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Subject: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/15/04 at 9:34 am
A few years ago Denver Nuggets coach Dan Issel was leaving the court when a fan started calling him names...even going as far as to cut down his family....Iseel fired back a racial slur. The next day he apologized for his behavior and quit before the Nuggets organization fired him. I think he was wrong for reacting to the fan...but where do you draw the line? I know that players and coaches are supposed to hold themselves to a certain level but much crap should a fan get away with??
As a parent, when your child becomes disrespectful you don't stoop to thier punish them in some way. Maybe some rules should be made so that fans can only go so far before some sort of punishment in given to them....NO not a spanking!
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: Harmonica on 09/15/04 at 9:39 am
I say it all goes back to the Home team and the way they act and present themselves. That may sound ludicrus but when you got a coach that shows a great deal of class and sportsmanship and his team of (whatever sports), is a team of good natured, high class, sportsmen themselves the fans don't get out of controll.
When you get a coach that cares about nothing but winning, and let's his attitude get the best of him, it affects the team and the players can now be cocky, arrogant, and get an attitude when things dont' go their way.
I've been to a lot of College wrestling meets and I have never once seen the fans get out of control, not once. Why? because the coaches and the wrestlers have that class, have that sportsmanship, have that well mannorism to themselves.
Maybe I'm wrong here, but it goes back to standards of the team, that's what affects the fans.
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/15/04 at 11:58 am
I say it all goes back to the Home team and the way they act and present themselves. That may sound ludicrus but when you got a coach that shows a great deal of class and sportsmanship and his team of (whatever sports), is a team of good natured, high class, sportsmen themselves the fans don't get out of controll.
  When you get a coach that cares about nothing but winning, and let's his attitude get the best of him, it affects the team and the players can now be cocky, arrogant, and get an attitude when things dont' go their way.
  I've been to a lot of College wrestling meets and I have never once seen the fans get out of control, not once. Why? because the coaches and the wrestlers have that class, have that sportsmanship, have that well mannorism to themselves.
  Maybe I'm wrong here, but it goes back to standards of the team, that's what affects the fans.
Well said...but you didn't vote! :-\\
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: Indy Gent on 09/15/04 at 3:02 pm
Here's what I would do: increase the area of back track to keep fans as far from the players as possible. Make a fence or partition in the bullpen that would keep players from going after foul ball in the crowd or fans from falling over the pen to make catches. Therefore, no interference from either.
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: danootaandme on 09/15/04 at 5:01 pm
I have been to two Red Sox games in my life,both times there were fans that were so rude, ignorant
and foul that they almost ruined it for the rest of us. They should have been escorted(tossed by the
hair) out. If fans get mouthy and unruly with the players the same should happen, there is only so
much verbal abuse people should have to take no matter what the situation is. In England they have
had cases of soccer fans who got repeatedly unruly, and they were sentenced to jailtime everytime
a match was played in there home stadium, and I think their names and faces were sent to the opposing
teams arena whenever their team played out of town so that they couldn't attend them there. Bravo! ;D
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/15/04 at 8:36 pm
After the third or fourth yahoo in the stands gets his head smashed on the cement by a 300 lb line backer, maybe the fans will shape up a little!
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/15/04 at 8:53 pm
Sticks and stones...while the fans SHOULD have the class and decency to keep their mouths shut, we all know that many of them have had a few "cocktails" and don't.  If someone is just saying stuff, who cares, let them until they're blue in the face.  If it becomes physical, however, I think both the coach and the players have the right to fight back with no repurcussions.  However, in this case, a racial slur shouldn't have been made.
I agree....I KNOW this is from a movie but....Patrick Swayze was a "Cooler" in Roadhouse....he was talking to the bouncers. He said "Be Nice" asked "What if someone calls my mama a whore"...Swayze replies "Well, IS she?"...the point was the guy knows his mom isn't one so don't worry about it!
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/15/04 at 9:05 pm
I agree....I KNOW this is from a movie but....Patrick Swayze was a "Cooler" in Roadhouse....he was talking to the bouncers. He said "Be Nice" asked "What if someone calls my mama a whore"...Swayze replies "Well, IS she?"...the point was the guy knows his mom isn't one so don't worry about it!
I liked that movie, I don't know why. I don't care much for P.S., I guess I liked seeing the mean rednecks get clobbered. That roadhouse reminds me of some of the redneck bars my friends and I used to go to for the h*ll of it. I never once got into a fight, even though I was an easy mark because of my size. I find you have to go looking for I fight. Even in a dive bar with a lot of rough characters, if you're just drinking your beer and minding your business nobody bothers you. On the other hand, maybe I haven't been to the right dive bars!
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: Howard on 09/15/04 at 9:23 pm
They should be fined and be told to leave the stadium or arena in a sporting event.
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/15/04 at 9:34 pm
They should be fined and be told to leave the stadium or arena in a sporting event.
That would empty the stadium in some cities!
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: Howard on 09/15/04 at 9:37 pm
That would empty the stadium in some cities!
In my opinion Mark,that's how I think they should be controlled. :)
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: Harmonica on 09/15/04 at 9:52 pm
Sticks and stones...while the fans SHOULD have the class and decency to keep their mouths shut, we all know that many of them have had a few "cocktails" and don't.  If someone is just saying stuff, who cares, let them until they're blue in the face.  If it becomes physical, however, I think both the coach and the players have the right to fight back with no repurcussions.  However, in this case, a racial slur shouldn't have been made.
Sticks and Stones may break my bones but the words you said just tore my heart in two.
Words do hurt, and they do mean something. They dont' say it's 99% mental just to sound smart.
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/15/04 at 10:07 pm
In my opinion Mark,that's how I think they should be controlled. :)
I agree, Howard ;)
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: Fred on 09/15/04 at 10:29 pm
I think that there should be rules against the fans, because if players/coaches retaliate, then they're would be many pointless fights happening.
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: Howard on 09/16/04 at 10:28 am
How about in wrestling arenas? That rule should be taught at Madison Square Garden for events. >:(
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/17/04 at 1:45 pm
How about in wrestling arenas? That rule should be taught at Madison Square Garden for events. >:(
everywhere...even at non sporting events such as "Pro" wrestling!
Subject: Re: Fans. How and Should they be "Controlled"
Written By: Howard on 09/17/04 at 9:45 pm
everywhere...even at non sporting events such as "Pro" wrestling!
Sometimes the girls get rowdy too.One time I saw a girl pull up her blouse and I saw her exposed breasts at a MSG Wrestling show.That's how crazy and wacky it can get. :P
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