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Subject: What ya think? 2004 MD telethon...
Written By: saver on 09/06/04 at 7:22 pm
For about 50 years it's been on, I've seen the slight changes from Jerry doing it straight through to taking off now and then, to taking breaks overnight etc..
This year he came up short of the goal.
Did anyone feel it's overdone? Or losing its' gas? (It may be economic times or so many other charities from "help our boys overseas" to "help the refugee starving kids everywhere else "?
Sad to watch the normally heart tugging end this year with Jerry asking for the cue cards to be put under the camera- IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SONG- then flubbing a word. That end is what usually tugged at my heart but this year felt like a throw-away.
Any other viewers comments....???
Subject: Re: What ya think? 2004 MD telethon...
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/06/04 at 9:57 pm
Jerry Lewis's MD work has been a great thing ever since I can remember. I've never watched the marathon, but I always appreciated what he did. He's been doing charitable fund-raising on behalf of MD since at least the mid-seventies.
If things seem to be falling apart now, it's because Jerry's falling apart, unfortunately. He's 78 years old with serious health problems.
Subject: Re: What ya think? 2004 MD telethon...
Written By: saver on 09/06/04 at 10:09 pm
Yep....the troop is there for him..he did say they'll do better next year..but now is it coming off as an older club that not many relate with? This time we had Ed McMahon 70+,Norm Crosby 70+, and in L.A. Casey Kasem 70+...the younger entertainers helped but not for the long stretch as a personal commitment like Jerry's devotion...
Those were the days....
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