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Subject: Disciplinary Action Taken
Well it was bound to happen sooner or later; but yesterday I received a letter of disciplinary action at work for my excessive tardiness. It seems like I've been at home more than at work, and they are finally cracking down on the leave abusers. Since I work for the Federal Government, I am fortunate enough not to get fired. But the next time I'm late could be my last. So I'll probably cut down on internet usage at night. Nothing is etched in stone yet, but I need to do what I can to retain my job, I need to schedule my sleep better.
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
Well it was bound to happen sooner or later; but yesterday I received a letter of disciplinary action at work for my excessive tardiness. It seems like I've been at home more than at work, and they are finally cracking down on the leave abusers. Since I work for the Federal Government, I am fortunate enough not to get fired. But the next time I'm late could be my last. So I'll probably cut down on internet usage at night. Nothing is etched in stone yet, but I need to do what I can to retain my job, I need to schedule my sleep better.
End Quote
Get more sleep (ie go to bed earlier) and get a BIG HONKIN' ALARM CLOCK!!!!
Uncle Sam doesn't like it when people are late for work!
I used to manage a very large workforce, and I can tell you that it is very difficult to fire people. EXCEPT WHEN THEY DO NOT COME TO WORK OR ARE ALWAYS LATE. That is what we called "somebody firing himself".
So... Take that warning SERIOUSLY and get to work on time!
:D ;D :P 8)
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
Well it was bound to happen sooner or later; but yesterday I received a letter of disciplinary action at work for my excessive tardiness. It seems like I've been at home more than at work, and they are finally cracking down on the leave abusers. Since I work for the Federal Government, I am fortunate enough not to get fired. But the next time I'm late could be my last. So I'll probably cut down on internet usage at night. Nothing is etched in stone yet, but I need to do what I can to retain my job, I need to schedule my sleep better.
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??? ???You mean excessive tardiness from oversleeping?Try dressing very warmly when you go to bed---if you try to sleep too late,you'll become uncomfortably hot(but OK in the middle of the night).And avoid alchohol before you go to bed.Cheers!
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
Our registration teacher is always late, by at least five minutes. But if any of us are late, she marks us down as late on the register and puts it on our permanent record. I say we mark HER down as late one of these days.
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
Yeah. Get at least 8 hours in, Indy. You'll feel better in the morning.
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
Sleep is important. I agree...get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. I've been guilty of being late a time or two myself. But I always make up the time by shortening my lunch hour. Well, unless my boss is on vacation then that's another story ;)
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
I've canned (fired) more people for being late than any other reason. An employee has to show to get the work done.
Indy, you are fortuante you work for a Gvmt. agency, private busniess wouldn't have such patiance. ;)
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
These are all good advice, but I guess I'll have to refire the C-Pap machine for my sleep apnea or get to bed earlier. And like I said before, I'll probably cut down on nighttime Internet usage.
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
Wouldn't recommend losing your job in this economy, what kind of work do you do, eg. air traffic controller? lol...yikes! :o
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
Let's just say that commerce would cease to exist without us. ;)
Wouldn't recommend losing your job in this economy, what kind of work do you do, eg. air traffic controller? lol...yikes! :o
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Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
I've only worked one job where people watched the time I showed up and commented on it endlessly. They were the most useless individuals I ever worked for. I was constantly applauded for working long hours, but endlessly admonished for coming in late the following day. If I'm an hourly employee, I say fine, but if I'm salaried and working long hours I say STFU or I'll never work overtime to make some ridiculous deadline again.
I understand there's positions where you're needed at a particular time (because you need to work directly with others, or have to releave someone else), but when you spend most of your time in a cubical with very little interaction with others, what's the point? I could never understand the clock watching mentality in a place where people are salaried. If you can't trust people to work a full schedule, make them punch in.
That one job I worked where they complained about my work schedule? I left it for a much better paying position closer to home. They folded a year or so later. Clearly my coming in late brought them down from the inside.
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
Hope everything turns out OK
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
Another thing so your not late is too allow extra time so your not "just" making it to work on time. Try to get to work at least 15 or 10 minutes early. I have a job where I go in at 4 pm so its not that hard to get there on time. The only time they get mad at me is when it snows and I get stuck in traffic. I'm there everyday and I don't call out sick. I remember a place I used to work at I used to work(somebody has to come in and take your place or you don't go home) nobody used to take my place and I had to work 16 hours. I didn't like it that much. Finally I got to a place where the guy comes in every night to replace you. Once in a while I get hung dry(at work 16 hours) but its not that often.
When I drove people somebody didn't care if we are get there late or not. Sometimes I don't understand people. I don't want to rush to get someplace. I want to get there at least 15 minutes early.
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
Blimey, you should work where I do, Indy...I'm convinced of late that I must be the only full-time member of staff there, going by when some people decide to 'arrive'...!
Seriously tho' - don't push it...some jobs may not amount to much these days, but they're well worth keeping hold of...
Hope things turn out okay...
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
My boss busted me for being on the internet,being late 3 times,and reading the newspaper all last week.Alot of times Im on this site when I should be working.Im only on a few minutes at a time and usually get all my work done.The way I see it if the smokers can have their 5 minute break which some take every hour ::)I can take an "internet break".Indy your job is more important than this website.
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
Indy, I'm sorry to hear about this. I'm not sure if it is possible, but maybe you could change your hours to start a bit later. That's what I had to do because I was consistently 10-15 minutes late and had to work later to make up for the time I missed. Luckily, my employer was pretty flexible on the hours we worked. As long as we were there 40+ hours a week, they didn't really care when we came in or left. In my position, I had to be there by 8 am as that was the start of the "normal business hours" of my region. I also was able to work 4-10 hour days instead of 5-8 hr days, which was nice.
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
The core hours, or the hours you can come to work without being tardy, are from 6:30 AM to 8:30 AM. Unless it is an extreme emergency, like you or a family member being deathly ill (which requires a written statement), one could not come in after 8:30 without taking leave. My supervisor had been lenient towards that time and sometimes lets me work over to make up all 8 hours. But with a new head of the directorate coming from HQ in Columbus, Ohio, he had to stop my leave usage and gave me the disciplinary action letter. Note: Anyone that comes from HQ is very likely to be strict to a T. So looks like one false move and it's out into 56th Street (our saying for being terminated, because our building is located on 56th Street).
Indy, I'm sorry to hear about this. I'm not sure if it is possible, but maybe you could change your hours to start a bit later. That's what I had to do because I was consistently 10-15 minutes late and had to work later to make up for the time I missed. Luckily, my employer was pretty flexible on the hours we worked. As long as we were there 40+ hours a week, they didn't really care when we came in or left. In my position, I had to be there by 8 am as that was the start of the "normal business hours" of my region. I also was able to work 4-10 hour days instead of 5-8 hr days, which was nice.
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Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
Hey Indy, I work for the gov't too. Our manager must go through a series of disciplinary steps before terminating anyone, documenting every infraction and giving the employee every chance to correct his/her behavior. Fortunately, we have a very good union behind us, sometimes too good, as some people seem to get away with murder and never lose their jobs.
Do you guys have a union?
Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
We too have a union. Unfortunately, it's not as strong as it should be. The former president did a lot of dirty work for management and, according to a pretty reliable source, is now in prison. The new president is trying, but when you have a bunch of heavy hitters managing both here and in another state, the union is just about useless. I've heard that they've done more harm than good as far as our directorate goes. Some union workers have even been canned, if you can believe the veterans that work alongside me.
The supervisor here also have to go through steps, but after the written letter, the powers-that-be can exercise their free will. I'm not about to let that happen.
Hey Indy, I work for the gov't too. Our manager must go through a series of disciplinary steps before terminating anyone, documenting every infraction and giving the employee every chance to correct his/her behavior. Fortunately, we have a very good union behind us, sometimes too good, as some people seem to get away with murder and never lose their jobs.
Do you guys have a union?
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Subject: Re: Disciplinary Action Taken
Gee... there sure are a lot of government workers on here. ??? ;) Just kidding...
I was getting warnings for being late for class because I was doing all my homework and assignments done first, then staying up late surfing all night. (Nothing else to do while living in a 12' x 12' "cell" in a city away from home). :P Now I do it during the class breaks! mwahaha.. that is until the avionics guys kick us out of the lab. >:(