his lawyers would use that case if the evidence would stack against him. it could save him jail time, he can be incarcerated in a mental institution.

but of coarse he's innocent  ::) and his defence will try their best to get him free. he should plead guilty by reason of insanity, this way he stays alive and not dead after two nights in prison.

Subject: Re: Is Jacko SICK or faking?

Written By: Dagwood on 02/15/05 at 7:25 pm

I went with psycho just because there isn't an option for freak.

Subject: Re: Is Jacko SICK or faking?

Written By: Tanya1976 on 02/15/05 at 7:29 pm

I voted both! He's psycho and criminal b/c he's crazy and he's being allowed to commit a crime!


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