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Subject: Conan O'Brien To Host The Tonight Show In 2009
Written By: Indy Gent on 09/27/04 at 3:46 pm
To Conan O'Brien fans: NBC has announced today that Conan will take over The Tonight Show hosting duties in 2009, replacing Jay Leno, who has decided to retire on that year.
Subject: Re: Conan O'Brien To Host The Tonight Show In 2009
Written By: danootaandme on 09/27/04 at 3:57 pm
To Conan O'Brien fans: NBC has announced today that Conan will take over The Tonight Show hosting duties in 2009, replacing Jay Leno, who has decided to retire on that year.
I heard a quick flash so I thought it was happening soon. 2009! They're being a bit previous
aren't they, alot could happen between now and then. ???
Subject: Re: Conan O'Brien To Host The Tonight Show In 2009
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/27/04 at 4:46 pm
It can't come soon enough. I'm soooo sick of Leno. Mind you, I never got sick of Johnny Carson, but Leno is no Johnny Carson. Anyway, I think Leno is a suck-up. Conan's much more fun. A lot can happen in five years, though, so you never know.
Subject: Re: Conan O'Brien To Host The Tonight Show In 2009
Written By: Indy Gent on 09/27/04 at 5:56 pm
You could say they are jumping the gun a little. But if you read the article, it's state that it was a move to prevent other networks from trying to woo Conan away from NBC.
So apparently they find him irreplaceable.
I heard a quick flash so I thought it was happening soon. 2009! They're being a bit previous
aren't they, alot could happen between now and then. ???
Subject: Re: Conan O'Brien To Host The Tonight Show In 2009
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/27/04 at 9:57 pm
It can't come soon enough. I'm soooo sick of Leno. Mind you, I never got sick of Johnny Carson, but Leno is no Johnny Carson. Anyway, I think Leno is a suck-up. Conan's much more fun. A lot can happen in five years, though, so you never know.
Johnny Carson? You're kidding right? Anyway Leno is great, and so is Letterman. Conan seriously sucks. I mean, I heard on Fox News that some of his show was played on Comedy Central, and they dumped him after getting low ratings. Conan can't even get decent ratings at 12 and 6 p.m. How can he handle 11:35 P.M.? Why do you think his show is on at the time it is? Why does he just barley beat out boring old Carson Daily? How many of his average 2.6 million viewers per night just accidently fell asleep with the television on? Conan is boring....sorry.
And 2009 is a looooong way away. Leno could decide not to retire. Conan could die. Nothing is certain.
Subject: Re: Conan O'Brien To Host The Tonight Show In 2009
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/27/04 at 10:22 pm
Johnny Carson? You're kidding right? Anyway Leno is great, and so is Letterman. Conan seriously sucks. I mean, I heard on Fox News that some of his show was played on Comedy Central, and they dumped him after getting low ratings. Conan can't even get decent ratings at 12 and 6 p.m. How can he handle 11:35 P.M.? Why do you think his show is on at the time it is, why does he just barley beat out boring old Carson Daily? How many of his average 2.6 million viewers per night just accidently fell asleep with the television on? Conan is boring....sorry.
And 2009 is a looooong way away. Leno could decide to retire. Conan could die. Nothing is certain.
I liked Letterman better in the '80s, but he's still funny. I don't watch any of those shows regularly. Leno is a gifted comedian, but he just bugs me personally. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree about Conan and Carson. As long as they don't make Jimmy Kimmel the Tonight Show host...
Subject: Re: Conan O'Brien To Host The Tonight Show In 2009
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/27/04 at 11:33 pm
I am so glad Conan got this :). He is the funniest of all the late night hosts, and he is the natural pick.
In 5 years, Prime Time will begin a new era, the era of-
Subject: Re: Conan O'Brien To Host The Tonight Show In 2009
Written By: Indy Gent on 09/28/04 at 9:08 am
I'm just a little worried that it'll be 5 years of pressure built on Conan. Then by 2009, he may not be funny anymore. I never thought he was that funny anyway, but he does have his fans. All I can say is "Good luck, Conan."
I am so glad Conan got this :). He is the funniest of all the late night hosts, and he is the natural pick.
In 5 years, Prime Time will begin a new era, the era of-
Subject: Re: Conan O'Brien To Host The Tonight Show In 2009
Written By: lebeiw15 on 09/28/04 at 6:03 pm
Conan seriously sucks. I mean, I heard on Fox News that some of his show was played on Comedy Central, and they dumped him after getting low ratings. Conan can't even get decent ratings at 12 and 6 p.m. How can he handle 11:35 P.M.? Why do you think his show is on at the time it is? Why does he just barley beat out boring old Carson Daily? How many of his average 2.6 million viewers per night just accidently fell asleep with the television on? Conan is boring....sorry.
Just wondering why you think he's so boring. He's much more fun and lively than other talk show hosts. His segments are much more funnier too. I agree with you about Carson, he and his show can just die.
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