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Subject: Great Songs?

Written By: LithiumParodyCat54 on 05/02/04 at 8:57 pm

Vote for you Favorite! ;D

Subject: Re: Great Songs?

Written By: jaytee on 05/03/04 at 5:16 am

Are You Gonna Be My Girl

Subject: Re: Great Songs?

Written By: Erin on 05/03/04 at 10:13 am

R U gonna be my girl.  But it was close cuz I love Smells Like Teen Spirit and Boys of Summer too.  They all Rock!!!

Subject: Re: Great Songs?

Written By: LithiumParodyCat54 on 05/21/04 at 1:51 pm

Thats why i out them on there Thay all rock!!!!!!!!!1 :D

Subject: Re: Great Songs?

Written By: jane on 05/21/04 at 2:02 pm

R U gonna be my girl.  But it was close cuz I love Smells Like Teen Spirit and Boys of Summer too.  They all Rock!!!

Are You Gonna Be My Girl rocks. But the original version of Boys of Summer is better. Who cares if it's an 80s song? (oh no, 80s song; heaven forbid) The cover isn't very good at all.....

Subject: Re: Great Songs?

Written By: RockandRollFan on 05/22/04 at 3:09 pm

Other....Come As You Are...Then Teen Spirit :)

Subject: Re: Great Songs?

Written By: My name is Kenny on 05/22/04 at 8:36 pm

Are You Gonna Be My Girl barely even qualifies as an actual song.

Subject: Re: Great Songs?

Written By: zac on 05/23/04 at 9:05 am

Are You Gonna Be My Girl barely even qualifies as an actual song.
  .....and that would be, because......................   

Subject: Re: Great Songs?

Written By: My name is Kenny on 05/23/04 at 9:50 am

It's hard to describe.  Let me try and explain:

I remember commercials for this one mp3 player which used this one song.  It sounded like a real radio single, it could have been released by Barenaked Ladies or Third Eye Blind.  However, if you listened, you'd notice the lyrics went something like:  "I love you because you're the one/And you know we have so much fun/In the morning afternoon and night/Everything's allll right."  That was the tipoff that this wasn't an actual song; it was generic background music designed to sound kinda like "Semi-Charmed Life."  It sounded good for two seconds, before you actually listened to it.

When the recent iPod commercials started playing, I figured it was safe to assume the same about the Jet song.  I mean, this was before Jet became popular, and the song was just as bad as the one from the first commercial, if not worse.  "You look so fine that I really want to make you mine"?  Those aren't real lyrics.  They can't be.  This, plus with the obvious ripoff of "Lust for Life," plus the fact that it was catchy but amazingly uninspired, made me believe this was just more easily forgotten ad music.  And as far as I'm concerned, I wasn't wrong about that.

Subject: Re: Great Songs?

Written By: brentles on 12/22/04 at 6:30 pm

jet are the one of the worlds biggest sellouts
i live in australia and i was driving down the road, doin the old homer simpson lookin at all the new billboards when i saw billboard for jet, i believe the who made an album bagging out stuff like that, now its become a reality, jet should be ashamed of themselves and i apologise on behalf of my great nation for what absolute crap "music" they play. sorry again from all of australia

Subject: Re: Great Songs?

Written By: zcrito on 12/22/04 at 8:42 pm

jet are the one of the worlds biggest sellouts
i live in australia and i was driving down the road, doin the old homer simpson lookin at all the new billboards when i saw billboard for jet, i believe the who made an album bagging out stuff like that, now its become a reality, jet should be ashamed of themselves and i apologise on behalf of my great nation for what absolute crap "music" they play. sorry again from all of australia

"...i apologise on behalf of my great nation for what absolute crap "music" they play. sorry again from all of australia".

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