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Subject: Goodwood Revival/Festival of Speed

Written By: AL-B on 02/10/05 at 2:22 pm

I've been watching this race on the Speed Channel called the Goodwood Revival. It takes place at an old racetrack in England that was officially closed in 1966, yet it has been meticulously maintained and preserved so that it looks almost exactly the same as it did on the day it was closed. Once a year they have series of vintage car (and motorcycle) races, and they have an area cordoned off around the track and no vehicles newer than 1966 are allowed inside. The spectators are also encouraged to wear period clothing. What's really neat is that they're racing vintage Grand Prix cars (Ferraris, Jaguars, Lotuses, etc.), and that they're not just parading them around the track...they're really racing them. They're pushing these priceless cars to the limit, occasionally swapping paint and sometimes completely balling them up.
     Have any of our friends from the British Isles ever heard of this event or better yet, ever BEEN to it? I think that this is so cool that I am seriously thinking that once I have enough money and vacation time saved up, I'd like to fly over to the UK and attend this event. (I've always wanted to visit England anyway.)
     They just showed an in-car camera shot of an early '60s Ferrari GTO under heavy acceleration on the straightaway. That V-12 is giving me goosebumps!
:) :) :)

Subject: Re: Goodwood Revival/Festival of Speed

Written By: gord on 02/14/05 at 3:26 pm

Hey Al, I've watched Goodwood since I started getting Speed in the late 90s, good to hear you're a fan of vintage roadracing, and I hope you make it over to Goodwood someday, my dream European race would be Le Mans or F1 at Spa :)

Subject: Re: Goodwood Revival/Festival of Speed

Written By: AL-B on 02/15/05 at 3:00 am

Hey Al, I've watched Goodwood since I started getting Speed in the late 90s, good to hear you're a fan of vintage roadracing, and I hope you make it over to Goodwood someday, my dream European race would be Le Mans or F1 at Spa :)
Which side of the "pond" are you on?

Subject: Re: Goodwood Revival/Festival of Speed

Written By: gord on 02/15/05 at 5:35 am

Which side of the "pond" are you on?

Canada, not far from Mosport, the centre of my racing world :)

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