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Subject: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: woops on 05/13/04 at 10:53 pm
My choice: All of the Above!!! :P
I can't believe Britney & Christina are still famous.
I'm still waiting for them to fade away like the Spice Girls.
Though I wasn't familiar with Jessica Simpson until her reality show (with husband Nick Lachey) came around.
Mandy Moore is just plain awaful. Bad music & movies.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: RockandRollFan on 05/13/04 at 11:01 pm
Listening to these slutty (except Jessica) and dumb (ONLY Jessica) wanna be talented "Diva's" makes me wonder if there is really a GOD after all.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: SmithsGirl on 05/13/04 at 11:02 pm
Mandy Moore
I just don't get it. With Britney and Christina and Jessica, I get it. Brit is sexy. Christina is slutty and Jessica is ditzy. What's Mandy? Not sexy, can't sing, can't act...where's the appeal? ::)
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Lanie on 05/13/04 at 11:21 pm
All of the Above!!!
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Wolveroses on 05/13/04 at 11:45 pm
All of the above!
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: mr.smith s on 05/14/04 at 12:16 am
has anyone ever seen the japan film "Battle Royale" where school kids have to kill eachother on an island until one is left standing.
Thats what should happen with these girls. it would solve a lot of problems.
I guess if i had to root who would win i would guess Mandy Moore, she's gotta be hiding some kind of angst
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/14/04 at 12:22 am
I chose Britney because she bugs me the most, but to tell you the truth, I couldn't tell one from the other in a blind voice test!
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: zcrito on 05/14/04 at 12:26 am
I can't believe Britney & Christina are still famous.
I'm still waiting for them to fade away like the Spice Girls.
Hey, at least the Spicettes have two (2) songs I like. Britney & Christina only have 1/2 of a song each worth listening to.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: 1992thousand on 05/14/04 at 6:58 am
the difference between britney and the other 3 is the other 3 have some decent vocal talent. Britney has....none. Anyways she doesnt get much radio time anymore so its no biggie.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Cheetara on 05/14/04 at 11:31 am
EVERY damn body that was listed. ::) I wish they would fade out just like the boy bands did.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Saider E. on 05/14/04 at 1:03 pm
I would say Britney, But Jessica seems to be everywhere nowadays. I'm so tired of her.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Kitten on 05/14/04 at 1:27 pm
Britney is the worst, she is just such a contrived sleaze bag. Nothing she dose seem authentic, just one big media push to sell more records. The sad thing is that its working. *shutter
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: AL-B on 05/16/04 at 10:12 pm
I voted for Britney because I can't stand the sound of her voice. Christina is a total skank but she has an awesome singing voice. I cast my vote based purely on singing ability and although I think Britney has the worst voice of the bunch, she doesn't irritate me half as much as that Jessica Simpson dingbat. I just love how she tries to poke fun at her own image. As if that's supposed to make us think she's any less stupid. I swear, everytime I see her in that stupid Pizza Hut Commercial with the flying buffaloes I have to fight the urge to untie my shoe and fling it off my foot across the room, crashing through my TV screen.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: pennsygirl on 05/17/04 at 10:24 am
I chose Britney because she bugs me the most, but to tell you the truth, I couldn't tell one from the other in a blind voice test!
I chose all of the above, but I feel the same as MaxwellSmart, I really wouldn't be able to tell the difference if I wasn't looking at them.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: JohnTaylorsHeart on 05/17/04 at 11:55 am
Jesscia Simpson she makes me want to throw up.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: sdfsdf on 05/17/04 at 12:07 pm
I disagree. Britney Spears is very slutty. Mandy Moore is way better looking. At least Mandy don't need gallons of make-up and less clothes to look pretty. Britney is way too slutty looking for me. Sorry I don't find stuff like that sexy.
Have you seen Britney without Make-Up? ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, Mandy can act. Way better than Britney Spears!
Mandy Moore
I just don't get it. With Britney and Christina and Jessica, I get it. Brit is sexy. Christina is slutty and Jessica is ditzy. What's Mandy? Not sexy, can't sing, can't act...where's the appeal? ::)
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: blackdog on 05/17/04 at 7:06 pm
EVERY darn body that was listed.  ::) I wish they would fade out just like the boy bands did.
I'm with you Cheetara, I wish they would all pleassssse go away! Who keeps buying their cd's and going to their horrendous movies? How do these fakers keep making a living?
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Rio_Rhodes on 05/17/04 at 8:10 pm
Britney! I mean, image wise, I can't stand any of them, but at least Christina can sing.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: alana on 05/27/04 at 6:00 pm
J.lo: My big fave Robert Smith likes her movies, but I HATE HER 100,000,000,000%ARGHHHHHHHHH! I luv Robbie Smith better !!(Smiles at comment about J.lo and proud of it!)
The Ataris: Kris Roe CANNOT SING and their latetest song sucks!!! If they did a cure song horribly! I WILL BE SO DAMNED!
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: hoogbest on 06/03/04 at 7:53 am
At least some of them can carry a tune........I believe the worst thing that has ever happened to music was the rise of Rap and the no talents that present it as music. >:(
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: My name is Kenny on 06/03/04 at 10:08 am
Britney, the omnipresent media icon, is annoying to the extreme, right down to her last "shocking" publicity stunt. Her idol, Madonna, had been going for at least seven years before she started having to resort to shock tactics. Britney has released exactly one (1) decent song, "Toxic." It's way too jerky, but it does effectively deal with the main problem of most Britney songs, Britney's voice, by making her sing in an upper register where you can barely hear her.
Christina has tried to market herself as the sluttier version of Britney, with mixed results. She's a much better singer than Britney but her songs aren't an improvement. They're either cliche-ridden ballads, or they're disgusting whore-anthems.
Mandy, after her breakthrough jailbait debut, has tried very hard to be the decent, non-vapid, non-skanky alternative to the first two. I can't exactly call her good yet. I'm certainly not interested in seeing any of her movies. But any 20-year-old girl who covers Todd Rundgren, XTC, and the Waterboys is A-OK in my eyes.
Jessica... let's see here. Started as a B-list pop-star, married another B-list pop star, became famous when it was revealed that she had nothing but oxygen inside her skull. But really, you could tell that just by listening to her songs. With perhaps a better voice than any of the others listed, she managed to belt, scream, wail, screech, and generally pummel the hell out any song she sang like Steinbeck's Lenny clumsily crushing a mouse in his giant hands. Apparently monogamous, but somehow now as whorishly sex-obsessed as any of the others; Nick Lachey must be a very happy man. So with Jessica we've got the skankiness of Christina combined with shallowness of Britney, combined with never ever recording anything good ever... I think my vote goes to her.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: PoPCultureGirl on 06/03/04 at 12:36 pm
Christina Aguilera. She's a dirty whore & she's about as orange as an Oompa Loompa.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Brian06 on 07/29/06 at 12:50 am
This is an OLD OLD topic but I just had to respond when I see someone trash one of the greatest voices out there Christina Aguilera.
"I can't believe Britney & Christina are still famous."
Sorry but Christina Aguilera>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Debbie Gibson.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: velvetoneo on 07/29/06 at 1:21 am
Britney, the omnipresent media icon, is annoying to the extreme, right down to her last "shocking" publicity stunt. Her idol, Madonna, had been going for at least seven years before she started having to resort to shock tactics. Britney has released exactly one (1) decent song, "Toxic." It's way too jerky, but it does effectively deal with the main problem of most Britney songs, Britney's voice, by making her sing in an upper register where you can barely hear her.
Christina has tried to market herself as the sluttier version of Britney, with mixed results. She's a much better singer than Britney but her songs aren't an improvement. They're either cliche-ridden ballads, or they're disgusting whore-anthems.
Mandy, after her breakthrough jailbait debut, has tried very hard to be the decent, non-vapid, non-skanky alternative to the first two. I can't exactly call her good yet. I'm certainly not interested in seeing any of her movies. But any 20-year-old girl who covers Todd Rundgren, XTC, and the Waterboys is A-OK in my eyes.
Jessica... let's see here. Started as a B-list pop-star, married another B-list pop star, became famous when it was revealed that she had nothing but oxygen inside her skull. But really, you could tell that just by listening to her songs. With perhaps a better voice than any of the others listed, she managed to belt, scream, wail, screech, and generally pummel the hell out any song she sang like Steinbeck's Lenny clumsily crushing a mouse in his giant hands. Apparently monogamous, but somehow now as whorishly sex-obsessed as any of the others; Nick Lachey must be a very happy man. So with Jessica we've got the skankiness of Christina combined with shallowness of Britney, combined with never ever recording anything good ever... I think my vote goes to her.
Madonna associating with Britney was the worst decision of her career. I agree; Madonna went from 1983 to 1991 without resorting to shock tactics, and even the music she made after resorting to shock tactics briefly c. 1992 was still amazing dance-pop.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Eac Zeffron on 07/29/06 at 1:42 am
This is an OLD OLD topic but I just had to respond when I see someone trash one of the greatest voices out there Christina Aguilera.
"I can't believe Britney & Christina are still famous."
Sorry but Christina Aguilera>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Debbie Gibson.
and you're trashing trolls ::)
Uh, Deborah Gibson happens to be one of the most underrated pop singer/songwriters not some media whore
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Sister Morphine on 07/29/06 at 1:44 am
and you're trashing trolls ::)
Uh, Deborah Gibson happens to be one of the most underrated pop singer/songwriters not some media whore
At least Brian has one personality, instead of 12.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Eac Zeffron on 07/29/06 at 1:45 am
Funny that Ashley Tisdale is the only pop princess that I actually like
Though she is a legal (21) cutie :-*
BTW, I only have 4 (one nolonger in use)
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Brian06 on 07/29/06 at 1:47 am
and you're trashing trolls ::)
Uh, Deborah Gibson happens to be one of the most underrated pop singer/songwriters not some media whore
If Debbie was any good her popularity would have lasted longer. Christina is still going strong after 7 years, Debbie had about 2 years of fame.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Brian06 on 07/29/06 at 1:48 am
Funny that Ashley Tisdale is the only pop princess that I actually like
Though she is a legal (21) cutie :-*
BTW, I only have 4 (one nolonger in use)
Ashley Tisdale, LMAO. You call Christina crap while you like that radio disney garbage.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Sister Morphine on 07/29/06 at 1:48 am
Funny that Ashley Tisdale is the only pop princess that I actually like
Though she is a legal (21) cutie :-*
BTW, I only have 4 (one nolonger in use)
Your point? Why come back under different guest accounts all transposing letters in the names of sh*tty entertainers?'s old.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Eac Zeffron on 07/29/06 at 1:51 am
Ashley Tisdale, LMAO. You call Christina crap while you like that radio disney garbage.
Uh, she was on the '90's Mickey Mouse Club which aired on Disney Channel
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Sister Morphine on 07/29/06 at 1:52 am
Uh, she was on the '90's Mickey Mouse Club which aired on Disney Channel
As was Christina.....and Britney. What's your point? At least Christina had the balls to get away from that shlocky pop garbage.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Brian06 on 07/29/06 at 1:53 am
Uh, she was on the '90's Mickey Mouse Club which aired on Disney Channel
Christina was never a disney music artist however and her music has evolved and grown up over the years, all Tisdale has on her resume is that horrid High School Musical.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Eac Zeffron on 07/29/06 at 1:56 am
Deb also have evolved, but nobody would give her a chance in radio
Ashley Tisdale is a good actress with great timing and facial excpressions that would make Don Knotts proud.
Her music sucks, but she's a helluva dancer with a charismatic personailty to match
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: velvetoneo on 07/29/06 at 1:58 am
Deb also have evolved, but nobody would give her a chance in radio
Ashley Tisdale is a good actress with great timing and facial excpressions that would make Don Knotts proud.
Her music sucks, but she's a helluva dancer with a charismatic personailty to match
Why don't you just post as woops?
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: woops on 07/29/06 at 2:09 am
I'm putting an end to this dumb argument and let bygones be bygones...
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Brian06 on 07/29/06 at 2:11 am
I'm putting an end to this dumb argument and let bygones be bygones...
Also, my name wasn't always "Woops" since I joined in 2003
What's the purpose of talking to yourself on a message board?
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Sister Morphine on 07/29/06 at 2:16 am
What's the purpose of talking to yourself on a message board?
Yeah, that's just freakin' weird. There aren't enough people to talk to?
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: woops on 07/29/06 at 2:21 am
Just bored and I don't talk to myself.
Only post out of boredom.
since this is an old thread and was intended as fun I'm going to lock it
And I don't like people trashing Deborah Gibson since she's one of my favorite recording artists
...why isn't she popular: because the pop culture change (Milli Vanilli, Grunge, fans growing up, etc) and the fact most former teen idols hardly were ever taken seriously
Also post on a Deborah Gibson fan board, which I'd rather not post since it has strict rules and had a few flamers in the past that the fans, included myself, are sick of.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: Brian06 on 07/29/06 at 2:22 am
Just bored and I don't talk to myself.
Only post out of boredom.
since this is an old thread and was intended as fun I'm going to lock it
And I don't like people trashing Deborah Gibson since she's one of my favorite recording artists
...why isn't she popular: because the pop culture change (Milli Vanilli, Grunge, fans growing up, etc) and the fact most former teen idols hardly were ever taken seriously
Also post on a Deborah Gibson fan board, which I'd rather not post since it has strict rules and had a few flamers in the past that the fans, included myself, are sick of.
Well I don't like people trashing Christina, Beyonce or any of the other artists I like either. It goes both ways woops.
Subject: Re: Who's Worse? (In Popular Music Today)
Written By: woops on 07/29/06 at 2:27 am
Let's bygones be bygones
And this thread is a few years old and I haven't said anything about Beyonce & Christina
I'll admit that I've dissed several artists, but usually on threads that rant against the particular artist, though I know everybody's entitled to his/her own opinions.
Though I also mostly post on the PPG boards since most threads tend to get repetative (No offense, but good for the Newbies and people who like those topics)
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